@Chirag K Dude Alevism is an umbrella term for "those who sided with Ali" which means its a branch of Islam. Many get confused and think that we are Shia but that's not correct. Shia is actually a sub branch of Alevism not vice versa. We are Muslims who care lineage the most and that's why follow only the guidance of Seyyid families. Cem is our Dhikr pray that we do very often. Our creed is pure Sufism that is based on esoteric understanding of Islam. You can read the "Alevism" article on wikipedia which is for the most part accurate. Coming to your question, the problem with the Alevi Diaspora living in Europe (don't count ex-Ottoman states including Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Romania) is that many of them are following the 40-50 years old "constructed" politically oriented Alevism which is full of contradictions in itself. By distorting it, they are trying to create a "Fake Alevism" or as we call them "Alevism without Muhammad and Ali" and act as if its a different religious belief. They are just delusional!
@@MilleniumBK Alevism is not a religion wtf ? We are muslims with shamanism affects. Are you Turkish or Albanian? We Alevis are from a branch of islam. There are 3 main branches in islam. Sunnism, Shiaism and Alevism. We are Alevi muslims.
@@ai-kt3hy Of course that Alevism is religion. I`m Bulgarian. We also have alevi in Bulgaria in some areas. We also have tekes of order of Naci Bektas veli. I like Alevism and respect it.
Alevism is the only religious which women and men pray together and looks both of them equally And for alevists, having peace is important before praying together. If a husband and his wife discussed before and came to Cem, without apologizing and fixing their relationship, they can not join into Cem, because we respect people and people should not discuss.
Bal Porsugu aslına bakarsan alevi tarihi çok eski olduğu için feminizm ve eşitlikçilik gibi akımlar avrupada sonradan ortaya çıktı. Ama böyle daha rahat anlayacağını düşünüyorsan evet alevi kültürü feministlik ve eşitlik düşüncelerini içerir.
Bal Porsugu Aslında Alevilik şamanizmden gelmiş ama anadoluda egemen toplumlardan korunmak için baskın dinlere yakın şekilde gözükerek kendilerini gizlemişler ki öldürülmemek için. Ama şöyle bir gerçek de var ki çok dindar aleviler de var, namaz kılan oruç tutan hem aleviliğin hem sünniliğin gerekliliklerini yerine getiren. Oyüzden bu dediğinize tam olarak evet öyledir diyemem çünkü alevilik de kendi içinde ayrılıyor. Çok koyu aleviler varken sadece alevi kültürünü benimseyip dini açıdan ona bakmayan aleviler de var.
Bal Porsugu ne düşkünü? Hayır sadece demek istediğim aleviler de kendi arasında ayrılır dindar olup hem sünniliğin hem aleviliğin gerekliliklerini yerine getireni de var aleviliği bir din olarak değil de kültür olarak görüp öyle yaşayanlar da var. Bunun dediğinizle bir alakası yok. Sünni olan insanlarda da bu var, herkes koyu sünni değil bazıları namaz kılmıyor ama cenazesi camiden kalkıyor şimdi o adam da müslüman değil bakarsanız. Ozaman koyu aleviler hiç camiye gidip namaz kılmak istemeyen sünnilerden daha mı müslüman demeliyiz? Hayır tabiki de çünkü din Allah ve kul arasındadır biz bunu bir kalıba sokarak şunlar sadece bunu yapsın diğerleri bunu yapsın gibi ayrıştıramayız.
Bal Porsugu yok öyle bişey ne duydum ne gördüm. Yezid genellikle herşeyi dine bağlayan ve alevileri hor gören din hakkında bir bilgisi olmadan alevileri yargılayanlar için kullanılır. Çünkü alevilerde ayırma yoktur. Neye nasıl inanacağın sana bağlıdır kimse buna bişey diyemez. Anca işte dediğim gibi sen onları ayırırsan onlar da seni ayırır etki tepki gibi düşün. Yani ayırmak dediysem hakaret etmek gibi düşün hor görmek küçümsemek gibi düşün.
