What if the inside of a wormhole isn't a single path but a massive network or paths. Now I'm just thinking about the Woods between Worlds from chronicles of Narnia.
@@ScionStorm1 based on our current knowledge portrayed by hank, I don't think that is very likely. The most likely outcome being related to blackholes, which includes a massiv amount of gravity. I doubt the path attached to this amount of brute force would find enough stability to create something interjecting it's way, especially something as fragile as woods. Sadly fantasy and sci-fi won't mix in this instance.
I am reminded of the holes mentioned in one issue of _OMNI Magazine_ way back in the 1980s, in which the author humorously described the cause of missing socks and other small laundry items as being wee grey holes generated by a clothes dryer's motor. They were said to have the suction of perhaps a few Hoovers.
If worm holes could actually be tiny, could they be quantum in scale, and a possible way that quantum information travels faster than the speed of light?
Technically information wouldn't be traveling faster than lightspeed, just taking a shortcut that relative to the rest of space time appears like a jump between points faster than light could travel between those points
The thing is there is no information being sent between particles that are quantum entangled it’s very weird… But that is one thing that Neil deGrasse Tyson talked about in Star Talk is that there are worm holes connecting quantum particles that’ve been entangled. I forget which show it was I think it was the one where he talked with the theoretical physicist from the Uk
Blackholes and space are really interesting. I've always imagined blackholes like recycling hearts of the world ot sewage system, circulating the material and keeping the world alive. Energy goes somewhere, it just doesn't disappear right? Like the jellyfish that doesn't die, just goes between phase one and two.
Black holes and white holes, connections between branes? Maybe they pierce between branes, so enter from one universe into that universes black hole then pop out in another universal sheet via white hole?
"Basically, one part of the universe doesn't have as much matter in it as other parts. Here's how researchers think that can happen." Cue financial services ad.
If I ask you if you wanted to hear a story about a funnel that was actually a sphere with shiny edges and strange dimensions, would you want to hear it?
if there is a black hole in the other end of the "tunnel" you still would not get out on the other side, its still a black hole, but maybe you could make it all cozy and stuff stuck in "between" the black holes...
The fact that we haven't detected a white hole kinda makes me doubt that black holes even lead to anywhere on this plane of existence. Assuming they go where at all.
Due to a garbled subspace transmission here at Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse we lowered our prices and we're passing the savings on to yooooooooou!
Whiteholes still have a event horizon so the matter they attempt to spew out just compresses against the inside surface. From our side of that event horizon all that weight concentrated on that EH has the same effect on gravity as a black hole of the same mass. Still creates a ergo sphere still appears black in our side of the EH. Not as freaky as you may think, when you stop to think its not going to be actually white. It's just a lazy naming effort, not a description. That being said... I've always speculated that the supermassive black holes would be the likely contender to have a white hole at its heart. At a minimum it would be a convenient answer to the conundrum to why we have solar mass and supermassive BH and no size group inbetween. If the mass is being stacked on the EH from both sides it would grow exponentially and continue to grow or sustain its mass from the internal pressure of its WH nucleus when it's not being fed externally.
Seems like it would be easier to conceptualize a worm hole by pushing in on two sides of a sponge block rather than folding piece of paper. Same goes for gravity. If you sliced the sponge block open and stuffed something inside of it there would be force trying push everything together.
You should watch some videos about NASA's _Dart_ mission. It performed better than expected, which is very encouraging. As long as we can detect the threat early enough, nothing as overly-dramatic as a nuke would be needed. From far enough away, even a minuscule course correction of a threat can add up to a million-mile miss.
@@AlbertaGeek reactive rather than proactive. In my opinion, I would rather have none in orbit at all, from a rouge astroid, to an unforseen circumstance would be catastrophic, ask the dinosaurs. I'm thinking more of like a net, one that can open up to rather large scale, catch all of the material and then fire off the thrusters on the net and toss it to the sun. Or we could find a way to make self replicating robots that dismantle and sort the matieral and then build a space foundry, use the material to build a station or outpost, and then continue on, slowly colonizing and terraforming all we touch, we continue, further and further, the amount of resources we aquire becomes enough to build a Dyson sphere, we start, and achieve*endless (in our lifetime) energy.
I don't get the whole folded sheet of paper wormhole analogy. We are taught to assume the universe is infinite, but then folding would be a very local phenomena. Meaning the more space you would try to fold the more energy it would require. But many frame it as a "if we can figure out how to create a wormhole, we could travel anywhere" but logically the energy required must grow exponentially by distance, no? It only seems even plausible if spacetime is super malleable, but in that case we'd probably find weird folds and uneven spacetime all over the place.
