Why can't everyone be a vegan? Better for animals better for the environment better for human health. NO cruelty involved. What is wrong with the human race. I see morons queuing up at the CrapDonalds drive through and I just want to scream!!!
So let me guess you would like everyone to eat wheat and vegetables? Well now we are going back to primary school level stuff, what do you use to make plant grow? Fertiliser and we’re do you get that from? Animals. What happens if no animals are farmed? No natural fertiliser means we have to make artificial fertiliser, and that process is very bad for the environment. I suggest that you research things on the internet before you spew them at others, then you won’t sound like an idiot.
Soya beans shipped to Liverpool come in from Argentina by ship a 20 day journey with all the emissions from the ship, molasses from the India ocean takes 20 days via sea, this is vegan life style will be an environmental disaster. Then the process foods are shipped by sea to markets another emission issue, a balanced diet of meat and plants produced locally is best for the planet and humans.
You sound like a thoughtful an intelligent individual.Your comment has added a great deal to the debate Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I'm sure we are all humbled by the standard of your wit and understanding of this subject.
YES! Everyone! It has been delayed until next summer! We have a whole year to stop this cull! Please everyone get involved and help stop the Badger cull!
As a vet I fully agree with the various speakers here! Killing badgers is futile. What I don’t agree with is the farmers and landowners prejudices. Very frequently the farmers are acting in what I will characterise as plainly criminal way, perpetuating the spread of Tb between cattle on farm and locally. However the various local and government departments are turning a blind eye on most farmers activities and animal welfare issues on farm.
One should lobby the big supermarkets for an answer as to wether or not they are supplying produce from farms participating in this cull.My guess is its easier to drop these farms than lose customers.
Gosh, what an intelligent and thought-provoking argument. Certainly shows that not all those who support the cull are moronic thugs. Thank you for such a well thought-out argument - very enlightening.
not all culls are bad. some culls do need to happen. earlier this year there was discussion about a deer cull, which is something that does need to happen.
Try surviving 1 month without eating anything from a farm. You're making the farmers loose money, why not give them the money that they're loosing? Why do the NFU want the badgers killed if it wont help them?
Please please please support the Badger Nursery Programme. It's all about the black and white creatures and making sure the right population survive. Direct message me for more details.
Unfortunately, farmers are responsible for the decimation of British wildlife in the name of profit over life, most really do not give a dam so long as they keep on earning and reaping grants from the government
Exactly. Farmers need to realise that support for them depends on the goodwill of the buying public. DEFRA and the NFU are leading the British farmers down a very dangerous route by promoting this piece of nonsense
Right, so do you really expect us to believe that most farmers don't claim subsidies? I understand that it is in excess of £3 billion annually. So clearly somebody is getting our money.
the obvious answer to me is to take the badger off the protected list,even temporarily.this way farmers/ conservationists etc can control this completely unsustainably high badger population especially in badly effected areas,,,guarantee you there would also be massive benefits for ground nesting birds in particular whose populations are decreasing year on year as result of huge increases in predator nums_ the badger included p.s logical and wont cost the tax payer either!!
I have noticed that a lot of British farmers are being idiots about this, but not all of them. You can't just generalize a group of people like that. I'm pretty sure there are some insider farmers who are against the cull, having this attitude against them and trying to ruin their career because of what other people are doing might turn them against team badger. The best thing to do is boycott the ones who are for the cull, but if you find one who's against the cull, this will help us far more.
Consumers have the last say at the end of the day..take your money some where else..buy other alternatives.Almond milk,rice milk..& its better for you & your family any way.
Some of the comments below make me sick of the people in this country. I'm very much against the cull for the reasons in this video. I do not want violence towards anyone, just sense and reason. Why can't the NFU and the Government accept the research? Is it that hard to admit they're wrong?
They can, but they just won’t. So many cows have to die and farmers have to lose so much money simply because they or the government won’t vaccinate the animals. It’s the lack of vaccinations on farm animals which is what causes disease outbreaks to happen
We the tax payer have payed 49Ma to kill 10'000. 97% of us don't want it.How much will it cost to kill 70% of these innocent creatures with the right to roam. It's a short term answer to a long term problem. Farmers put your money where your mouth is! The badger is supposed to be protected. It just goes to show how little conservation means to our governments.
