I disagree with the "historical limitation" point for Firestorm. WWII had an extremely wide range of weapons, gadgets, experiments, vehicles, locations, and more. You want crazy gadgets? Look no further than the thousand of experimental weapons and designs that were used during this period. Honestly, I feel the opposite. Having Firestorm set in WWII was its biggest potential source but what they failed at is implementing it the way it should have been done with the content it should have included. The UI was horrible and the Player's experience was subpar. Wasted potential in my opinion.
Of they had used experimental weapons etc you would have a bunch of people complaining that those aren't period and shouldn't be in the game just like they did with BF1. The only thing certain about BF is that the fanbase will find something to complain about and then forgot about those complaints by the next game. By the way I will admit that my interest has wained over BF1 and BFV but that is more to do with the settings than any obvious gameplay mechanics. I still log on at least once a week and enjoy a few hours playtime.
@@nathanthom8176 i doubt that people will really complain about historical accuracy in a game mode where 64 soldiers drop in a giant ring of fire just to survive it. The main limitation for prototype weapons to appear is the link between firestorm and main game. Any unusual thing that could appear in firestorm would be total waste of resources since it just don't fit the aesthetic of the rather grounded multiplayer
What platform you on as I both get revived and revive on a regular basis. Edit: or do you mean the mechanic they promised. That wouldn't have been used in multiplayer anyway.
@@colin8601 they said that they couldn't get it to work and seriously, reviving isn't safe, you expect players to not only put themselves in the line of fire but also slow thier escape. The only way that mechanic would have been utilised was if Dice added a level of invincibility whilst doing it. The error Dice made wasn't in not releasing it but in showing it and promising it.
@@nathanthom8176 it could be useful when throwing down smoke or if you are in low cover. There are multiple times I got killed through smoke because they know where a downed player is and when trying to revive, I get shot at. And due to hit markers, your dead when they guessed where you are standing
Operations and weapon customization. The Operations of Battlefield 1 felt like you were fighting in an actual battle that meant something. Battlefield V’s felt like a disconnected collection of game modes that the first two matches didn’t matter since the last day decided the entire outcome. As for weapon customization, Modern Warfare’s Gumsmith system has shown that you can have real in depth weapon attachment systems that feel far more impactful than a flow chart of weapon perks.
Honestly the biggest disappointment for me when I first picked up the game. Everything about BF1 made you feel like you were in the action. The pure sounds were awesome. Soilders buring and explosions going off. Beautiful.
@@senethp.5089 not entirely true but it was rare, but if we use that logic BF1 should've had half the guns it did considering most of the high tier weapons were experimental. If we're going to say something shouldn't have been into BFV because of historical inaccuracies, half of the game shouldn't exist.
Agree... I Still miss the Operations Mode from BF1. Played many 100 hours of Operations in BF1, and I love the "Frontline" feeling it gave me. Idiotic that DICE scrapped that mode in BF5. There was still a lot of "Frontline" warfare in WW2, so It's should not be unrealistic in BF5.
The thing that completely ruined the Practice Range for me was that you couldn't apply ANY specializations to your guns or vehicles, and testing different specialization trees on guns & vehicles was the only thing I was actually curious enough to want to test.
On top of that the only vehicles you could spawn were the Churchill, Flakpanzer IV, Stuka and Spitfire. They also never implemented a way to chose the class you want. If you started the game and loaded the practice range it was always as support and only had access to support weapons. Choosing the class you want is only possible with a trick.
They really made me upset that you couldn't drive tanks or fly planes on pre-round or empty servers. One of the things I like to do is play around by myself testing out different planes and vehicles on maps. Or even taking a joy ride on a plane enjoying the scenery. There are many different tanks and planes available that I have not had practice with because they are only available during a game. I don't like trying out a vehicle and immediately get shot or bombed. You don't need a practice range, simply have vehicles available pre-round or in private servers for people to test and play with and, you know have fun with.
Yea that's really all they need, just an open map with every gun and vehicle to play with, maybe some bots as well, but that's it, no need to put in useless challenges and restrictions.
Agree! AND you could play it while being on queue for a multiplayer game. Queues could last longer in BF4 though because of the RSP system which had some really popular servers.
When i Play it now (i stopped a few weeks after Release) i never feel Like i am a solider in WW2. IT all Looks Like a Steampunk Version of IT with the diffrent Looks of the armies.
I’m kinda upset that this game didn’t do so well, I could have been such an awesome game, but they just had to rush it and add/remove features that didn’t need to be.
God I hated tides of war. I want to log on and have some fun with my friends, not stress over getting twenty kills with some piece of crap gun, or use a kit I hate. That stuff has no place in a game about the freedom to fight how you want.
I usually enjoy doing challenges that make me do things outside of my normal play style, but having the threat of completely missing out on the rewards if I didn't solely focus on getting them was pretty disappointing.
Yea, air vehicle crashes has been something that I want to see improved since BF4, and based on the trailers and what DICE said about it before release I thought we were finally getting it.
Imagine taking out a fully fine health regen feature just to replace it with a system that leads to people hating and abusing an entire class because they need it to actually regen health rather than support that class in its endeavors
@@mnmarler I still wonder how much budget(time=money) was wasted on this when nobody wanted it to begin with. I would bet AT LEAST a million dollars of man hours or more was wasted on this one thing and it would not surprise me if they wasted 10 million dollars on it.
This game was such a disappointment on so many levels. Not simply limited to just gameplay and mechanics. I think when you consider how gorgeous BF1 is, and how much more compelling the game play and atmosphere are. BFV should have been a slam dunk. They could have made it as an expansion of BF1. Like a giant dlc that picked up where that game left off. I remember when BF1 was winding down before launch, they had weekly events that made it feel like it was going to be a continuous journey. Imagining the epic battles of WW2 through the lens of BF1 is such a kick in the nuts now because that's not what we got. The game was obviously not finished on release. The in game menus were just server browsers and a bunch of game modes were listed as coming soon. Firestorm could and should have been so much more. Battle Royal gives you so much creative freedom that it doesn't matter if you stay 100% historically accurate. It would have been so cool if they blended elements of BF1 maps into the BR map, like Monte Grappa, Fort Veaux, Empires Edge, and WW1 character skins. I think that would have been a really fun mash up that would have kept a lot of player interested. When a game leaves you wanting more because the gameplay makes it hard to put it down, that's one thing. BFV left everyone wanting more because it wasn't finished and they kept trying to hold it together with spit and tape.
It's the fact that I can't suspend my disbelief enough. Honestly the customization was one of the worst things in my experience, and that destroyed the atmosphere among other things - I wanna see a game with the gunplay of Bfv, the gritty atmosphere of bf1 and bf3, and the all out sandbox of bf4
If BFV maps would have elements of BF1 maps then people would say "oh see how lazy dice is that they reuse old maps they dont even bother to create new ones". Because this seems to be what this community loves to do most: complain ^^
Watching this video just shows how bad Bf5 really was, a £50 game that didn’t have all of its features. I hope they get hammered for essentially stealing from their fan base.
I was really looking forward to the realistic server side animations, ragdolls, and destruction which they talked about before launch, such as people banging into walls and falling downstairs when killed, or more realistic aircraft crashing. I don't recall hearing or seeing anything about that after launch though. Hopefully they're able to implement at least some of these things in the next game.
