Thank you for this, so many people come to the beach and have NO idea about the wildlife, beach flags, riptide etc. Knowing what can hurt you and what to do is important. I grew up at the ocean and my dad taught me about these when I was a little girl. I meet so many people that have never been to the beach, videos like this are fantastic!
@@baryonmodeuzumaki5378 Well, considering he's taking the worst insect stings in the world, and none of us have those experiences, especially with his body specifically, I'll take his "overreacting" over your comment any day
@@baryonmodeuzumaki5378 did u ever get stung by any of the insects he stings himself with? Because if u did u would probably act the same way bc it hurt
I was taking surfing lessons with Ron john surf shop and it was the third day and there where man of wars EVERYwhere on the beach! we went out into the water and i felt a tickle on one of my toes so i reached down and sure enough i had a tentickle on my toe and on my finger. i broke down on the beach from the pain and that's when my surfing lesson ended that day. the sting lasted for SO long! it was one of the most painful times of my life!😬 Thanks to mark I had watched this video before and I knew what to do. Thank you guys for making these awesome videos!
I like how this sting episode isn't just about the pain, but that you've turned it into an experiment of which antidote works best. And no I'm not saying that just because it means more stings
I can see if you got stung by a different jellyfish in the box of war the man of war box jellyfish again I can see that very much yeah I get pee on it whatever it's a little bit of relief a little bit of relief that's all sea urchin stuff on it a little bit of relief pee on it that's all but the man of warand most people never do you can't pee on it in the water tell the coyote kid to get out and mess with people you got a dead dried up jellyfish on the beach man
@@Dee-nonamnamrson8718 snakes venom is painful because it punctures your skin and makes you bleed out with proteins that disable blood clotting useful for taking down prey bigger than you and swallowing it whole jelly fish don't shallow sharks 3 times their size
@@Dee-nonamnamrson8718blue ringed octopuses mainly hunt small creatures and are great at stealth having your prey not trying to escape your grasp helps you be able to hunt alot more crabs keeps your stealth all variables combined make you more likely to produce over years natural selection optimized into that
@@BossOfAllTrades That's true of hemotoxic venoms like that of the inland taipan, but not neurotoxic venoms, like that of the black mamba or coral snake.
I live in Australia and I always find these kinda of things funny because here a sting from a man o war _(aka Blue Bottle)_ is not only a common childhood experience, We have so many stinging animals and plants that our tolerance for pain is apparently quite high. I'd take a blue bottle sting over a bee sting or jumping jack ant bite any day just to avoid all the annoying swelling.
@@ravijat5077 No, it's not. Ammonia doesn't do anything to help with a Man O' War sting. And even if it did, the concentration in urine isn't high enough as most of it is contained in urea. You'd need to leave it sit for a while to let the urea break down into CO2 and NH3.
How I take care of jellyfish stings: DO NOT PUT COLD WATER (it activates the poison) also I wrote this before watching the vid! Rub sand on it while walking back k to the place you are staying at ( which for me would be the condo we own) when you get there alternate WARM WATER and vinegar while scraping a credit card over the sting to get the stinger things out... this happens ALOT to me! Hope this helps
You confirmed what scientists expert in this topic already claimed with rigorous and peer-reviewed studies. That's awesome! Thanks for donate your body in order to achieve this
I got stung by one of those things when I was in the 3rd grade at Miami Beach, and it still is the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I still get haunted by it to this day. Keep up the good work!
the reason people say to pee on the stung area is LITERALLY NOBODY carries vinegar or hot water with them when visiting a beach, so the next best thing is pee. So while the best solution is vinegar, you gotta use what's available.
@@vgkstone9692 some nematocysts may have not fired the addition of pee might be enough to stimulate a nematocysts and make it fire injecting more venom
I just got stung today by one here in Hawaii, my first ever vacation and this happened to me. It stung so bad, I kinda still feel it a little 6 hours later. It’s crazy
I used to live in Florida and I am well aware of the Portuguese Man o' War, but I never knew they were a siphonophore rather than a true jellyfish. Amazing!
@@nathanwilliams2152 hydrozoans are the class and siphonophorae are the order they belong to I also pointed this fact out in a comment before others but I didn’t get a like 😕
@@rachellerockwell3702 - you have one now. Thanks for clarifying. Question about jellyfish and hydroids, how do they identify what is prey and predator if they have no brain - per se?
When I was in the 1st grade, one of these things wrapped around my arm and manged to pull me out a little to sea. They apparently have these special tentacles that constrict to reel in prey, and I was small enough that it could actually hold me. A surfer caught me and got me back to shore, but I was terrified and my arm HURT. I had these horrible scars all along my arm that took almost two weeks to go away, and for years afterwards, they would show up whenever I tanned. It's been almost 20 years and I still get nervous whenever I go to the beach; and I absolutely REFUSE to get in the water, even to cool off. Watching content like this has been helping me bit by bit through a kind of controlled exposure therapy, so I really appreciate you doing this. Thank you for helping me feel a little more brave 😊
I never understood why it was called that either, until i saw videos of what they look like when they move through the ocean, like the Royal Navy warships from the pirates of the caribbean. . .which are called Man O' War
Marine creatures stings don't hurt as much as insects their used for paralyzation not pain a jellyfish wants its prey to come to it other than a wasp that wants its predators to stay away
To be very honest, the reactions on Coyote's arm when getting stung is far worse and catastrophic (cellular level) than that on Mark's. You can clearly see the difference, hence explains why Coyote reacts that way - more venom, more pain!