@badgerlandcouk I'll take this as fact from your sentence "pro-NFU farmers are dumb" Next the NFU and government will be telling us that we need milk to keep our bones strong and ourselves healthy - NFU (Numpties Farming Union)
badgers don't particularly have any predators, they're very good at defending themselves. badger cubs are always at risk, but even with top predators in the UK, there wouldn't be much difference in population numbers.
Which is the reason culling is pointless. Chances are most of the badgers killed won’t even have TB. In fact a study shows that only 1% of wild badgers actually carry TB
Thank goodness it stopped now! Although I think there will be consequences... check out my 'Breaking Badger' video... /watch?v=-3_NvSxhsSA bit of fun, hope you like it! xx
OneMinuteMovies I disagree with hunting for sport or an unnecessary cull. But there's nothing wrong in hunting for meat. The animal lives freely and it doesn't get the farmers who want to cull badgers any money.
The cull does not work we know it DOSENT ,why should 5000 animals have to die to please farmers .farmers are not the only people struggling should we all take rash actions to make ourselves feel better sick of farmers destroying nature and wildlife and feeling sorry for themselves STOP THE CULL
And as for not commenting on the other stats I dint feel I needed to as none of these relate to the badger they relate to the cost of tb to farmers and taxpayer,these stats are problems and do need addressing but in the RIGHT way culling will not solve it so these facts and figures are likely to rise in future unless we act correctly with science not a shot gun.my brain works in a way to solve problems not just to take rash action to make myself feel better shame others cannot think alike
..sides to this story on a daily basis and i feel that only time can prove my point seen as your unwilling to pay any attention to the fact that the predator numbers are rising by the year at the expence of the lower ranking ,prey species the only time culling and hunting could logically be stopped is if people abandoned our agricultural land and all bunched into the cities,reintroduced the top order predators and and allow nature reclaim the land we've destroyed on it
badger should be culled as farmer have lose cattle to tb yet a few badger in every area affected can keep passing it onto cattle creating an endless cycle
continued errosion?, when we have highest badger population in europe, and our badger numbers have been going up. lastley we are one of the few countries that have badgers on the protected list.
And something else to think about is what happens when this DOSENT work which it won't,will they then start to target other animals which carry tb,do we forget that humans spread and carry many diseases we also destroy wildlife , we are the worst of all wonder when the human cull should start and who should be first
to all those animal lovers looking at his video have you ever considererd what TB is doing to the cattle and how many more will be infected and put down if this continues.The only solution is a vaccine for cattle however estimates put the completion of a viable vaccine for about 10 years time, so a short term soloution is needed until then hence the cull. Now before I go on further please don't reply to this from the comments below I can figure out your opion and rage replying just makes me laugh. Anyway as the cull is happening anyway and despite the amount of protesting "team badger" has done so instead of hindering the cull please I implore you read the DEFRA, NFU, FWI website's and try to understand why they're continuing with the cull. Finally to explain why the cull has come up so short of numbers, (targeted at 70% of the badger population culled came up at 30%) its because of the protestors going around with torches and noise disrupters into live fire zones both stopping the marksmen from shooting and driving the badgers away. to top it off a fair percentage of the protesters are townies and have no idea why the cull is happening, all they know is that a cute, fluffy, black and white animal is being shot. There finshed you may now rage in anyway you see fit, preferably one that I can laugh at or admittidly more lickly this post will recieve so many negitive votes it will be removed before I even finish typi...
Only 1% of wild badgers carry TB. That means hundreds of native mammals will be killed for literally no reason other than people believe it will help control TB, even though a 10 year study literally concluded that culling badgers does very little to control TB in cattle
Sounds like the behaviour of many wild animals. Are you advocating the extinction of anything that shows an aggressive temperament. If that's the case, I know many landowners who should be culled immediately.
Because? Please produce some scientific evidence to support your case. Or do you think that merely by saying that you are a farmer means that what you say should automatically put you above the law?