So a bit of a sales tip here… If you’re releasing an item to display collectibles, it helps if you also do a one time release of all of the collectibles and the board together. Maybe for 24 hours or something, make an event of it, but I guarantee people would be willing to pay an extra 10-15% for not having to order each pin or having to worry about catching one of 3 videos a month.
We do know how to make a wormhole! All you have to do is quantum entangle two black holes and then pound one side with negative energy, and BAM!! Wormhole!! GG You're welcome!
Maybe sometime in the future we can punch (or discover) a hole in Uranus, and you know….. You name it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Feel free to fill in the emoji blanks at your own expense haha 😛
wait...the "comet" between Mars and Jupiter...wouldn't that be an asteroid? Aren't comets supposed to have highly elliptical orbits that cause outgassing as they near the the sun?
If white holes was on the other end of a black hole it can’t be in a random part of the universe it would have to make a new universe cause if it was just our universe it would still have to hold the gravity of everything that falls i
I think blossom 🌸 🤔 was a more credible show than Stargate she really became a brain surgeon because she didn't cave to pier pressure than we will ever do anything but die in a worm hole
The cold spot got me thinking what would the Big Bang spot look like and what if it’s coldest because it radiated all it’s heat and it’s ahead of the universe in cooling
I mean, if you're watching it from inside, you're dead. If you're not, it's so dense that it's opaque. If you're watching from outside, how? No radiation should be able to reach you. And where exactly are you for that? I have so many questions now!
You can't dig half a hole! Once you put your shovel in the ground, or hit that nail, you have a hole. Once you pierce the surface, it's got a hole in it. Lol i argued with a mathematician he kept going to "well if you have a 2" hole and you only make the hole 1"...". I kept saying i didn't give you any dimensions, i gave you a definition. He made charts and formulas, i told him he was waaaay over thinking it. He finally begrudgingly conceded it, but to this day if I mention it, he cusses under his breath in mumble something about technicalities.
Cold spot could be a multi galaxy wide alien civilisation using a amped up version of a Dyson speare. Rather than harnessing a stars energy they harness multiple galaxy's energy which is why it would appear cold and empty as they're harnessing the light a d heat energy
Lol comet hole isn't a hole in space lol it's a hole in a substance. Also large seemingly empty spaces of CMB aren't a hole in space either but rather voids from detectable amounts of matter.
Compilations like this just remind me how much better this channel used to look before you allowed a (presumably) highschool kid to do the intro and background imagery.
That bedsheet model is pathetic! It’s a two dimensional demonstration of a four dimensional concept. Understand? So folding two of them together to form a wormhole seems like an obvious furtherance of the two dimensional thought, but it is actually nonexistent. Understand? Now here’s the kicker. There is no such thing as time. It’s just a human construct we use to demonstrate a rate, and that’s all. Understand? Even when someone speaks of going back or forward in time, they are describing A PLACE, not a time. Understand? So, if there is no such tangible thing as time, there’s no wormholes, nor “space time.”
I will humor you, but I’m afraid you took something said, “tongue in cheek,” a little too seriously. A wormhole? Fold a piece of paper? What is the paper? Space time? By your own words, the “paper” is the fabric of space time. But, how could anything be two dimensional? The paper is being used to demonstrate, quite poorly, that space and time are connected, that they intersect, like the threads in fabric, where horizontal threads space or time, cross vertical threads, the other of space or time. If you pull or push on one, you cause a reaction in the other. Why Einstein used the metaphor, “the fabric of space and time,” with which to illustrate a connection, but later used it further in examples we’ll never know. Einstein’s example can only be finished by placing fabric against fabric, until all of space is consumed within the solid accumulate of thin fabrics. Anywhere you pull or push on any number of horizontal threads, you cause an affect upon the vertical threads attached to them. Space is comprised of countless slices of sheets, faced one upon another, completely filling the void. Any object, sits in the middle of the solid created by the stack of sheets, stretching in all directions. Take the example of the flat fabric with a sphere sitting on it. Now stack sheet after sheet on it, both above and below the original sheet, until you’ve filled all the void solid with layers of fabric, with the sphere completely engulfed in it. The fabric of space and time is all around the sphere. You see, there’s no sheet of paper to fold. There’s no empty void above and below the sheet of space time fabric. It’s only drawn that way so we can see the intersections of space and time, as that in fabric. The space above and below the one sheet is filled with layers of fabric until all the void is full. There’s no sheet to fold. There’s the other layers in the way.
