+siege0017 Thank you. Hi - I've avoided selling bait like the plague. Genuinely optimised bait is extremely costly per individual bait, but you only need use tiny amounts to achieve incredible results. The idea of selling bait at a price per kg as opposed to potency per bait to me is inconceivable. My aim is to teach people how to most uniquely defeat popular readymade baits by creating homemade baits of not normal kinds; I choose this instead of running a readymade bait company; it means far more to me. :)
You could try. it's much easier to e.g. use a blend of spirulina and broken cell wall chlorella and daphnia powders to start down that kind of route lol... ;)
Do u sell any of you're bolies you make or have an ebay account u trade with. Excellent video.
+siege0017 Thank you. Hi - I've avoided selling bait like the plague. Genuinely optimised bait is extremely costly per individual bait, but you only need use tiny amounts to achieve incredible results. The idea of selling bait at a price per kg as opposed to potency per bait to me is inconceivable. My aim is to teach people how to most uniquely defeat popular readymade baits by creating homemade baits of not normal kinds; I choose this instead of running a readymade bait company; it means far more to me. :)
I have a garden pond that has string algae could I dry that and turn it into a powder do you think?
You could try. it's much easier to e.g. use a blend of spirulina and broken cell wall chlorella and daphnia powders to start down that kind of route lol... ;)