That's a terrible idea. Putting the already struggling British farmers out of work will achieve nothing. If you want to change people's minds educate and inform them. Many farmers only support the cull because they are worried about their cattle and livelihoods. Boycotting is a fucking stupid idea, you clearly don't understand the issue fully.
not quite my point tbh,,iv a lotof respect for attenborough but feel as a naturalist/animal lover he's seeing this very one-sidedly and im not just a ranting you tuber,im putting another point of view out there...a much more realistic and sensible pov shared by tens of thousands throughout britain and ireland
i can assure you im not gay,,far from it and as ive said already,,im not the one crying about a cull(not an extermination) of one species of our wildlife which wil have massive benefits for biodiversity aswel as obviously agriculture.. you "anti's" should really put your time and effort into ending genuine acts of animal cruelty which god knows there's enough of going on or start doing something to stop the ongoing destruction of valuable habitats throughout britain
So I guess people like Attenborough and King should be ignored and a ranting youtube commenter like you listened to. Oh, that's all right then. Where's my gun?
When you produce some reliable evidence that it is a choice of one or the other I may consider the question. Until such time I suggest you stop being lazy and look into the facts surrounding the efficacy of culling badgers in the fight against bTB.
Badgers need to be culled. The number of cattle with bovine TB has soared from 6000 in 1998 to 34,000 in 2011, and so has the number of badgers tripled over this time. Every single one of these cows has had to be killed because of it. Do you think it's fair that we had to kill one of are mother cows after it had just had little calves? My Dad and I spent hours trying to get the calf to be bottle feed, we tried to make it as comfortable as it could be, but all it could do was call of it mum, who happened to be incinerated thanks to badgers. A cull is not the genocide of badgers, is the controlled killing of badgers until they are at a normal level, and it is done as painlessly as possible. Farmers aren't evil, most of them got into this fucking job because they care about animals, but neither are the idealist, they are realist, they know that the only way to save cows and in fact to actually save badgers a great deal of pain from TB itself is to control them, their is no other source of TB, other than deer, which as you haven't noticed are also culled, and deer are a much more peaceful and majestic animal than the badger. By being humans and being the largest, and by far the most successful animal, we have a duty to control the other animals. If you think badger culling is inhumane, think about all the cows and in the long term all the badgers that could be saved from TB, and also think about the ground-nesting birds, hedgehogs, and moles that you almost never see thanks to badgers. WE MUST RESTORE BALANCE THROUGH THIS ACTION AND IF YOU ARE TO IDEALISTIC TO REALISE THE TRUTH, YOU SHOULD JUST GO AND KILL ALL THE HUMANS IN THE WORLD COZ THEN ALL THE ANIMALS WOULD BE HAPPY WOULDN'T THEY!!!! (at least then you'd have a solution, instead of just a pointless protest.
Nobody is against eradicating TB. We all totally empathise with you and other farmers who suffer because of TB, and we'd be in support of the cull if we thought there was any chance it was going to work. But it isn't. Anyone who knows anything about biology and ecology will tell you it simply won't work - in fact it will likely make it worse.
Jamie Kingscott-Edmunds When you talk about eradicating bTB, you must understand that you are basing your thoughts on the infectious model that does not stand up in court. You must understand that before you go down the infectious route, you must be able to explain the mode of transmission. You cannot do that and neither can David Attenborough or anyone else on this video. To explain it, you must revert to theory, and so I suggest that you read my other comments on this thread where I explain that a 'positive' test result is not a test for infectious disease. When you understand that, then we can begin to understand what this issue is all about. John Wantling, Rochdale, UK Badger Cull - TB not Infectious www.whale.to/c/tb_not_infectious.htm%27.htm
NetherStream Matt Is sadistic and wrong. These scumbags kills for pure enjoyment and does bloodsports, Human should stop taking the badger's land. Human should check their numbers before dictating wildlife. Badger existed before man and never overpopulated. These low lives uses this TB as an excuse to kill healthy and rarely the sick.