Bal Porsugu size bunu demeye çalıştım zaten, sırasıyla tüm hakaretlerin listesini size veremem. Ama bu dediğiniz sözler alevilerde gökten zembille de inmedi merak etmeyin. Ben açıkçası çevremde birine bir ayrımcılık yapılmadığı sürece bu lafları duymadım. Size tüm aleviler aynıdır diyemem ama alevi kültüründe böyle bir ayrımcılığa yer yok çünkü öğretilerinde bu yok diyebilirim. İnsanın alacası içindedir kimsenin alnında yazmıyor ne olduğu. Böyle bir ayrımcılığa uğradıysanız üzgünüm ama şöyle söyliyim aleviler kendilerini rahat hissetmedikleri ortamda yabancı kelimesini kullanır bu bir nevi kamuflajdır yoksa orda size bir hakaret yok. Sadece sizin ortamda kendisine yabancı olup olmadığını sorguluyordur.
1. You people need to learn how to respect different beliefs. 2. if your gonna get angry why tf are u clicking on the video? 3. YA ALLAH YA MUHAMMED YA ALI
The Alevis-Bektashis believe in the Koran but reject the Hadith and believe that there is only one God, that Muhammad and his messenger and that Ali is his saint. They circumcise their children and celebrate most Islamic holidays. However, they do not do the 5 prayers a day, nor Ramadan, nor the pilgrimage to Mecca nor anything of that sort. Those who do so are either Sunnis or Shiites. Alevism is the Suffi and mystical path of Islam and only the Suffi path. This means that they have completely abandoned the external rites of Sunni Islamic orthodoxy, that is to say all external visual practices. They want to go to the essential and live only for the ardent love of God. In the Quran, God says: “We are closer to him (man) than the vein in his neck. "So for the Alevis God is not cut off, is not isolated from man, sitting high on his throne. God is everywhere! including in man and in Nature. Alevism advocates the love of God but also the unity of man with God. The Alevis believe that man, but also everything that exists, has a divine part. Once dead they go neither to hell nor to heaven but they join god and are one with God. Alevism is the love of God and therefore of man and nature. In this sense, Alevism has always defended the weak and the oppressed and has always opposed injustice. Alevism holds all men but also men and women equal because everyone has a divine part in them and therefore they are all equal. This is why during the Cem gathering, women and men participate together in the semah
Indeed, it's Shamanic and Sufistic by rituals but theorically we're Twelver Shia. So as our Imam is Imam Jafar al Sadegh, we're part of Shia, and third biggest branch of Shia is Alevism. And of course we have our own religious traditions, and mainstream Shia schools(Shia of madrasa) have their own. It's not Iranian Shia, but Turkish Shia.
@Cansuu Kalın alawite in syria mostly assyrian syriac the org-ion people of Syria not like turks or other muslim how conquest the Levant . all you mentioned about the alvism are the same with alawite open minded people .
but my brother as a alawaite i can know perfectly the common things in praying from the vidios circle music i think we have lots of common things . alawite dont pray in mousq drink alcohol celebrate the 12 eieds . well iwish all happenies to the alavi and stay safe cose in syria we hade very diffcult times and thank god we won that war
Arab and Turkish Alevis have some interesting similaritirs like Trinity (hak-muhammed-ali for Turks and salman farsi-muhammed-ali for arabs). But the arabic ones are closer to Sunni Islam, while Turkish Alevis don’t fast etc. Turkish Alevis practise their religion in Cem, they don’t do taqiya.
@@thebadangel85 Alawism(Syrian one) and Alevism(Turkish) have very few differences. In fact i'd say both were influenced from each other along with their local belief rituals. We have Alawis in Hatay, Adana, Mersin here in Turkey, but as i told there are few minor differences from my own experiences. I have both Alevi and Alawi ancestors btw. One of my grandparents was born in Idlib in 1930 but migrated to Hatay in 1939.
@tryndaOP Indeed, some Turkmens in Syria have Qizilbash origins in Aleppo, they migrated from provinces like Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, and they melted into local Arab Nusayris there.
