Which Astronomical Events Live up to the Hype?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 99

  • @unlucky5442
    @unlucky5442 Месяц назад +19

    Seeing the milkyway from a bortle 1 location for the first time honestly beats everything else, maybe except solar eclipses. Nice video as usual.

  • @legoben1998
    @legoben1998 Месяц назад +40

    Astronomical event tier list

    • @xyren062
      @xyren062 Месяц назад +1

      F tier: Globular cluster 😂

    • @beenaplumber8379
      @beenaplumber8379 Месяц назад +1

      @@xyren062 I think that depends on how you come upon the cluster. (Maybe that applies to all of these phenomena?) I got my first mirrorless camera with 2 kit lenses and pointed them at the sky to see what I could capture, and I got M13 and M92 both by accident, and in the same shot! I think I was using the 50 mm lens (eqiv. 75 mm, f/5.6). I wasn't looking for them, I didn't know they were there, and I never dreamed I could resolve a globular cluster with a camera and cheap kit lens, but when I looked at my pics, there they were. What a rush! I was just trying to see what magnitude of dim stars I could pick up with my new camera. (I wanted before and after pictures of T CrB, and I took a few other pictures in the area, from Bootes to Draco's head, down to Cygnus & Lyra.)
      Finding M92 and M13 are really what hooked me.

  • @zaffyr
    @zaffyr Месяц назад +31

    I'd argue that the aurora looks better than any conjunction

    • @NebulaPhotos
      @NebulaPhotos  Месяц назад +10

      Yeah, you are probably right that I put conjunctions as a category too high. I really liked the Jupiter/Saturn one visually through a telescope, but most aren't that spectacular especially naked eye.

    • @77moonwalker77
      @77moonwalker77 Месяц назад +2

      most aurora look like greyish clouds to naked eye

    • @s0ftw4reEXE
      @s0ftw4reEXE Месяц назад

      @@77moonwalker77 ive seen them bright green tho, but i was in greenland really in the middle of nowhere and really close to the north pole, but in maybe iceland or tops of canada i think they look like that

    • @adamroach4538
      @adamroach4538 Месяц назад

      @@77moonwalker77 The one in May was very colorful if you saw it at the right time.

    • @LShaver947
      @LShaver947 Месяц назад

      @@77moonwalker77 The way they move and whip around the sky is extremely impressive

  • @trinacaspersen
    @trinacaspersen Месяц назад +8

    I have a few days before I’m camping under a bortle 1 sky in northern Ontario for a few weeks, so now it’s time to binge your channel to prep! It’ll be a new moon and during peak meteor shower too!! Thanks for all you do it’s so helpful❤

    • @bueb8674
      @bueb8674 Месяц назад

      Oh man that'll be awesome. Algonquin I assume? I've been to Wilberforce for rock collecting a few times, wish I had the camera I do now but it was the best skies I've ever seen, SO many naked eye stars you can hardly tell the constellations, and that's bortle 3. You'll certainly get the full experience of the meteor shower!

  • @donadams.6679
    @donadams.6679 Месяц назад +1

    I have to go with the “experiencing” a total solar eclipse in person. There are no words that can describe the sense of awe that you get inside, the tactile responses as the temperature drops, and everything else that goes with the experience as you look up into the sky and the magical change that occurs when the last glimpse of sunlight is hidden by the moon. That moment is what I found to be worth the whole experience. The vastness of that instant change took me completely by surprise!

  • @DeveshPande
    @DeveshPande Месяц назад +7

    Fully agree about your comments on the eclipse. I still feel mesmerized just remembering the event

    • @beenaplumber8379
      @beenaplumber8379 Месяц назад +1

      I saw 2017 & 2024 from the US, and I felt changed. I've never been able to talk about them because the words don't exist outside a religious context. The closest I've come is that reality became a huge movie special effect, but it was real. In 2024 The suddenly dark sky itself was surrounded by a deep red twilight, and in the middle was the Eye of Sauron itself looming over us threateningly. It didn't look fake, just deeply impossible. I kept thinking to myself, "Yeah, but this is real! This is no movie!" I can understand why the ancients were horrified enough to sacrifice thousands of virgins to their gods. If I didn't know what it was in advance, I think I'd have been terrified into some crazy beliefs too. Both eclipses were very emotional experiences, which really surprised me when I saw my first one in 2017.