I got stung by a man o' war once and to be honest it wasn't tooooo bad. However, if I do get stung by, say, the Executioner wasp, I'd probably succumb. 😭
Helpful fact: hot water actually remedies most venom stings (not only jellyfish). So if u ever get stung by a stingray or even a bee use hot water for a couple of hours. Hot water works wonders especially for stingray barbs. Speaking from personal experience. The hotter the water the better. But don’t burn your skin off:-)
Producers: "Let's compare two different remedies for Man O' War Stings!" Coyote: "That sounds like a plan. What remedies are you thinking off?" Producers: "Vinegar..." Coyote: "That's a good one..." Producers: "And urine"" Coyote: "Mark... I'm finally going to let you try one of these sting things!"
I wouldn't be surprised if was actually a dilute solution of ammonia. Since the "rationale" behind using urine is it's ammonia content... despite the fact that the majority of it is in the form of urea.
My husband, 10 year old son and 5 year old son were all stung by Man o war when we went to Hawaii last time. Poor guys. I showed my youngest this video so he knows how brave and strong he was.
I can’t believe you didn’t say “I’m mark vins, and I’m about to enter the sting zone, with the Portuguese.. *MAN O’ WAR* Edit 1: wow last time I saw this it had like 1 like thanks
@SilverDrago anything can kill a person even if science says people can’t die from said animal/bug or whatever. It’s true. Anything can happen you could have an allergic reaction . Don’t close your mind off like that
I appreciate you differentiating the Man o’ War (aka Blue Bottle) from other jellyfish. Siphonophores are not a jellyfish but they are closely related… One interesting difference is that Man o’ Wars don’t swim, they sail with the wind while jellyfish actually swim. If you actually wanted to get stung by the “baddest” jelly around, I’m pretty sure that’s the box jelly or the Irukandji! They’re the most venomous jellyfish, and I actually wouldn’t recommend it! They’re found in Australia, and a few years ago a couple of scientists nearly died after getting accidentally stung while studying them. (Yes I know I’m late to the party). I’m still shocked by what you guys put your bodies through in the name of science. I’m a microbiologist and I couldn’t do that, but there are scientists before me who have. To be that’s the “Brave” part of “Brave Wilderness”. I used to think the channel was nuts, but I’ve grown to respect you guys a lot more due to the science and potentially life-saving information you include.
I’m from Florida and was stung by a Portuguese man o war. Everyone on the beach was getting stung and I remember there was a line of people waiting for the lifeguard to spray windex on their sting. Anyway, it works. The windex provided immediate relief
I'm long til it stopped the pain & did you also Scrape the sting ? I'm from KY and don't like going to the beaches, because of my fear of sharks & jellyfish. But a jellyfish still almost got me just because I was walking barefoot😬 in the sand & it had washed up. It looked just like a plastic bag. Someone Buried it after that.
@@kimberlybowman8955 I think blue bottle sting last around an hour or 2, and can be treated so it doesn’t hurt that much, and Don’t worry about sharks, statistically you are 10x more likely to get killed by a falling coconut than to die to a shark,
@Dennis McConnell shark attacks are somewhat commom as they mistake humans as food but don't forget we are going into THEIR territory. sharks aren't evil, malicious animals. they simply hunt for food just like land predators do.
@@aaa-sz9ul That's because humans hardly spend any time (if ever in their lives) in the ocean. It's like saying people are more likely to get into a car crash than bit by a shark... well of course- humans are always in cars everyday for up to hours upon hours at a time. If every human on the planet spent even 30 minutes in the ocean per day, shark statistics would be much more realistic to use to compare to daily human land activities (like being around trees!) For people that go into the ocean on a regular basis, the statistics are way different for them vs the millions of people that will never step foot into the ocean.
Lucky you didn't try one of those notorious box jellyfish we have here in Oz! We've known for ages about vinegar down here and beaches with box jellyfish have first aid stations that normally keep vinegar on hand for such emergencies.
They are not the same as man of wars tho. It's like saying I got bit by a lil house spider in UK to saying I got bit by a fkin pan sized tarantula in africa
a feature of these when they sting in real life is that the tentacles stretch out as you pull away from the floating part. When they stretch out over your skin the tentacle becomes clear with evenly spaced blue dots about a half inch or so apart. each of the blue dots leaves a welt where it touches your skin. rows of welts, some close together others more far apart. Worst sting i ever got from one of these was when one of these guys got tangled up with me after a wipe out surfing at a place called Horners on Kauai when i was a kid. The tentacles managed to get everywhere , even through the waste band and out the leg of my trunks. Hadda go with option 1 and hot sand. Vinegar just is never around when ya need it. I remember dreading that I might not make it to the beach, the sting was more than just painful, it does things to your mind i think because the pain is so great.
I swam face first into a man-o-war at palm beach. It was f'n horrendous. I've got scars on my face from it. These blue Portuguese hydrozoa a-holes f'ked me up something fierce.
My neck got barely grazed by one of these when my family went to Hawaii a few years ago. Luckily it was a tiny one so it didn’t wrap around me or anything, but it did hurt a lot. I also had recently seen a video on how hot water helps, and I can testify that it really does.
