Oh, I do like this, would definitely choose the copper colour, probably a bit out of my price range in the higher too trims which is what I would want. However, I am pleased to see the range has gone up and would realistically now be useable for my needs and likes. Well done Lexus, I may wait till the 2nd hand market brings the price down just a bit to then consider it as my next EV. Great review mate.
Oh, I do like this, would definitely choose the copper colour, probably a bit out of my price range in the higher too trims which is what I would want. However, I am pleased to see the range has gone up and would realistically now be useable for my needs and likes. Well done Lexus, I may wait till the 2nd hand market brings the price down just a bit to then consider it as my next EV. Great review mate.
thanks for watching
Love that bi tone paint
great review, love the 2 tone paint on this Lexus RZ 300e
Great video on the RZ 300e
Very nice looking Lexus, great video
That is spectacular car