Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouhou nous on dit al hamdoulillahi allah nous a donné beaucoup grand grand grand cheikh au Mali 🇲🇱 wolaye il sont tous est sunna al hamdoulillahi je t'aime beaucoup nous pays Mali maliba wolaye mon dieu aider nous et aide nous pays Mali 🇲🇱 ya allah 🤲protège nous et protège nous pays aussi ya allah 🤲
As salam Aleykum sheikh Abdoulaye Koita and your team. All praise is due to Allah, We worship Him, We seek His help and His forgiveness, and we turn to Him in repentance. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil within ourselves and from our ill deeds. Whoever is guided by Allah can not be led astray, and whoever goes astray cannot be guided. I testify there is no God but Allah and no partner has He. And I bear witness that Muhammad, is His slave and messenger. Thank you for this great tafsir may Allah reward you and us to Jannatul Firdous . Amine
Merci beaucoup imam et sunna tv
Amine yarabi oustaz koita
Manchallah ☝ Imam cheik Abdoulaye Koïta et merci de nous faire guider dans le droit chemin surtout 📚 🎤 💺 👑 👑 👑
Longue vie à notre check Abdoulaye Koita
Barack Allahou fikum
Salam aleykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouhou nous on dit al hamdoulillahi allah nous a donné beaucoup grand grand grand cheikh au Mali 🇲🇱 wolaye il sont tous est sunna al hamdoulillahi je t'aime beaucoup nous pays Mali maliba wolaye mon dieu aider nous et aide nous pays Mali 🇲🇱 ya allah 🤲protège nous et protège nous pays aussi ya allah 🤲
macha allah cheikh imam koita
As salam Aleykum sheikh Abdoulaye Koita and your team.
All praise is due to Allah, We worship Him, We seek His help
and His forgiveness, and we turn to Him in repentance. We
seek refuge in Allah from the evil within ourselves and from
our ill deeds. Whoever is guided by Allah can not be led
astray, and whoever goes astray cannot be guided. I testify
there is no God but Allah and no partner has He. And I bear
witness that Muhammad, is His slave and messenger. Thank you for this great tafsir may Allah reward you and us to Jannatul Firdous . Amine
Manchallah ☝ 699 vues 🌜 🌛 🌜 👀 👀 👀 🌛