Sorry to sound harsh, but I feel SciShow content has really gone down in quality and quantity these last couple of years. These compilations, while adding to the quantity part, dilute the overall quality of the channel and contribute to long time subscribers gradually losing interest. I get that there might not be news to report and getting viewers is hard, but at least without compilations in my feed I'd watch any new SciShow video without thinking twice. Unlike now.
Space is a fractal energy field. It's a synergy of point-electro-potential and its discharge leading to kinetic permanent electromagnetic harmonic resonant fields manifesting geometry through wave-interference. All permanent manifestation is standing-waves in the form of pulse-oscillations, just like big-bang expanding/and recontracting from point to sphere back to point, our pulse contracting/expanding, our breath contracting expanding. Point is infinity, geometrically wise, and energy potential wise, which is, why our current particle quantum physics can't grasp it. It's energy fields, not particles... Wake up world. There are no such things as dark matter, dark energy, particles, virtual and pseudo stuff. There is EM-fields and EM-fields only. If they perfectly implode/compress, information becomes dimenionless, as in "point-potential-information". Everything in our universe is point-sourced, and as the example of big bang understanding nicely shows, we don't understand point-source, as in "our physics doesn't work at the early stage of big bang", which is, because everything is so highly compressed, energy density is getting so high towards point, that our physics fails. It doesn't mean point-source dones't exist, it rather means our physics is a failure on the very fundament, as everything originates from point. You can't possibly understand the universe without point-source.
Really need to stop calling things "holes". Black holes aren't holes or tunnels. They are super dense and perfectly uniform matter compressed to the physical limits of causality itself. It's matter with all the empty space compressed out of it. That's all. The entire delusion of removing information from one place and moving it to another has to end. You can only change the information contained in the Universe when the entire Universe is still just uniform information. Before the big bang. So quite literally, the only way to transfer information from one point in spacetime to another is to destroy the entire Universe, wait for the moment of recombination, edit the information before the next big bang, and wait again until the moment the information you changed forms the matter you wished to transmit. You have to destroy and remake the Universe to change any of the fundamental information in it. Even just a few particles of matter would require this. There are no worm holes. No instant transmission of information. All of this requires the entire Universe to be destroyed as well. Information cannot be cut and pasted.
I love this whole compilation.
The hole thing.
Gosh darn
Nice one 🎉
Own the pun, don't try to worm your way out of it.
Currently rewatching Star Gate - I totally agree we need more wormhole stories.
What if the inside of a wormhole isn't a single path but a massive network or paths. Now I'm just thinking about the Woods between Worlds from chronicles of Narnia.
@@ScionStorm1 based on our current knowledge portrayed by hank, I don't think that is very likely. The most likely outcome being related to blackholes, which includes a massiv amount of gravity. I doubt the path attached to this amount of brute force would find enough stability to create something interjecting it's way, especially something as fragile as woods. Sadly fantasy and sci-fi won't mix in this instance.
I am reminded of the holes mentioned in one issue of _OMNI Magazine_ way back in the 1980s, in which the author humorously described the cause of missing socks and other small laundry items as being wee grey holes generated by a clothes dryer's motor. They were said to have the suction of perhaps a few Hoovers.
If worm holes could actually be tiny, could they be quantum in scale, and a possible way that quantum information travels faster than the speed of light?
Technically information wouldn't be traveling faster than lightspeed, just taking a shortcut that relative to the rest of space time appears like a jump between points faster than light could travel between those points
The thing is there is no information being sent between particles that are quantum entangled it’s very weird… But that is one thing that Neil deGrasse Tyson talked about in Star Talk is that there are worm holes connecting quantum particles that’ve been entangled. I forget which show it was I think it was the one where he talked with the theoretical physicist from the Uk
@@gwoody20 hahahahaha "neil degrasse titan"
@@gwoody20 Sasageyo, sasageyo!
@@fratparty69 Tyson lmfao
Caitlyn your enthusiasm is awesome and your eyes sparkle! Your excitement is contagious! Ried, your opening pun ty for that, I love puns
"Spaceholes" - is that the new epithet for science enthusiasts?
Sliders? wow that nostalgia hit hard for some weird reason!
Great compilation!
All this talk of holes and I imagine there are some great outtakes.
