Sen. Whitehouse Speaks at the 2nd Day of Hearings for Judge Barrett in the Judiciary Committee

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 579

  • @aob6033
    @aob6033 4 года назад +150

    If only the American public had the attention span to watch this and the education to understand it.

    • @jaunie8217
      @jaunie8217 4 года назад +4

      Sadly most don't.

    • @jannythomas3104
      @jannythomas3104 4 года назад +4

      Not all Americans only trumpsters.

    • @isaact3794
      @isaact3794 4 года назад +1

      @@jannythomas3104 cardi b

    • @craigcorey7015
      @craigcorey7015 4 года назад

      Cruz stated, “How about free speech? Well, we’ve heard quite a bit about free speech. The senator from Rhode Island just gave a long presentation, complete with lots of charts. I’ll say a couple of things on free speech. First of all, our Democratic colleagues, when they address the issue of so-called ‘dark money’ in campaign finance contributions, are often deeply, deeply hypocritical and don’t address the actual facts that exist.”
      “Here are some facts: of the top twenty organizations spending money for political speech in the year 2016, fourteen of them gave virtually all their money to Democrats and another three split their money evenly, so only three of the top 20 gave money to Republicans,” Cruz fired. “What did that mean in practice? That meant the top 20 super-PAC donors contributed $422 million dollars to Democrats and $189 million to Republicans. Those who give these impassioned speeches against ‘dark money’ don’t mention that their side is funded by ‘dark money’ with a massive differential. The senator from Rhode Island talked about ‘big corporate powers’ without acknowledging that the contributions from the Fortune 500 in this presidential election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats. Without acknowledging that the contributions from Wall Street in this election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

    • @knoxminis1211
      @knoxminis1211 4 года назад +3

      @@craigcorey7015 I have no doubt that it's all dirty. Something needs to be done about it all in general for both sides. Kinda tough to get money out of politics when they all benefit so greatly though.

  • @ramonjamar5073
    @ramonjamar5073 4 года назад +147

    This performance today was not only informative but jaw dropping! While Dark Money in politics isn’t a new revelation; how he was able to tie its impact to our courts and this nomination was excellent! Every American, regardless of their political affiliation should be angry and concerned.

    • @craigcorey7015
      @craigcorey7015 4 года назад +2

      Cruz stated, “How about free speech? Well, we’ve heard quite a bit about free speech. The senator from Rhode Island just gave a long presentation, complete with lots of charts. I’ll say a couple of things on free speech. First of all, our Democratic colleagues, when they address the issue of so-called ‘dark money’ in campaign finance contributions, are often deeply, deeply hypocritical and don’t address the actual facts that exist.”
      “Here are some facts: of the top twenty organizations spending money for political speech in the year 2016, fourteen of them gave virtually all their money to Democrats and another three split their money evenly, so only three of the top 20 gave money to Republicans,” Cruz fired. “What did that mean in practice? That meant the top 20 super-PAC donors contributed $422 million dollars to Democrats and $189 million to Republicans. Those who give these impassioned speeches against ‘dark money’ don’t mention that their side is funded by ‘dark money’ with a massive differential. The senator from Rhode Island talked about ‘big corporate powers’ without acknowledging that the contributions from the Fortune 500 in this presidential election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats. Without acknowledging that the contributions from Wall Street in this election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

    • @mimigaamigo7099
      @mimigaamigo7099 4 года назад +2

      @@craigcorey7015 Don't hate the player, hate the game.

    • @terrym7725
      @terrym7725 4 года назад +5

      @@craigcorey7015 Oh Teddy, all I hear is how much Wall Street loves Trump, so why are all these Fortune 500 companies donating to Joe Biden? Ted Cruz just defeated Trump's loudest argument for reelection.

    • @deek64dk
      @deek64dk 4 года назад

      Ramon Jamar
      ABSOLUTELY! My head is literally popping off my shoulders! Holly Sh$t!

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад +3

      @@craigcorey7015 The problem with citing Cruz is he's wholly owned by ALEC, a Kochtopus group.

  • @joand1161
    @joand1161 4 года назад +99

    Brilliant presentation on a most important topic. Thank you, Senator Whitehouse!

  • @tsereno1434
    @tsereno1434 4 года назад +37

    Thank you, Senator Whitehouse. Fascinating and scary at the same time, thank you for putting it on the record so clearly.

  • @DOLfirst
    @DOLfirst 4 года назад +32

    This was the most revealing information. It explains SO much. Thank you sir for your dedication to our country. I don't know if I'm more upset by learning of this scheme or if I'm more relieved to know that there is SOMEONE in my government who is willing to try and expose this. If I could give you a million thumbs up I would.

  • @brooklynsown7858
    @brooklynsown7858 4 года назад +72

    Thank you so much Senator Whitehouse!!! Courage and truth!

    • @perrymccallum8931
      @perrymccallum8931 3 года назад

      Thank you Senator Whitehouse for your "whites only" Baileys Beach Club.Sorry it got your hypocritical racist arse in hot water...not!!

