Arcadi Oliveres / Contrattacando. Febrero 2011.

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024

Комментарии • 56

  • @esplendidooo
    @esplendidooo 13 лет назад +2

    Maestro. Me quito el sombrero.

  • @viejavisillo3804
    @viejavisillo3804 2 года назад +4

    11 años he tardado en descubrir a este señor y lo he hecho a título póstumo...Afortunadamente nos ha dejado una herencia magistral que aún estoy a tiempo de cobrar. DEP

  • @FernandoLT
    @FernandoLT 12 лет назад +3

    Si señor cuanta razon!!! Madre mia hay tanto que cambiar que no sabria ni por donde empezar. Resumiendo, España pais de autentica vergüenza

  • @domisolfamifaremido
    @domisolfamifaremido 13 лет назад +2

    Impresionante . Me siento como un borrego manipulado por carroñeros .Grácias Sr Arcadi Oliveres por su talento y capacidad de sintaxis. No falta ni sobra una palabra y le felicito por su sentido del humor que aplica en algunos momentos y hace que no perdamos el interés en ningún momento. GRACIAS

  • @motowoman
    @motowoman 13 лет назад +2

    Buenísima explicación para que todo el mundo la entienda

  • @IonMoritz
    @IonMoritz 12 лет назад +1

    @bujinserra Las empresas, sean malvadas o no, hacen lo que les sale rentable, y el dinero que ganan sale de los consumidores, así que hay que mirar bien a quién le damos el dinero. Además, debemos hablar con nuestros representantes, que nos guste o no sí nos representan. Si no reciben quejas, llegarán a la conclusión de que a la mayoría de sus votantes estas cosas no les importan.

  • @zanoni43
    @zanoni43 13 лет назад +1


  • @5cuatro
    @5cuatro 13 лет назад

    muy grande este canal, subscribiendome en 3, 2, 1...

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад +1

    people. When I arrived on my first time to the Faculty of Economics (as you can supose I'm talking about the prehistory), they told me that economy was that science that attempted to manage the low resources that environment give to us and obtain with them the goods and services for satisfy human needs, and they added "unlimited", that obviously can't be.
    But obviously the actual economy doesn't response to these values, at all, it moves at some parameters absolutely differents, and what has

  • @Pieropel85
    @Pieropel85 13 лет назад +1

    Can anyone make a subtitulation in english or italian to this video, please?
    I'm italian and i'm very intrested to this video. Thanks :)

  • @morta720
    @morta720 12 лет назад

    me parece increible

  • @miguave
    @miguave 13 лет назад +2

    El Sr. Arcadi cono nombre a los sinvergüenzas que nos están exprimiendo, a por ellos que son pocos y cobardes

  • @NicolasaPintora
    @NicolasaPintora 12 лет назад

    Pues es muy simple, porque la verdad no cambia, no se puede decir cada vez una cosa distinta.

  • @Asustaviejas666
    @Asustaviejas666 11 лет назад

    por que segun tu, se ha de cambiar algo que es totalmente cierto?

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    @Pieropel85 Here is a translation, I hope it helps, I did it as well as I can, but some words as been translated with google translator and I'm not sure they are right (they're the better I could find) so if someone finds a mistake, please, solve it.
    I'm going to need some more comments for the complete translation, if anyone can add it as a subtitle, do it.
    "Thank you all and specially attac because of this invitation, and my partner and friend Ricardo Garcia (Faudibar?) who has been for

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    great amount of reserves. The petrol countries had a really great amount of reserves.
    And then there are other countries that have "sovereign founds", not because they are petrol countries, but because they have a really streamlined financial state­ment, as they export so much, and they import really bit. And they are three countries everyone knows: China, Japan and Germany.
    Well, so China, Japan and Germany, on one side, and the petrol countries on thi other, got a great amount of reserves.

  • @rbbfjrp
    @rbbfjrp 13 лет назад +1


  • @nohisocitutampoc2789
    @nohisocitutampoc2789 Год назад

    El mestre Arcadi. Com el trobem a faltar.