  • @fart3312
    @fart3312 Месяц назад +3

    I agree 100% about total eclipses. After seeing the one in 2024, pictures just absolutely did not do it justice. Standing there in a 360 degree sunset at the horizon was incredible

  • @Fossbear
    @Fossbear Месяц назад +10

    Speaking of the region i live in- this year, a clear sky would be a straight 10 :) both visually and photographic

    • @NebulaPhotos
      @NebulaPhotos  Месяц назад +3

      Ha, for sure! I really considered including a truly clear night under a dark sky!

  • @kristofeight9668
    @kristofeight9668 Месяц назад +4

    i'd put Visual Aurora much lower, maybe 3 or 4 because its dim without colors, but photographically 10

    • @adamroach4538
      @adamroach4538 Месяц назад +6

      Depends on how dark your skies are and how severe the storm is. You can see all kinds of colors with your eyes especially if they're overhead.

    • @kristofeight9668
      @kristofeight9668 Месяц назад +1

      @adamroach4538 10th of May the storm was huge, over our heads, we went to place without pollution, and visible colours almost none, but in camera...huh...that was something beautiful

    • @meloney
      @meloney Месяц назад

      @@kristofeight9668 then it wasn't extremly strong at your place or you might even have the genetic disposition that doesn't allow you to see colour. For me, it was the most beautiful and colourful thing i've ever seen. I dont live near dark skies at all as well. It was so extremly colourful and bright that one could easily read a book under them.

  • @BrianKushner
    @BrianKushner Месяц назад +2

    Seeing Saturn in a scope was what hooked me and I believe many others.

  • @dbkokinda
    @dbkokinda Месяц назад +1

    Thank you! Of course, many of my friends know I'm into astronomy and astrophotography. I've lost track of how many times I've had to tell people that "no, I don't plan on watching the star explode" and the reasons behind why I won't. I agree that it's good to educate the general public, but the sensationalism often can have negative consequences. I also get the need for clicks, but again, I think it can end up turning people off of astronomy when they find out - "that's it?". I suspect many of the "journalists" probably don't really understand the material they're writing about. I guess if it gets a few more eyes and minds into the science and wonder, than it's an overall plus.

    • @utopia113
      @utopia113 Месяц назад

      I had 2 friends send me links to articles about the nova...balance between tampering their excitement and keeping them interested in the hobby.

  • @77moonwalker77
    @77moonwalker77 Месяц назад +5

    i wouldve liked to see planetary photos and milky way as their own category :)

  • @maggiethrash
    @maggiethrash Месяц назад +12

    I got total eclipse pilled

  • @Rick_B52
    @Rick_B52 Месяц назад +1

    I got to photograph the northern lights (and see them) in person from Iowa back in May. They might not have been as bright as northern Canada but it still blew me away. I'm 48 and it was my first time seeing them. Stunning. I agree some things are way blown out of proportion but I started astro last winter and I'm really enjoying the images I've been able to capture. Underwhelming by eye? A little, but when you see it come to life on my EOS R I'm never disappointed.

  • @stephenb3026
    @stephenb3026 26 дней назад

    I went to a dark sky site in Tenerife national park for the lunar eclipse a few years ago. It was incredible. As the Moon moved into eclipse it no longer bleached the sky, and revealed the Milky Way. Seeing the Moon in eclipse, next to the Milky way, while standing within the desert caldera of a massive volcano was something I will never forget.

  • @chrisruthford4492
    @chrisruthford4492 Месяц назад

    Nothing is ever going to beat looking at totality through my refractor. That is by far the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The best part is ,I live exactly on the line of totality in Texas. I didn't have to go anywhere to see it

  • @SourojitBh
    @SourojitBh 20 дней назад +1

    Very interesting video! Thank you!

  • @ajmxr9
    @ajmxr9 Месяц назад +1

    We haven't experienced one for several centuries, but I hope to see a supernova in the milkyway in our life time. Will be spectacular to see another star during the daytime.

  • @1pcmedic
    @1pcmedic Месяц назад

    Neowise is what got me started in astrophotography and the reason I purchased a tracker. Pics were great, except for the star trails 🤣🤣🤣 With the aurora in May, i got the International Space Station going through 4 frames.