  • @letsRegulateSociopaths
    @letsRegulateSociopaths 4 года назад +126

    Thank you Senator Whitehouse. It is high time the American People understand what exactly going on in our political system and how it is being warped for the few by the Republicans. We are losing our democracy (republic).

    • @mikem9374
      @mikem9374 4 года назад +2

      Man because we on the right are experiencing the EXACT opposite. We're consistently being silenced by all social media and the overwhelming bias for leftism by all media outputs.
      Until you're willing to reach across the aisle and address the blanketing abyss that tech monopolies and media are silencing our voices with you're going to end up forcing a civil war. And It's going to be a literal hell on earth.

    • @nathanlawrence7319
      @nathanlawrence7319 4 года назад +5

      So cry baby Republicans want to shoot people up in a totally unnecessary civil war to make people listen to them. It will be even harder for you to force your imaginary enemies to listen to whatever it is you’re trying to say, after you needlessly killed them. The very idea you think civil war will solve anything is absolutely ridiculous. Our core problems will not be solved by war or Dems or Reps, neither party. They both are corrupt and have had decades to solve basic issues, but haven’t because that is not their intention. The intention of both parties is to put on a fake show, cause discord,
      and scam the American public together with the corporations that actually run this country and own both parties already

    • @koekjestrommol
      @koekjestrommol 4 года назад +2

      @@mikem9374 didn't trump get elected last time through all (social) media attention...

    • @koekjestrommol
      @koekjestrommol 4 года назад +2

      It has also continuously been shown that social media has a big positive bias towards voices like yours. You are not silenced, what you are seeing is criticism

    • @koekjestrommol
      @koekjestrommol 4 года назад +2

      The left (socialists and commies) are the ones that are truly silenced

  • @retired5249
    @retired5249 4 года назад +33

    This Senator should run for President!

    • @arcanondrum6543
      @arcanondrum6543 4 года назад +2

      Indeed but one like him did. He won the Iowa Caucuses then he won in NH but the DNC awarded him 2 less Delegates than the runner up who was (actually) proving unpopularвидео.html so then on Super Tuesday, a different Candidate Polling 5th, even 6th somehow placed first in most Super Tuesday States despite NOT Campaigning in several of them and despite a still crowded field of Candidates.
      _"If voting mattered, they would make it illegal."_ I am somewhat less cynical but I do know that major candidates are chosen FOR us. Troublemakers come from smaller states or smaller districts where campaigns can be more personal .
      For more, I recommend Greg Palast, Reporter for the BBC and the Guardian.

    • @rancher12121
      @rancher12121 6 месяцев назад +1

      I'm thinking of moving to Rhode Island so i can vote for him, my vote is a waste here in Texas, cruze

  • @Bropes
    @Bropes 4 года назад +157

    GOP was in no way prepared to be forced to sit through that lol. You’re a champion.

    • @annebruce5135
      @annebruce5135 4 года назад +10

      I'd have preferred to watch graham and some other faces while listening to Sheldon who was on fire and educating us.

    • @craigcorey7015
      @craigcorey7015 4 года назад +3

      Cruz stated, “How about free speech? Well, we’ve heard quite a bit about free speech. The senator from Rhode Island just gave a long presentation, complete with lots of charts. I’ll say a couple of things on free speech. First of all, our Democratic colleagues, when they address the issue of so-called ‘dark money’ in campaign finance contributions, are often deeply, deeply hypocritical and don’t address the actual facts that exist.”
      “Here are some facts: of the top twenty organizations spending money for political speech in the year 2016, fourteen of them gave virtually all their money to Democrats and another three split their money evenly, so only three of the top 20 gave money to Republicans,” Cruz fired. “What did that mean in practice? That meant the top 20 super-PAC donors contributed $422 million dollars to Democrats and $189 million to Republicans. Those who give these impassioned speeches against ‘dark money’ don’t mention that their side is funded by ‘dark money’ with a massive differential. The senator from Rhode Island talked about ‘big corporate powers’ without acknowledging that the contributions from the Fortune 500 in this presidential election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats. Without acknowledging that the contributions from Wall Street in this election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

    • @davidgibson3020
      @davidgibson3020 4 года назад +1

      @@craigcorey7015 yeah bro the pots calling the kettles black lmao gettem all outta here

    • @bruceleenstra6181
      @bruceleenstra6181 4 года назад +18

      @@craigcorey7015 Nice example of whataboutism there. And an empty argument. Whitehouse not only followed the money, he laid out their goals, their coordination, and the results - all bad for us, bad for the justice system. Cruz just points at the money.
      Remember - the goal of the money behind the Democrats is to give us (the voters) more information and control, not less.

    • @joyceroberts3886
      @joyceroberts3886 4 года назад +6

      @@craigcorey7015 The "dark money' sanctioned by Moscow Mitch is pushing for this nominee

  • @BlackElroy
    @BlackElroy 4 года назад +86

    This gave me chills.

    • @DOLfirst
      @DOLfirst 4 года назад +3

      @@_Donald.J.Trump. 🙄

    • @xorbodude
      @xorbodude 4 года назад +6

      @@rivanman9937 what aboutism

    • @BlackElroy
      @BlackElroy 4 года назад

      Eddie s1972 agreed.