Boring map designs, bad progression, bad game modes, too many microtransactions, bad campaign, bugs, not enough weapons, not enough factions, firestorm unfinished, If big companies like EA want to take care of their games as live service then they can't keep releasing a new game every 1-3 years but rather 6 years. They can't care for their game and listen to community when the whole team is too busy with new game.
Battlefield wouldn't exist without EA. Battlefield 1942 would not have ever got to market without EA money backing it. Battlefield has been part of EA from the very start, even if the purchase of the DICE studio came much later on.
The lack of proper Lmgs with high fire rate and 100 round capacity was a big problem. The mmg idea was just awful, bf4 really did the guns and customizations properly.
@@MrWhitmen1981 no, once u applied bipod on a LMG in bf4 there was literally NO RECOIL, u could've hold an object and no one tried to pierce u, even snipers were suppressed cause u had no recoil whatsoever
I kinda have the opposite opinion - in my opinion, Battlefield was the best franchise to add Battle Royale in. Because the engine and the tech was ready - large maps, large player counts, long range engagements, revive system, a wide variety of weapons. Back in the day we laughed at the possibility of CoD adding a BR mode due to their small maps and their dated engine. How the tables turned now seeing Warzone as one of the most popular BRs. The main problem is that the mode was outsourced, took too much time, and apparently the BF teams at Criterion and DICE seem to have never speaked or acknowledged the Apex Legends project at Respawn. That really killed the mode.
@@MLPIceberg Okay *guy*, I guess waiting to see reviews and game play before I buy a game is 'afraid to try something new.' I also guess deciding I'm not interested after seeing game play and reviews means I'm hating on it. And lastly I'd guess that since we're making assumptions about each other that you're an over sensitive presumptuous BF fanboy that gets his feelings hurt when someone says anything that isn't positive about his favorite game franchise. But hey, you do you guy.
I know there's way more important things for them to focus on and get right for Battlefield 6, but I'm kind of a whore for destruction, so I really want to see that taken to the next level and become a much more dynamic experience. I feel like ever since the introduction of destruction in BFBC1, it's never really changed or scaled up much (ignoring levolution). With the exception of prettier vfx, it's always just been the same model where you shoot a wall with an explosive and it collapses in the exact same way and shape no matter where or how you hit it. I would love to see them expand on the scale of destruction on both ends of the spectrum from micro to macro. I don't even know if it's possible, but I would love to see destruction with the same freedom and fidelity you'd find in a red faction game or R6 Siege. Having a game with the scale of battlefield get that right would be an amazing experience. Just my thoughts.
The downside with destructable environment is that it takes much more time to produce maps. But I love destruction, so I can live with less maps, as long the maps are awesome.
@@Mike91337I don't consider levolution dynamic at all. It was a prebaked animation that would play out the same way everytime you activated it. Yeah it looked cool and might've changed the play style a little bit by reducing visibility or flooding the ground, but it didn't really have any effect on the moment to moment gameplay.
@@glennka1 true. And I know one of the main reasons destruction is kind of held back by the devs, is for the sake of the maps' structural design so you aren't just playing on a flat/leveled battlefield, but honestly with the improvements they've made in the verticality of the terrain in both BF1 and BF5, I feel like leveling buildings wouldn't really have a huge negative impact on the map structure.
Flopped/bad features of bfv: War stories: WS is a shadow of its bf1 counterpart, aside from the lack of stories they can be insultingly ridiculous. And the emphasis on half baked stealth system doesn't help either. Combined Arms: how do we come to this? Practice Range: its better than having nothing, but its a incomplete feature as this video covered. Firestorm: from settings to the battlefield style gameplay, firestorm has the potential of being one of the most unique br game in the market, but being tied to the main game is its ultimate downfall. EA should've let Criteria to keep developing it as a standalone experience. Grand Operation: it's not bad, but it failed to capture the magic bf1 has. To me its just more of a playlist rather than a grand war experience its supposed to be Cross Class Soldier Customisation: allowing cross class customisation brings negative impact on gameplay since people can no longer tell enemies classes apart just by their outline. It's not necessary a flopped feature but it took away a fundamental core of the franchise Unnecessary animations: this is more of a personal take, having animations on every move not only slows down the gameplay, but also sacrifices those out of the box play styles bf3,4 and 1 used to have, like c4 bikes. Note that im not saying all additional animations are bad though.
I actually really enjoyed the cross class customization. I could give historical uniforms (when they finally got released) to my characters. One thing I really disliked about bf1 was no character customization. If I wanted a historically accurate German loadout on a server without standard issue rifles, I had to be an African colonial troop. Yes, Germany had them but nowhere near as many as France. And there's so much variation in uniforms for places like the Ottoman Empire and Austria Hungary that I felt it could add some nice historical depth. I never found cross class customization to be that much of a detriment to my performance in the field. I have learned since battlefield 1942 to identify enemy class based on what weapons they're carrying. Specifically the sound of those weapons. Do I hear a pistol caliber weapon with a high rate of fire? He must be a medic with a Thompson or Suomi. Do I hear a single clear and powerful sounding shot? Must be a scout nearby. This is a relatively simple skill to learn with a little effort put into it. Many soldiers would remove identifying markers to make them less of a target. Medics would remove armbands, German snipers would ditch their rifles and badges if they had a fear of getting captured. Part of survival is tricking the enemy into thinking you're an ordinary grunt.
TBF, it would not have been practical. Should Dice have said that they were going to put it in knowing they couldn’t? No, of course not. But no one would have used that feature.
@@dalium4085 Nah he's right. It wouldn't have worked for a game like Battlefield. BF is too fast paced and arcadey for a feature like that. You'd just be stuck in an animation asking to get shot. It works in a game like Arma but not in BF.
That remains a terrible idea. Reviving players in BF4, BFH and BF1 worked perfectly fine because its quick, and thus players are willing to revive players, if it takes too long (BFV) then players will not risk getting killed. Dragging players will just get players killed, thus they won't do it.
We have about 8 active players in my platoon on any given night. Some have gone to bf4, some bf1, some to squad, some to cod. We are all 15+ yr battlefield vets and bf5 is the only thing we can't stomach anymore.
Gonna be honest, i actually love battlefield 5. Now don't get mad at me it's just me being me, yes it has some major issius that pisses me off but overall i love the game (still love bf1 better tho)
@@tastycheesebooger me too. I'm a huge fan of the series and yes, I am a fanboy. When it comes to comparing this to COD, the latter is still a great series. I just prefer Battlefield for the authentic "war" feeling in multiplayer.
Thing wrong with the dev team. 1. Try make a game as a service but (like 90% chance) use some kind agile dev model. 2. People buy battlefield to play battlefield not firestorm and yet still make it part of the game and not stand alone. 3. Some guy at the top tell to dev to make game "hip with the kids" and "politically correct". 4. Milk people more with cosmetic in a full price AAA game.
Things I did like about bf5. The game mechanics are great compared to other games. Fortification are brilliant great addition. Much more true to life destruction of the buildings. Veihicals excellent once I got use to it.