  • @TaleOfTwoIdiots
    @TaleOfTwoIdiots Месяц назад +2

    I don't know if you'd list under meteor shower, but seeing (and hearing!) a fireball in the mid-70s as a teenager was unforgettable.

  • @davewilton6021
    @davewilton6021 Месяц назад +2

    IMHO, the most overhyped phenomenon, which would be off the scale in negative numbers, are so called "supermoons." Visually or photographically they look no different than ordinary full moons. Yes, they are interesting conceptually (in print, as you said), but a big "so what" when looking at them. (And full moons in general are less interesting visually or photographically than the various phases because with the phases you get a 3D effect along the terminator with the shadows of mountains and craters.) Yet, the media never tires of touting them.

  • @BrackenSharp
    @BrackenSharp Месяц назад

    Made it out for the last eclipse and watched it from Arkansas in totality. Ya, it completely blew me away as well. Grew up playing Nazi Zombies in COD and to think those shiny white flames around the black void were real. Loved every second of it and would love to become an eclipse chaser.

  • @AstroBlender
    @AstroBlender Месяц назад

    I completely agree on total solar eclipses. I brought my scope and camera for the 2017 eclipse and didn’t even use it. I was completely jaw dropped for the entire experience. A must see.
    The first time I’ve really disagreed with you is on total lunar eclipses. It was the first “bucket list” item for me. I stayed up all night and every phase from start to finish was mesmerizing watching it happen. Deep amber orange, just incredible. I’d say 10 for total solar eclipse and 8 for total lunar eclipse.
    The transit of Venus was amazing back in 2012!
    This was a fun video, nice work!

  • @KingLoopie1
    @KingLoopie1 Месяц назад

    Under meteors but... Seeing a super bright bolide that casts shadows. I saw one on my Sunday morning paper route about a half a century ago. It started almost directly above my head an streaked to the north, almost reaching the horizon! Not daylight bright but the brightest meteor I've seen to date! Shadows moving around for several seconds as it traveled half of the sky before burning out... Amazing!

  • @terrizittritsch745
    @terrizittritsch745 Месяц назад

    How true, I’ve been saying this for years now. For an Astronomical group like our little Vermont Astronomical Society, it results in lots of questions from people who are ultimately disappointed and a little disillusioned because the reality is nothing like the hype. Can’t say I agree with your scoring and you’ve left things off. Meteor showers and ‘name your moon’s are typically the worst. Most people aren’t going to go outside and watch for hours.. and I’ve yet to see a ‘shower’, versus a trickle.

  • @kelvinpell4571
    @kelvinpell4571 Месяц назад

    I'd contend that given the smallness and pettiness of humans and our problems, any astronomical event is awe inspiring and majestic by comparison

  • @andyrawlins
    @andyrawlins Месяц назад

    I'll never forget seeing the Total Eclipse in 2006 - a definite 10. I'd say that, similarly, the aurora is better visually as its changing all the time - pictures are ten a penny. But I got into astronomy after seeing the moon through a 4.5" Newtonian many years ago and, visually, through my 8" it is still magical.

  • @Sander_Hollo
    @Sander_Hollo Месяц назад

    Ofc everyone talks about Aurora what hapened on May 11.
    But this event hapends actually somewhat every month.
    I have been photographing it many years now and all of them look diferent.
    It's extremly adicting and you cant miss any of it.
    Keeping eye on satelites ACE and DSCOVR every night.
    There was a time while i was timelapsing it,Falcon9 from SpaceX flew in to Aurora.
    Yeah,you will see alot more that just Aurora.
    Keep it mind we are on the highest peak with suns activity rn.
    So good luck and clear skyes for all the Aurora hunters.

  • @meibergstrmandersen9181
    @meibergstrmandersen9181 Месяц назад +1

    I agree to a large extend on the list and priorities. I have seen Aurora many times, but the most mind-blowing was in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. Since I have not seen a full eclipse, the Aurora is on top. We saw some here in Denmark this year,, but is was vague compared to what you can see at eg. 70 degrees North. Just go see it, you won't regret it.

  • @AmatureAstronomer
    @AmatureAstronomer Месяц назад +1

    I suspect the collision between Old Earth and Theia was pretty spectacular.