It's so beautiful though! Thank you Mark and Coyote! You go through so much pain to help all of us and to better understand these beautiful creatures! So thank you!
Yea dude they are so cool they little have cells that shoot out venom and then their are some sea slugs that can eat their tentacles and use them as venom for their spikes and their is also a plant that throws them at its enemies
Living in Australia I have been stung by these creatures that are actually called blue bottles here. The venom is alkaline based, therefore treating it with an acid will neutralize and stabilize its affects. Hot water is also effective to a point at relieving the pain, as hot as you can humanly withstand without burning yourself. The pain usually begins as a tingle and fairly rapidly develops to become more painful. As for the scraping of the skin with a plastic card, this is not a god idea because it can also spread or smear the stinging cells along the skin and cause a larger area to be affected. They are not generally considered very dangerous, however are quite painful if stung well. Generally it all depends on where you are stung and how badly and how many tenticles you get hit with. Peace.
I was wondering about the name of these guys after seeing the name of the video, yet they are called something else by us! I'm from South-Africa and we have them at all of our beaches. I have luckily never had the unfortunate experience of having been stung by one, but I know a lot of people who have. We also call them blue bottles, so I was looking for a comment saying that they know them as blue bottles as well. I don't know if there are maybe different types of blue bottles, and thus they have different names, or maybe people didn't realize they are found in other places as well 🤷♀️
@@lianabotha0355 that’s because Americans have to make EVERYTHING difficult… drive backwards, measure in feet, use Fahrenheit, miles, blah blah blah the list goes on lol.
Thought I had a length of blue cotton stuck to my legs hairs, when in the Indian Ocean! As I pulled it away, the instant, excruciating pain was something I'd rather not feel again. After a day or two the surface skin began to dieback and left a scar that took months to fade. Ive only just discovered what stung me. Maldives was gorgeous, but I didnt see anything in water - so beware!
6:55 Gets stung by man-o-war and uses vinegar to nullify sting: *tense music* Pulls out pee spray bottle: *light-hearted music* Sprays pee on arm: *back to tense music*
I was bitten by a Portuguese man-of-war on the legs while swimming in the sea. It was very painful, as if something had electrocuted me, and I had to go to the emergency room because the reaction was very strong. I was treated with intravenous cortisone. The pain was tremendous. It felt as if an iron was stuck to my skin for more than 6 hours. Today, 6 days later, I have an unbearable itch in the affected areas. I will go to the doctor again because I could not sleep last night. I used white vinegar, but what helped me the most was aloe vera gel for the intense burning. I didn't use hot water because I was unaware of it. This sting can be very dangerous. The Portuguese man-of-war is very aggressive when it touches the skin, and today, on my sixth day, I still have a strong reaction and my skin looks burned where it touched me.
I imagine if you were in the Wild your not gonna have a spare bottle of vinegar around and urinating on the spot would probably be your only option except for the hospital
"Please do not attempt to do what I'm doing here today--"
Have never cross my mind.
@pokka Cola.. SAME
@@apdroidgeek1737 Well do what you wanna do just make sure to have someone with you just in case
@@joshuafarrington8121 lol wut
Coyote:*yells in pain*
Mark: ouch man that one got me
it all makes sense now, "r u ok coyote" while he screamed. It's just how he takes pain, no biggie.
@@wuachurra na man Mark scream on teddy choya cactus
Coyote takes way more painful stings and bites
It’s because his are way more deadly
no one:
this man when he’s in excruciating pain: “yep, yea”
lol this is just so funny
“Get closer”
Tbh ive also been stung by it when i was pretty young like 8 years old it stinged and hurt but wasnt the worst thing
Me with the box jelly fish
his name is mark
Thank you for this, so many people come to the beach and have NO idea about the wildlife, beach flags, riptide etc. Knowing what can hurt you and what to do is important. I grew up at the ocean and my dad taught me about these when I was a little girl. I meet so many people that have never been to the beach, videos like this are fantastic!
Now its Coyote's moment to shine and say if Mark's ok
yeah he can ask him while he’s screaming in pain 😂
Do u like Coyote or the guy in this vid
@The PokéStar HEE HEE
This comment will blow up
let's appreciate the fact that he he recieves pain and suffering for us, thank you Coyote Peterson and Mark Vins
Very true
Coyote always over reacts
@@baryonmodeuzumaki5378 Well, considering he's taking the worst insect stings in the world, and none of us have those experiences, especially with his body specifically, I'll take his "overreacting" over your comment any day
@@baryonmodeuzumaki5378 did u ever get stung by any of the insects he stings himself with? Because if u did u would probably act the same way bc it hurt
Coyote behind the camera: *DESCRIBE WHAT YOU’RE FEELING, MARK!*
Pay back
I was taking surfing lessons with Ron john surf shop and it was the third day and there where man of wars EVERYwhere on the beach! we went out into the water and i felt a tickle on one of my toes so i reached down and sure enough i had a tentickle on my toe and on my finger. i broke down on the beach from the pain and that's when my surfing lesson ended that day. the sting lasted for SO long! it was one of the most painful times of my life!😬 Thanks to mark I had watched this video before and I knew what to do. Thank you guys for making these awesome videos!