The game just wasn't fun to progress in. The UI felt entirely designed to only care about shoving what I can buy with currencies in my face and neutering any kind of feeling of proper progression. BF3 and BF4's simple approach to multi-tiered progression are what I keep coming BACK to those games for all these years later. And each item I used made me feel like I was working towards a better kit at all moments, in game, out of game, after mission, etc. I dont need named champions, I don't need wacky personality. I said the moment the first trailer reveal with Trevor Noah dropped: "why? Why didn't they just choose a modern or futuristic setting if they wanted to do all this?"
I really wanted something out of the archetype system. They could have even gone as far as to implement a paratrooper archetype that would get you behind enemy lines but reduce your ammo. Forcing you to get good with your weapons but rewarding you with the mother of all flanks.
yeah i was so dissapointed they completely ignored this system. like image with the one you mentioned you could spawn on enemy flags but only with your secondary. this way you would build diffrent archtypes for different scenarios, but hey for that you would also need a presets menu, noone ever did that...
Archetype system should be something like two sub-classes per class. Like if you pick Assault you can pick an archetype as Infantryman or Grenadier. This then affects the gadgets and weapons you can take. I.e;- Grenadier - you get two explosive gadgets but you're limited to semi-autos or SMG's and have increased recoil Infantryman - you get to choose between assault rifles, semi-autos and SMG's but are limited to a grenade and ammo pouch All of a sudden you've turned 4 classes into 8 and there;'s more depth to the game.
Firestorm easily became the worst Battle-Royale game of the decade. After it’s poor release, they only updated it once or twice to add a tiny new detail and never added new guns from the MP DLCs. It was lazy and forgotten by the Devs for sure. Don’t get me wrong, it hurts to say Fortnite was better but Epic Games at least our genuine effort into their game.
Just because of the weapons and vehicles of the era or for something else? Because there wasn't real fighting, they would have to have their own inspiration for maps
I'm fine with the fortification system I actually like it and I Iike the new revival mechanics etc and being able to revive squadmates but for bf6 they need to get rid of attrition and no more live service bs
I seriously think we need Premium and DLC packs again, it guaranteed higher quality, more frequent releases, and a clear vision of the games life cycle.
First Last yeah, as much as I don’t necessarily like purchasing DLCs for a game, EA has shown that they can’t handle a live service, I’d much prefer purchasing DLC than sticking through a game with a live service
First Last it'a not true that premium/DLC somehow magically leads to better conent. All of you "we need premium back" guys are mistaking correlation for causality. Premium can even lead to worse quality, like the final BF1 DLC. It wasn't really fully ready when they released it, but they had to release it because they had a "premium/DLC-deadline". If they did not have that they could've taken some extra time and deliver even better maps and content. It really doesn't matter if a game is live service or premium. It's all about the the vision, commitment, time, resources, passion and work the developers put into their game. And THIS is what the guys over at DICE are lacking.
There was the fact that they also in regards to the training grounds failed to add new weapons to it. It still had only the launch weaponry for use which by the end of the game was only a third at most of the weapons in total.
BF6 should be BF(VI)ETNAM! This needs to happen! All BF Vietnam players from back in the day knows how amazing this could really become if they did it in 2021.This would be the perfect game following after BFV as it would be a middle ground before heading back into modern!
Vietnam pretty much satisfies most players wants. It's both historical and modern enough for a lot of things. As someone who wants modern, I would be perfectly fine with Vietnam.
@@thechannelitrollwith1645 You get it! I think DICE could bring the community together by doing that, but well i am just curious to hear what you would like to see Modern expand upon?
I would also add attrition to the list of flops in BFV. I like the idea of picking up ammo off dead enemy soldiers, but only one health pack? Why? In my opinion it doesn't work with a fast TTK. It doesn't promote team play when medic run past you without saucing a health pack when you need it.
The only problem I had with this video (and some others) is that you always say that firestorm is locked behind a 60 dollar paywall. That simply isn't true at all. Battlefield had a price reduction like 2 weeks after launch to 30 bucks. The only reason I mention this is because I am still kinda salty about the buying the deluxe edition and then seeing me get absolutely nothing and then the game dropping in price 2 weeks later.
Was the game audio desynched from the video? I think I noticed that around 5:00 in the video. Also saw some hitching in the video- hope your setup is working ok.
As soon as they announced it wouldn't have automatic regenerating heath, I didn't want to play it. The poor visibility and all the other stuff was the frosting on the crap cake.
As I was watching your gameplay in the background I couldn't help but notice how many times you shot an ally thinking it was an enemy, that kinda speaks for itself. I rarely had that problem with the previous games where all classes from all nations had distinctive cosmetic features.
Disagree RE COOP. Mates and I love the COOP in Battlefront 2 and loved it in BF3. A great COOP mode can really help bring friends together in a game. Also train up friends who are new to the game.
We should battlefield 6 free for the shit we had to put up with the last battlefield game we don.t need a fire storms just give us some good maps to play with
Battlefield V wasn't made for Battlefield players and i think EA game changers really need to push for Dice to communicate just what we will get on release before release because i wouldn't of even installed it had i known HC wasn't coming.
Fortifications. Once trenches and the like were built they were essentially static so I don't see why they couldn't just be a part of the map as designed. They didn't 'CHANGE' the flow of combat because they were always there. Smaller fortifications like windows were just a waste of time to build so you never did, let's not kid ourselves.
I actually played around with the practice range in bfv. The largest issue was that the free range was completely bugged: missing weapon models for the double barrel shotgun, exaggerated recoil values for the mmgs. Sometimes it was even possible to play with unreleased content like the m3 grease gun or the type 97 mg. It was largely impossible to get any real data or experience from it that one could transfer into multiplayer.
Sorryarguments for "historically authentic" went out the window when a Japanese women with a german machine gun was killing British soldiers in Europe lol
Westie, if DICE were to hypothetically release a statement about the behind the scenes of the BFV development such as why their tutorial wasn’t implemented into the Practice Range, the co-op, Firestorm, or even the struggle to squash bugs, would you believe what they have to say or not? The aforementioned modes above are just examples of what could be in the statement. Been loving the content in quarantine, especially the Battlefield content! Stay safe
I honestly can't tell if its 5 employees that just don't have the time and help or a huge company full of incompetent sjw's. Either way they should all be fired and bring back as many people from bf3 as possible.
Honestly? They should bring back Battlefield Vietnam with battlefield 6. Or, Honestly do the Korean War. The first war with wide spread Jet Fighter use , but It would still be close dogfighting because air to air missiles still weren't viable, the concept of the Main Battle Tank, helicopters, etc. It'd be fresh and new because no one's really touched Korea before. Thoughts? Also, if you played the Vietnam dlc for bad company 2, or played Battlefield Vietnam on the PC, you're a real one.
I'm I the only one who hates how flowty the character feels? Compare the character animations from BF4 with the ones in BF5. BF4 felt a bit more real and grounded, in BF5 I feel like am flooping all over the place... I hope DICE gets rid of these animations and redo them but with BF4 as a refereces point for the next Battlefield game.
I’m surprised he never talked about last stand the one game mode you are lucky to get one in twenty times in grand operations with no option ever added just for it
One absolutely stunning thing in BFV, are the dialogues between the AI. They are really having real conversations, and i can remeber that when i first played combined arms, i was kind of blown away because i never expected it to be that complexe. Im serious
Makes me happy to see that there is people wanting this! It's a very underrated idea! Vietnam war deserves to be in a new BF game and the Korean war would have been so fresh!