    • @bueb8674
      @bueb8674 Месяц назад +1

      Well yeah but I'd like to live through it

  • @dieguerrero
    @dieguerrero Месяц назад

    Totally agree on the rating for TSE....pictures can't describe what you see and experience during totality. The great conjunction was awesome visually through a telescope.. 2 gas giant in the same fov...unimaginable. Impacts on the moon during lunar total eclipses...didn't know that was possible...now looking forward to see this. Thanks for the video!!!

  • @dienachtwache
    @dienachtwache Месяц назад

    The Aurora Mai this jear was visual a 10 I was on a star party ITV here in germany and it could seen until south and all coulors extremly bright with my eyes.

  • @PJeBenn
    @PJeBenn Месяц назад

    Great list, my earliest astronomical memory is Halley's Comet, its amazing that it is still going to be another 37 years before we see it again. I completely agree with you on eclipses I have been lucky enough to stand in totality twice. If I could afford it I would be an eclipse chaser. I really want to get more into astrophotography but as they say life keeps getting in the way.

  • @drdentin3215
    @drdentin3215 11 дней назад

    Hey Nico, a favor to ask. I would really appreciate if you could send out a notification when you first hear of T CrB going nova. I am checking it often visually. Thanks for all your content Bill.

  • @ThisOne_Astro
    @ThisOne_Astro Месяц назад

    I have to agree, solar eclipse visually a 10, I’m so busy making sure that I’m getting it and everything is still in frame that when looking back at the picture all I remember is what I was doing to capture it and only brief moments when I was looking around, so I feel like I didn’t get the total solar eclipse experience because I was to busy doing all sorts of things

  • @EricTheCat
    @EricTheCat Месяц назад

    I pretty much agree with your rankings. One partial lunar eclipse exception was the 11/19/2021 eclipse that was so close to total that you could see the red of the moon which was near the Pleiades which was absolutely beautiful.

  • @claudiogoncalves1985
    @claudiogoncalves1985 Месяц назад

    I couldn't yet photograph an full solar eclipse by myself but seen some amazing pictures, specially the ones that included the landscape or something in foreground

  • @brodymk45
    @brodymk45 Месяц назад +1

    My list would be:
    Partial eclipses: 2,
    Partial Eclipses are pretty boring, it’s like, oh i’ve seen it now, let’s go in.
    Transits: 2,
    Transits are really hard to see unless you have a telescope and they happen so fast (unless a planetary transit or an annular eclipse) that you might not even catch them in time.
    Conjunctions: 4,
    Conjunctions are okay, it is kind of cool seeing 2 or more objects close together that aren’t normally that close.
    Comets: 4,
    General Comets aren’t super interesting, naked eye you can’t see anything, but through the eyepiece, it just looks like a fuzzy blob most of the time.
    Meteor showers: 5,
    Meteor showers are cool, Unless you get a bright, long meteor streaking through the sky, then they are pretty cool.
    Total Lunar Eclipses: 6,
    Total Lunar Eclipses I feel live up to the hype, seeing the moon slowly disappear then suddenly turning red is pretty cool in my opinion.
    Aurora: 7,
    Aurora is pretty cool, I like seeing the pillars dance in real time. but unless it isn’t a strong event visible to the naked eye, then they aren’t that cool.
    Total Solar Eclipses: 10+,
    Total Solar Eclipses 100% live up to the hype, definitely one of if not the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life. It is crazy how fast it goes from day to night in just a couple of seconds. Then you look up and you see the suns corona around the moon and the planets orbiting the sun. It is also very surprising how big it looks in the sky. Then at the end of totality, You can see baily’s beads and the diamond ring with your naked eye. Definitely worth the travel.
    Partial Eclipses: 1
    Conjunctions: 2,
    Transits: 2,
    Meteor showers: 3,
    Total Lunar Eclipses: 5
    Comets: 6
    Total Solar Eclipses: 7
    Aurora: 8

    • @NebulaPhotos
      @NebulaPhotos  Месяц назад +1

      Great list and descriptions Brody!

    • @brodymk45
      @brodymk45 Месяц назад

      @@NebulaPhotos thanks!

  • @utopia113
    @utopia113 Месяц назад

    Milky Way (especially the core) should have been included...granted, it's not hyped in the news but still amazing the first time seeing or photographing it.