Mark: *Gets stung by an animal*
Coyote: “Are you challenging me?”
Lol coyote screams like a child. Massive sissy.
@@coronalight77 *w r o n g*
@@coronalight77 get stung by an animal like bullet ant and then you can say if he does that
Lolz 😂 😂 😂
@@coronalight77 yea bro get stung by a crazy painful animal or insect and then u will understand シ
I like how this sting episode isn't just about the pain, but that you've turned it into an experiment of which antidote works best.
And no I'm not saying that just because it means more stings
The most famous brave wilderness quote is probably “are you ok?”
Thanks for the heart that made my day! :)
@@simbaandstuff8877 🤣
I got stung by a jellyfish and this video was just what I needed! Thank you so much Coyote Peterson and Mark Vins!
I can see if you got stung by a different jellyfish in the box of war the man of war box jellyfish again I can see that very much yeah I get pee on it whatever it's a little bit of relief a little bit of relief that's all sea urchin stuff on it a little bit of relief pee on it that's all but the man of warand most people never do you can't pee on it in the water tell the coyote kid to get out and mess with people you got a dead dried up jellyfish on the beach man
It’s not a jellyfish so your comment makes no sense
@@MrShanester117 its a jelly fish, its in the title and also in the video my guy
@J. E. M my guy, its a jelly fish. Not a zanitafore
@@Yasmine91646 no you are
I know Man O’ War stings are one of the most painful stings but Mark just took two of them like a champ and told us how to recover from them calmly.
They don't hurt that bad compared to insect stings cause their stings are mainly used to paralyze prey
@@BossOfAllTrades Snake venom is usually used for the same purpose. So is blue ringed octopus venom.
@@Dee-nonamnamrson8718 snakes venom is painful because it punctures your skin and makes you bleed out with proteins that disable blood clotting useful for taking down prey bigger than you and swallowing it whole jelly fish don't shallow sharks 3 times their size
@@Dee-nonamnamrson8718blue ringed octopuses mainly hunt small creatures and are great at stealth having your prey not trying to escape your grasp helps you be able to hunt alot more crabs keeps your stealth all variables combined make you more likely to produce over years natural selection optimized into that
@@BossOfAllTrades That's true of hemotoxic venoms like that of the inland taipan, but not neurotoxic venoms, like that of the black mamba or coral snake.
he didn’t scream as much.. what an actual madman.
he’s use to the pain probably
Absolute Mad Lad
So casual
It seems I'v been stung
@@ndablunt agree
Mark: “ah, intruder! we have venom…”
true just true
I’ll say the same thing I said to risus
I read this literally simultaneously as when the video showed it, actually hilarious
I live in sweden and i haven’t even heard of these insects or animals before I saw your channel. I can clearly say that I am so happy to live here.
The vast majority of people that live near where man o war are, have never been stung by them.
Hi there neighbour! Greetings from Finland!
I live in Australia and I always find these kinda of things funny because here a sting from a man o war _(aka Blue Bottle)_ is not only a common childhood experience, We have so many stinging animals and plants that our tolerance for pain is apparently quite high.
I'd take a blue bottle sting over a bee sting or jumping jack ant bite any day just to avoid all the annoying swelling.
@@MeCoopergoddamn, y'all built like tanks
@@r3uvsgaming I think maybe just because it happens to almost all of us multiple times in our childhood our perspective is just different haha
Mark: gets stung by a mano o war
Coyote: are you o-
Mario: its my turn
XD lol
Mark taking the pain like nothing, “ that one bailed me, ow” mad respect for both mark and coyote for enduring this pain for educational purposes
have you watched kings of pain. similar concept
more like for money.. but still, we can appreciate..
I don’t bring hot water or vinegar to the beach… urine however, I never leave home without it
If I ever go bathing somewhere that man-o-wars are present in the area, I'm gonna bring vinegar from now
Its warm indeed😂
@@zakosist no just don't pee before bathing. Urine is enough
@@ravijat5077 No, it's not. Ammonia doesn't do anything to help with a Man O' War sting. And even if it did, the concentration in urine isn't high enough as most of it is contained in urea. You'd need to leave it sit for a while to let the urea break down into CO2 and NH3.
How I take care of jellyfish stings: DO NOT PUT COLD WATER (it activates the poison) also I wrote this before watching the vid! Rub sand on it while walking back k to the place you are staying at ( which for me would be the condo we own) when you get there alternate WARM WATER and vinegar while scraping a credit card over the sting to get the stinger things out... this happens ALOT to me! Hope this helps
That’s completely the wrong thing to do! Do not rub the affected area! Just hot water is all that’s needed.
i'm convinced everyone on this channel has a secret pain kink
Baha yes
@@nigerianthunder it's a reasonable theory lmao
It's rather a Heroism 😆 Hero loves pain and struggle
Shhh nobody gotta know
I want coyote in the background asking “ Are you okay mark?”
I see this all the time, there is a reason for it :/
@@Grr33nie it’s a running joke, Mark always ask coyote “are you okay” when he got stung or bite by things
@@Youkai_graphics yes i am aware, i was refering to people who are actually asking that question, its hard to tell meaning through the internet
You've been hit by
@@stygames5450 You've been struck by
Coyote: 'falls of cliff'
Mark in the distance: *are u ok?*
You confirmed what scientists expert in this topic already claimed with rigorous and peer-reviewed studies. That's awesome! Thanks for donate your body in order to achieve this
When i see a sting or bite video.
