"GOD CREATED JESUS" - Part.2 - A Brief History.

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • The last four videos in this series will highlight four Scriptures - each of which makes clear that Jesus was not an eternal being (and therefore God), but a created being (and therefore NOT God). But before we get to them, this video will present a brief history of the question of Jesus's creation by God.

Комментарии • 40

  • @Uryvichk
    @Uryvichk Месяц назад +4

    The doctrine of Eternal Generation appears to be the Trinitarian attempt to "square the circle" with Arianism, and in some ways denominations that advocate for it (like Catholics) are closer to Arianism than they might like to admit.
    The argument is basically that the Father has ontological priority over the Son and is the cause of him... which sure sounds an awful lot like he created him and is superior to him, exactly what Arius said! They just say it happened from eternity, which somehow makes it different from creation -- but the same argument could effectively be applied to spacetime itself: There can't be time before time, so if God brought about time, he must have done so "from eternity," and thus the universe isn't technically "created" either. It basically ends up contradicting something in Christian scripture whichever way you slice it.
    It also seems like complete nonsense. If God is eternally creating or generating something, he never finishes doing it. Last I checked, Jesus was supposed to be a human being who was born, so clearly his "creation" was "finished" at some point. It would be like saying someone's mother is "eternally giving birth"; if she never finishes giving birth, the person isn't born yet.

    • @sepetisionelatu5539
      @sepetisionelatu5539 Месяц назад

      You talk a lot but none of it amounts to anything. Ok, l will go with you and say there is no God even though l do believe there is a God that created all things. If there is no God, how did you get here? Who created you and the things you came from?

    • @Uryvichk
      @Uryvichk 10 дней назад

      @@sepetisionelatu5539 That's a silly question that presupposes creation. If there is no creator, nothing was created. If it's here anyway, then it got here some other way, such as by always existing. Regardless, I am here, so who cares.

  • @stevenschmitz8901
    @stevenschmitz8901 Месяц назад +1

    I need to study this but my thought is that Jesus would ask people “who do you say that I am?” . Why did he not just lay it out straight? Is he testing us? John says the logos (word) as in the beginning. He didn’t say Jesus. Why not just be straight forward and say it’s Jesus if that was true? Seems like god is testing us with enough ambiguity to see if we break his command that he is ONE.

    • @Uryvichk
      @Uryvichk 9 дней назад

      Because regardless of the claim he would have been making, it would not have been politically savvy of him to come out and say it. Whether he intended to say "I am the Messiah" or "I am God," both of those claims would've gotten him in trouble with the authorities (Roman or Jewish respectively). If he believed there was a chance he'd be betrayed by his closest followers, he couldn't say it clearly even in private, so asking them what they thought he was would be a way to establish plausible deniability if someone accused him of something before the time was right. "Oh, sure, Peter specifically said he thought I was the Messiah, but when did you hear ME claim that?"
      Same idea with the Son of Man talk. By couching language of things in terms of what the "Son of Man" was going to do, Jesus could always deny that he'd said he was going to do them because he never explicitly stated he was the Son of Man -- even if he was implying it.
      Of course, this clever hedging didn't work out for him.

  • @iamjustjoshin
    @iamjustjoshin Месяц назад

    Romans 8:9-11

  • @FirstLast-zk5ow
    @FirstLast-zk5ow Месяц назад

    Of course the Father created Jesus. He is his Father after all. Both in spirit and the flesh.
    As for the Trinity .. there is the Father, there is Jesus and these is the Holy Spirit. Whatever you want to call it .. that's what it is.

  • @user-ih6zs8tv9k
    @user-ih6zs8tv9k Месяц назад +1

    You unfortunately have not read your Old testament, have not read Ezekiel have not read Isaiah have not read not read your Old testament.
    When looking at the destruction of Sodom we see Jehovah on earth calling down fire from Jehovah in heaven.
    In Matthew and Mark we see the clincher. Jesus calls himself Lord of the Sabbath. We know as Christians, that God will not share his glory with another. The fact that Christ calls himself Lord of the Sabbath completely destroys your line of reasoning and thought.
    Unfortunately, you are either a Jehovah's witness or a Unitarian. I feel very sorry for you you have demand the Lord Jesus Christ and who he says he is in Revelation, you know, the book that John wrote.
    And again if we look at Hebrews 1:1-13 that completely discounts what you were saying I feel very sorry for you you are on a one-way trip to the lake of fire my friend with what you're preaching.