So I am a townie who eats imported beef you seem to presume a lot I suggest you get your facts straight before posting ,as for boycotting British beef read my comments and see if that is something of which I have said its not ,and as for anyone who eats Irish beef they support a cull,so anyone who eats a McDonald's supports illegal torture illegal wars and the death penalty I think not ,so then your full comment was basically an insult followed by presumptions zero facts yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Farmers get more from the public purse in subsidies than any other industry so stop whinging and try a dose of reality. The more you whinge, the more you antagonise the public who pay for your subsidies.
i love you David Attenborough...you are a beautiful man...you and Brian May are so special with animals..thank you! ♥
This needs to be on National T.V.
The culling of badgers is just the lazy way of trying to deal with the problem, and like most lazy ways of doing anything is incredibly ineffective.
We need to monitor local badgers, control infected badger numbers and introduce non-infected badger into the regions.
Here here, Cull the Coalition!
Thank you to these eminent broadcasters for speaking out against this wicked cull
Change for changes sake; the corner stone of this rancid system.
Why can't everyone be a vegan? Better for animals better for the environment better for human health. NO cruelty involved. What is wrong with the human race. I see morons queuing up at the CrapDonalds drive through and I just want to scream!!!
So let me guess you would like everyone to eat wheat and vegetables? Well now we are going back to primary school level stuff, what do you use to make plant grow? Fertiliser and we’re do you get that from? Animals. What happens if no animals are farmed? No natural fertiliser means we have to make artificial fertiliser, and that process is very bad for the environment. I suggest that you research things on the internet before you spew them at others, then you won’t sound like an idiot.
composte vegetable matter is good fertiliser
Soya beans shipped to Liverpool come in from Argentina by ship a 20 day journey with all the emissions from the ship, molasses from the India ocean takes 20 days via sea, this is vegan life style will be an environmental disaster. Then the process foods are shipped by sea to markets another emission issue, a balanced diet of meat and plants produced locally is best for the planet and humans.
Is there no way to increase the volume on this video? Such an important message, the volume is so low it is difficult to hear.
Thank you for sharing this. This is an insightful, well-argued and clearly presented film on the BTB issue. Let's hope reason and argument prevails.
You sound like a thoughtful an intelligent individual.Your comment has added a great deal to the debate Thank you so much for sharing that with us. I'm sure we are all humbled by the standard of your wit and understanding of this subject.
So you could perhaps say that badgers were used as a scapegoat?
and you can be the judge of that because....no body knows what they feel so therefore its cruel
Thanks. A well reasoned comment.
David Attenborough for Prime Minister
I couldn't put it into better words myself! Great video!
Well, from what I gather this cull is backfiring on dairy farmers as many people are refusing to now buy British dairy products. Well done DEFRA.
@CourgetteWithFlipper well maybe if the supermarkets sold milk at a higher price. It costs around 30p a litre to produce and farmers get 25p a litre.
YES! Everyone! It has been delayed until next summer! We have a whole year to stop this cull! Please everyone get involved and help stop the Badger cull!
As a vet I fully agree with the various speakers here! Killing badgers is futile. What I don’t agree with is the farmers and landowners prejudices. Very frequently the farmers are acting in what I will characterise as plainly criminal way, perpetuating the spread of Tb between cattle on farm and locally. However the various local and government departments are turning a blind eye on most farmers activities and animal welfare issues on farm.
One should lobby the big supermarkets for an answer as to wether or not they are supplying produce from farms participating in this cull.My guess is its easier to drop these farms than lose customers.
I'm certainly not defending supermarkets.
So should we cull all animals that carry bovine tb -dogs cats deer sheep pigs horses cattle please reply as I would love to hear your opinion on this
Check out the save the badger fbs page
Gosh, what an intelligent and thought-provoking argument. Certainly shows that not all those who support the cull are moronic thugs. Thank you for such a well thought-out argument - very enlightening.
Keep the badgers ALIIIIIIVE!
not all culls are bad. some culls do need to happen. earlier this year there was discussion about a deer cull, which is something that does need to happen.
Because deer put pressure on the ecosystem since they have no predators here anymore
Try surviving 1 month without eating anything from a farm.
You're making the farmers loose money, why not give them the money that they're loosing?
