06:53 *Riyad as Salihin 1511 - Quran Translation: amzn.to/3QqPXmU - The Book of Hadith (Teachings): amzn.to/3swUeNF - Other Books: amzn.to/3QQg08m - Support me (Donate only if you have already done zakat! May Allah bless you) www.buymeacoffee.com/seekdeen Please share your opinions below.
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true. 1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father. 2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi) If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church. My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option. And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age. Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim. And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed. Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come. IGNORE AT YOUR OWN RISK
I want ask you something, how to fart in public in Islamic way, if you fart loudly people will hate you and if you fart silently it will become smelly, solution please?
@@smshimbawe believe in all the prophets which God sent to earth with a message of one God but people of those nations tampered the scriptures time to time but final prophet came with a final revelation Quran and this revelation can't be tampered till the end people can destroy everything but not final revelation so I ask u to come to the common terms which is similar and accept final revelation and prophet
في حالة القوة تسامح...في حالة الحرب كن قويا حارب بيدك او بالمسانده بالمال ان لم تستطع فبالقول وان لم تستطع فبالمقاطعه لبضائع العدو وخلال كل ذلك ادعو الله على الظالمين....
Assalaamalaikum wrwb 1) Stay calm, see how Muhammed s a w s handled difficult situations with wisdom & kindness. 2) Speak gently,softly, respond calmly with peace , though its a struggle against the soul, requires great inner strength,act of worship, its a universal language, it shows your magnificent behavior. 3)Remain silent , Speak good or remain silent , avoids conflict, its a skill , self control, 4)Ignoring with kindness,be patient , sign of maturity ,sign of character growth,seek Allah ‘s help , be positive 5)Avoid them , separate yourself from toxic people, do not respond to their criticism,let them go, seek positive companions, 6) Forgive them for Allah’s sake, resolves problems , its an act of nobility,
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul. ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Amazing ... That's exactly my behavior in wierd situations with wierd and toxic people ... I adopt all of this from Muhammed a.s teachings and "Hadith" ... Muhamed a.s is best example how to deal with people in daily life situations ... Greetings from Bosnia
1)Stay calm & practice forgiving others even very bad done to you even by your most hated enemy 7:00 if you cant express yourself with kindness then it is preferable to remain silent as said by huzoor saw
Amazing video as always. Dealing with narcissist abusive people ruins you mentally emotionally physically spiritually it’s beyond evil they enjoy causing pain. Even if you forgive over over people please give them all your love they only get happy causing ppl negative emotions. Walking away has been hard because you can’t believe your eyes how they act lie infront of ppl. I cried watching this because care to much and forgive to much then they use more.. how do mentally let them go? What is test in this? Thanks so much for video ❤❤❤😢😢
Ask Allah to give you the strength to bear the abuse, this is not easy. Ask Allah to give him the hidayah to change. Ignore his verbal abuse, the lies, cause you know the truth! Keep your communication to the brear minimum, and specific. Make your limitations very clear. If physical abuse is beyond your bear, please have the courage to walk away from the relationship. Allah is on your side. Bearing zulm, (abuse) is also considered kufer! Stand up for yourself even if you do not have anyone to support you. You should get legal help (Police/ Court) May Allah help you sister.
Alhamduillah, May Allah reward you too, thanks for always reminding us. May Allah guide us all through the right path and forgive us all our shortcomings. Ameen
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true. 1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father. 2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi) If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church. My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option. And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age. Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim. And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed. Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come.
Masha Allah Tabaraka Allah.... May Allah soften our hearts and make it easy for us as an Ummah. Also grant us success in this dua as well as the hereafter, Allahumma Ameen.
Alhamdulillah This video came to me as I struggling with this. I had been offended by someone and I really can't control my emotions over it. I distance myself as self reflex because of the stress. Never thought that is one of the advice. When I feel calm enough and able to forgive I will confront with positively. Thanks for the advice. May Allah SWT bless you❤
لماذا تخالفون تعاليم الله الم ينبهنا القرآن ان جزاء السيئة بمثلها حق ...وان المسامحه فضيله...وماذا؟؟؟ اذا كرر الشخص الاعتداء نسكت له....لا ليس هذا من الدين لأنك تساعد شخص على الاجرام بدل من إيقافه.