My brain:Repeat it
me:Ok no problem
same 😂
You guys are wild men!
I’ll do everything there doing because I’m not afraid
@@melodycurnutte8788 yea true the man of war is surprisingly weak it feel like a little pin
@@thebizend Thanks man
Oh. My. God. 😳
Taking it like a champ as well!
2nd lol-
This is gonna blow up
Wow u r here
@Total gaming _ shut up
I feel like Mark Vins has a higher pain tolerance compared to Coyote Peterson.... He seems so calm about the situation
It seems like coyote purposely overreacts to hype it up more
@@pappasmooth9051 yah
Your write
Actually bullet ant and other stinging insects are more painful then a jellyfish
@@aresfalcon1011 not a jellyfish
I got stung by one of those things when I was in the 3rd grade at Miami Beach, and it still is the most painful thing I've ever experienced. I still get haunted by it to this day. Keep up the good work!
the reason people say to pee on the stung area is LITERALLY NOBODY carries vinegar or hot water with them when visiting a beach, so the next best thing is pee. So while the best solution is vinegar, you gotta use what's available.
Well there is actually evidence that pee makes it worse
@@Ayden488 I’ve heard that too but what stings exactly does it make worse?
@@Ayden488 Yeah
@@vgkstone9692 some nematocysts may have not fired the addition of pee might be enough to stimulate a nematocysts and make it fire injecting more venom
@@vgkstone9692 also its not a very painful sting so you will be fine
A jellyfish that speaks Portuguese, thats wild.
It’s not a jellyfish
"o que porra ta fazendo, caralho?"
It doesn’t speak 😐
@@someonerandom704 the fact I'm brazilian and do understand what you said makes this joke gold
Well, it is a wild animal so I guess that is wild
No wonder Mark always calmly asks Coyote is he ok. Dude takes pain like a champ
Yeah but the urine wasn’t soppose to go on the sting site he was soppose to drink it
@That_one_reply wait, no this is not right!🤣
I was stung in Hawaii by one as a kid and it’s still the most painful thing I’ve felt in my life.
Same here when I was at Hawaii I had one wrap around my whole right leg and it left a white scare till this day and it’s been 5 years
@@crosshairs_salt9618 geez
Same, still hurts thinking about it
I just got stung today by one here in Hawaii, my first ever vacation and this happened to me. It stung so bad, I kinda still feel it a little 6 hours later. It’s crazy
@@ElChivoJ Yeah those things are no joke. Now imagine being 8 or 9 years old!
I used to live in Florida and I am well aware of the Portuguese Man o' War, but I never knew they were a siphonophore rather than a true jellyfish. Amazing!
finally someone else eho knows this
what is the difference between a siphonophore and a hydroid?
@@nathanwilliams2152 hydrozoans are the class and siphonophorae are the order they belong to
I also pointed this fact out in a comment before others but I didn’t get a like 😕
@@rachellerockwell3702 - you have one now. Thanks for clarifying. Question about jellyfish and hydroids, how do they identify what is prey and predator if they have no brain - per se?
@@nathanwilliams2152 they don’t! That’s part of why their move is to catch and paralyze! They don’t really hunt they just filter.
My man is more worried about spraying piss on his arm than the two painful stings he received 😂😂
I'm so lucky lol
I got stung
Because pee makes it A LOT worse.
He’s still using his narrator voice as he slowly dies
no dies
Coyote won't die nature can't kill this man
@@EvilBandeez it's not coyote peterson, he left
@@thekomododragon1478 why did he leave ?
@@dudeamaze he got another job or something
When I was in the 1st grade, one of these things wrapped around my arm and manged to pull me out a little to sea. They apparently have these special tentacles that constrict to reel in prey, and I was small enough that it could actually hold me. A surfer caught me and got me back to shore, but I was terrified and my arm HURT. I had these horrible scars all along my arm that took almost two weeks to go away, and for years afterwards, they would show up whenever I tanned. It's been almost 20 years and I still get nervous whenever I go to the beach; and I absolutely REFUSE to get in the water, even to cool off.
Watching content like this has been helping me bit by bit through a kind of controlled exposure therapy, so I really appreciate you doing this. Thank you for helping me feel a little more brave 😊
I had the same experience while surfing Siargao (Philipines) , not one , but twice at the rainy season , & I left this surfing paradise ..
Yeah, no
These can't reel in children lmao
@@NotWillVenner right? wtf? lol
@@TheBeigeBox can i get your autograph
I'm Mark Vins and I'm about be stung by... The Portuguese Man o' war.
I was wondering why it’s called the man o war until he explained how it’s not a real jelly fish and has a sail
I always thought it is a close relative
@@nayyarrashid4661 yeah the only difference is range and size m
@@bigmonke7661 Nah. As Mark explains in 2:40, the difference is that a jellyfish is a single organism while a man o' war is a colony of organisms.
I never understood why it was called that either, until i saw videos of what they look like when they move through the ocean, like the Royal Navy warships from the pirates of the caribbean. . .which are called Man O' War
@@Femaiden Totally fascinating imo!
Gets stung for the first time on camera
Picks one of the craziest jellyfish
You a badass Mark
And he left it on there.