No mention of Attrition? How it was supposed to make the game more hardcore yet only added in more frustration only for it to ultimately be toned down to nothingness.
Wow, I'm a veteran since BF3 and I just learned from Westie, at 15:50 that there were dog tags in BFV. I thought they got rid of those, I never found that submenu so I believed they were gone...
Three things that made me stop playing the game soon after it came out: 1. Flying 2. Spotting 3. Limited ammo in vehicles and having to fly back and reload
I wish that they would go back to the old single player instead of a story. you would have a game with bots instead but you still had all the multiplayer maps and game modes. Great for when the internet is down or you want to practice a bit with a weapon, or explore a map without having to worry about other people. They also need to re-add the change team function and rented servers.
I miss battlelog so much. It was so great to launch the game from the browser and see all your weapons stats, ribbons, succès... while hanging on twitter or RUclips, and then launch a multiplayer game in one click
The one feature that I liked in bfv is fortifications cuz building an entire bunker with guns sticking out of it like a porcupine will never get old to me And also towing AA and AT guns is pretty cool too
Wanna see more Battlefield 1, 4 and 3? Like this comment and I'll make a video for each next week 👍
Bad company 2
Westie some bf4 plz, this was my childhood
Vietnam War?
i kinda want to see some star wars stuff too.... :)
I disagree with the "historical limitation" point for Firestorm.
WWII had an extremely wide range of weapons, gadgets, experiments, vehicles, locations, and more. You want crazy gadgets? Look no further than the thousand of experimental weapons and designs that were used during this period.
Honestly, I feel the opposite. Having Firestorm set in WWII was its biggest potential source but what they failed at is implementing it the way it should have been done with the content it should have included. The UI was horrible and the Player's experience was subpar.
Wasted potential in my opinion.
If they just don't waste time with [Steampunk Cosmetic Woman] then we should already got ton of Gadget
Of they had used experimental weapons etc you would have a bunch of people complaining that those aren't period and shouldn't be in the game just like they did with BF1. The only thing certain about BF is that the fanbase will find something to complain about and then forgot about those complaints by the next game.
By the way I will admit that my interest has wained over BF1 and BFV but that is more to do with the settings than any obvious gameplay mechanics. I still log on at least once a week and enjoy a few hours playtime.
@@nathanthom8176 i doubt that people will really complain about historical accuracy in a game mode where 64 soldiers drop in a giant ring of fire just to survive it.
The main limitation for prototype weapons to appear is the link between firestorm and main game. Any unusual thing that could appear in firestorm would be total waste of resources since it just don't fit the aesthetic of the rather grounded multiplayer
LIMMITATION? we got 15+ knife melee weapon
@@infinitsai are you aware of this community, there is always someone to complain about any given thing.
Dice Devs:Anyone remember dragging downed team mates? Yh me neither?
What platform you on as I both get revived and revive on a regular basis.
Edit: or do you mean the mechanic they promised. That wouldn't have been used in multiplayer anyway.
@@colin8601 they said that they couldn't get it to work and seriously, reviving isn't safe, you expect players to not only put themselves in the line of fire but also slow thier escape. The only way that mechanic would have been utilised was if Dice added a level of invincibility whilst doing it. The error Dice made wasn't in not releasing it but in showing it and promising it.
They announced early in that they weren’t gonna implement it because it had loads of issues.
@@nathanthom8176 it could be useful when throwing down smoke or if you are in low cover. There are multiple times I got killed through smoke because they know where a downed player is and when trying to revive, I get shot at. And due to hit markers, your dead when they guessed where you are standing
you have time to drag your buddy then you can as well revive without wasting time on nonsens
Operations and weapon customization. The Operations of Battlefield 1 felt like you were fighting in an actual battle that meant something. Battlefield V’s felt like a disconnected collection of game modes that the first two matches didn’t matter since the last day decided the entire outcome.
As for weapon customization, Modern Warfare’s Gumsmith system has shown that you can have real in depth weapon attachment systems that feel far more impactful than a flow chart of weapon perks.
Ye but nobody modified their weapons like that back in ww2. It was moreso, here's this cheap gun
Honestly the biggest disappointment for me when I first picked up the game. Everything about BF1 made you feel like you were in the action. The pure sounds were awesome. Soilders buring and explosions going off. Beautiful.
@@senethp.5089 not entirely true but it was rare, but if we use that logic BF1 should've had half the guns it did considering most of the high tier weapons were experimental.
If we're going to say something shouldn't have been into BFV because of historical inaccuracies, half of the game shouldn't exist.
You mean like in BF3 & BF4? And Hardline?
Agree... I Still miss the Operations Mode from BF1. Played many 100 hours of Operations in BF1, and I love the "Frontline" feeling it gave me. Idiotic that DICE scrapped that mode in BF5. There was still a lot of "Frontline" warfare in WW2, so It's should not be unrealistic in BF5.
The thing that completely ruined the Practice Range for me was that you couldn't apply ANY specializations to your guns or vehicles, and testing different specialization trees on guns & vehicles was the only thing I was actually curious enough to want to test.
On top of that the only vehicles you could spawn were the Churchill, Flakpanzer IV, Stuka and Spitfire.
They also never implemented a way to chose the class you want. If you started the game and loaded the practice range it was always as support and only had access to support weapons. Choosing the class you want is only possible with a trick.
They really made me upset that you couldn't drive tanks or fly planes on pre-round or empty servers. One of the things I like to do is play around by myself testing out different planes and vehicles on maps. Or even taking a joy ride on a plane enjoying the scenery. There are many different tanks and planes available that I have not had practice with because they are only available during a game. I don't like trying out a vehicle and immediately get shot or bombed. You don't need a practice range, simply have vehicles available pre-round or in private servers for people to test and play with and, you know have fun with.
I definitely agree
I was really looking forward to the Russian army being added with more maps
Me to bud me to
In the eastern front russians deaths compared to germans were 20:1
@@end8316 ... And?
Well that’s just on of many things they could have added to this game.
I'm American and I think its egregious they didn't include the Russians. I guess 20 million DEATHS, not casualties isn't worth the "tech"
Bf4 had the best practice range. Simple but everything was there
Yea that's really all they need, just an open map with every gun and vehicle to play with, maybe some bots as well, but that's it, no need to put in useless challenges and restrictions.
Also love that even with everything there, you can still change up weapon and vehicle attachments to what you want to test
Agree! AND you could play it while being on queue for a multiplayer game. Queues could last longer in BF4 though because of the RSP system which had some really popular servers.
"Things that Battlefield V didn't do very well". You mean world war 2?
True they messed this up royal from the beginning though they did bring things never before seen. The game was still a great theatre of war.
@@rebelcave8556 wasn't great if you were soldier
You are right
When i Play it now (i stopped a few weeks after Release) i never feel Like i am a solider in WW2.
IT all Looks Like a Steampunk Version of IT with the diffrent Looks of the armies.
Battlefield V’s gunplay was really good, until dice changed the TTK, twice
What’s TTK?
