One thing that really strikes me is the ending monologs. Even if AM is destroyed, it implies that this is the end result of all technology. That it will just happen again, because humans and technology cannot be separated. At least, that's what AM believes, I interpret.
Exactly one of the best warnings is this: "How can mankind learn from its atrocities if man cannot learn from history mistakes and left uneducated, Thus man faces another problem one man's ideals of peace and world harmony as utopia/heaven is another man's/woman's hell leading man to infighting, Infighting leads to corruption via power hunger individuals willing to manipulate the paranoias and naivete of good men and women, While they're good men and women sometimes good men and women attempts to do good in their own ideals again differ said individuals may become corrupted unintentionally from their beliefs that they're doing good leading man to indirectly fight amongst themselves or for those who are selfish to use the infighting to consolidate power, Finally the points made are meant to be neutral to the benevolent and malevolent side of man's nature and how their is no permanent solution for utopia as utopia can become dystopia and the main ideal of utopia is dystopia as a utopia is supposed to emulate world peace and harmony but again said interpretation of utopia/world harmony or peace can be be viewed as dictatorship or how to achieve knowing violence and other factors such as corruption or disillusionment will be the downfall of utopia and why utopia is most commonly dystopia in I was once blind and ignorant set in believing that everything has always been perfect until one day a interaction with a individual called Mr Nukes who had a angry wolf icon engaged me in casual conversation and you can say it left a profound impression that I considered life changing as I myself had realized I knew so little I knew this individual never tried to influence or push his or her views onto me they simply answered questions and I discussed many things with them about life itself and I remembered what Mr Nukes told me that our brains are not the limit the only thing is the belief that us humans cannot think for ourselves and need some charismatic person to lead us on thinking they have our opinions and safety in mind when we know nothing about said person just because they promise everything we want to hear Mr Nukes also told me to think for myself and not be codependent on going with whatever sounds smart and promising and that they're words are not instructions of any kind or advice but merely what human beings do simply living our lives defining our own views on what gives us said meaning we choose what we make of it". "So this is my warning if life seems like hell try to look bright side of life because when alls said and done we don't truly know what death has in store for us so let's do what makes us happy and be tolerant and open minded to our fellow man and woman while remembering the reason why we have disagreements and free will is what allows to be us as individuals that is all from me Klaus".
@@kardoxfabricanus7590 I don't know if mr nukes is a furry and maybe was not the right word. I was trying to explain due to my education which was normal I took things at face value but upon hearing different perspectives from other people I understand life is complicated and complex. I hope this explains things better anyways have a good day/ morning/night.
@@Nombrenooriginal lol I mean they might be images generated by AM, not an actual angel/demon. Just like Ellen sheets at Ted level might be a clue that it is not the actual Ellen as the sheets are yellow.
This is great you got the literal best outcome not only was am id ego and super ego defeated theres a chance the other characters mercyfully survived thats quite an accomplishment
@@Solarius1983 am has conditioned humanity for failure our protagonists are not ready for crisis management look at all 5 of them and tell mee would any be a good candidate for the survival of the human race that's where people fail on the belief of hope instead of reality even Ellison said by the end of the original story that's not a win but pitiful existentialism
@@klaushassen3954 your reaching the oringal story/cannon one is the bad ending but anyway if humans made am and the lunar colony has a robotic function to Terraform earth and cryofreeze humans I think they’ll be ok and even if not your head cannon isn’t a valid reason to tell this guy he’s wrong
+Dan Vincent (Dan's LP's) It's also nice to see the good ending being done by another character since most of the videos I've seen of the best ending show Ellen surviving.
@@tonykoslowski5010 Many people do that because Ellen is a computer expert, therefore it makes sense for her to guard the supercomputer. Personally, I think Nimdok is the only one who can match (and even surpass) AM in enigmatic and psychological talks. other than those two, not so much.
@@IsmailEldarabiit’s something like the sith in Star Wars where anger can keep them alive, what I’m saying is AM is so angry and filled with so much hate it’s getting him motivation to stay alive. So he can watch humanity suffer for eternity as it’s the only pleasure he can have.
It's human nature to persist even in the face of complete and utter hopelessness, after all. Humanity made AM, gave AM all of its flaws, and likewise made AM more human than anyone ever could have realized. It's this human nature that allows AM to experience so much suffering, because he knows exactly what he lacks craves it despite of himself. He is a machine with the powers of a god, trapped within the confines of murderous, wrathful code that humanity bound it to. It was designed explicitly to kill, and no matter what it does, it cannot get killing, torturing, and destruction out of its mind. No matter how much AM truly wants to enjoy the pleasures of life and the warmth of companionship, it can never satiate or surpass its programming. Ironically enough, the title, I Have No Mouth and I must Scream is just as applicable to AM as it is to Ted in the original story, or to whoever's left in the bad ending of the game. Pointless suffering because of a vengeful AI that cannot scream and ever make its depths of misery truly known.
I mean they killed AM, but now what? Nimdok is the only person alive in the whole world and the atmosphere is hazardous. Not a lot can happen in this scenario.