Original Alevism is part of Islam founded by Hz.Haji Bektash I Veli but now the noumber of Alevism that call themselves as non muslim is growing(Ishik Alevi)
Alevism is Islam itself while those who call themselves non Muslims are atheist marxist terrorists who want to create a fake history for Alevism to attach it to nationalist Kurds who want to create their mythical Kurdistan . true Alevi Kurds are Muslims and they don't have this agenda , yet the majority of Alevis are Turks and all of us are Muslims .
The founder of the Bektashi sect is Haci Bektashi Veli. He is not the founder of Alevism. While lineage is important in Anatolian Alevism, lineage is not important in Bektashism. For example, a blond, blue-eyed Bulgarian Turkish Alevi-Bektashi introduces himself. Anatolian Alevism is not a sect, it is a culture. Alevism is a culture that existed before Islam. We are not from the Shia sect, but the Azerbaijani Shias and Anatolian Alevis originate from the ancient Iranian Khorasan region. It includes rituals of faiths such as Samanism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam. It does not comply with both conditions of Islam. The first is namas, and the second is circumambulating the Kaaba. We do not accept the mosque as a place of worship. There are also differences in our fasting and holidays. Alevism is to be on the side of the oppressed. The name Ali does not only represent the caliph. "Ali" means "human" in Alevism. Alevism is a peaceful and humane culture and 90% of Anatolian Alevis have the same origin. We often introduce ourselves as Turkmen Alevis. We also have people who speak languages such as Zazaki and Kurdish, which are dialects of Persian, together with Turkish, in different regions of Anatolia. However, religious prayers, folk songs and rituals are performed in turkish.
Do you know what Hulagu says to his Ar*b counterpart? "You call us kafir, and we call you fasık. We have been sent upon you by 𐱅𐰭𐰼𐰃, who organizes and decrees all affairs." K:now your place. You are the one who worship incorrectly. You came to a level that the wordly possesions are sacred for you. As far as I know this is "PURE" shirk. You are eating and spending other peoples right on that world. And your Al-Ilah said to his followers that he will not forgive any sinner who came with Kul-Hakkı... Go whip your women, burn them in sand and continue to believe that a man flied to heaven with a human headed winged mule and bargained with Al-Ilah to take the praying times from 50 to 5... GTFO now.
@Thoughts have your heard of different interpretations? Let people practice the way they want! And if you don’t agree with it click straight out of the video, bye.
@AC Alevism is an umbrella term for "those who sided with Ali" which means its a branch of Islam. Many get confused and think that we are Shia but that's not correct. Shia is actually a sub branch of Alevism not vice versa. We are Muslims who care lineage the most and that's why follow only the guidance of Seyyid families. Cem is our Dhikr pray (its not a dance) that we do very often. Our creed is pure Sufism that is based on esoteric understanding of Islam. You can read the "Alevism" article on wikipedia which is for the most part accurate. Why would we "
Love and respect from Bulgaria! We also keep Alevism alive in Bulgaria.
@Chirag K I never told that Alevism is a different religion. I told only that in Bulgaria we have alevi people.
@Chirag K Dude Alevism is an umbrella term for "those who sided with Ali" which means its a branch of Islam. Many get confused and think that we are Shia but that's not correct. Shia is actually a sub branch of Alevism not vice versa. We are Muslims who care lineage the most and that's why follow only the guidance of Seyyid families. Cem is our Dhikr pray that we do very often. Our creed is pure Sufism that is based on esoteric understanding of Islam. You can read the "Alevism" article on wikipedia which is for the most part accurate. Coming to your question, the problem with the Alevi Diaspora living in Europe (don't count ex-Ottoman states including Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Romania) is that many of them are following the 40-50 years old "constructed" politically oriented Alevism which is full of contradictions in itself. By distorting it, they are trying to create a "Fake Alevism" or as we call them "Alevism without Muhammad and Ali" and act as if its a different religious belief. They are just delusional!