I would say that current gun play is decent enough compared to both previous versions
@@aaa00705 not really, a lot of weapons feel really underpowered, like the FG-42 for example
Everyone was crying for it to be nerfed the first 2 months
Honestly. I remember really liking the trial period and then idk what happened
I’m kinda upset that this game didn’t do so well, I could have been such an awesome game, but they just had to rush it and add/remove features that didn’t need to be.
God I hated tides of war. I want to log on and have some fun with my friends, not stress over getting twenty kills with some piece of crap gun, or use a kit I hate. That stuff has no place in a game about the freedom to fight how you want.
I usually enjoy doing challenges that make me do things outside of my normal play style, but having the threat of completely missing out on the rewards if I didn't solely focus on getting them was pretty disappointing.
Remember when we thought we would be able to crash land?
This game is life half finished at best.
Yea, air vehicle crashes has been something that I want to see improved since BF4, and based on the trailers and what DICE said about it before release I thought we were finally getting it.
@Deifan i don't know how you think gameengines work, but it would definitly possible
Imagine taking out a fully fine health regen feature just to replace it with a system that leads to people hating and abusing an entire class because they need it to actually regen health rather than support that class in its endeavors
Dan Conti
Health regen?
Not in BF5
@Earl Lee the health system in prior titles was fine and didn't need to be changed. Health attrition was a terrible direction for the game
if it ain't broke, don't fix it
I kinda liked it.
@@mnmarler I still wonder how much budget(time=money) was wasted on this when nobody wanted it to begin with. I would bet AT LEAST a million dollars of man hours or more was wasted on this one thing and it would not surprise me if they wasted 10 million dollars on it.
This game was such a disappointment on so many levels. Not simply limited to just gameplay and mechanics. I think when you consider how gorgeous BF1 is, and how much more compelling the game play and atmosphere are. BFV should have been a slam dunk. They could have made it as an expansion of BF1. Like a giant dlc that picked up where that game left off. I remember when BF1 was winding down before launch, they had weekly events that made it feel like it was going to be a continuous journey. Imagining the epic battles of WW2 through the lens of BF1 is such a kick in the nuts now because that's not what we got. The game was obviously not finished on release. The in game menus were just server browsers and a bunch of game modes were listed as coming soon. Firestorm could and should have been so much more. Battle Royal gives you so much creative freedom that it doesn't matter if you stay 100% historically accurate. It would have been so cool if they blended elements of BF1 maps into the BR map, like Monte Grappa, Fort Veaux, Empires Edge, and WW1 character skins. I think that would have been a really fun mash up that would have kept a lot of player interested. When a game leaves you wanting more because the gameplay makes it hard to put it down, that's one thing. BFV left everyone wanting more because it wasn't finished and they kept trying to hold it together with spit and tape.
It's the fact that I can't suspend my disbelief enough. Honestly the customization was one of the worst things in my experience, and that destroyed the atmosphere among other things - I wanna see a game with the gunplay of Bfv, the gritty atmosphere of bf1 and bf3, and the all out sandbox of bf4
@@floop_the_pigs2840 Yeah, every soldier looks like some steampunk freedom fighter and not an actual uniformed soldier.
@@Wafflez-Man-YT LOL thats the only argument you can make against BFV
If BFV maps would have elements of BF1 maps then people would say "oh see how lazy dice is that they reuse old maps they dont even bother to create new ones". Because this seems to be what this community loves to do most: complain ^^
I guarantee you if she hadn't been hated so much, the woman in the reveal with the prosthetic arm would have been an elite soldier.
Nothing says authentic (or semi-authentic) WW2 like a british chick with a cybernetic arm in the British army.
Watching this video just shows how bad Bf5 really was, a £50 game that didn’t have all of its features. I hope they get hammered for essentially stealing from their fan base.
Could you imagine if you could pick up the sentry kit in the test range, now that would be cool
Yeah, the big gun from BF1? That thing was a BEAST.
Mitchell Rothenbuehler the infamous MG 08/15... always lowkey hoped to see it added as a low fire rate MMG
Still waiting on the "dragging revivable friendlies" feature
I was really looking forward to the realistic server side animations, ragdolls, and destruction which they talked about before launch, such as people banging into walls and falling downstairs when killed, or more realistic aircraft crashing. I don't recall hearing or seeing anything about that after launch though. Hopefully they're able to implement at least some of these things in the next game.
O yea. They tricked us
6 features that flopped
No 1: The launch
No 2: The game
No 3: Me after too many beers....
No 4: My girlfriend on my bed
No 5: My cat when I pet her
No 6: My phone when I dropped it on my foot
@Callum Moore watch me not care
Callum Moore get destroyed Callum Moore
Westie: 6 things that flopped
Me: Find me 6 things that didn't flop
Brandon Cue the pacific?🤷🏻♂️
Low ttk that's about it, and gameplay additions like sprinting while crouched or when you go to prone and can turn around with your body being still.
So that's just one thing actually
Boring map designs, bad progression, bad game modes, too many microtransactions, bad campaign, bugs, not enough weapons, not enough factions, firestorm unfinished, If big companies like EA want to take care of their games as live service then they can't keep releasing a new game every 1-3 years but rather 6 years. They can't care for their game and listen to community when the whole team is too busy with new game.
One of the first- I generally believe that battlefield 6 should be somewhat modern, like 4.
I want Vietnam for the next game
Kiwi The one I wanted that but seeing how bad they messed up WWII I just want a modern one now
i mean if it isnt modern it will be bye bye battlefield lol.
Kiwi The one that would be cool but after BF1 and BFV I think people are bored with old warfare it’ll be most likely modern warfare
Modern isn't going to make it better. Being developed right will no matter what era it is.
You want a coop mode? Look at bc2 onslaught. That was actually fun. Even bf3’s coop missions were decent enough. Bfv’s coop was an insult
BF3 had coop?
@@Xiox321 yep. I remember that bridge lvl.
@@ipetloudog Weird, I played BF3 religiously and I can't remember coop at all.
@@Xiox321 it had a great 2 players coop (6 missions). Totally recommend you to play it with a friend, loved this game mode!
it was great but forgettable
6 Features? More like the whole game flopped;
And that was primarily because of those 6 features.
First Last and the PR and not releasing private servers for quite some time and then giving us less server settings to use then BF4
Features that completely flopped: the whole game.
Biggest features of BFV that flopped were the marketing, multiplayer, campaign, firestorm, and combined arms; literally the whole game
Plus insulting their customer base didn't help either.
Biggest mistake DICE ever made: being a part of EA's sweat shop.
Battlefield wouldn't exist without EA. Battlefield 1942 would not have ever got to market without EA money backing it. Battlefield has been part of EA from the very start, even if the purchase of the DICE studio came much later on.
EA is kind of changing now, with the release of *FREE APEX LEGENDS*
I agree EA are bunch of A$$holes that only cares about milking the players without giving them a decent game.
It was called Electronic Arts back then... emphasis on ARTS.
@@cpt.shmitt7387 what do you think EA stands for? You must be disabled. Sorry to hear.
The lack of proper Lmgs with high fire rate and 100 round capacity was a big problem. The mmg idea was just awful, bf4 really did the guns and customizations properly.
EFlam I hated the LMGs only hip firing unless bipoding was a terrible idea
El Chancho yeah it ruined the support class for me
Ewww no anyone running around with an LMG on bf4 was at a disadvantage. Why use an inferior weapon to all the carbines which have no recoil.