Why do the NFU want the badgers killed if it wont help them?
How mush more convincing do they need?
Please please please support the Badger Nursery Programme. It's all about the black and white creatures and making sure the right population survive. Direct message me for more details.
STOP HUNTING! Check out my short film called `Stop Hunting`, and pass it on to spread the message! Thanks for the support!
Oh, and just remind me who pays for the government?
too many would's could's and should's. is there any independent opinions on this I can watch/read
Unfortunately, farmers are responsible for the decimation of British wildlife in the name of profit over life, most really do not give a dam so long as they keep on earning and reaping grants from the government
Exactly. Farmers need to realise that support for them depends on the goodwill of the buying public. DEFRA and the NFU are leading the British farmers down a very dangerous route by promoting this piece of nonsense
"when" or "if"?
Stop the cull. NOW.
Right, so do you really expect us to believe that most farmers don't claim subsidies? I understand that it is in excess of £3 billion annually. So clearly somebody is getting our money.
the obvious answer to me is to take the badger off the protected list,even temporarily.this way farmers/ conservationists etc can control this completely unsustainably high badger population especially in badly effected areas,,,guarantee you there would also be massive benefits for ground nesting birds in particular whose populations are decreasing year on year as result of huge increases in predator nums_ the badger included p.s logical and wont cost the tax payer either!!
I have noticed that a lot of British farmers are being idiots about this, but not all of them. You can't just generalize a group of people like that. I'm pretty sure there are some insider farmers who are against the cull, having this attitude against them and trying to ruin their career because of what other people are doing might turn them against team badger. The best thing to do is boycott the ones who are for the cull, but if you find one who's against the cull, this will help us far more.
I endorse your comments, solitarybee.
Unbelievable stupidity? From this UK govt? And an agricultural union? Check. SNAFU.
not when you get a good head shot then they feel nothing...............
1971? it's 2013 now!!!
I wonder if your government has gone completely off its rocker
Sir David Attenborough disagrees: all other arguments are invalid
Consumers have the last say at the end of the day..take your money some where else..buy other alternatives.Almond milk,rice milk..& its better for you & your family any way.
Save the Badgers - CULL the Government!
Some of the comments below make me sick of the people in this country. I'm very much against the cull for the reasons in this video. I do not want violence towards anyone, just sense and reason. Why can't the NFU and the Government accept the research? Is it that hard to admit they're wrong?
This might sound dumb but can we not just give the cattle a strong TB jab? It worked for us when we were teens.
They can, but they just won’t. So many cows have to die and farmers have to lose so much money simply because they or the government won’t vaccinate the animals. It’s the lack of vaccinations on farm animals which is what causes disease outbreaks to happen
We the tax payer have payed 49Ma to kill 10'000. 97% of us don't want it.How much will it cost to kill 70% of these innocent creatures with the right to roam. It's a short term answer to a long term problem. Farmers put your money where your mouth is! The badger is supposed to be protected. It just goes to show how little conservation means to our governments.
George monbiot is telling nothing but lies. Attenborough and the others opinions are valid to me.
People who are against the cull are badgers
@badgerlandcouk I'll take this as fact from your sentence "pro-NFU farmers are dumb" Next the NFU and government will be telling us that we need milk to keep our bones strong and ourselves healthy - NFU (Numpties Farming Union)
no because its cruel animals have feelings too
I do not support the Badger Cull please stop murdering these beautiful Animals.
badgers don't particularly have any predators, they're very good at defending themselves. badger cubs are always at risk, but even with top predators in the UK, there wouldn't be much difference in population numbers.
Which is the reason culling is pointless. Chances are most of the badgers killed won’t even have TB. In fact a study shows that only 1% of wild badgers actually carry TB
so I'm supposed to believe that farmers have no reason why farmers kill badgers. farmers are not stupid,
Thank goodness it stopped now! Although I think there will be consequences... check out my 'Breaking Badger' video... /watch?v=-3_NvSxhsSA
bit of fun, hope you like it! xx
When and where has it been proven? Please supply evidence.
any wild animal would do the exact same thing if it felt scared, or threatened - not a reason to kill them!