@@MilleniumBK Alevism is not a religion wtf ? We are muslims with shamanism affects. Are you Turkish or Albanian? We Alevis are from a branch of islam. There are 3 main branches in islam. Sunnism, Shiaism and Alevism. We are Alevi muslims.
@@ai-kt3hy Of course that Alevism is religion. I`m Bulgarian. We also have alevi in Bulgaria in some areas. We also have tekes of order of Naci Bektas veli. I like Alevism and respect it.
@@MilleniumBK Alevis and paulicians was believe same faith
Alevism is the only religious which women and men pray together and looks both of them equally
And for alevists, having peace is important before praying together. If a husband and his wife discussed before and came to Cem, without apologizing and fixing their relationship, they can not join into Cem, because we respect people and people should not discuss.
Bal Porsugu aslına bakarsan alevi tarihi çok eski olduğu için feminizm ve eşitlikçilik gibi akımlar avrupada sonradan ortaya çıktı. Ama böyle daha rahat anlayacağını düşünüyorsan evet alevi kültürü feministlik ve eşitlik düşüncelerini içerir.
Bal Porsugu Aslında Alevilik şamanizmden gelmiş ama anadoluda egemen toplumlardan korunmak için baskın dinlere yakın şekilde gözükerek kendilerini gizlemişler ki öldürülmemek için. Ama şöyle bir gerçek de var ki çok dindar aleviler de var, namaz kılan oruç tutan hem aleviliğin hem sünniliğin gerekliliklerini yerine getiren. Oyüzden bu dediğinize tam olarak evet öyledir diyemem çünkü alevilik de kendi içinde ayrılıyor. Çok koyu aleviler varken sadece alevi kültürünü benimseyip dini açıdan ona bakmayan aleviler de var.
Bal Porsugu ne düşkünü? Hayır sadece demek istediğim aleviler de kendi arasında ayrılır dindar olup hem sünniliğin hem aleviliğin gerekliliklerini yerine getireni de var aleviliği bir din olarak değil de kültür olarak görüp öyle yaşayanlar da var. Bunun dediğinizle bir alakası yok. Sünni olan insanlarda da bu var, herkes koyu sünni değil bazıları namaz kılmıyor ama cenazesi camiden kalkıyor şimdi o adam da müslüman değil bakarsanız. Ozaman koyu aleviler hiç camiye gidip namaz kılmak istemeyen sünnilerden daha mı müslüman demeliyiz? Hayır tabiki de çünkü din Allah ve kul arasındadır biz bunu bir kalıba sokarak şunlar sadece bunu yapsın diğerleri bunu yapsın gibi ayrıştıramayız.
Bal Porsugu yok öyle bişey ne duydum ne gördüm. Yezid genellikle herşeyi dine bağlayan ve alevileri hor gören din hakkında bir bilgisi olmadan alevileri yargılayanlar için kullanılır. Çünkü alevilerde ayırma yoktur. Neye nasıl inanacağın sana bağlıdır kimse buna bişey diyemez. Anca işte dediğim gibi sen onları ayırırsan onlar da seni ayırır etki tepki gibi düşün. Yani ayırmak dediysem hakaret etmek gibi düşün hor görmek küçümsemek gibi düşün.
Bal Porsugu size bunu demeye çalıştım zaten, sırasıyla tüm hakaretlerin listesini size veremem. Ama bu dediğiniz sözler alevilerde gökten zembille de inmedi merak etmeyin. Ben açıkçası çevremde birine bir ayrımcılık yapılmadığı sürece bu lafları duymadım. Size tüm aleviler aynıdır diyemem ama alevi kültüründe böyle bir ayrımcılığa yer yok çünkü öğretilerinde bu yok diyebilirim. İnsanın alacası içindedir kimsenin alnında yazmıyor ne olduğu. Böyle bir ayrımcılığa uğradıysanız üzgünüm ama şöyle söyliyim aleviler kendilerini rahat hissetmedikleri ortamda yabancı kelimesini kullanır bu bir nevi kamuflajdır yoksa orda size bir hakaret yok. Sadece sizin ortamda kendisine yabancı olup olmadığını sorguluyordur.