  • @samwarfelphotos
    @samwarfelphotos Месяц назад

    In my opinion, a total solar eclipse and a full-sky naked eye color aurora are the two 10/10 night sky sights, visually at least. I have misgivings about my TSE images the same as you.
    Anyway, that’s my feeling, nothing else I have ever seen even comes close. A true Great Comet might, but I have never seen one.

  • @nigelplatt3808
    @nigelplatt3808 15 дней назад

    I would also add a view of the Milky Way from a bortle 1 or 2 sky equal visually and photographically to the Aurora. 👍

  • @Ataraxis99
    @Ataraxis99 Месяц назад

    I experienced the 2015 total solar eclipse from Svalbard and I have enjoyed several hundred substorm aurora events. For the eclipse, I wish I knew ahead of times to look away from the sun during totality and look at the landscape! A proper aurora event will forever be my favourite- frequent in the right latitudes- but no event is the same!

  • @richardshagam8608
    @richardshagam8608 Месяц назад +3

    You skipped Super Moons. Thank you. If I were to rank them, I'd give them a 'minus' score. Way over-hyped!

  • @jiffy7
    @jiffy7 Месяц назад +2

    How about fireballs?

  • @jimwaller5465
    @jimwaller5465 Месяц назад

    1000% on Solar Eclipses. They are an experience you can't understand unless you see one. I am now a CHASER!

  • @davidforcier4
    @davidforcier4 Месяц назад

    On my side, I have the feeling that the (composite-stacked) picture I got from the totality of april's eclipse is probably the greatest picture that I will ever produce. I can shoot superb aurora borealis, do my very best on deep sky astrophotography, shoot incredible landscape or wildlife, but I will probably never see another eclipse like that one, almost in my backyard, on a high solar activity and with a full clear sky (and in Quebec, that wasn't won in advance!).
    It's just a bit sad to think that the peak is already reached and that it's just downway now 😅

  • @charlesalexander8099
    @charlesalexander8099 Месяц назад

    You should’ve added video footage of the solar eclipse.

  • @guyjordan8201
    @guyjordan8201 Месяц назад

    Saturn 🪐 lunar occlusion is rare but amazing telescopically

  • @mikehardy8247
    @mikehardy8247 Месяц назад

    Maybe I just missed it. I didn't see your Skywatcher Dob listed on your equipment page. I jist boougt the 10" with SynScan. Have you done a review of yours?

  • @johnmat4678
    @johnmat4678 Месяц назад

    The Jupiter moons transiting and casting shadows of the face of Jupiter.

  • @blufferblue1599
    @blufferblue1599 Месяц назад

    What about supernovas? Mostly from photography standpoint

  • @TheCosmicGuy0111
    @TheCosmicGuy0111 Месяц назад +1

    Honestly in my opinion the only true astronomical events that will be interesting for an average person is a Total Solar Eclipse, Aurora(under dark skies) and 50/50 on a Total Lunar Eclipse. Besides that, if you aren’t really interested in space everything else will be pretty lame.

  • @pikadoesstuff
    @pikadoesstuff Месяц назад

    It's funny, but I personally got started in astrophotography through the "Green Comet" in 2023

    • @NebulaPhotos
      @NebulaPhotos  Месяц назад

      Wow, that's a hard one to start out with! Were you able to capture it?

    • @pikadoesstuff
      @pikadoesstuff Месяц назад +1

      ​@NebulaPhotos I did! I captured it with my phone camera and binoculars on a tripod after 4 nights of searching. It was very exciting for me and it led to me discovering amateur astrophotography, partially through your videos.

  • @cmeluzzi
    @cmeluzzi Месяц назад

    Those pictures of the sun taken with h-alpha filters would rank high.
    Nebulae are awesome in pictures, but usually boring on a real telescope.

  • @lowellmccormick6991
    @lowellmccormick6991 Месяц назад +1

    Meteor showers almost never live up to the hype by the media. I've seen one good meteor shower (Taurids) at our astronomy club's moderately dark sky spot in S. La. I saw one fantastic, science-fiction quality meteor shower (Perseids) at our family dairy farm (very remote and very, very dark) in upstate NY in 2002. It was a week before the peak and it was better there than at the peak a week later at the Stellafane Convention. I've seen some pretty good comets naked eye, even from moderately dark skies. Comet Holmes was an interesting one in 2007. No tail visually. It looked more like a nebula.