Masha Allah Beautiful video Brother May Allah Almighty Bless you and all of us and forgive our sins. And guide us to the right path May Allah Help us to become a great Muslim.
Alhamdulillah. Jazzak'Allah'Khair for a truly inspiring and beneficial video. I needed this today after coming home from working in a hurtful toxic work environment.
Alhamdullilah. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful video with us. In Shaa Allah it will help us to try to put these advice into practice in our daily life. Ameen
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul. ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Alhamdulillah such a beautiful video Share it with people, let us inculcate these practices, we all strive to fight ourselves and these are the best ways to bring the best out of us, this video is more of controlling our emotions and showcasing the best teachings we received from Our beloved Prophet Muhammed pbuh
Ya Allah grant me taufeeq to forgive others and forget.. and grant me taufeeq not to hold grudges against my family members and what they say.. ya Allah RabbulAlameen grant me taufeeq not to answer violently or to remain calm at provocations for ur sake.. ya Allah 👆 these beautiful qualities r not inside me rather u bless me with these quantities .. ya Allah RabbulAlameen make me a better Muslim.. and Keep me under ur mercy and Hidayat..❤❤❤
Alhamdulillah. Every video Ive watched has been very helpful and beneficial. May Allah reward you too brother! May Allah giude us all through the right path and forgive all our shortcomings. Ameen. True teachings of Allah and his prophets Masha Allah
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true. 1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father. 2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi) If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church. My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option. And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age. Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim. And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed. Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come.
SubhanAllah Wonderful message as for us humankind being calm it’s not easy mostly but Allah SubhanAllah he knows what we no not and may Allah guidance be upon us… May Allah bless you and help you to continue spread his word and may he protect us all from this Dunya Alhamdulillah Ameen 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
The 7 ways to destroy your enemy WITHOUT fighting. Do not listen to the whispers of Satan. 1. Stay Calm 1:03 2. Speak gently 3:46 3. Remain silent 6:27 4. Ignore what they say 8:41 5. Avoid them 11:21 6. Forgive them 13:24 7. Walk away.. leave the past behind, don't hold grudges.
I'm sure it's the best answer Also I would tell you to say astagferullah all the time as when you are walking or doing something else etc. You will see Allah SWT Will make things easier for you .
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul. ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Thank you for the correction. In the future can you do the videos without images ( faces ), and background noises? I think if a lot of us went by these rules our marriages and umma would be stronger. Jazak Allahu khaiyr. Yes I remember trying to make peace with someone and it didn't work well. And others who are nice then mean, you cant trust your heart with people like this. It was very unfortunate that's just how life is because Allah says He will judge between that in which we differ so that means everybody is not going to have peace in this world they're going to have to wait until the last day. May Allah save us all from His displeasure. Ameen
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul. ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Sadly all the things contained in this video are far far removed from the so called "Muslims" of today. There's not a single Muslim land today where any of these things are practised.
Why the background music ? Is it necessary ? Start background music in Azan, Akamat, Salah, Khutbah, ........ and so on and so forth. This is the Deen you are seeking. Very good, keep going.
Alhamudirillah, May the Almighty Allah bless you too and grant us the neefull knowledge and wisedom to recall such teachings in the right time at the right places matching fits with the people concerned respectively yarabbi Amina.
❤ thank you for this profound wisdom of s.ages. forgiveness is a fragrant flower. 🌿🪷🌿🪻🌿 It is most merciful to extend this great knowledge with us today. Praise Allah 's ☪️ kingdom
This is So Great -For All -As Characteristics -Of All about -Hunan Beings …..Conscious Awareness of Spiritual Souls -Experiencing -This All ……Love Respect and Peace - to the Human Mind …….🌞
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true. 1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father. 2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi) If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church. My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option. And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age. Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim. And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed. Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come.