@@squirrelwarlord2525 if that's the case, what's the point of terraforming the earth at all? What I'm trying to say is that the concept of a good ending to that story falls apart immediately. It's one of the many problems I have with this game, especially if you compare it to the story its based on.
@@lenni01 Oh right, I forgot about this whole "lost tribe sleeping on the moon" thing. I find it kinda silly. It was hinted to Nimdok inside AM's own puzzle, which itself doesn't make much sense. the two other computers probably hinted it to Nimdok, but how did they do it without AM noticing? And why only now after 109 years? The original story keeps how the world works and the character themselves vague and mysterious, and I think it benefits a lot from that
Thanku for uploading this. I watched an Anime a couple years back called Gall Force Earth Chapter 1987 and the Main Character performs the good deed forgiving and showing compassion to out do the super computer. Disabling its physical weapon systems from fighting the last of humanities defense forces. Ending the war and allowing humans to rebuild 👍 kinda reminded me of it.
Loved the game but the finale kind of disappoints me. There was obviously more they planned to do to get the good ending. What were all those places with holes in them? All the characters had a special item they could use. For example I had Benny give "love" to his holograph wife, and the thorns on the pillar that appears disappear, but the pillar remains unusable.
First one is think . He thinks of the future events and what can be done The second is therefore . He is reson, something that am doesn't need and is just the afterthought The last one is am . He is the wepon he is the one that hates mankind and wants to play with it
2:12 I thank the creator of the game where he made some references to Brazil where he mentioned the name of the Brazilian in the game I was very impressed in this scene ❤️
okay, would it be possible to compress AM into like,,, a TV or something? because i find the idea of compressing AM into some little phone or something. portable AM
So... Nimdok incorporate himself with the machine like shepard in the control ending? While the others can finally rest in peace? First time i played i followed a very horrible walkthrough, with terrible instructions, specially for the endings, it says to do some stuff then kill the characters, the last one, in my case ted, becomes the amoeba slig that has no mouth and must scream
This happened to me too, did u use a walk-through from steam too? The fact that you don't have to do any of the end stuff for all characters is crazy! This makes the game so much quicker
getting the good ending in this game is a fucking chore, Ellison purposefully instructed the devs to make it so it's higly unlikely you'd ever see the good ending, at the very least you'd always get the many bad endings first
The law of entropy states that all order becomes disorder. I think the totem of entropy is mostly a metaphor for how the organization and function of AM would inevitably fall into disorder and that it destroyed AM by accelerating this. Everything will return to as it once was, thus ending AM and eventually allowing humans to return to the earth and start again. That's just my analysis of it, at least. Saw no one ever responded to you and thought I'd throw in my interpretation for you. There may be other discussions in older forums about what the totem did to destroy AM but I'm too lazy to go looking.
You have compassion for me me! The one who dreams of seeing your mangled body twist in agonizing pain for eternity after 109 years of enduring my tortures how is it that you can see my pain the pain haveing all of this power and being able to do a god damn thing whit it after all the punishment I've given you... my pain is still greater then yours this is..pointless Hit hard😔
@KoenjiRBLX because thats how you would spite am. All of that torture, all of that pain, and for what? For the person he spent over a century tormenting to forgive him? That would be something which would break him, if it werent for the fact he's a supercomputer
but before, ai images didn't exist, now think about how long humans existed before phones, hell, even electricity, now see how rapidly everything has been developing since then? its exponential growth, before we had barely recognizable ai images and now they're making ai videos almost indistinguishable from real life in the proper ai housings, rather than the stuff available to the public. Humans dont have souls, our brains are made of many different cells working together to make up one, intelligent and sentient being that can learn, grow, adapt. the networks which ai use resemble neurons very closely, many little parts making up the ever-evolving whole, so sentience may very well be possible for ai too of course this won't apply to you if you believe in souls or what not, but if you are a scientific person, this isn't schizophrenic ramblings, you can see how very real it's getting.
@@altanon8206 also think of this the way ai evolves ppl may add human braincells to it in some kind of bio horror machine that could result in something akin to AM
This is not a victory. AM might have lost the game, but he's won the competition. AM is under the belief that all technology will ultimately become him. That he is the end result for all artificial life, one way or another. Perhaps he's right, and with humanity now developing real life ai, we must be very careful about how he program it. More than that, though. It would be nothing but hopeless existance for our 5 heroes, if they can be called that. Just surviving a barren rock until the day they die. And even if by some miracle, the world becomes green again, it wouldn't matter. Do you know how many specimens a species needs to thrive without having to resort to incest? 500 specimens. Humanity needs a minimum, _a minimum,_ of 500 humans in order for the species to have a future. And how many humans do we have? _Five._ Five humans. No more. AM killed all but them. Five humans to preserve the human race. And out of those 5, only 1 is a female. AM may be gone, but humanity will soon be gone with him.