  • @EMC-ow4tf
    @EMC-ow4tf Месяц назад

    what about noctilucent clouds!? I wanna catch one but i hear its only for higher latitudes

  • @AstroFrontyard
    @AstroFrontyard Месяц назад +1

    This is true, a lot of events are 'overhyped' especially in this book I own. Its disappointing to find out the events true nature once I go out to observe it.

  •  Месяц назад

    We are backhandedly fortunate that our magnetic field is weakening as we'll get increasingly more intense auroras. Don't forget to put the tinfoil hat over expensive and delicate gear to prevent blowing the electronics though.

  • @user-xj8wy4uu1q
    @user-xj8wy4uu1q Месяц назад

    What about annular eclipses?

  • @Yurkevich22
    @Yurkevich22 Месяц назад

    A great Aurora is right there on visual scale for me as the total solar eclipse. But Auroras could be quite mediocre as well as super stunning. While with the eclipse you pretty much know exactly what you gonna get.

  • @kanedafx1
    @kanedafx1 Месяц назад

    Hello Nico and friends, after watching videos for years I decide to start taking serious astrophotography as Hobby, I have a Nikon D3200 and a S23 plus and I did some milky way pics with it, so I thinking in buy a telescope (700$-1000$), a starwacher and a better tripod, I will change the camera later on, what you guys recommend, Should I change the camera 1st with better lenses and a tripod or start with that price range telescope, any piece of advice will be really appreciate, mounts, adapters for the camera.... or maybe one of those smart telescope Dwarf? thank you all and clear skyes. Edit: forgot to mention, I will love to take pics of nebulas and galaxies.

    • @rev_dude
      @rev_dude Месяц назад +1

      Id go for a used star adventurer 2i pro pack or star adventurer GTi if you can find a good deal. Then either a small telescope for exclusivley deep sky or a telephoto lens for taking pictures during the day.
      As long as your tripod is decently sized & sturdy enough you probably don't need to upgrade it, but if you want to upgrade an aluminum Bogen/Manfrotto or similar should be cheap or free used.
      IMO for deep sky (and milky way somewhat) tracking is the biggest upgrade you can make

    • @kanedafx1
      @kanedafx1 Месяц назад

      @@rev_dude Thank you for your reply, How this telescope sound, SVBONY SV503, taking pictures during the day?

  • @astroashruff
    @astroashruff Месяц назад

    unpopular opinion : Lunar occultation is one of the hype

  • @markhajek8281
    @markhajek8281 15 дней назад

    What laptop do you recommend ?

  • @ddxfs
    @ddxfs Месяц назад

    Meteor showers ranked way too high for both. Maybe 5 visual 3 photos, but most meteor showers are even more boring than that even Perseids last year was weak. Solar eclipse photos should be higher like a 9 but they are harder to do well. Aurora also much higher visually a 9 during a strong storm you can see massive pillars dancing high in the sky and it is wild. Even form Florida during the may 11 storm seeing pillars extending up to like 60 degrees produced a reaction close to totality. I'm sure high latitude aurora not during an active storm is less exciting. Lunar eclipse photos higher like a 5-6 above meteor showers.

  • @adamroach4538
    @adamroach4538 Месяц назад

    I think it's ai bc I asked meta to show me a picture of a supernova and all the pics looked like that

  • @steveibbotson1214
    @steveibbotson1214 Месяц назад

    When you have seen a total solar 99.999% is not enough😀

  • @kingsj3467
    @kingsj3467 Месяц назад


  • @jimmy_inc6087
    @jimmy_inc6087 Месяц назад


  • @user-jm9iw6mm9o
    @user-jm9iw6mm9o 16 дней назад


  • @dubstepzsi
    @dubstepzsi Месяц назад

    Not sure why you are comparing them like they are the same they are both magnificent sites because they are both unique sites so i;m sorry but the comparison is not really valid.

    • @NebulaPhotos
      @NebulaPhotos  Месяц назад +4

      I'm not sure what you mean. The scale was 'How much do they live up to the hype?' and 'hype' as a concept was explained with several examples in the first half of the video. Yes, they are all unique events, but my whole point is every astronomical event seems to be treated the same by the media headlines which can lead to disappointment if one goes in with warped expectations. I also thought it was interesting to draw distinctions between which events to me have been spectacular to photograph vs. view by eye.