Blackholes and space are really interesting. I've always imagined blackholes like recycling hearts of the world ot sewage system, circulating the material and keeping the world alive. Energy goes somewhere, it just doesn't disappear right? Like the jellyfish that doesn't die, just goes between phase one and two.
Black holes and white holes, connections between branes? Maybe they pierce between branes, so enter from one universe into that universes black hole then pop out in another universal sheet via white hole?
In my experience the universe, or at least this planet, is full one one particular kind of hole.
Ooooh. Ooooh! I know this one, Mr. Trebek.... What is "@$$holes"?
I never seen a video with so many holes before.
holy physical spacetime
What a holesome video. You for sure got your puns on holesale. 😄
"Basically, one part of the universe doesn't have as much matter in it as other parts. Here's how researchers think that can happen." Cue financial services ad.
Thanks for the awesome content!
Black holes tend to draw all the attention towards themselves.
For a long time now, it seems like the only time I see Caitlyn is in these compilation videos. Does she no longer make new videos for this channel?
Where's that Tangents episode? I couldn't click the on-screen link, and I don't see it in the notes
Mad jealous of those curls.
If the comet doesn’t crush the human race, the human race crush the comet
Dad is being weird again. Hes talking about holes for the 10th time today.
If I ask you if you wanted to hear a story about a funnel that was actually a sphere with shiny edges and strange dimensions, would you want to hear it?
if there is a black hole in the other end of the "tunnel" you still would not get out on the other side, its still a black hole, but maybe you could make it all cozy and stuff stuck in "between" the black holes...
OR... Other end of a black hole is a WHITE hole,nothing can enter- not even light.... For every action there is a equal and OPPOSITE reaction maybe?
@@ramonchavez2330 sounds like an epic roller coaster! :)
I love it when you talk about the of Space’s holes.
The fact that we haven't detected a white hole kinda makes me doubt that black holes even lead to anywhere on this plane of existence. Assuming they go where at all.
The Big Bang. The Sudden Swelling. The Rapid Radiating. The Expedient Expansion. The Quickening.
The Enormous Space Kablooie.
Our roads are filled with holes as well.
Holes in space? Men: Take my $'s already.
Tangent episode link please. Listen on commute
Due to a garbled subspace transmission here at Al Harrington's Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman Emporium and Warehouse we lowered our prices and we're passing the savings on to yooooooooou!
Look at Kingpin here.
No comment on Fry Holes?
(Futurama reference)
So where is the Möbius strip?
Whiteholes still have a event horizon so the matter they attempt to spew out just compresses against the inside surface. From our side of that event horizon all that weight concentrated on that EH has the same effect on gravity as a black hole of the same mass.
Still creates a ergo sphere still appears black in our side of the EH. Not as freaky as you may think, when you stop to think its not going to be actually white. It's just a lazy naming effort, not a description.
That being said... I've always speculated that the supermassive black holes would be the likely contender to have a white hole at its heart. At a minimum it would be a convenient answer to the conundrum to why we have solar mass and supermassive BH and no size group inbetween. If the mass is being stacked on the EH from both sides it would grow exponentially and continue to grow or sustain its mass from the internal pressure of its WH nucleus when it's not being fed externally.
Seems like it would be easier to conceptualize a worm hole by pushing in on two sides of a sponge block rather than folding piece of paper. Same goes for gravity. If you sliced the sponge block open and stuffed something inside of it there would be force trying push everything together.
On the redirecting of space debris away from earth, my pick for the best tool for the job would be either a rocket or a thermonuclear shaped charge.
You should watch some videos about NASA's _Dart_ mission. It performed better than expected, which is very encouraging. As long as we can detect the threat early enough, nothing as overly-dramatic as a nuke would be needed. From far enough away, even a minuscule course correction of a threat can add up to a million-mile miss.
@@AlbertaGeek reactive rather than proactive. In my opinion, I would rather have none in orbit at all, from a rouge astroid, to an unforseen circumstance would be catastrophic, ask the dinosaurs. I'm thinking more of like a net, one that can open up to rather large scale, catch all of the material and then fire off the thrusters on the net and toss it to the sun. Or we could find a way to make self replicating robots that dismantle and sort the matieral and then build a space foundry, use the material to build a station or outpost, and then continue on, slowly colonizing and terraforming all we touch, we continue, further and further, the amount of resources we aquire becomes enough to build a Dyson sphere, we start, and achieve*endless (in our lifetime) energy.