06:53 *Riyad as Salihin 1511
- Quran Translation: amzn.to/3QqPXmU
- The Book of Hadith (Teachings): amzn.to/3swUeNF
- Other Books: amzn.to/3QQg08m
- Support me (Donate only if you have already done zakat! May Allah bless you) www.buymeacoffee.com/seekdeen
Please share your opinions below.
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true.
1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father.
2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi)
If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church.
My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option.
And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age.
Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim.
And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed.
Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come.
I want ask you something, how to fart in public in Islamic way, if you fart loudly people will hate you and if you fart silently it will become smelly, solution please?
@@smshimbawe believe in all the prophets which God sent to earth with a message of one God but people of those nations tampered the scriptures time to time but final prophet came with a final revelation Quran and this revelation can't be tampered till the end people can destroy everything but not final revelation so I ask u to come to the common terms which is similar and accept final revelation and prophet
As an Indian Muslim....this msg was an antidote of all the poison around us...May Allah SWT guide us on the righteous path.. Ameen
اللهم امين يارب
في حالة القوة تسامح...في حالة الحرب كن قويا حارب بيدك او بالمسانده بالمال ان لم تستطع فبالقول وان لم تستطع فبالمقاطعه لبضائع العدو وخلال كل ذلك ادعو الله على الظالمين....
Assalaamalaikum wrwb
1) Stay calm, see how Muhammed s a w s handled difficult situations with wisdom & kindness.
2) Speak gently,softly, respond calmly with peace , though its a struggle against the soul, requires great inner strength,act of worship, its a universal language, it shows your magnificent behavior.
3)Remain silent , Speak good or remain silent , avoids conflict, its a skill , self control,
4)Ignoring with kindness,be patient , sign of maturity ,sign of character growth,seek Allah ‘s help , be positive
5)Avoid them , separate yourself from toxic people, do not respond to their criticism,let them go, seek positive companions,
6) Forgive them for Allah’s sake, resolves problems ,
its an act of nobility,
Jazak Allah Kairan
May Allah bless you!
@@sarahkim3542 wa iyyaki
JAK. Shukran timesaver sister.
MashaAllah, JazakaAllah.
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul.
ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Amazing ... That's exactly my behavior in wierd situations with wierd and toxic people ... I adopt all of this from Muhammed a.s teachings and "Hadith" ... Muhamed a.s is best example how to deal with people in daily life situations ... Greetings from Bosnia
I need to learn . I lose hope and respond to injustice
Appreciated but please use our beloved PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD S.A.W 'not as a.s'. thankyou
write complete "Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam" when you Mention about Our Prophet Sallallaahu alaihi wasallam.
oh,ok ... I'm sorry G-d @@vellaytoworthy
1)Stay calm & practice forgiving others even very bad done to you even by your most hated enemy
7:00 if you cant express yourself with kindness then it is preferable to remain silent as said by huzoor saw
Alhmadulillah , I'm listening to this video again and again . And everytime I get great wisdom in ur words .
Amazing video as always. Dealing with narcissist abusive people ruins you mentally emotionally physically spiritually it’s beyond evil they enjoy causing pain. Even if you forgive over over people please give them all your love they only get happy causing ppl negative emotions. Walking away has been hard because you can’t believe your eyes how they act lie infront of ppl. I cried watching this because care to much and forgive to much then they use more.. how do mentally let them go? What is test in this? Thanks so much for video ❤❤❤😢😢
Ask Allah to give you the strength to bear the abuse, this is not easy. Ask Allah to give him the hidayah to change. Ignore his verbal abuse, the lies, cause you know the truth! Keep your communication to the brear minimum, and specific. Make your limitations very clear. If physical abuse is beyond your bear, please have the courage to walk away from the relationship. Allah is on your side. Bearing zulm, (abuse) is also considered kufer! Stand up for yourself even if you do not have anyone to support you. You should get legal help (Police/ Court) May Allah help you sister.