Marine creatures stings don't hurt as much as insects their used for paralyzation not pain a jellyfish wants its prey to come to it other than a wasp that wants its predators to stay away
Portuguese man o’ war (bluebottles in australia) actually don’t hurt as much as people think,
Blue bottles, as they're aptly named in Australia, do not hurt that much.
@@gymbone1942 I agree, a wasp sting is more painful
I actually got stung in the private area by a man of war a couple of days ago. I found that hot water helped relieve the pain a lot!
Mark: (Becomes the new sting guy)
Coyote: Of course you know, this means *man o’ war!*
Haha this is underrated. Your comment should get more likes XD
@@Sharkhuahua True
I get it
Mark’s pain tolerance is higher than my entire 12 years worth of grades
A blue bottle sting isn't even as bad as a wasp sting lol
Coyote should have said to Mark when he got stung: “ya alright, man?”
Should use both arms...for 2 different sting sites 🤷♀️
I don't think Coyote was there 🤔
Yep!! That's distinctly how I remember it. I will never forget meeting that creature!! 🤣
*Mark gets stung*
Coyote: "Are you ok?"
Mark: Yeah pretty much. Anyway as I was saying...
Who coyote
@@rakhelmadrigal9011 💀💀
Time stand
How is this man still alive
@@rakhelmadrigal9011 jesus 😭
Us Australians: “that’s just a blue bottle”
Right 😁
You should eat one
"So which one hurts the least?"
*gurgling on the ground*
Dude, kuddos to the sound department. Right on the spot.
Mark getting stung: Reacts like nothing happened!
Coyote getting stung: The whole world would know! And Mark would be telling him are you ok!??!
To be very honest, the reactions on Coyote's arm when getting stung is far worse and catastrophic (cellular level) than that on Mark's. You can clearly see the difference, hence explains why Coyote reacts that way - more venom, more pain!
I got stung by a man o' war once and to be honest it wasn't tooooo bad. However, if I do get stung by, say, the Executioner wasp, I'd probably succumb. 😭
@@jessonabragan8132 A blue bottle will make you try to get it off you and maybe swear, but even a wasp sting is more painful and will get you wincing
Helpful fact: hot water actually remedies most venom stings (not only jellyfish). So if u ever get stung by a stingray or even a bee use hot water for a couple of hours. Hot water works wonders especially for stingray barbs. Speaking from personal experience.
The hotter the water the better. But don’t burn your skin off:-)
When you don’t have hot water. You pee on it hahha. Pee is pretty hot warm. 😂
that's how the lifeguards treat bluebottle stings on bondi rescue lol
Producers: "Let's compare two different remedies for Man O' War Stings!"
Coyote: "That sounds like a plan. What remedies are you thinking off?"
Producers: "Vinegar..."
Coyote: "That's a good one..."
Producers: "And urine""
Coyote: "Mark... I'm finally going to let you try one of these sting things!"
Lol, that was pretty funny.
I wouldn't be surprised if was actually a dilute solution of ammonia. Since the "rationale" behind using urine is it's ammonia content... despite the fact that the majority of it is in the form of urea.
@@K.Marie119 It would make sense, but he really looked disgusted and they blurred it out lol
@@adriasagues7265 I don’t get why though, you can still see the color 😂
My husband, 10 year old son and 5 year old son were all stung by Man o war when we went to Hawaii last time. Poor guys. I showed my youngest this video so he knows how brave and strong he was.
I can’t believe you didn’t say “I’m mark vins, and I’m about to enter the sting zone, with the Portuguese.. *MAN O’ WAR*
Edit 1: wow last time I saw this it had like 1 like thanks
@@joaomatos8286 yeah lol
@Moe true
The epic music every time he says the jelly fish’s name is just hilarious
Mark and Coyote: exist
Death: Ight ima head out
@SilverDrago I'm pretty sure that coyote stated in many videos that the bullet ant can kill animals
@SilverDrago Fair enough
mark and coyote: exist
pain: ight ima head in
@SilverDrago anything can kill a person even if science says people can’t die from said animal/bug or whatever. It’s true. Anything can happen you could have an allergic reaction . Don’t close your mind off like that
@SilverDrago are you really mad over what I said lol I wasn’t even insulting you I was just saying lmfao
I appreciate you differentiating the Man o’ War (aka Blue Bottle) from other jellyfish. Siphonophores are not a jellyfish but they are closely related… One interesting difference is that Man o’ Wars don’t swim, they sail with the wind while jellyfish actually swim. If you actually wanted to get stung by the “baddest” jelly around, I’m pretty sure that’s the box jelly or the Irukandji! They’re the most venomous jellyfish, and I actually wouldn’t recommend it! They’re found in Australia, and a few years ago a couple of scientists nearly died after getting accidentally stung while studying them. (Yes I know I’m late to the party). I’m still shocked by what you guys put your bodies through in the name of science. I’m a microbiologist and I couldn’t do that, but there are scientists before me who have. To be that’s the “Brave” part of “Brave Wilderness”. I used to think the channel was nuts, but I’ve grown to respect you guys a lot more due to the science and potentially life-saving information you include.
I’m from Florida and was stung by a Portuguese man o war. Everyone on the beach was getting stung and I remember there was a line of people waiting for the lifeguard to spray windex on their sting. Anyway, it works. The windex provided immediate relief
I'm long til it stopped the pain & did you also Scrape the sting ?