@@MrWhitmen1981 no, once u applied bipod on a LMG in bf4 there was literally NO RECOIL, u could've hold an object and no one tried to pierce u, even snipers were suppressed cause u had no recoil whatsoever
Uninstall the MG4 and the Aws were one of the most over powered guns
Not to mention no D-Day map ever... only thing I wanted in a WW2 game
As soon as they announced it was going to be WW2, I was envisioning an epic D-Day landing with BF1's atmosphere.
Battlefield never needed firestorm... so it’s useless to talk about how to make it better
I kinda have the opposite opinion - in my opinion, Battlefield was the best franchise to add Battle Royale in. Because the engine and the tech was ready - large maps, large player counts, long range engagements, revive system, a wide variety of weapons. Back in the day we laughed at the possibility of CoD adding a BR mode due to their small maps and their dated engine. How the tables turned now seeing Warzone as one of the most popular BRs.
The main problem is that the mode was outsourced, took too much time, and apparently the BF teams at Criterion and DICE seem to have never speaked or acknowledged the Apex Legends project at Respawn. That really killed the mode.
they dont have tech
I really enjoyed it, just didn't have anyone to play with so I stopped.
First Last so you see most battlefield players don’t want it...
Well I don't know anyone else who plays BF, so I don't know about that.
The first battlefield I haven’t purchased and I’m glad I didn’t.
So you never gave it a chance? No wonder why people are hating everything they see... too afraid to try something different. But hey, you do you guy.
@@MLPIceberg Okay *guy*, I guess waiting to see reviews and game play before I buy a game is 'afraid to try something new.' I also guess deciding I'm not interested after seeing game play and reviews means I'm hating on it. And lastly I'd guess that since we're making assumptions about each other that you're an over sensitive presumptuous BF fanboy that gets his feelings hurt when someone says anything that isn't positive about his favorite game franchise. But hey, you do you guy.
yeah im glad you didnt, i bought the deluxe edition 🤦🏾♂️
@@747simmer4 f T_T
T H I C C R I C C i bought for like 25 bucks Australian for battlefield 5 and all dlcs for battlefield 1 I think it was worth it
I know there's way more important things for them to focus on and get right for Battlefield 6, but I'm kind of a whore for destruction, so I really want to see that taken to the next level and become a much more dynamic experience. I feel like ever since the introduction of destruction in BFBC1, it's never really changed or scaled up much (ignoring levolution). With the exception of prettier vfx, it's always just been the same model where you shoot a wall with an explosive and it collapses in the exact same way and shape no matter where or how you hit it. I would love to see them expand on the scale of destruction on both ends of the spectrum from micro to macro. I don't even know if it's possible, but I would love to see destruction with the same freedom and fidelity you'd find in a red faction game or R6 Siege. Having a game with the scale of battlefield get that right would be an amazing experience. Just my thoughts.
Agree 100%
Levolution in bf4 was unbelievably dynamic. So of course they shitcan it.
The downside with destructable environment is that it takes much more time to produce maps. But I love destruction, so I can live with less maps, as long the maps are awesome.
@@Mike91337I don't consider levolution dynamic at all. It was a prebaked animation that would play out the same way everytime you activated it. Yeah it looked cool and might've changed the play style a little bit by reducing visibility or flooding the ground, but it didn't really have any effect on the moment to moment gameplay.
@@glennka1 true. And I know one of the main reasons destruction is kind of held back by the devs, is for the sake of the maps' structural design so you aren't just playing on a flat/leveled battlefield, but honestly with the improvements they've made in the verticality of the terrain in both BF1 and BF5, I feel like leveling buildings wouldn't really have a huge negative impact on the map structure.
Maybe DICE/EA shouldn't have pandered to the SJWs and made BFV political.
Yea only feminists like BF5 no one else
Kamil S people do care- it’s a reason while large numbers of battlefield players didn’t buy this game, including me.
That was only part of it, the horrible mechanics and unnecessary changes killed it at the end.
@@CARBONHAWK1 the mechanics are great. The gun play and movement system was so goof
"Noboooody liiiikes a bigot... except when he's cryin'" Randy Pitchford, the guy who published Duke Nukem Forever.
Flopped/bad features of bfv:
War stories: WS is a shadow of its bf1 counterpart, aside from the lack of stories they can be insultingly ridiculous. And the emphasis on half baked stealth system doesn't help either.
Combined Arms: how do we come to this?
Practice Range: its better than having nothing, but its a incomplete feature as this video covered.
Firestorm: from settings to the battlefield style gameplay, firestorm has the potential of being one of the most unique br game in the market, but being tied to the main game is its ultimate downfall. EA should've let Criteria to keep developing it as a standalone experience.
Grand Operation: it's not bad, but it failed to capture the magic bf1 has. To me its just more of a playlist rather than a grand war experience its supposed to be
Cross Class Soldier Customisation: allowing cross class customisation brings negative impact on gameplay since people can no longer tell enemies classes apart just by their outline. It's not necessary a flopped feature but it took away a fundamental core of the franchise
Unnecessary animations: this is more of a personal take, having animations on every move not only slows down the gameplay, but also sacrifices those out of the box play styles bf3,4 and 1 used to have, like c4 bikes. Note that im not saying all additional animations are bad though.
I actually really enjoyed the cross class customization. I could give historical uniforms (when they finally got released) to my characters. One thing I really disliked about bf1 was no character customization.
If I wanted a historically accurate German loadout on a server without standard issue rifles, I had to be an African colonial troop. Yes, Germany had them but nowhere near as many as France. And there's so much variation in uniforms for places like the Ottoman Empire and Austria Hungary that I felt it could add some nice historical depth.
I never found cross class customization to be that much of a detriment to my performance in the field. I have learned since battlefield 1942 to identify enemy class based on what weapons they're carrying. Specifically the sound of those weapons. Do I hear a pistol caliber weapon with a high rate of fire? He must be a medic with a Thompson or Suomi. Do I hear a single clear and powerful sounding shot? Must be a scout nearby. This is a relatively simple skill to learn with a little effort put into it. Many soldiers would remove identifying markers to make them less of a target. Medics would remove armbands, German snipers would ditch their rifles and badges if they had a fear of getting captured. Part of survival is tricking the enemy into thinking you're an ordinary grunt.
I bet the next game will come out without team balance, team switching, RSP, detailed killcam info, etc
Why wouldnt they include those features?
@@devonpenner7177 Because this one doesn't have those features two years after launch.
"You died LOL" or "Wow, you died so fast" would just appear on the screen when you died
Seeing as how EA seems to be getting worse, they'll probably charge you $1 to skip the respawn wait times.
Remember when we thought we could drag downed teammates
Pepperidge farm remembers
TBF, it would not have been practical. Should Dice have said that they were going to put it in knowing they couldn’t? No, of course not. But no one would have used that feature.
@@dalium4085 Nah he's right. It wouldn't have worked for a game like Battlefield. BF is too fast paced and arcadey for a feature like that. You'd just be stuck in an animation asking to get shot. It works in a game like Arma but not in BF.
That remains a terrible idea. Reviving players in BF4, BFH and BF1 worked perfectly fine because its quick, and thus players are willing to revive players, if it takes too long (BFV) then players will not risk getting killed. Dragging players will just get players killed, thus they won't do it.