Not cattle. Cows. COWS.
OneMinuteMovies I disagree with hunting for sport or an unnecessary cull. But there's nothing wrong in hunting for meat. The animal lives freely and it doesn't get the farmers who want to cull badgers any money.
The cull does not work we know it DOSENT ,why should 5000 animals have to die to please farmers .farmers are not the only people struggling should we all take rash actions to make ourselves feel better sick of farmers destroying nature and wildlife and feeling sorry for themselves STOP THE CULL
No it's fact scientific to be exact no bollocks involved
And as for not commenting on the other stats I dint feel I needed to as none of these relate to the badger they relate to the cost of tb to farmers and taxpayer,these stats are problems and do need addressing but in the RIGHT way culling will not solve it so these facts and figures are likely to rise in future unless we act correctly with science not a shot gun.my brain works in a way to solve problems not just to take rash action to make myself feel better shame others cannot think alike
What's with your username? I thought you loved animals..
..sides to this story on a daily basis and i feel that only time can prove my point seen as your unwilling to pay any attention to the fact that the predator numbers are rising by the year at the expence of the lower ranking ,prey species the only time culling and hunting could logically be stopped is if people abandoned our agricultural land and all bunched into the cities,reintroduced the top order predators and and allow nature reclaim the land we've destroyed on it
badger should be culled as farmer have lose cattle to tb yet a few badger in every area affected can keep passing it onto cattle creating an endless cycle
If you watch the video, you note the claim that the scientific studies prove otherwise.
continued errosion?, when we have highest badger population in europe, and our badger numbers have been going up. lastley we are one of the few countries that have badgers on the protected list.
And something else to think about is what happens when this DOSENT work which it won't,will they then start to target other animals which carry tb,do we forget that humans spread and carry many diseases we also destroy wildlife , we are the worst of all wonder when the human cull should start and who should be first
to all those animal lovers looking at his video have you ever considererd what TB is doing to the cattle and how many more will be infected and put down if this continues.The only solution is a vaccine for cattle however estimates put the completion of a viable vaccine for about 10 years time, so a short term soloution is needed until then hence the cull. Now before I go on further please don't reply to this from the comments below I can figure out your opion and rage replying just makes me laugh. Anyway as the cull is happening anyway and despite the amount of protesting "team badger" has done so instead of hindering the cull please I implore you read the DEFRA, NFU, FWI website's and try to understand why they're continuing with the cull. Finally to explain why the cull has come up so short of numbers, (targeted at 70% of the badger population culled came up at 30%) its because of the protestors going around with torches and noise disrupters into live fire zones both stopping the marksmen from shooting and driving the badgers away. to top it off a fair percentage of the protesters are townies and have no idea why the cull is happening, all they know is that a cute, fluffy, black and white animal is being shot. There finshed you may now rage in anyway you see fit, preferably one that I can laugh at or admittidly more lickly this post will recieve so many negitive votes it will be removed before I even finish typi...
Only 1% of wild badgers carry TB. That means hundreds of native mammals will be killed for literally no reason other than people believe it will help control TB, even though a 10 year study literally concluded that culling badgers does very little to control TB in cattle
Sounds like the behaviour of many wild animals. Are you advocating the extinction of anything that shows an aggressive temperament. If that's the case, I know many landowners who should be culled immediately.
Stop the cull its just not right.
Because? Please produce some scientific evidence to support your case. Or do you think that merely by saying that you are a farmer means that what you say should automatically put you above the law?
I seem to have upset you with my simple query. I assume you may have "issues". Have you ever thought of seeking professional help?
That's a terrible idea.
Putting the already struggling British farmers out of work will achieve nothing.
If you want to change people's minds educate and inform them. Many farmers only support the cull because they are worried about their cattle and livelihoods.