I'm from KY and don't like going to the beaches, because of my fear of sharks & jellyfish. But a jellyfish still almost got me just because I was walking barefoot😬 in the sand & it had washed up. It looked just like a plastic bag. Someone Buried it after that.
@@kimberlybowman8955 I think blue bottle sting last around an hour or 2, and can be treated so it doesn’t hurt that much, and Don’t worry about sharks, statistically you are 10x more likely to get killed by a falling coconut than to die to a shark,
@Dennis McConnell shark attacks are somewhat commom as they mistake humans as food but don't forget we are going into THEIR territory. sharks aren't evil, malicious animals. they simply hunt for food just like land predators do.
Probably just the alcohol in the windex
@@aaa-sz9ul That's because humans hardly spend any time (if ever in their lives) in the ocean. It's like saying people are more likely to get into a car crash than bit by a shark... well of course- humans are always in cars everyday for up to hours upon hours at a time. If every human on the planet spent even 30 minutes in the ocean per day, shark statistics would be much more realistic to use to compare to daily human land activities (like being around trees!) For people that go into the ocean on a regular basis, the statistics are way different for them vs the millions of people that will never step foot into the ocean.
The fact they have to blur out the urine. Says a lot about RUclips
Did they? I thought that bottle was just more opaque
@@jazzabighits4473 just checked it’s blurred
You can literally watch a deer’s head get blown into a hundred pieces by a hunter but they blur out some urine. Smh
They can show someone getting stung by a jellyfish but no urine lol
@@AUtigers4ever its for yt recomendation purposes,you dont see those type of videos recommended bc they break yt terms and service
Lucky you didn't try one of those notorious box jellyfish we have here in Oz! We've known for ages about vinegar down here and beaches with box jellyfish have first aid stations that normally keep vinegar on hand for such emergencies.
That's a beautiful jellyfish and deadly. Very gorgeous animal.
I was expecting Mark to be screaming on the ground. Well done
(thats because they dont hurt that bad)
I’ve been gone for a while what happened to coyote
@@caiden3910 nothing’s happened to Coyote. I’m guessing he was letting his friends/crew members have the spotlight
@@kenjisxsad5404 thx
Mark: Oh no!
So true lmao
I heard that in Jeremy Clarkson's voice
Well try getting stung by a black ant that is 1 or 2 inches long
And try an executioner wasp
Aussie be like "oh hey its a blue bottle" "we get stung my them all the time" 🤣
They are not the same as man of wars tho. It's like saying I got bit by a lil house spider in UK to saying I got bit by a fkin pan sized tarantula in africa
@@HELPICANTFINDJOHNCENA a blue bottle is literally the exact same animal as the Man o War
@@HELPICANTFINDJOHNCENA only difference is that the Australian version is called the Pacific Man o War, but they’re essentially the same species
@@yeee33333 Box jellyfish enters chat....
a feature of these when they sting in real life is that the tentacles stretch out as you pull away from the floating part. When they stretch out over your skin the tentacle becomes clear with evenly spaced blue dots about a half inch or so apart. each of the blue dots leaves a welt where it touches your skin. rows of welts, some close together others more far apart. Worst sting i ever got from one of these was when one of these guys got tangled up with me after a wipe out surfing at a place called Horners on Kauai when i was a kid. The tentacles managed to get everywhere , even through the waste band and out the leg of my trunks. Hadda go with option 1 and hot sand. Vinegar just is never around when ya need it. I remember dreading that I might not make it to the beach, the sting was more than just painful, it does things to your mind i think because the pain is so great.
I love how they don't put 10 ads, and also they don't take an easier way and get the smallest jellyfish/weakest one. Huge respect for these guys
You know it was meant to be when you log on to RUclips and brave wilderness posted 41 seconds ago
Omg same 🤣
6:47 Imagine at that moment, Mark says *this video is sponsored by The Ridge wallet*
I had a massive man o war wrap around my leg as a kid, the marks it left made me look like I was morphing in to something out of Alien vs Predator
“Sometimes, with beauty comes pain”
Sums up my ex pretty well
Imagine if he forgot to record
@@maddymiller5085 oof oof? Oofo
@@FunnyBloxYT oof
Coyote be like I'm going to enter the sting zone of an AK-47
Today, I'm going into the dismemberment zone... of a M214 Abrams tank! We have our EpiPens ready!
Today we are gonna get bitten by a mouse...
I swam face first into a man-o-war at palm beach. It was f'n horrendous. I've got scars on my face from it. These blue Portuguese hydrozoa a-holes f'ked me up something fierce.
My neck got barely grazed by one of these when my family went to Hawaii a few years ago. Luckily it was a tiny one so it didn’t wrap around me or anything, but it did hurt a lot. I also had recently seen a video on how hot water helps, and I can testify that it really does.
I just got stung today on my elbow
Absolutely. I live in Australia and blue bottles are huge here. Vinegar is not recommended anymore. Hot water is by far the best remedy
I got stung when I was 12, and the tentacles went everywhere cause it fell on my limbs in a giant wave.
Is windex or hot water better?
I'm wondering whether that's where the urine comes in. Fresh urine is warm and if you're somewhere you can't get hot water....
