PEE'D AFF - A Public Inconvenience

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • A look at the history, and lack, of public toilets in Glasgow.
    We all need to pee. Yet, through a lack of funds, local authorities in Glasgow and other cities around Scotland and the rest of the UK have closed most of their public toilets.
    Is this a problem? Surely public toilets are old school, in that toilet facilities are now available in shopping centres, libraries, and other locations. We no longer need public toilets. Or do we?
    What if it's early morning and the shopping centre isn't open; the library is shut and the pub has yet to open its doors. Where is Joe Public meant to pee? Answers on a postcard.
    From the 'Gardezloo' of old Edinburgh when you chucked your body's waste on to the heads of passers-by to men peeing against horse-drawn cart wheels, we chart the history of peeing, including the 'Urinary Leash' of the old days when women were unable to venture too far from their house due to a lack of toilet facilities.
    Street urinals in the old days were just for men; for men were rough and tough and drank beer and pee'd a lot. Women just had to grin and bear it and hold it in.
    This is a look at times long gone, when peeing was important, and when you didn't have to sprint home to avoid a small disaster.

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