Subhanallah. May Allah put barakah in your work. Jazakallah Khair
Alhamduillah, May Allah reward you too, thanks for always reminding us. May Allah guide us all through the right path and forgive us all our shortcomings. Ameen
*SubhanAllah! Islam's respect for nature and the environment inspires me to be a better steward. Alhamdulillah for this awareness! 🌿🌍*
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true.
1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father.
2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi)
If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church.
My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option.
And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age.
Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim.
And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed.
Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come.
And tour efforts are truly needed
Walahi I was seeking help from Allah, and He showed this to me. This is very beneficial for what I needed. Alhamduillah, Allah's help is always near.
Same here. Just happened now
Masha Allah Tabaraka Allah.... May Allah soften our hearts and make it easy for us as an Ummah. Also grant us success in this dua as well as the hereafter, Allahumma Ameen.
Allahhumma ameen
Alhamdulillah This video came to me as I struggling with this. I had been offended by someone and I really can't control my emotions over it. I distance myself as self reflex because of the stress. Never thought that is one of the advice. When I feel calm enough and able to forgive I will confront with positively. Thanks for the advice. May Allah SWT bless you❤
لماذا تخالفون تعاليم الله الم ينبهنا القرآن ان جزاء السيئة بمثلها حق ...وان المسامحه فضيله...وماذا؟؟؟ اذا كرر الشخص الاعتداء نسكت له....لا ليس هذا من الدين لأنك تساعد شخص على الاجرام بدل من إيقافه.
Masha Allah Beautiful video Brother May Allah Almighty Bless you and all of us and forgive our sins. And guide us to the right path
May Allah Help us to become a great Muslim.
Ya Rabbil Alameen
Alhamdulillah. Jazzak'Allah'Khair for a truly inspiring and beneficial video. I needed this today after coming home from working in a hurtful toxic work environment.
May Allah SWT give you sabr and make things easy for you
جزاك الله خير
Alhamdullilah. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful video with us. In Shaa Allah it will help
us to try to put these advice into practice in our daily life. Ameen
Subahan Allah
Beautiful ❤️
May Allah bless you!
Alhamdullilah, SubhanAllah ❤
Subject says 7 things .
1. Be calm
2. Be soft
3. Be silent
4. Ignore there words
5. Avoid toxic company
6. FORGIVE them
Which is the 7th
May Allah bless you. Your words have emptied my sense of loneliness in this world. Jazack'Allah'khair. Jazack'Allah'khair
Alhamdullilah, May Allah SWT the most high reward you.
Very good reminder
This is true teachings of 💓 ⚡ALLAH⚡ & his Prophets ✨. (Masha Allah)💓
God bless you bro, from a Catholic who loves you.
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul.
ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Mashallah❤❤❤❤ its mind-blowing character of prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam alhamdulillah I love it❤❤😊😊😊
Alhamdulillah such a beautiful video
Share it with people, let us inculcate these practices, we all strive to fight ourselves and these are the best ways to bring the best out of us, this video is more of controlling our emotions and showcasing the best teachings we received from Our beloved Prophet Muhammed pbuh
Excellent teaching ❤ Elhamdulila, Es selamu aleycum ve rahmet Allah, rahmet Allah ve bericatu.
Alhamdulillah, this video was so helpful ma sha allah. ❤
Ya Allah grant me taufeeq to forgive others and forget.. and grant me taufeeq not to hold grudges against my family members and what they say.. ya Allah RabbulAlameen grant me taufeeq not to answer violently or to remain calm at provocations for ur sake.. ya Allah 👆 these beautiful qualities r not inside me rather u bless me with these
quantities .. ya Allah RabbulAlameen make me a better Muslim.. and Keep me under ur mercy and Hidayat..❤❤❤
Subahanallah ❤ Please upload more Islamic videos like these 👍
Not only reached end in ur video but already reached peak point in my life many yrs ago...Alhumdulillah..❤4m India
Jazaaka Allahu khairan brother, May Allah have mercy on you and us all
Very well explained Brother ❤
الحمداللہ رب العالمین
Alhamdulillah. Every video Ive watched has been very helpful and beneficial. May Allah reward you too brother! May Allah giude us all through the right path and forgive all our shortcomings. Ameen. True teachings of Allah and his prophets Masha Allah
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true.