I don't get the whole folded sheet of paper wormhole analogy. We are taught to assume the universe is infinite, but then folding would be a very local phenomena. Meaning the more space you would try to fold the more energy it would require. But many frame it as a "if we can figure out how to create a wormhole, we could travel anywhere" but logically the energy required must grow exponentially by distance, no? It only seems even plausible if spacetime is super malleable, but in that case we'd probably find weird folds and uneven spacetime all over the place.
"The international shipping cut off date is... today. Happy shopping."
I'm pretty fond of the other holes people tend not to pay as much attention to as well.
So a bit of a sales tip here…
If you’re releasing an item to display collectibles, it helps if you also do a one time release of all of the collectibles and the board together. Maybe for 24 hours or something, make an event of it, but I guarantee people would be willing to pay an extra 10-15% for not having to order each pin or having to worry about catching one of 3 videos a month.
Yea Katelyn!
Nice. Shirt.
We do know how to make a wormhole! All you have to do is quantum entangle two black holes and then pound one side with negative energy, and BAM!! Wormhole!! GG You're welcome!
Maybe sometime in the future we can punch (or discover) a hole in Uranus, and you know…..
You name it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Feel free to fill in the emoji blanks at your own expense haha 😛
wait...the "comet" between Mars and Jupiter...wouldn't that be an asteroid? Aren't comets supposed to have highly elliptical orbits that cause outgassing as they near the the sun?
Did the moon ring?
my favorite space hole is Uranus
B5 shout out 😍
Even though it's my birthday...I am openn
Did you say Oblivion??? #umbrellaacademy
A black hole 🕳 is the entrance to a 1 way trip back in time to the great white hole which we call the “Big Bang”.
If white holes was on the other end of a black hole it can’t be in a random part of the universe it would have to make a new universe cause if it was just our universe it would still have to hold the gravity of everything that falls i
I think blossom 🌸 🤔 was a more credible show than Stargate she really became a brain surgeon because she didn't cave to pier pressure than we will ever do anything but die in a worm hole
Hank did you know you have a self help channel?
The cold spot got me thinking what would the Big Bang spot look like and what if it’s coldest because it radiated all it’s heat and it’s ahead of the universe in cooling
I mean, if you're watching it from inside, you're dead. If you're not, it's so dense that it's opaque. If you're watching from outside, how? No radiation should be able to reach you. And where exactly are you for that? I have so many questions now!
Snowy dirt balls
Space is full of holes the earth is too lol
The universe is made of meringue.
You can't dig half a hole! Once you put your shovel in the ground, or hit that nail, you have a hole. Once you pierce the surface, it's got a hole in it. Lol i argued with a mathematician he kept going to "well if you have a 2" hole and you only make the hole 1"...". I kept saying i didn't give you any dimensions, i gave you a definition. He made charts and formulas, i told him he was waaaay over thinking it. He finally begrudgingly conceded it, but to this day if I mention it, he cusses under his breath in mumble something about technicalities.
I propose changing the name Big Bang, to Rapid Expanse.
The bloatening.
I propose they remove your account from youtube.
I'd big bang that science nerd with the curly hair
Why not huge fart?
in the multiverse... a gang bang
Are black holes really holes? aren't they just giant balls of material with so much mass nothing can escape it?
Normally the videos I watch that try to put a spotlight on holes are very different
Could someone actually sign up to be sent in a black hole?
Another cash grabbing compilation? Come on team.... Just make a Playlist!
Cold spot could be a multi galaxy wide alien civilisation using a amped up version of a Dyson speare. Rather than harnessing a stars energy they harness multiple galaxy's energy which is why it would appear cold and empty as they're harnessing the light a d heat energy
Caitlyn will always be the best
Her enthusiasm is genuine.
Its spectacular.
Lol comet hole isn't a hole in space lol it's a hole in a substance. Also large seemingly empty spaces of CMB aren't a hole in space either but rather voids from detectable amounts of matter.
I am disappointed she didn't say the mystery of the cold spot would remain a “Cold Case”
Icy dirtball is what my ex called me.
Sombrero is just Spanish for Hat, not the type of hat... just saying :)
Wouldn't pushing way matter at all be pushing away space time
Compilations like this just remind me how much better this channel used to look before you allowed a (presumably) highschool kid to do the intro and background imagery.
Godzilla singular point
That bedsheet model is pathetic! It’s a two dimensional demonstration of a four dimensional concept. Understand? So folding two of them together to form a wormhole seems like an obvious furtherance of the two dimensional thought, but it is actually nonexistent. Understand?