  • @Platinium87
    @Platinium87 12 лет назад

    Pues en Catalunya, saliendo a la calle pacificamente hemos conseguido que los politicos nos escuchen y elijan ir hacia el estado propio. Si tu consigues una GRAAAAN cantidad humana, que se mueva de modo pacifico, puedes conseguir muchas cosas.Aun nos quedan muchas cosas que superar, una constitucion antiderechos humanos,posibles boicots,etc.Pero si tu eres trabajador y tienes ganas de conseguir algo por las buenas,si no te rindes,al final se conseguira. Digo indep. xk es mi caso, xo tu el tuyo

  • @roquexuvia
    @roquexuvia 13 лет назад

    @cony71 Ojalá lo repitiera el suficiente número de veces para que tomaramos conciencia un número importante de personas

  • @victorfreiman
    @victorfreiman 13 лет назад


  • @Sancho_Retablez
    @Sancho_Retablez 13 лет назад

    He tenido que parar varias veces el video para CAGARME EN DIOS.

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    function of a bank is to speculate. But they speculated. As they speculated until values got low, they had difficulties to sell them, well, not difficulties, but it would be useless.
    Second problem of the banks? They didn't recovered the mortgages. As they didn't recovered the mortgages, what did they do? They got the flats. And now we aren't going to enter in the discussion about if the flat has to cancel the mortgages or not (that it has to cancel it), if we have to work for nation instead of

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    as so many times was said, it was "inflate the bubble". But everyone knows that bubbles, as well as they inflate, they deflate. and there was a momment when the bubble bursted. I'm not going to explain it, because there isn't time, but it started to burst in 1997 in USA, whit the called "sub-prive mortgages". Then, we realized that mortgages had been given for the banks to earn more money really over the price of the building that was being mortgaged. It happens in spain too, if you are qoing to

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    many months so I can be here with all you this afternoon and try to, if not response to the questions, at least do any exposition. Well, in any case, I'm not going to try, because it would be impossible, too long and I know I'm not the best prepared to do that, to explain the beginnings of this crisis, that are, no doubt, financials.
    I think that this reference to Sampedro is really appropiate because the economy mustn't serve to earn more money but specially to response to the needs of

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    One day I saw in the newspaper "le monde" that said something like "shoemaker, on your shoes", and it didn't any reference to the President of Government (Note: actually, the President of Spain is called Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, and zapatero means shoemaker), it means "bank, act like a bank", get the money from the people who have too much and give it to the people who needs it, that obviously a bank never does, giving money to who needs it, but it's the function of a bank. What is not the

  • @maricarmen3852
    @maricarmen3852 3 года назад

    Desde cuando el banco paga adelantado las facturas de las empresas o del ayuntamiento si es así por que se quejan las empresas

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    what's happening now, but in any case they kept the flats. Flats are an asset, no doubt, but they are not an liquid asset, it keps there and has to be kept, painted, repaired, and so on.
    and, in third place, american, england, and spain banks got into debt because of it that is now going on the press, and that were called "sovereign founds" (Note: I'm not sure of the correct translation of "fondos soberanos"; this is a literal translation). What are the "sovereign founds"? they are the founds

  • @victorfreiman
    @victorfreiman 13 лет назад +1


  • @PlanetaSugus
    @PlanetaSugus 12 лет назад +1

    Pues siento decirte que la resistencia pasiva ya no es solución. Está claro que por las buenas no vamos a ser escuchados. Como tampoco era escuchado por las buenas el pueblo francés en 1789... Lo peor de todo es que hay mucha, MUCHA gente que mira con recelo e incluso critican a los que se quejan y protestan en la calle.