1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father.
2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi)
If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church.
My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option.
And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age.
Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim.
And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed.
Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come.
Thanks to ALMIGHTY ALLAH Who Gives Me again A true Guidance by Recommending me this Information And Wonderful ISLAMIC Video
We are undergoing through so much problems from non muslim students please make dua for us
Alhamdulillah for everything
SubhanAllah Wonderful message as for us humankind being calm it’s not easy mostly but Allah SubhanAllah he knows what we no not and may Allah guidance be upon us…
May Allah bless you and help you to continue spread his word and may he protect us all from this Dunya Alhamdulillah Ameen 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
Alhamdulillah, May Allah reward you.
Al hamdulilah true said and well presented Jazak Allah ho khairun
Allhumdulillah to ya Allah swt
The 7 ways to destroy your enemy WITHOUT fighting.
Do not listen to the whispers of Satan.
1. Stay Calm 1:03
2. Speak gently 3:46
3. Remain silent 6:27
4. Ignore what they say 8:41
5. Avoid them 11:21
6. Forgive them 13:24
7. Walk away.. leave the past behind, don't hold grudges.
I'm sure it's the best answer
Also I would tell you to say astagferullah all the time as when you are walking or doing something else
etc. You will see Allah SWT Will make things easier for you .
Jazak Allah Kairan
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul.
ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
This is so good! Thankyou so much! Please make more vedios like this! Mashallah!
Alhamdulilla. Great message
Alhumdulillah. Brothers and sisters, I request pray for me please 🙏for anger management and patience, I have none.
Read books on anger management. Search for the anger management meter online and coping methods such as stop.
Extremely excellent video!
A tonic for regulating our condut under all circumstances, good or bad. It's really a good video ! Needs wide circulation.
May we be the among those who be guided Ameen.
Jazakaalah Ameen Ameen 🙏 Allaho akbar.
Masha Allah, jazakala khair for making this educational video. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Alhamdulillah I have watched every video they are EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL MAY ALLAH REWARD YOU
It moved me to tears,.....😢😢😢😢
Suallallahu Alayhi Wasallam..Masha Allah
Needed this 👳🏾♂️🤲🏾☪️ Alhumdulilah
Subhan allah allah hu akbar
Ya allah bestow these seven things in me ya Rubilalameen
I am a convert and this video really helped me a lot.
May allah swt bless you.
Masha allah where are you from bro
Your name telling that you was an hindu
@@abdulaganisuraleshawar8733 delhi
Thank you for the correction. In the future can you do the videos without images ( faces ), and background noises? I think if a lot of us went by these rules our marriages and umma would be stronger. Jazak Allahu khaiyr. Yes I remember trying to make peace with someone and it didn't work well. And others who are nice then mean, you cant trust your heart with people like this. It was very unfortunate that's just how life is because Allah says He will judge between that in which we differ so that means everybody is not going to have peace in this world they're going to have to wait until the last day. May Allah save us all from His displeasure. Ameen
Alhamdulillah. May Allah reward all of us immensely in this life and the hereafter. Ameen
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL, Absolutely TRUE☺️ This is the Code of Man🌟
Jesus loves you and He died on the cross for your sins. REPENT and believe the gospel and you will be saved from the fires of Hell. Muhamad is dead but Jesus Christ is risen from the grave and He has defeated death. The islam allah is a false god that was created by the devil to fool you and to keep you away from the true salvation of Jesus Christ. Your Allah can not save you from the fires of Hell, only Jesus Christ can save your soul.
ROMANS 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD, shall be saved.
Sadly all the things contained in this video are far far removed from the so called "Muslims" of today. There's not a single Muslim land today where any of these things are practised.
Alhamdulillah this is why i will go muslim 🇸🇪☪️☝️❤️
@@youlertMashallah bro
I suggest changing the title to "7 ways to make peace and harmony"
Ma sha Allah. Really good video. Jazakallah for sharing it.