I would have loved to see Operation Market Garden or D-Day type stuff.
Do some battlefield 3 and 4 I just start playing battlefield 4 just got all the dlc maps again great video mate
Yip for anyone wanting bf4 premuim. Get origin basic for a year. Its super cheap and you get to play loads of other awesome titles
Nice one mate
Downloading it right now.
We have about 8 active players in my platoon on any given night. Some have gone to bf4, some bf1, some to squad, some to cod. We are all 15+ yr battlefield vets and bf5 is the only thing we can't stomach anymore.
Gonna be honest, i actually love battlefield 5. Now don't get mad at me it's just me being me, yes it has some major issius that pisses me off but overall i love the game (still love bf1 better tho)
I love battlefield 5 as well
@@tastycheesebooger me too. I'm a huge fan of the series and yes, I am a fanboy. When it comes to comparing this to COD, the latter is still a great series. I just prefer Battlefield for the authentic "war" feeling in multiplayer.
I say I hate it but I still go back to playing it because I love the gunplay and WW2 planes.
The Tech Failed Big Time. Because it just wasn’t there. 🥴
Thing wrong with the dev team.
1. Try make a game as a service but (like 90% chance) use some kind agile dev model.
2. People buy battlefield to play battlefield not firestorm and yet still make it part of the game and not stand alone.
3. Some guy at the top tell to dev to make game "hip with the kids" and "politically correct".
4. Milk people more with cosmetic in a full price AAA game.
Things I did like about bf5. The game mechanics are great compared to other games.
Fortification are brilliant great addition.
Much more true to life destruction of the buildings.
Veihicals excellent once I got use to it.
The game just wasn't fun to progress in. The UI felt entirely designed to only care about shoving what I can buy with currencies in my face and neutering any kind of feeling of proper progression. BF3 and BF4's simple approach to multi-tiered progression are what I keep coming BACK to those games for all these years later. And each item I used made me feel like I was working towards a better kit at all moments, in game, out of game, after mission, etc.
I dont need named champions, I don't need wacky personality. I said the moment the first trailer reveal with Trevor Noah dropped: "why? Why didn't they just choose a modern or futuristic setting if they wanted to do all this?"
I really wanted something out of the archetype system. They could have even gone as far as to implement a paratrooper archetype that would get you behind enemy lines but reduce your ammo. Forcing you to get good with your weapons but rewarding you with the mother of all flanks.
yeah i was so dissapointed they completely ignored this system. like image with the one you mentioned you could spawn on enemy flags but only with your secondary. this way you would build diffrent archtypes for different scenarios, but hey for that you would also need a presets menu, noone ever did that...
Archetype system should be something like two sub-classes per class. Like if you pick Assault you can pick an archetype as Infantryman or Grenadier. This then affects the gadgets and weapons you can take. I.e;-
Grenadier - you get two explosive gadgets but you're limited to semi-autos or SMG's and have increased recoil
Infantryman - you get to choose between assault rifles, semi-autos and SMG's but are limited to a grenade and ammo pouch
All of a sudden you've turned 4 classes into 8 and there;'s more depth to the game.
The Intro music makes me sad, reminds me the good old Battlefield days..
BF5 has an amazing soundtrack. I love the song they used for the intro to the game.
Still doesn't make the game better. It's a shame.
Battlefield 5 was the Halo 5 of the battlefield series.
I seriously hope 6 is better
Remember the: "Firestorm map is the size of [what 4 or 5] maps, therefore you won't be getting another map soon." yikes
I swear at least half of the map is just ripped from the campaign too
It was annoying that they didnt include all vehicles weapons and customisations in the practice range
Firestorm easily became the worst Battle-Royale game of the decade. After it’s poor release, they only updated it once or twice to add a tiny new detail and never added new guns from the MP DLCs. It was lazy and forgotten by the Devs for sure. Don’t get me wrong, it hurts to say Fortnite was better but Epic Games at least our genuine effort into their game.
I really liked the building system hope they expand on it in future titles
Would love to see a cold war era Battlefield that would be interesting
Just because of the weapons and vehicles of the era or for something else? Because there wasn't real fighting, they would have to have their own inspiration for maps
There were no battles or combat in the cold war
Or any in BF3 or BF4
Could do the Anglo Zulu war, whip out the Martini Henry
@@muaaz6124 Vietnam and Korean war
I'm fine with the fortification system I actually like it and I Iike the new revival mechanics etc and being able to revive squadmates but for bf6 they need to get rid of attrition and no more live service bs
I seriously think we need Premium and DLC packs again, it guaranteed higher quality, more frequent releases, and a clear vision of the games life cycle.
First Last yeah, as much as I don’t necessarily like purchasing DLCs for a game, EA has shown that they can’t handle a live service, I’d much prefer purchasing DLC than sticking through a game with a live service
First Last it'a not true that premium/DLC somehow magically leads to better conent. All of you "we need premium back" guys are mistaking correlation for causality. Premium can even lead to worse quality, like the final BF1 DLC. It wasn't really fully ready when they released it, but they had to release it because they had a "premium/DLC-deadline". If they did not have that they could've taken some extra time and deliver even better maps and content. It really doesn't matter if a game is live service or premium. It's all about the the vision, commitment, time, resources, passion and work the developers put into their game. And THIS is what the guys over at DICE are lacking.
There was the fact that they also in regards to the training grounds failed to add new weapons to it. It still had only the launch weaponry for use which by the end of the game was only a third at most of the weapons in total.
I'm gonna start playing BF1 again.
The assignment to unlock gold were whickedy whack. 20 headshots on obj in one game on a semi auto rifle. Why
As an aspiring historian it just hurts my brain when people say that dice are limited by the time period
The same kind of historian who blamed dice for adding women into WW2 combat squads??? Hope not.
"Goofy and wacky soldiers" do you not realize that a man from your country stormed the beaches of normandy with a long sword and bow?
Westie is kind of ignorant to his country's veterans.
dont forget about the paratrooper who walked through a firefight with a top hat and umbrella
@@goiz2422 Indeed
Soldier dragging... Oh wait it was never even added
BF6 should be BF(VI)ETNAM!
This needs to happen! All BF Vietnam players from back in the day knows how amazing this could really become if they did it in 2021.This would be the perfect game following after BFV as it would be a middle ground before heading back into modern!
Vietnam pretty much satisfies most players wants. It's both historical and modern enough for a lot of things. As someone who wants modern, I would be perfectly fine with Vietnam.
@@thechannelitrollwith1645 You get it! I think DICE could bring the community together by doing that, but well i am just curious to hear what you would like to see Modern expand upon?
I just want 32 v 32 rush on maps that were actually created for rush
i want 64 v 64 operation locker
I would also add attrition to the list of flops in BFV. I like the idea of picking up ammo off dead enemy soldiers, but only one health pack? Why? In my opinion it doesn't work with a fast TTK. It doesn't promote team play when medic run past you without saucing a health pack when you need it.
The only problem I had with this video (and some others) is that you always say that firestorm is locked behind a 60 dollar paywall. That simply isn't true at all.
Battlefield had a price reduction like 2 weeks after launch to 30 bucks. The only reason I mention this is because I am still kinda salty about the buying the deluxe edition and then seeing me get absolutely nothing and then the game dropping in price 2 weeks later.