    • @patlynch6517
      @patlynch6517 4 года назад +1

      It should.

    • @johnbw2597
      @johnbw2597 4 года назад +9

      @@DOLfirst And yet Dems aren't stealing supreme seats or suppressing votes. Dems tried ending dark money. Rep would vote for it

  • @cynthialuvlight2480
    @cynthialuvlight2480 4 года назад +27

    Brilliant presentation today Senator Whitehouse! Thank you Sir.

  • @BirdBird_NatureNerd
    @BirdBird_NatureNerd 4 года назад +5

    I am a Newport native, and I am so proud to have you representing your constituents and the people’s best interests. Thank you for your dedication and relentless pursuit of justice and transparency.

  • @OnePlantHugger
    @OnePlantHugger 4 года назад +67

    This was the most important presentation of the entire day. Can't imagine how uncomfortable some people were being forced to sit thru this. Lol. Amazing job, Senator.

    • @mikem9374
      @mikem9374 4 года назад

      Ooooo yeah dark money. Meanwhile joes campaign is propped up by the most powerful corporations to ever exist in history. The mental gymnastics you useful idiots play...

    • @Idunno_fry
      @Idunno_fry 4 года назад +3

      @@mikem9374 source? BreitBart and FOX don't count

    • @eemoogee160
      @eemoogee160 4 года назад +4

      @@mikem9374 whataboutism all day all night huh? I'm fine with corruption called out on all sides. Saying it exists on the other side doesn't negate the horrendousness of it in action taking away people's rights as we speak!

    • @eemoogee160
      @eemoogee160 4 года назад +2

      @@mikem9374 talk about the policy. whatever policy Joe wants to implement that benefits the corporations over the working people, believe me conscientious Democrats and progressives will have no qualms to vocally and aggressively oppose that policy. Will Magats do the same???

  • @svrnclv
    @svrnclv 4 года назад +22

    Thank you sir! This was exactly what needed to be said!

  • @carolynnanderson1914
    @carolynnanderson1914 4 года назад +27

    America is sick to death of dark money in our government and judicial systems. Get it out, and put term limits on senators, representatives and judges at all levels!

  • @jeffkreines2737
    @jeffkreines2737 4 года назад +40

    This is an excellent introduction to right-wing court packing.

    • @robinragan1702
      @robinragan1702 4 года назад +1

      Filling a vacant seat on the supreme court is the job of the President to nominate and the Senate to consider and accept or reject the nominee. Court packing is to increase the # of justices from 9 to>9.

    • @gregohare2406
      @gregohare2406 4 года назад +2

      @@robinragan1702 So they refused to do their “duty” and consider Garland, saving room for a future ideolog; what would you call that. Your point is no more than pointing out a distinction without a difference.

    • @robinragan1702
      @robinragan1702 4 года назад

      @@gregohare2406 The difference is Obama was already on his 2nd term. He was termed out as in couldn't run for reelection. Had his Senate been majority Democrat with him as a Democrat president his nominee would have been approved. DJT is Republican with a majority Republican Senate and may win the election. The difference between the 2 is only if the 2 branches come from the same party. As with BHO there was no way his nominee would pass. He couldn't have gotten enough votes.
      BHO put forth a nominee, Republican's considered and said no.
      I'm not saying it was right or wrong because I can see both sides. Regardless words matter and court packing is increasing the # of justices, not legally voting a judge to a vacancy.

    • @gregohare2406
      @gregohare2406 4 года назад +2

      @@robinragan1702 Obama nominated Garland with a year left in his term as president. He still had the authority to nominate and the Senate still had the responsibility to provide advise and consent. Instead they did nothing. BTW, no one has an exclusive franchise on the phrase ‘court packing’. If you watched the hearing, several republicans said they had a duty under the Constitution to consider Trumps nomination. And yet they felt no duty with Garland. Since when does party affiliation give a Senator the right to avoid their Constitutional responsibility? They want it both ways and now changed their reasoning to fit their needs. Totally corrupt party. So now we will be 6 to 3 - a very lopsided court. Adding two seats would still give the republicans the advantage without effecting the function of the court. What is wrong with that? Nothing in the Constitution limits the court to 5 or 7 total. And with what the Republicans have accomplished with a lopsided SCOTUS, it seems reasonable and not radical as they would like us to believe. At this point, with what the republicans have done over the last 5 years, ignoring Garland and pushing an ultra conservative agenda, their outrage doesn’t ring true. Pretty ironic that this all occurs with Trumps nomination of an Originalist Jurist. As they say, you can’t make this stuff up.

  • @davida8106
    @davida8106 4 года назад +7

    Here to guide you on Mr. Whitehouse's comments:
    0:00 Introduction
    2:35 Republican change of opinion on Supreme Court during election year
    4:30 Cases that Barrett will look over
    5:55 Whitehouse introduces money behind groups funding Barrett's promoters
    6:25 Roe v Wade
    8:40 The Scheme
    9:30 The 3 Movements behind Barrett's nomination
    10:47 Amicus Briefs
    11:25 Donors
    13:00 Federalist Society
    13:47 Funding Behind it All
    14:29 Bradley Foundation Memo
    15:27 Email from Bradley Foundation
    16:27 3 Schemes - Same Funders
    18:30 Republican figures supporting this.
    19:27 - 240 Million in Dark Money
    21:40 Cases Won By Rs
    22:54 Civil Jury Waiving
    23:26 Tampering
    24:30 Source of Funding.
    25:30 Minority Voting
    25:50 Bulk Gerrymandering
    26:30 Map redistricting
    27:35 Bias Case (80-0)
    Please dont just leave a like, go vote!