My father is sunni but my mothers family is bektashi and alevi shia I remember many songs like this from my childhood in Thrace
1. You people need to learn how to respect different beliefs.
2. if your gonna get angry why tf are u clicking on the video?
Ali wasn't alevi he was arab muslim
True... Its typical that most people who leave a insulting/stupid comment are sunni....speaking about tolerance (none)...
The Alevis-Bektashis believe in the Koran but reject the Hadith and believe that there is only one God, that Muhammad and his messenger and that Ali is his saint. They circumcise their children and celebrate most Islamic holidays. However, they do not do the 5 prayers a day, nor Ramadan, nor the pilgrimage to Mecca nor anything of that sort. Those who do so are either Sunnis or Shiites. Alevism is the Suffi and mystical path of Islam and only the Suffi path. This means that they have completely abandoned the external rites of Sunni Islamic orthodoxy, that is to say all external visual practices. They want to go to the essential and live only for the ardent love of God. In the Quran, God says: “We are closer to him (man) than the vein in his neck. "So for the Alevis God is not cut off, is not isolated from man, sitting high on his throne. God is everywhere! including in man and in Nature.
Alevism advocates the love of God but also the unity of man with God. The Alevis believe that man, but also everything that exists, has a divine part. Once dead they go neither to hell nor to heaven but they join god and are one with God. Alevism is the love of God and therefore of man and nature. In this sense, Alevism has always defended the weak and the oppressed and has always opposed injustice. Alevism holds all men but also men and women equal because everyone has a divine part in them and therefore they are all equal. This is why during the Cem gathering, women and men participate together in the semah
Such a beautiful and spiritual path respect...
İstanbuldan selamlar Ola , Böyle güzel şekilde yaşamanız ve Aktarmanız dileğiyle Allah Allah Canlar
İran, Türkiye ve Pakistan Hindistan'daki bazı insanlar gereksiz şekilde selamlaşma mesajı gönderiyor vb.
Tugçe ❤
تا آنجا که می دانیم این کلمه بسیار متفاوت است
Turkic Shamanism with Ehlibeyt love
We alevis arent shamints because we aren not central asians we are anatolians and alevisim is'nt islam
@@warriorsprit772 Of course it's Islam and its Turkmen culture. Nobody in Turkey thinks like you keep your agenda in Europe
@@eren9001 please tell me. are alevis live like a muslim ? I saw they drink beer and they dont go to mosque
@Tralalalala Opaaa yes I know anatolian alevism so diffrent shia
Indeed, it's Shamanic and Sufistic by rituals but theorically we're Twelver Shia. So as our Imam is Imam Jafar al Sadegh, we're part of Shia, and third biggest branch of Shia is Alevism. And of course we have our own religious traditions, and mainstream Shia schools(Shia of madrasa) have their own. It's not Iranian Shia, but Turkish Shia.
One alavi tell me the references between alawite im alwaite syrian
@Cansuu Kalın alawite in syria mostly assyrian syriac the org-ion people of Syria not like turks or other muslim how conquest the Levant . all you mentioned about the alvism are the same with alawite open minded people .
but my brother as a alawaite i can know perfectly the common things in praying from the vidios circle music i think we have lots of common things . alawite dont pray in mousq drink alcohol celebrate the 12 eieds . well iwish all happenies to the alavi and stay safe cose in syria we hade very diffcult times and thank god we won that war
Arab and Turkish Alevis have some interesting similaritirs like Trinity (hak-muhammed-ali for Turks and salman farsi-muhammed-ali for arabs). But the arabic ones are closer to Sunni Islam, while Turkish Alevis don’t fast etc. Turkish Alevis practise their religion in Cem, they don’t do taqiya.
@@thebadangel85 Alawism(Syrian one) and Alevism(Turkish) have very few differences. In fact i'd say both were influenced from each other along with their local belief rituals. We have Alawis in Hatay, Adana, Mersin here in Turkey, but as i told there are few minor differences from my own experiences. I have both Alevi and Alawi ancestors btw. One of my grandparents was born in Idlib in 1930 but migrated to Hatay in 1939.