Alhamdulilah for these videos they helped me get closer to allah couldn't of done it without these thank-you allah
Dua against enemies... Allahumma inna najaluka fee nuhoorihim vanaoodhubika min shuroorihim
Why the background music ? Is it necessary ? Start background music in Azan, Akamat, Salah, Khutbah, ........ and so on and so forth. This is the Deen you are seeking. Very good, keep going.
ALHAMDULILLAH ☪️ JAZAKALLAH KHAYR for sharing 👍🧡💚💙🌷🌷🌷⚘️⚘️⚘️⚘️⚘️⚘️
May the Almighty Allah bless you too and grant us the neefull knowledge and wisedom to recall such teachings in the right time at the right places matching fits with the people concerned respectively yarabbi Amina.
Subhan-Allah.Helped me a lot.I was quite confused after so much negativity and toxicity around.
جزاکم اللّٰہ خیراً کثیرا!
ان التسامح مع المعتدي الظالم تشجيع له على ظلمه....عندما سامح الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم كان يسامح من موضع قوة وليس من موضع ضعف فانتبهوا....
❤ thank you for this profound wisdom of s.ages. forgiveness is a fragrant flower. 🌿🪷🌿🪻🌿 It is most merciful to extend this great knowledge with us today. Praise Allah 's ☪️ kingdom
So much knowledge and a lot of points I have to learn. Like how to respond to toxic people as one of them
Allahamdulillah beautiful teachings I wish we could all apply to this in our daily life. ❤
Jazakallah khair! Allahumma barek! ❤❤❤❤❤
ALHAMDULILLAH! This was so nourishing and helpful and right on time!
Masha Allah ❤ please keep me strong and able to discern those Aameen
Alihamdulillah.jazaaka Allahu khaira
ALHAMDULILLAH, Jazakallahu khair
Alhamdulillah may Allah guide us and help us to have patience
This is So Great -For All -As Characteristics -Of All about -Hunan Beings …..Conscious Awareness of Spiritual Souls -Experiencing -This All ……Love Respect and Peace - to the Human Mind …….🌞
Alhamdulillah keep up the good work brother and may Allah Azzawajal guides us all to the straight path..Allahuma Aamin🤲🤲🤲
Allihamdulilah... May Allah bless you for sharing this knowledge
The following 2verses give Christians evidence that show Christianity is 100000%true.
1. (John 14:12 Jesus said "Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father.
2.Mark 16:17-18 Jesus says And these signs shall follow them that believe IN MY NAME shall cast out devils, they shall speak in tongues, they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall be healed (all in the Name of Jesus but never in the name of Mohammed not Allah not jibril and surely not Al mahdi)
If you go online you will see daily testimonies of millions of miracles from Alaska to Australia done only in the Holy Name of Jesus. These two verses coming from the supposedly corrupted Bible is the proof that Jesus is alive and with the church.
My question is why would Jesus words stand with the ''corrupted Bible'' and not work from the ''uncorrupted Quran''. Or Muslims just say the bible is corrupted becoz if the bible is true, then the Quran is false so they don't have any option.
And you Muslims like saying that Jesus only came for Jews and no one else and that Mohammed was the last prophet for the globe. Then (Mathew 28:19-20) burries this claim because Jesus commanded ( Therefore go and make DISCIPLES OF ALL NATIONS, (including Citizens of the Kaaba) baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the holy spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely i am with you always to the very end of the age.
Quick question; do muslims perform baptism which was commanded by Jesus himself if Jesus was a muslim.
And pliz note that Muslim claim Jesus was Muslim but fail to name any of his disciples who said they were was muslims. We don't even have assumptions about what religion his disciples followed.
Jesus came for the whole of humanity till the end of time, which automatically cancels out Mohammed and Islam and that your prophet was an antichrist of the many antichrists to come.
Aameen ya Arhamurrahimeen
Jazak Allah khair brother
Masha Allah..very nice video..this is very much required in today's situation
Alhamdulillah.... Best reminder
Maa shaa Allah may Allah help us practice our Deen and our beloverd prophet character and be among good ones Assalamualaikum