    • @lindawilliams2211
      @lindawilliams2211 4 года назад +1

      Damn fine job Sen. Whitehouse. Thank you sir. I am proud of you.

  • @RadAntelope
    @RadAntelope 4 года назад +41

    The GOP reaction to this H-bomb told the whole story.

  • @arcanondrum6543
    @arcanondrum6543 4 года назад +4

    Deeply grateful for your presentation here Senator Whitehouse! Please leave this video up in perpetuity. It WILL be important for a ll Americans to watch at least once regardless of our future.

  • @haziqtheunique
    @haziqtheunique 4 года назад +83

    Whitehouse is saying the quiet part really loud.

    • @emilyringstrom
      @emilyringstrom 4 года назад +3

      The saving grace is their stupidity. 😉

  • @borneojimmy1431
    @borneojimmy1431 4 года назад +23

    That was amazing. Thank you Senator. Thank you very much.

  • @bethellis6544
    @bethellis6544 4 года назад +7

    Great job Sen Whitehouse! Proud to have you there! RI❤❤

  • @georgekraft1401
    @georgekraft1401 4 года назад +97

    It's always "follow the money".

    • @georgekraft1401
      @georgekraft1401 4 года назад +3

      @@_Donald.J.Trump. My party? I'm PSL not a Dem or Rep. Y'all are pretty much the same car with different paint jobs.

    • @henaman2504
      @henaman2504 4 года назад +1

      Biden money!!

    • @craigcorey7015
      @craigcorey7015 4 года назад +1

      Cruz stated, “How about free speech? Well, we’ve heard quite a bit about free speech. The senator from Rhode Island just gave a long presentation, complete with lots of charts. I’ll say a couple of things on free speech. First of all, our Democratic colleagues, when they address the issue of so-called ‘dark money’ in campaign finance contributions, are often deeply, deeply hypocritical and don’t address the actual facts that exist.”
      “Here are some facts: of the top twenty organizations spending money for political speech in the year 2016, fourteen of them gave virtually all their money to Democrats and another three split their money evenly, so only three of the top 20 gave money to Republicans,” Cruz fired. “What did that mean in practice? That meant the top 20 super-PAC donors contributed $422 million dollars to Democrats and $189 million to Republicans. Those who give these impassioned speeches against ‘dark money’ don’t mention that their side is funded by ‘dark money’ with a massive differential. The senator from Rhode Island talked about ‘big corporate powers’ without acknowledging that the contributions from the Fortune 500 in this presidential election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats. Without acknowledging that the contributions from Wall Street in this election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

    • @The_Tiffster
      @The_Tiffster 4 года назад

      @@georgekraft1401: Hey! We could be related! My last name is also Kraft!

    • @georgekraft1401
      @georgekraft1401 4 года назад +1

      @@The_Tiffster it's possible. My uncle was Arthur Kraft from Kansas City. He was an artist, Google him and see if you recognise any of his work (there is a lot online).

  • @ChandraLee
    @ChandraLee 4 года назад +41

    Lay it out Senator!

  • @abigaildye9732
    @abigaildye9732 4 года назад +29

    Got damn this was the shredding I've been looking for

  • @FaithNouri
    @FaithNouri 4 года назад +7

    One of the best presentation by a senator that I have seen. Thank you for working so hard and making this clear for lay people.

  • @derrillyager7946
    @derrillyager7946 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for disclosure of what is going on behind the
    We ALL need to be educated..

  • @Stephocombo
    @Stephocombo 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for your articulate, wonderful presentation. One of the most important sessions of the hearing.

  • @warhem
    @warhem 4 года назад +3


  • @sjladuke75
    @sjladuke75 4 года назад +23

    This was BRILLIANT- Especially since Barrett refused to answer any pertinent questions regarding her personal opinions.

    • @_Donald.J.Trump.
      @_Donald.J.Trump. 4 года назад +2

      This is obviously the second confirmation hearing you've watched isn't it? lol
      She was ABSOLUTELY correct to do so...

    • @annebruce5135
      @annebruce5135 4 года назад +3

      She cleared her throat an awful lot!

    • @macewindu9100
      @macewindu9100 4 года назад +1

      @@annebruce5135 probably cause she has covid

    • @_Donald.J.Trump.
      @_Donald.J.Trump. 4 года назад

      @@macewindu9100 Jajajaja.

    • @_Donald.J.Trump.
      @_Donald.J.Trump. 4 года назад

      Cheeky ;)

  • @debraschulze2229
    @debraschulze2229 4 года назад +13

    Thank you Senator, much respect!

  • @pattylehner795
    @pattylehner795 4 года назад +8

    A phenomenal presentation! A must watch.