Boycotting is a fucking stupid idea, you clearly don't understand the issue fully.
not quite my point tbh,,iv a lotof respect for attenborough but feel as a naturalist/animal lover he's seeing this very one-sidedly and im not just a ranting you tuber,im putting another point of view out there...a much more realistic and sensible pov shared by tens of thousands throughout britain and ireland
i can assure you im not gay,,far from it and as ive said already,,im not the one crying about a cull(not an extermination) of one species of our wildlife which wil have massive benefits for biodiversity aswel as obviously agriculture.. you "anti's" should really put your time and effort into ending genuine acts of animal cruelty which god knows there's enough of going on or start doing something to stop the ongoing destruction of valuable habitats throughout britain
What a load of bollocks.
So I guess people like Attenborough and King should be ignored and a ranting youtube commenter like you listened to. Oh, that's all right then. Where's my gun?
pretty low grade comments here shakey
When you produce some reliable evidence that it is a choice of one or the other I may consider the question. Until such time I suggest you stop being lazy and look into the facts surrounding the efficacy of culling badgers in the fight against bTB.
Badgers need to be culled. The number of cattle with bovine TB has soared from 6000 in 1998 to 34,000 in 2011, and so has the number of badgers tripled over this time. Every single one of these cows has had to be killed because of it. Do you think it's fair that we had to kill one of are mother cows after it had just had little calves? My Dad and I spent hours trying to get the calf to be bottle feed, we tried to make it as comfortable as it could be, but all it could do was call of it mum, who happened to be incinerated thanks to badgers. A cull is not the genocide of badgers, is the controlled killing of badgers until they are at a normal level, and it is done as painlessly as possible. Farmers aren't evil, most of them got into this fucking job because they care about animals, but neither are the idealist, they are realist, they know that the only way to save cows and in fact to actually save badgers a great deal of pain from TB itself is to control them, their is no other source of TB, other than deer, which as you haven't noticed are also culled, and deer are a much more peaceful and majestic animal than the badger. By being humans and being the largest, and by far the most successful animal, we have a duty to control the other animals. If you think badger culling is inhumane, think about all the cows and in the long term all the badgers that could be saved from TB, and also think about the ground-nesting birds, hedgehogs, and moles that you almost never see thanks to badgers. WE MUST RESTORE BALANCE THROUGH THIS ACTION AND IF YOU ARE TO IDEALISTIC TO REALISE THE TRUTH, YOU SHOULD JUST GO AND KILL ALL THE HUMANS IN THE WORLD COZ THEN ALL THE ANIMALS WOULD BE HAPPY WOULDN'T THEY!!!! (at least then you'd have a solution, instead of just a pointless protest.
Nobody is against eradicating TB. We all totally empathise with you and other farmers who suffer because of TB, and we'd be in support of the cull if we thought there was any chance it was going to work. But it isn't. Anyone who knows anything about biology and ecology will tell you it simply won't work - in fact it will likely make it worse.
Jamie Kingscott-Edmunds Explain
Jamie Kingscott-Edmunds When you talk about eradicating bTB, you must understand that you are basing your thoughts on the infectious model that does not stand up in court. You must understand that before you go down the infectious route, you must be able to explain the mode of transmission. You cannot do that and neither can David Attenborough or anyone else on this video. To explain it, you must revert to theory, and so I suggest that you read my other comments on this thread where I explain that a 'positive' test result is not a test for infectious disease. When you understand that, then we can begin to understand what this issue is all about. John Wantling, Rochdale, UK Badger Cull - TB not Infectious
Pure ignorance
NetherStream Matt Is sadistic and wrong.
These scumbags kills for pure enjoyment and does bloodsports,
Human should stop taking the badger's land.
Human should check their numbers before dictating wildlife.
Badger existed before man and never overpopulated.
These low lives uses this TB as an excuse to kill healthy and rarely the sick.
So I am a townie who eats imported beef you seem to presume a lot I suggest you get your facts straight before posting ,as for boycotting British beef read my comments and see if that is something of which I have said its not ,and as for anyone who eats Irish beef they support a cull,so anyone who eats a McDonald's supports illegal torture illegal wars and the death penalty I think not ,so then your full comment was basically an insult followed by presumptions zero facts yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Farmers get more from the public purse in subsidies than any other industry so stop whinging and try a dose of reality. The more you whinge, the more you antagonise the public who pay for your subsidies.