    • @alonsogalindo1428
      @alonsogalindo1428 3 дня назад

      Jehovah will not a GIVE his glory to no one, sharing is another story.
      “For Jehovah God is a sun and a shield; He gives favor and glory. Jehovah will not hold back anything good From those walking in integrity.”(Psalm 84:11)
      “What is mortal man that you keep him in mind, And a son of man that you take care of him? 5 You made him a little lower than godlike ones, And you crowned him with glory and splendor.”(Psalm 8:4,5) speaking of humans.
      “Upon God depends my salvation and my glory. My strong rock, my refuge, is God.”(Psalm 62:7)
      “The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 If, then, we are children, we are also heirs-heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ-provided we suffer together so that we may also be glorified together.”(Romans 8:16)
      “I have given them the glory that you have given me, in order that they may be one just as we are one.”(John 17:22)
      “I have come in the name of my Father, but you do not receive me. If someone else came in his own name, you would receive that one. 44 How can you believe, when you are accepting glory from one another and you are not seeking the glory that is from the only God? 45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you, Moses, in whom you have put your hope”(5:43-44)
      God SHARES and glorifies those with integrity and faith. Receiving Gods glory is CONTINGENT on obedience to God the Father.

  • @canadiancontrarian3668
    @canadiancontrarian3668 Месяц назад +1

    I certainly am NOT trinitarian. God forbid !
    Although let us not throw the baby out with the bath water...right?
    I believe the Bible.
    And our Bible does say plainly that Christ was begotten. Jesus says so himself about himself. John 3:16
    Why must people propagate that he was created??

    • @jdwagman
      @jdwagman Месяц назад

      How do you define the word "begotten"? How do the doctrinaires define it?

    • @canadiancontrarian3668
      @canadiancontrarian3668 Месяц назад

      @@jdwagman I allow the Bible to define the word.
      Is this not the correct method? Let the Bible interpret itself.
      Do you need the plain texts?

    • @jdwagman
      @jdwagman Месяц назад

      So how does your bible define it?

    • @canadiancontrarian3668
      @canadiancontrarian3668 Месяц назад

      @@jdwagman My Bible?
      It is not your Bible also?
      There are 3 Greek words that begotten is translated from. Let us focus on the one for now. It is the same Greek word Christ uses for himself in the much quoted John 3:16.
      That word being MONOGENES - sole born/ only child. Strong's 3441.
      This same Greek word is used with scriptural examples to illustrate the very meaning.
      The three instances we can compare to and corroborate with are all in the gospel of Luke.
      Luke 7:12.
      The widowed mother at the gate of Nain.
      Luke 8:42.
      Jairus's only daughter.
      Luke 9:38.
      The possessed child and only son of a certain man.
      All three children were the MONOGENES of their parent.

    • @jdwagman
      @jdwagman Месяц назад

      Yes - μονογενής (monogenes) only begotten
      from μόνος (monos) only - adjective
      and (γίνομαι) (ginomai) beget - verb
      The first born of all creation.
      I mostly use the Greek NT Stephanus Textus Receptus 1550.
      What bible do you use?

  • @iamjustjoshin
    @iamjustjoshin Месяц назад

    Wrong again Satan.

    • @Uryvichk
      @Uryvichk 10 дней назад

      Does this guy really sound like Satan to you?

  • @garylee12345
    @garylee12345 Месяц назад

    Jesus was NOT created ! He's eternal ! He always has been & always will be ! 💯 🙏 ✝️

    • @Doyle-fq7we
      @Doyle-fq7we Месяц назад

      Genesis 1-3 God said let there be light….
      That was when Jesus was created.

    • @miked5266
      @miked5266 24 дня назад

      @@Doyle-fq7we Read 2nd Samuel 7 God speaking to King David. Then Take into account Matthew 1 Luke 3:23-38. Also Luke 1:35. Peter's Confession of who Jesus is in Matthew 16. Revelation 22:16. In relation to Revelation and 2nd Samuel 7,Acts 2:22-36... Who Made Jesus Lord and Christ? Romans 10:9. Jesus was put on the cross because the pharisees and sadducees did not believe his claim to be the Son of God/King of Israel.John 3:16 God so loved the world he gave us what?Himself? Or His Son?