@tryndaOP Indeed, some Turkmens in Syria have Qizilbash origins in Aleppo, they migrated from provinces like Gaziantep, Kahramanmaraş, and they melted into local Arab Nusayris there.
that is not a dance this is a alevi ritual the ritual of muhammedali
May AllAH guide them, to observe the pillars of islam
Original Alevism is part of Islam founded by Hz.Haji Bektash I Veli but now the noumber of Alevism that call themselves as non muslim is growing(Ishik Alevi)
Alevism is Islam itself while those who call themselves non Muslims are atheist marxist terrorists who want to create a fake history for Alevism to attach it to nationalist Kurds who want to create their mythical Kurdistan . true Alevi Kurds are Muslims and they don't have this agenda , yet the majority of Alevis are Turks and all of us are Muslims .
@@islamicalevism8587 yeah i agree with u
@@m.jidanandhikafaturrohman8811 God bless you beautiful soul .
Allah Muhammed Ali Hu .
The founder of the Bektashi sect is Haci Bektashi Veli. He is not the founder of Alevism. While lineage is important in Anatolian Alevism, lineage is not important in Bektashism. For example, a blond, blue-eyed Bulgarian Turkish Alevi-Bektashi introduces himself. Anatolian Alevism is not a sect, it is a culture. Alevism is a culture that existed before Islam. We are not from the Shia sect, but the Azerbaijani Shias and Anatolian Alevis originate from the ancient Iranian Khorasan region. It includes rituals of faiths such as Samanism, Zoroastrianism, and Islam. It does not comply with both conditions of Islam. The first is namas, and the second is circumambulating the Kaaba. We do not accept the mosque as a place of worship. There are also differences in our fasting and holidays. Alevism is to be on the side of the oppressed. The name Ali does not only represent the caliph. "Ali" means "human" in Alevism. Alevism is a peaceful and humane culture and 90% of Anatolian Alevis have the same origin. We often introduce ourselves as Turkmen Alevis. We also have people who speak languages such as Zazaki and Kurdish, which are dialects of Persian, together with Turkish, in different regions of Anatolia. However, religious prayers, folk songs and rituals are performed in turkish.
@@Agropyron_repens Up to your interpretation
not dance this is a religious worship
It’s ritual dance
@AC Its called Dhikr in Sunni branch. Mevlevis call it Sema, Alevism (Bektashi, Qizilbash, Ehl-i Hakk) call it Semah. It's the oldest ritual dance.
Hak Muhammed Ali
Wallah this is pure shirk
Do you know what Hulagu says to his Ar*b counterpart? "You call us kafir, and we call you fasık. We have been sent upon you by 𐱅𐰭𐰼𐰃, who organizes and decrees all affairs."
K:now your place. You are the one who worship incorrectly. You came to a level that the wordly possesions are sacred for you. As far as I know this is "PURE" shirk. You are eating and spending other peoples right on that world. And your Al-Ilah said to his followers that he will not forgive any sinner who came with Kul-Hakkı... Go whip your women, burn them in sand and continue to believe that a man flied to heaven with a human headed winged mule and bargained with Al-Ilah to take the praying times from 50 to 5...
GTFO now.
You are on right path
Because you are following imam Ali
@Cansuu Kalın are you Alevi or shia ?
@Kya gürb who are you?
I don't no you
@Kya gürb where from you are ?
@Thoughts have your heard of different interpretations? Let people practice the way they want! And if you don’t agree with it click straight out of the video, bye.
@AC Alevism is an umbrella term for "those who sided with Ali" which means its a branch of Islam. Many get confused and think that we are Shia but that's not correct. Shia is actually a sub branch of Alevism not vice versa. We are Muslims who care lineage the most and that's why follow only the guidance of Seyyid families. Cem is our Dhikr pray (its not a dance) that we do very often. Our creed is pure Sufism that is based on esoteric understanding of Islam. You can read the "Alevism" article on wikipedia which is for the most part accurate. Why would we "
This is not a dance
Turkish rituels