Thank you for all your hard work. I don't understand why you always seem to be a mob of one. If I didn't have mobility issues, I'd come pick with you. Again, thank you.
Thanks! We haven't done a lot of advertising yet so not a lot of people know about TrashMob yet, but we will be starting soon! Hoping that we create a new verb shortly... "Trashmobbing!"
Thank you.
This is great to see! Wow! Truly wonderful work you're doing!! Thanks for helping clean this planet!!
Thank you for all your hard work. I don't understand why you always seem to be a mob of one. If I didn't have mobility issues, I'd come pick with you. Again, thank you.
Thanks! We haven't done a lot of advertising yet so not a lot of people know about TrashMob yet, but we will be starting soon! Hoping that we create a new verb shortly... "Trashmobbing!"