  • @julianjazz7296
    @julianjazz7296 4 года назад +7

    This was too freaking good. Favorite bits:
    15:13 "That can't be good." sounds like a teacher.
    23:19 "It's a crime to tamper with the jury, it's standard practice to tamper Congress." That hits hard.

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      "it's standard practice to tamper Congress."
      And having succeeded at that, the Kochtopus moved on to the Supreme Court.

  • @MayorOfTheCaribbean
    @MayorOfTheCaribbean 4 года назад +4

    Senator Whitehouse is on FIRE🔥🔥!!! Dropping facts and not missing a beat. And very interesting use of his time: Brilliant. Not wasting it on questions to Supreme Court Barbie! Lol. This was like a forensic class! We need to see/hear more of this man: face of a conservative with a soul of a liberal!

  • @feliciavalue5830
    @feliciavalue5830 4 года назад +4

    Superbly researched and presented. Thank you, Senator Whitehouse and staff.

  • @Gavinut
    @Gavinut 4 года назад +88

    Best explanation of Dark Money I have heard. I wish the cameras would have shown the Republican Senators as you spoke.

    • @ucfkid67
      @ucfkid67 4 года назад +2

      Obviously you missed the response that cruz gave showing the statistics of how much dark money is and was being used and the democrats FAR outweigh the Republicans in relation to this.

    • @Missusri
      @Missusri 4 года назад +1

      ...and you would see the their faces on the words: irresponsible, sleazy, and traitor.
      Are we doomed?

    • @Gavinut
      @Gavinut 4 года назад +8

      @@ucfkid67 unfortunately I wouldn’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

    • @ucfkid67
      @ucfkid67 4 года назад +1

      @@Gavinut facts are getting in the way of your feelings

    • @Gavinut
      @Gavinut 4 года назад +5

      @@ucfkid67 no mention of any facts. I don’t see where I mentioned any. I commented on an excellent presentation and now you are the one going off at a tangent. If you want to talk about them and us play with someone else. I’m not interested.

  • @terrym7725
    @terrym7725 4 года назад +6

    Thank you for this, excellent presentation with facts.

  •  4 года назад +19

    Wow! The GOP and their donors seemingly want an oligarchy structure in this country. Thank you Sen. Whitehouse for your insightful, eye-opening presentation!

    • @craigcorey7015
      @craigcorey7015 4 года назад

      Cruz stated, “How about free speech? Well, we’ve heard quite a bit about free speech. The senator from Rhode Island just gave a long presentation, complete with lots of charts. I’ll say a couple of things on free speech. First of all, our Democratic colleagues, when they address the issue of so-called ‘dark money’ in campaign finance contributions, are often deeply, deeply hypocritical and don’t address the actual facts that exist.”
      “Here are some facts: of the top twenty organizations spending money for political speech in the year 2016, fourteen of them gave virtually all their money to Democrats and another three split their money evenly, so only three of the top 20 gave money to Republicans,” Cruz fired. “What did that mean in practice? That meant the top 20 super-PAC donors contributed $422 million dollars to Democrats and $189 million to Republicans. Those who give these impassioned speeches against ‘dark money’ don’t mention that their side is funded by ‘dark money’ with a massive differential. The senator from Rhode Island talked about ‘big corporate powers’ without acknowledging that the contributions from the Fortune 500 in this presidential election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats. Without acknowledging that the contributions from Wall Street in this election overwhelmingly favor Joe Biden and the Democrats.”

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      @@craigcorey7015 Said the bought and paid for Cruz. And that clarifies ... what?

  • @rochellekaplan2817
    @rochellekaplan2817 4 года назад +3

    Thank you Sen. Whitehouse. My husband and I in UT love your priorities!

  • @artemmandrob
    @artemmandrob 4 года назад +16

    Senator Sheldon Whitehouse is a national hero. It is aways good to hear someone speaking the truth - especially when lying has become the coin of the realm.

    • @margokelly371
      @margokelly371 4 года назад

      Agreed! He inspired this...please share.

  • @marsbars007
    @marsbars007 4 года назад +27

    I commend you, Sir.

  • @traderoex1
    @traderoex1 4 года назад +12

    If Amy had any shred of decency she would have withdrawn today.

    • @usogsaile9721
      @usogsaile9721 4 года назад +2

      Her face is as THICK as tRump's. SHAMELESS!

  • @ClaudyArfaras
    @ClaudyArfaras 4 года назад +8

    Senator Whitehouse, outstanding presentation... I just keep telling myself, in our United States there is only one absolute power and that is the Majority of Americans. We need to start exercising our power... Amen.

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад +1

      That won't happen until we take over the election process. There's no good reason "the parties" should be defining districts, saying who can/can't vote in primaries, etc. etc.

  • @bonniec1424
    @bonniec1424 4 года назад +4

    Senator Whitehouse, im just an average American, 79 years old, who listened to all of your description and explanation of the trail of dark money and the payoff behind it. My background is not law but I understood your excellent presentation, it almost seemed, better than Amy Barrett. I've seen and experienced a great deal in nearly eight decades and am aware this dark money and these dark people have been running much of the puppet show since written history. What really cheered me up today listening to you was the assurance that the only thing keeping the world from total implosion is bright men and women like yourself who will not stand down and will keep tilting at windmills as long as there is any chance to do so. Just want to say a heartfelt thankyou!