It's the launch that matters most. Nobody cared about this mode being behind a paywall and released like 4 or 6 months after the game.
Was the game audio desynched from the video? I think I noticed that around 5:00 in the video. Also saw some hitching in the video- hope your setup is working ok.
Haha I saw it to
As soon as they announced it wouldn't have automatic regenerating heath, I didn't want to play it. The poor visibility and all the other stuff was the frosting on the crap cake.
As I was watching your gameplay in the background I couldn't help but notice how many times you shot an ally thinking it was an enemy, that kinda speaks for itself. I rarely had that problem with the previous games where all classes from all nations had distinctive cosmetic features.
I'm surprised you didn't mention the disastrous "Time To Kill" patch.... As that was absolutely controversial!!!
Metalisalearning77 which one?
@@dawsongranger4940 I can't remember but was it the 5.2 patch?
Disagree RE COOP. Mates and I love the COOP in Battlefront 2 and loved it in BF3.
A great COOP mode can really help bring friends together in a game. Also train up friends who are new to the game.
Happy Mother’s Day to any gaming moms out there!
The biggest problem of BFV: DICE developing things and abandoning them straight after their release.
We should battlefield 6 free for the shit we had to put up with the last battlefield game we don.t need a fire storms just give us some good maps to play with
Misaki on the German team in Rotterdam, Netherlands.... that really put the final nail in the coffin for me
I still don’t understand how Westie only has just over half a million subs. Keep up the great work.
Battlefield V wasn't made for Battlefield players and i think EA game changers really need to push for Dice to communicate just what we will get on release before release because i wouldn't of even installed it had i known HC wasn't coming.
We need to get BF1 player numbers up! Let's Go!
My Grandfather, the veteran, always cries when i play BF V ;/ I can't disappoint him.
I love how u roast bfv since they officialy announced that there will be no more updates
Fortifications. Once trenches and the like were built they were essentially static so I don't see why they couldn't just be a part of the map as designed. They didn't 'CHANGE' the flow of combat because they were always there. Smaller fortifications like windows were just a waste of time to build so you never did, let's not kid ourselves.
Releasing AT rifles to all players, yeah that was a really stupid move.
Should have been a gadget with maybe 5 shots, and ya know Actually be effective against vehicles and tanks instead of an easy infantry deleter
Me like big boomboom one bangers though
Earl Lee all players have the recon class they can use it
I actually played around with the practice range in bfv. The largest issue was that the free range was completely bugged: missing weapon models for the double barrel shotgun, exaggerated recoil values for the mmgs. Sometimes it was even possible to play with unreleased content like the m3 grease gun or the type 97 mg. It was largely impossible to get any real data or experience from it that one could transfer into multiplayer.
Sorryarguments for "historically authentic" went out the window when a Japanese women with a german machine gun was killing British soldiers in Europe lol
Westie, if DICE were to hypothetically release a statement about the behind the scenes of the BFV development such as why their tutorial wasn’t implemented into the Practice Range, the co-op, Firestorm, or even the struggle to squash bugs, would you believe what they have to say or not? The aforementioned modes above are just examples of what could be in the statement. Been loving the content in quarantine, especially the Battlefield content! Stay safe
I honestly can't tell if its 5 employees that just don't have the time and help or a huge company full of incompetent sjw's. Either way they should all be fired and bring back as many people from bf3 as possible.
Pretty sure the lead director of BF5 was also the lead director of every other BF game, and all decisions go through the director before being final.
@@Xiox321 that doesn't really help his case.
My point is that it really doesn't matter who you have on the development team in terms of which BF games they've worked on.
Honestly? They should bring back Battlefield Vietnam with battlefield 6. Or, Honestly do the Korean War. The first war with wide spread Jet Fighter use , but It would still be close dogfighting because air to air missiles still weren't viable, the concept of the Main Battle Tank, helicopters, etc. It'd be fresh and new because no one's really touched Korea before. Thoughts?
Also, if you played the Vietnam dlc for bad company 2, or played Battlefield Vietnam on the PC, you're a real one.
Someone link me to the intro/outro music since Westie never puts it in the description.
I'm I the only one who hates how flowty the character feels?
Compare the character animations from BF4 with the ones in BF5. BF4 felt a bit more real and grounded, in BF5 I feel like am flooping all over the place...
I hope DICE gets rid of these animations and redo them but with BF4 as a refereces point for the next Battlefield game.
I’m surprised he never talked about last stand the one game mode you are lucky to get one in twenty times in grand operations with no option ever added just for it
My entire time playing I’ve only played it once and it was actually really fun
One absolutely stunning thing in BFV, are the dialogues between the AI. They are really having real conversations, and i can remeber that when i first played combined arms, i was kind of blown away because i never expected it to be that complexe. Im serious
I kinda want battlefield 2021 to take place during the Korean or Vietnam war
Makes me happy to see that there is people wanting this! It's a very underrated idea! Vietnam war deserves to be in a new BF game and the Korean war would have been so fresh!
No mention of Attrition? How it was supposed to make the game more hardcore yet only added in more frustration only for it to ultimately be toned down to nothingness.
0 views 80 likes 4 dis likes 18 comments what is this?
amagerboy welcome my friend to the matrix
RUclips in pandemic mode.
@@Westie yep
@@thestørmcrier2024 what pill should i take red or blue?
Wow, I'm a veteran since BF3 and I just learned from Westie, at 15:50 that there were dog tags in BFV. I thought they got rid of those, I never found that submenu so I believed they were gone...
Three things that made me stop playing the game soon after it came out:
1. Flying
2. Spotting
3. Limited ammo in vehicles and having to fly back and reload
I hope we get to play as a woman with a prosthetic arm that can parkour and fire a m60 one handed at the same time
Battlefield needs to go back to being multiplayer only.
I wish that they would go back to the old single player instead of a story. you would have a game with bots instead but you still had all the multiplayer maps and game modes. Great for when the internet is down or you want to practice a bit with a weapon, or explore a map without having to worry about other people. They also need to re-add the change team function and rented servers.
who felt bad for him playing with the Tommy with the 20 mag?
Tommy with fast bolt and 20rd is a beast.
shifty198885 ive never seen anyone play it like that lol
Why people laughing me for saying I enjoy playing BFV, can't i love a game?
sure you can, why you even care if they laugh at you for saying that?
Me too.
@@DjFresh4lteFolie i don't care about them im just trying to understand why?
I miss battlelog so much. It was so great to launch the game from the browser and see all your weapons stats, ribbons, succès... while hanging on twitter or RUclips, and then launch a multiplayer game in one click
Feature Number 1: Woman
Master Oogway
I don’t think adding woman caused the TTK change or adding a terrible healing system
Master Oogway okay neckbeard. Focus on women and not the dozens of other things this and other games do that stray far from realism
@@lemmonboy6459 no, but woman were thr precociouser to all of that
@@destroyerofnations1828 I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings?
No joke... I literally forgot combined arms existed until Westie talked about it!
BF6 Vietnam War
The one feature that I liked in bfv is fortifications cuz building an entire bunker with guns sticking out of it like a porcupine will never get old to me
And also towing AA and AT guns is pretty cool too