Coyote: I’m going to get stung by a giant hornet
Mark in 2067: I’m going to get bit by a Lion
Dead 💀
I love how he stops caring about the sting and gets grossed out by pee
im amazed how he can still talk and move after being in huge amount of pain
Ooooh it's coyote's turn to ask if mark's ok lol
Props to mark for doing this willingly 👏
Behind the cam
Coyote: has gun pointed at him
Got stung by one of these and cried in front if my date. She understood
It's so beautiful though! Thank you Mark and Coyote! You go through so much pain to help all of us and to better understand these beautiful creatures! So thank you!
Sign: Do not touch the Man o’ War jellyfish if you see it.
Yea dude they are so cool they little have cells that shoot out venom and then their are some sea slugs that can eat their tentacles and use them as venom for their spikes and their is also a plant that throws them at its enemies
@@BossOfAllTrades OP jellyfish 😅
I love this channel and how they’re always changing it up and being original. Super educational and fun
Living in Australia I have been stung by these creatures that are actually called blue bottles here. The venom is alkaline based, therefore treating it with an acid will neutralize and stabilize its affects. Hot water is also effective to a point at relieving the pain, as hot as you can humanly withstand without burning yourself. The pain usually begins as a tingle and fairly rapidly develops to become more painful. As for the scraping of the skin with a plastic card, this is not a god idea because it can also spread or smear the stinging cells along the skin and cause a larger area to be affected. They are not generally considered very dangerous, however are quite painful if stung well. Generally it all depends on where you are stung and how badly and how many tenticles you get hit with.
I was wondering about the name of these guys after seeing the name of the video, yet they are called something else by us! I'm from South-Africa and we have them at all of our beaches. I have luckily never had the unfortunate experience of having been stung by one, but I know a lot of people who have. We also call them blue bottles, so I was looking for a comment saying that they know them as blue bottles as well. I don't know if there are maybe different types of blue bottles, and thus they have different names, or maybe people didn't realize they are found in other places as well 🤷♀️
Same in South Africa, they can be quite common. What you said is totally correct, certainly don’t want to try scraping the skin with a credit card.
@@lianabotha0355 that’s because Americans have to make EVERYTHING difficult… drive backwards, measure in feet, use Fahrenheit, miles, blah blah blah the list goes on lol.
@@lianabotha0355 Box jellyfish in far north Queensland are deadly
Thanks for the info
Thought I had a length of blue cotton stuck to my legs hairs, when in the Indian Ocean! As I pulled it away, the instant, excruciating pain was something I'd rather not feel again. After a day or two the surface skin began to dieback and left a scar that took months to fade. Ive only just discovered what stung me. Maldives was gorgeous, but I didnt see anything in water - so beware!
Mark took it like a champ for us and even remained calm what an absolute mad man 😳
I have an incredible fear of jellyfish after dropping one on my foot as a kid. You're a braver man than I am, Mark.
Do not worry you are pretty brave too
Aayyy it's da boi! What's up sonikks 👋
Gets stung by man-o-war and uses vinegar to nullify sting: *tense music*
Pulls out pee spray bottle: *light-hearted music*
Sprays pee on arm: *back to tense music*
I was bitten by a Portuguese man-of-war on the legs while swimming in the sea. It was very painful, as if something had electrocuted me, and I had to go to the emergency room because the reaction was very strong. I was treated with intravenous cortisone. The pain was tremendous. It felt as if an iron was stuck to my skin for more than 6 hours. Today, 6 days later, I have an unbearable itch in the affected areas. I will go to the doctor again because I could not sleep last night. I used white vinegar, but what helped me the most was aloe vera gel for the intense burning. I didn't use hot water because I was unaware of it. This sting can be very dangerous. The Portuguese man-of-war is very aggressive when it touches the skin, and today, on my sixth day, I still have a strong reaction and my skin looks burned where it touched me.
Me: shoots mark
Mark: ooh ok that burns. It’s kinda hurting now
Lol 😆 🤣 😂
Pretty much yea😂
you cant kill an australian they are immortal
Here in Portugal we call them "Caravelas" and they usually get waaay bigger then that.
Wow, you gotta *be brave* to be stung by a Man O’ War
And to do it *twice*
Stay wild🤣
He is mark vins he will try every marine organisms
And the Man o' War needs to *Stay wild!*
@Total gaming _ Stop, that’s annoying
Man! Oh! That's excruciating pain!
Title: "STUNG by a Man O' War Jellyfish!"
In Video: "This actually isnt a jellyfish"
Until this moment, I didn’t know that anyone other than Coyote Peterson was a main guy on this channel.
Mark actually started the channel, coyote was his friend that was also in the channel
Honestly same
Same 😳
However I like Coyote more
Coyote took to many stings and he pussed out
"I'm Mark Vins.. and I'm about to enter the DEATH zone with the Australian Box Jellyfish.."
Next video??? Lol
Those things are tiny as well.
I imagine if you were in the Wild your not gonna have a spare bottle of vinegar around and urinating on the spot would probably be your only option except for the hospital
You know it's bad when a sting feels worse than it looks.
also mark: HOLD MY CAMERA..
“Aww man that one nailed me”
I'm glad they threw in the warning about not attempting to recreate this experiment, since I probably would have gone ahead and tried it.