  • @NBZTasker
    @NBZTasker 4 года назад +42

    I appreciate visual aids when someone is trying to make a point, Im glad I watched the hearing when this gem started talking. Mr. Whitehouse, can you be our President? It would be nice to not be BS'd day after day.

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      He just grabbed the third rail, unmasking Koch's network. Like Sanders' railing against "rigged economy". He'd be doused by monied interests.

  • @morganrickards3811
    @morganrickards3811 4 года назад +31

    my dude said "dont worry about talking because I have some THANGS to say" LMMFAO

  • @AMILLER415
    @AMILLER415 4 года назад +5

    Thank you Senator! This was very informative, direct and well spoken. Just to see Senator Graham uncomfortable in his seat helped make this day less painful.

  • @joppippoj
    @joppippoj 4 года назад +22

    in the past years i keep getting surprised by the quality of certain politicians in the us, that there are people that seem not to be in politics for the power, but for the people, for the country. people like katie porter, alexandria ocasio cortez, cory bush, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, from today on i will add sheldon whitehouse to this list.
    my fear is that they never reach real power: the fact that hillary clinton and joe biden, two politicians who would not change the system, were the last two nominees for the presidency makes me think that a part of this dark money has also found a way into the nominations for the democrats. nevertheless if i could i would still vote for biden, but as a dutch guy that's not possible.

    • @svharken6907
      @svharken6907 4 года назад +1

      Yes, we call them Corporate Democrats, who spend most of their time raising money, who essentially take bribes, and who are put on the boards of corporations or work as lobbyists after they leave office. Its the Republicans or the Libertarian oligarchs that have decided to sidestep our entire system of representation to take power through the courts, that is WHY they Created the "pro life" movement to bamboozle the people to vote Republican, though it is in every other way against their self interest

    • @DOLfirst
      @DOLfirst 4 года назад +1

      Yes..I suspect the same thing. The dnc is dipping its ladle into the pool of dark money. There is SO much corruption and this revelation by Sen. Whitehouse is like getting awoken by the loudest smoke alarm...and the house being filled with smoke. I'm overwhelmed. Is there even a way out?

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      The #1 political affiliation of voters in the country is Independent, at 40%. And they are blocked from voting, in many states, in the primaries. And so the radicals of both parties pick and present the 2 on the ballot in the general election. Hence, deeper and deeper and deeper division.

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      @@svharken6907 Along with the single issue "They're trying to take your guns", [We're going to buy your vote for a trivial for non-elite] "Tax cut!", "Gays are the road to ruin!" (or any other preoccupation with what's in our pants) etc. movements.
      And the sold their soul too DNC are stymied because their mega donors prohibit these words, "Living Wage Jobs", "Full Employment".

    • @DOLfirst
      @DOLfirst 4 года назад

      @@buzoff4642 I am an undeclared voter. I can vote in primaries. Where did you get this information? I would like to read more about it.

  • @masoudshokrai5886
    @masoudshokrai5886 4 года назад +4

    Thank you senator Whitehouse, you spoke for the nation tonight. Being from California, I wish Feinstein would have made that speech but she is missing in action and I wonder why Californians still vote for her

  • @HtownDrip
    @HtownDrip 4 года назад +14

    Ever notice how the FBI go missing on issues like this?

  • @npsimons
    @npsimons 4 года назад +20

    Love when he whips out that stack of placards, just thick.

    • @jay-el-bee
      @jay-el-bee 4 года назад

      Agreed. I admire and appreciate his effort, being I'm a placard, paper and pen gal myself!

  • @JediFredi
    @JediFredi 4 года назад +14

    Thank you, sir! Well done. Rhode Island is MUCH larger now thanks to you.

  • @suzanneharris8339
    @suzanneharris8339 4 года назад +4

    Senator Whitehouse is exactly the fighter and leader we need in a post-Trump government.

  • @Printedperformance
    @Printedperformance 4 года назад +6

    Amazing work, this was eye opening.

  • @damianeadie510
    @damianeadie510 4 года назад +4

    Excellent! Truly serving your citizens.
    (I'm not one of them, I'm in the UK and I wish we had guys to expose the dark money here as clearly as you have)

    • @MichaelMerritt-h5k
      @MichaelMerritt-h5k 10 месяцев назад

      Someone has to care for normal folks not just greedy ass old horn dogs that most likely had gotten their sick ass jollies on EPSTEIN’S little girl island and they could make flight logs disappear and possibly help EPSTEIN TAKE A DIRT NAP ?

  • @kiaralyshell1994
    @kiaralyshell1994 4 года назад +4

    I absolutely love this! 🎉🎉 THANK YOU for taking the time to explain the “power in the shadows”

  • @blue-eyedsoul4239
    @blue-eyedsoul4239 4 года назад +4

    Your presentation on dark money became one of the most popular on multiple media outlets. Watched you on C-SPAN and cheered for you!!