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    They save them on a drawer? No way! Because save them on the drawer means that they weren't going to get interest from that. They lended them. To who? Those that ask them for credit. I repeat: USA, UK, Ireland and Spain banks. What term did the "sovereign founds" give those loans? An intermediate term between 5 and 6 years. What did the spanish bank with that? Giving mortgages at 30€, That's obvious that wasn't going to work any way. So eventually the banks had dificulties. They couldn't get

  • @malaideacoc7978
    @malaideacoc7978 9 лет назад +2

    Se puede decir más alto pero más claro no.

  • @bescanito
    @bescanito 13 лет назад

    Aún así me parece que el trabajador tiene muchos más privilegios a la hora de entrar en pérdidas......que pasa que los trabajadores de una pYMES, a la calle y punto.....

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    pay it back, so it started to fall an the exchange conditions got lower, as I know, until a limit of near a third of initial values."
    (I didn't spectid it to be so long and hard, even after having watched it)
    "This was the first problem for banks, that those movable assets that they had, weren't in the best time to be sold, because if they sell them, they only would get back a third of that they had invested in. Why? Because banks had acted bad. they did something they shouldn't have done.

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    that are owned by the 11 or 12 whealtier countries on currency on the world. And why those 11 or 12 countries are the whealtier countries on currency on the world? Because of two reasons.
    First, some of those countries are called the "petrol countries". Until the crisis arrived, the petrol got up spectacularly. If you had, for example, Kuwait, that used to sell the petrol at 60$ each barrel, and in the last two years until the crisis arrives you sell it at 160$, it's obvious that you save a

  • @upsboy
    @upsboy 13 лет назад +1

    M A G I S T R A L

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    buy a flat that costs one hundred thousand €, the bank gives you one houndred twenty, so you said "my flat only costs one hundred", and them said "no, with this you can buy furniture, you can buy a car, so tell me...", so you get the one hundred twenty and then you can't return that sume. But in the case of the sub-prime mortgages, they weren't giving 120 for 100, sometimes they give you even 500 for 100. That couldn't be met, so it started to get away of the ability from banks to give money and

  • @milcaritas
    @milcaritas 13 лет назад +2

    Y seguimos todos tan anchos...joder que asco

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    been more real actually is the perversion on the idea of money. People doesn't use as much the money as tool of intermediation to buy or sell items with their salary, but for obtain even more money with the money they had. That's called speculation. In the case of Spain, we've know it well, because in adition to the speculation on the Stock Exchange, we have had a lot of land speculation to the highest expresions.
    But this speculation, both on the Stock Exchange or on land, what have done

  • @cony71
    @cony71 13 лет назад

    bon discurs, però sempre el mateix discurs calcat

  • @cony71
    @cony71 12 лет назад

    no dic q no

  • @spanischekompaniess
    @spanischekompaniess 13 лет назад

    @REV2012ful ESO ES PRACTICAMENTE IMPOSIBLE,si se hunde el sistema(el corte ingles,carrefour,y todas las grandes empresas...y los grandes supermercados,etc no puede existir un sistema equilibrado cuando aqui en europa no hay pesca ni recursos minerales...china es un pais extremadamente pobre donde no existe la libertad ni los derechos humanos y peor esta india

  • @cony71
    @cony71 12 лет назад

    tens raó

  • @daviddtor
    @daviddtor 12 лет назад

    Que aburrido estoy de ver activistas solidarios y similares que hablan de lo ratas que son los empresarios, banqueros, etc pero ellos dentro de sus medios no toman acciones ejemplares como meter a gente si hogar en tu casa, etc.

    • @felipe9069
      @felipe9069 7 лет назад

      daviddtor Después de cuatro años sigues siendo idiota?

  • @JimPaIr
    @JimPaIr 13 лет назад

    back, and at the end I have, I think, arround the actual balance, that I set on two billions seven hundred thousand millions of $. If my calculations aren't wrong, two billions seven hundred thousand millions of $ are exactly what united nations ask for eradicate hunger on world... but 54 times. What's the same, whith that amount of money, if FAO's stimations are true, we could get out the hunger on the world for the next 54 years."
    I have to leave... The translation, until here, reach 07:57...