Legacy donor the McClure family

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • www.interplas....
    My parents, John Robert McClure and Francis McClure, who started our company, international Plastics in 1964, God's brought us through. We have a great company that's grown from just myself and a few brothers to now we have 47 employees.
    We're thankful to our parents and our grandmother, um, Pearl Taylor McClure, who loaned my daddy $500 to start international plastic. And from that, God's blessed this business and our philosophy and, and the way of doing business, our culture can all be pointed back to our parents, number one in prayer.
    Number two, in a philosophy of Luke 6 31 of treat others as you would like to be treated. And, and his infectious love of people and love of the customer and, and trying to do us right, really impacted our culture here.
    And it's the basis of everything we do today. It's been an amazing, uh, venture and been, uh, been blessed beyond our wildest dreams. My dad had always taught us to, to give, give till it hurts. So, uh, and, um, we've been brought up that way.
    If you could blow it down in a few sentences, would be live your faith boldly love big, and, and give big. We all live in the same community, obviously. We want to provide, uh, affordable housing. We want to provide jobs, we want to help redemption stories. We all have been given multiple, many chances and we love to be part of that redemption story for others. And, uh, homes of Hope has really checked every box in that arena.
    And it's just an amazing how they started too. And, uh, just gives us great joy to be able to, uh, support an organization like this, especially locally. You know, we don't look at Homes of Hope as a donation so much.
    Visit an investment first in our community, making our community a better place. Eternal impact and kingdom work is gonna last. And I think our investment is not in this world, but it's in the kingdom.
    Hopefully we'll be able to steward our resources here, not just in the operations of the business, but, uh, funding ministries through profits and uh, and not only through the business, through our individual endeavors, and hopefully we can teach our kids to do the same.
    And it's a generational impact beyond us as our legacy grows.

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