  • @richardbergman5269
    @richardbergman5269 4 года назад +3

    The most important speech of the hearing.

  • @susanmurphy1986
    @susanmurphy1986 4 года назад +6

    This was AmaZinG 🙌🏻🙌🏻

  • @damariscotto4676
    @damariscotto4676 4 года назад +3

    How can she not be embarrassed? I would have! How can a judge, a JUDGE, be aware that others are seting to use her as a pawn and willingly engage with that? That is fundamentally contrary to what a judge represents and their job

  • @AcrossTheSea12
    @AcrossTheSea12 4 года назад +4

    A senator with the best interest of the people and the country? I wish this wasn't as surprising as it is. Great work!

  • @clairehambel8736
    @clairehambel8736 4 года назад +3

    Excellent presentation! Thank you!

  • @huttenof
    @huttenof 4 года назад +3

    Thank you Senator Whitehouse! You did a great job! Much appreciated! Please keep up the good work and hopefully we can change the laws to disclosing these interest groups that are meddling in our democracy. People have a right to know.

  • @eg2132
    @eg2132 4 года назад +2

    She keeps clearing her throat, she knows school is in session. He is 👏 amazing

  • @MelanieVJacobs
    @MelanieVJacobs 4 года назад +18

    Truth. Yes!
    Finally someone asking the real questions. Without addressing this dirty reality first, we will continue to be a part of a charade which will ultimately lead to the end of civilization.
    The more this is brought to light we can begin to find real solutions and have real change.

    • @alexandrostheodorou8387
      @alexandrostheodorou8387 4 года назад +1

      Why cant we live in a society were we all have rights. And decent healthcare, less expensive military, and better public infrastructure. Its a pretty simple fix. Theres enough for everyone to eat and much more.

    • @_Donald.J.Trump.
      @_Donald.J.Trump. 4 года назад

      @@alexandrostheodorou8387 Because Nancy Pelosi won't negotiate.

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      @@alexandrostheodorou8387 Because some people/companies aren't paying fair share. Ex, Because they collaborate to make that so. Ex

  • @evelyngajowski1969
    @evelyngajowski1969 4 года назад +4

    Heartfelt "Congratulations," Senator Whitehouse, for exposing the connections among GOP dark money (e.g., Federalist Society), the GOP platform, & the Barrett nomination at yesterday's Senate Judiciary Cmte. confirmation hearing. I can't thank you enough for your work.

    • @joyceroberts3886
      @joyceroberts3886 4 года назад +1

      100% agree. He reminds me of Al Frankin, who did his homework, and held people's feet to the fire too!!

  • @irisirving4807
    @irisirving4807 4 года назад +2

    Thank you Senator Whitehouse for such a clear explaination. I am gobsmacked at what has been and is happening in the USA - what a corrupt country, as low as a third country where corruption is the norm. A real eye opener of the real world in the United States of America.

  • @JMmitchell633
    @JMmitchell633 4 года назад +56

    COVID Amy was sure clearing her throat a lot.

    • @josiebitner9
      @josiebitner9 4 года назад

      Sticks and Stones.....

    • @Sassafras30
      @Sassafras30 4 года назад +2

      You sound sarcastic and judgmental. Why not be truthful and say what you mean? Do you dislike ACB for who she is or because you are a Trump hater?

    • @knoxminis1211
      @knoxminis1211 4 года назад +5

      @@Sassafras30 How about both.

    • @capatga
      @capatga 4 года назад

      @@Sassafras30 Free Country.

    • @Idunno_fry
      @Idunno_fry 4 года назад

      @@Sassafras30 because she had covid and one point and didn't bother to tell anyone until months later. That's actively harming people if you test positive for covid and pretend like it's not there because it's easy to spread and there aren't symptoms for multiple days for some people.
      For someone who helped spread the virus, I think a sarcastic and judgmental comment is justified. Super Spreader Trump deserves even more for this bullshit charade he's put up, taking a bunch of experimental drugs the people can't access and saying he's 'immune'.

  • @0heck
    @0heck 3 года назад +2

    Honestly....we need this man to run for president. The war on corruption has to start somewhere.

  • @garyf2636
    @garyf2636 4 года назад +2

    Masterfully delivered

  • @macdonaldukah1680
    @macdonaldukah1680 4 года назад +7

    An extraordinary tour de force on the corrosive impact of dark money!!!

  • @davidshaw7105
    @davidshaw7105 4 года назад +2

    🙋 Hi sounds like a great person who really cares about his people great 👍 to hear 👂

  • @edelgardmrah8452
    @edelgardmrah8452 2 года назад +1

    Thank God for such an intelligent Senator with so much courage to bring such
    Issues to be known. Thank you.

  • @crisbf2470
    @crisbf2470 4 года назад +8

    Bravo, Senator Whitehouse!
    Thank you for talking about the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and the Presidency's bigotry toward the peoples', and voters' defend.
    You are the epytomy of anti-corruption, anti-racism, very fair and straight forward.
    I salute you!