Now here’s the kicker. There is no such thing as time. It’s just a human construct we use to demonstrate a rate, and that’s all. Understand?
Even when someone speaks of going back or forward in time, they are describing A PLACE, not a time. Understand?
So, if there is no such tangible thing as time, there’s no wormholes, nor “space time.”
I will humor you, but I’m afraid you took something said, “tongue in cheek,” a little too seriously.
A wormhole? Fold a piece of paper? What is the paper? Space time? By your own words, the “paper” is the fabric of space time. But, how could anything be two dimensional? The paper is being used to demonstrate, quite poorly, that space and time are connected, that they intersect, like the threads in fabric, where horizontal threads space or time, cross vertical threads, the other of space or time. If you pull or push on one, you cause a reaction in the other.
Why Einstein used the metaphor, “the fabric of space and time,” with which to illustrate a connection, but later used it further in examples we’ll never know.
Einstein’s example can only be finished by placing fabric against fabric, until all of space is consumed within the solid accumulate of thin fabrics. Anywhere you pull or push on any number of horizontal threads, you cause an affect upon the vertical threads attached to them. Space is comprised of countless slices of sheets, faced one upon another, completely filling the void. Any object, sits in the middle of the solid created by the stack of sheets, stretching in all directions.
Take the example of the flat fabric with a sphere sitting on it. Now stack sheet after sheet on it, both above and below the original sheet, until you’ve filled all the void solid with layers of fabric, with the sphere completely engulfed in it. The fabric of space and time is all around the sphere.
You see, there’s no sheet of paper to fold. There’s no empty void above and below the sheet of space time fabric. It’s only drawn that way so we can see the intersections of space and time, as that in fabric. The space above and below the one sheet is filled with layers of fabric until all the void is full. There’s no sheet to fold. There’s the other layers in the way.
as master once said when their is a hole their is a goal
🕳 lol
This guy shaved his beard atleast he was looking good in it.
a hill is an upside-down hole. could white holes and white holes correspond to each other in a multiverse?
Sorry to sound harsh, but I feel SciShow content has really gone down in quality and quantity these last couple of years. These compilations, while adding to the quantity part, dilute the overall quality of the channel and contribute to long time subscribers gradually losing interest. I get that there might not be news to report and getting viewers is hard, but at least without compilations in my feed I'd watch any new SciShow video without thinking twice. Unlike now.
ther dom bell asroid
It's been up for ten minutes, and I'm the 552nd view.thafa 55 views a minute .....is that alot? It sounds like alot
Yo mama
I like pink holes, wink.
these are holes in matter, not space.. disappointing
Space is a fractal energy field.
It's a synergy of point-electro-potential and its discharge leading to kinetic permanent electromagnetic harmonic resonant fields manifesting geometry through wave-interference.
All permanent manifestation is standing-waves in the form of pulse-oscillations, just like big-bang expanding/and recontracting from point to sphere back to point, our pulse contracting/expanding, our breath contracting expanding.
Point is infinity, geometrically wise, and energy potential wise, which is, why our current particle quantum physics can't grasp it. It's energy fields, not particles...
Wake up world.
There are no such things as dark matter, dark energy, particles, virtual and pseudo stuff.
There is EM-fields and EM-fields only. If they perfectly implode/compress, information becomes dimenionless, as in "point-potential-information".
Everything in our universe is point-sourced, and as the example of big bang understanding nicely shows, we don't understand point-source, as in "our physics doesn't work at the early stage of big bang", which is, because everything is so highly compressed, energy density is getting so high towards point, that our physics fails. It doesn't mean point-source dones't exist, it rather means our physics is a failure on the very fundament, as everything originates from point.
You can't possibly understand the universe without point-source.
Really need to stop calling things "holes". Black holes aren't holes or tunnels. They are super dense and perfectly uniform matter compressed to the physical limits of causality itself. It's matter with all the empty space compressed out of it. That's all. The entire delusion of removing information from one place and moving it to another has to end. You can only change the information contained in the Universe when the entire Universe is still just uniform information. Before the big bang.
So quite literally, the only way to transfer information from one point in spacetime to another is to destroy the entire Universe, wait for the moment of recombination, edit the information before the next big bang, and wait again until the moment the information you changed forms the matter you wished to transmit.
You have to destroy and remake the Universe to change any of the fundamental information in it. Even just a few particles of matter would require this. There are no worm holes. No instant transmission of information. All of this requires the entire Universe to be destroyed as well. Information cannot be cut and pasted.