  • @robitster
    @robitster 4 года назад +8

    Corrupt Judges

  • @alinehuntly
    @alinehuntly 4 года назад +5

    Wow, I've heard a bit about this before but you really painted the full picture. This corrupt scheme needs to come tumbling down! Congratulations on such an articulate and passionate presentation.

  • @joyceroberts3886
    @joyceroberts3886 4 года назад +3

    Bravo Senator Whitehouse!!!

  • @nicolebrown1927
    @nicolebrown1927 4 года назад +2

    WOW! Senator Whitehouse showed up and showed out when he broke down his presentation. It makes a lot of sense to me now how Republicans really get down. DAM CRIMINALS!!! This should not be allowed unless a person is looking for some prison time!

  • @richardoracin2655
    @richardoracin2655 4 года назад +2

    Great job 👏!!

  • @angielucido8045
    @angielucido8045 2 года назад +1

    1 yr later....Senator Whitehouse Told us...!! Not we are fighting, November is the ONLY way to keep our democracy intact

  • @LOdom-ws8xv
    @LOdom-ws8xv 2 года назад +3

    Watching this in late 1/22 & everything we feared would happen happened. It was all performance & political for her. She lied.

  • @Sonofspam64
    @Sonofspam64 4 года назад +3

    Kind of helps explain why working class folks feel like they can never get ahead, and that their plight is ignored. It's because all 3 branches are bought by the rich, and actively work against the working class.

    • @joyceroberts3886
      @joyceroberts3886 4 года назад +1

      You got it, always the working class making the big corporations the big money to do what they want in government. Time for a CIG CHANGE

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      And within cities and states by the same people.

  • @keelyguillot4184
    @keelyguillot4184 4 года назад +2

    This was masterful!

  • @kimbercole2438
    @kimbercole2438 2 года назад +1

    Keep up the year work Sen. Whitehouse! And run for president 2024, you'll have my vote!

  • @mcan2333
    @mcan2333 4 года назад +1

    Finally somebody is cutting through the bullshit and getting at what matters. Thank you for this. Now please follow up with some teeth and FIX IT. Pack the courts if you have to. Do whatever you can within the fuzzy bounderies of the constitution (which says surprisingly little about SCOTUS) and save America.

  • @robertachesler3054
    @robertachesler3054 4 года назад +6

    Brilliant! Thank you so very much Senator Whitehouse

  • @husqvarna17
    @husqvarna17 4 года назад +6

    Outstanding, thank you Senator.

  • @KahOD
    @KahOD 4 года назад +10

    The only thing missing from this video are some shots of Barrett's reaction to this. Thank you senator.

    • @sjladuke75
      @sjladuke75 4 года назад +4

      She was squirming & clearing her throat...very suspicious & not what she expected.

    • @DOLfirst
      @DOLfirst 4 года назад +2

      Her expression was priceless.

  • @jokamburi7252
    @jokamburi7252 4 года назад +4

    I ask Senator Whitehouse and to anyone else for that matter... Shouldn't the dark money activities described in his presentation be considered RACKETEERING?

    • @joyceroberts3886
      @joyceroberts3886 4 года назад +1

      Good point

    • @buzoff4642
      @buzoff4642 4 года назад

      As in "protection racket" racketeering, of the court(s)? Yes.

  • @JLingelbach1
    @JLingelbach1 4 года назад +7

    Thank you Senator Whitehouse.

  • @waggishsagacity7947
    @waggishsagacity7947 3 года назад

    Without sounding crass or overbearing, Senator Whitehead was brilliantly asking Judge Barrett a simple, direct, poignant, and critical question: As an ethical judge, do you not agree that you should withdraw your nomination at this juncture? The answer was clear before the question was asked: "O what goodly outside falsehood hath!" [The Merchant of Venice, I, iii, 99]. Checkmate.

  • @franciscoguzman2928
    @franciscoguzman2928 2 года назад +1

    Donde estan ustedes si es El capitolio espero que melasieren porque si boy y esta serada yano regreso

  • @kathishimoda4058
    @kathishimoda4058 4 года назад

    You are wonderful..
    Thank you.

  • @franmcnulty7581
    @franmcnulty7581 10 месяцев назад

    Thank you Senator the work you have put in is awsome
    And yes I too think you should run for President ❤

  • @msyvonnehopson89
    @msyvonnehopson89 4 года назад

    Brilliant and eye opening speech...Whitehouse should run for president

  • @patricianorthcutt5596
    @patricianorthcutt5596 4 года назад +1

    Whitehouse speaks truth to this steamroller GOP Senate's Hypocrisy.

  • @JohnMcLaughlin48
    @JohnMcLaughlin48 4 года назад +2

    Well done. Also read the WaPo article on Leonard Leo.

  • @KRyan-gn5uw
    @KRyan-gn5uw 4 года назад +1

    Brilliant presentation. Horrifying information. Corrupt Supreme Court. OMG

  • @patricianorthcutt5596
    @patricianorthcutt5596 4 года назад +1

    Why can't the GOP be as energized to get the 2nd stimulus past America is in dire situation while they pay the GOP Senate play out their games of Thrones.

  • @anahatatutu
    @anahatatutu 3 года назад

    Everyone in the country needs to see this.