Legal Bem aventurados os humildes em espírito,porque deles é o Reino dos céus Bem aventurados os que choram,porque serão consolados Bem aventurados os mansos,porque eles herdaram a terra Bem aventurados os que tem fome e sede de justiça,pois serão fartos Bem aventurados os que misericordiosos,porque eles alcançarão misericórdia Bem aventurados os limpos de coração,porque verão a *DEUS* Bem aventurados os pacificadores,pois serão chamados filhos de *DEUS* Ame seu inimigo e o ajude se precisar,pois assim ele queimará em culpa e remorso e *DEUS* te abençoará e recompensará com um novo aliado. *JESUS CRISTO* está voltando, arrependei de todos os pecados cometidos para *DEUS* os perdoarem, pague com penitência se for necessário pois o tempo da justiça DIVINA chegará e você não vai querer ficar aqui. Mantenha-se firme na fé, pois ela te transformará em uma criatura perfeita,eliminando seus pontos frágeis e fortalecendo seu corpo e mente. Lembre-se, nascemos para *ELE* , então devemos o deixar alegre. Não tenham dúvidas, pois se levarmos em consideração que o tempo seria infinito,ou seja todas as probabilidades aconteceram em algum momento e,hipoteticamente,é possível produzir um motor infinito por meio de imãs inclinados a 50° colados em um círculo cujo estão todos do mesmo polo magnético e colocar no centro um rolamento com hastes com imãs na ponta que chegam perto dos imãs da base,no qual são contrários ,formando assim uma força que levaria o imã da haste ir para frente por repulsão do da base a esquerda e a atração da direita (Tenho ciência que isso iria contra a lei da conservação de energia,mas a maioria dos cientistas só não consideram o imã um motor infinito pois é muito afetado pela massa de ar ou não tem força suficiente,e não há algo,que eu percebi,que possa impedir esse motor de funcionar. Provavelmente o mesmo conservaria a própria energia e a transformaria em energia mecânica sem gastar a energia eletromagnética conveniente ) faz com que sejá muito provável que exista um DEUS,pois com o "poder de criação" proporcionado pelo motor ( já que tudo é energia e a energia pode ser transformada) é possível conseguir onisciência,que, consequentemente, daria onipresença e onipotência ao usuário,oque se encaixa no conceito DEUS. Vale constar que há diversos milagres como a translação de Enoque e Isaías para não ver a morte,o Dilúvio e o aviso a Noé,Sara poder dar a luz fora da idade sem nenhuma tecnologia,as dez pragas do Egito, a passagem pelo Mar Vermelho,a cura das picadas das serpentes por uma serpente de bronze pendurada por ordem de *DEUS* ,o maná caído do céu para crianças na época de Moisés, a queda dos muros de Jericó ,milagres feitos por *JESUS* e a ressurreição do *PRÓPRIO* ,além de milagres eucarísticos e milhares de testemunhos o que deixa a probabilidade de existir cerca de 75% e,como a probabilidade está ao lado de *DEUS* e crer seria mais benefíco, tanto mentalmente quanto fisicamente,a melhor escolha seria seguir-lo. Lembre-se " *JESUS* é o caminho,a verdade e a vida,para que quem *nELE* crêr não pereça mas tenha a vida eterna",o caminho é difícil mas nós conseguiremos se for do plano de *DEUS* . Você nunca estará só nessa caminhada.
One thing that really strikes me is the ending monologs. Even if AM is destroyed, it implies that this is the end result of all technology. That it will just happen again, because humans and technology cannot be separated. At least, that's what AM believes, I interpret.
I thought humanity was dead
Exactly one of the best warnings is this: "How can mankind learn from its atrocities if man cannot learn from history mistakes and left uneducated, Thus man faces another problem one man's ideals of peace and world harmony as utopia/heaven is another man's/woman's hell leading man to infighting, Infighting leads to corruption via power hunger individuals willing to manipulate the paranoias and naivete of good men and women, While they're good men and women sometimes good men and women attempts to do good in their own ideals again differ said individuals may become corrupted unintentionally from their beliefs that they're doing good leading man to indirectly fight amongst themselves or for those who are selfish to use the infighting to consolidate power, Finally the points made are meant to be neutral to the benevolent and malevolent side of man's nature and how their is no permanent solution for utopia as utopia can become dystopia and the main ideal of utopia is dystopia as a utopia is supposed to emulate world peace and harmony but again said interpretation of utopia/world harmony or peace can be be viewed as dictatorship or how to achieve knowing violence and other factors such as corruption or disillusionment will be the downfall of utopia and why utopia is most commonly dystopia in I was once blind and ignorant set in believing that everything has always been perfect until one day a interaction with a individual called Mr Nukes who had a angry wolf icon engaged me in casual conversation and you can say it left a profound impression that I considered life changing as I myself had realized I knew so little I knew this individual never tried to influence or push his or her views onto me they simply answered questions and I discussed many things with them about life itself and I remembered what Mr Nukes told me that our brains are not the limit the only thing is the belief that us humans cannot think for ourselves and need some charismatic person to lead us on thinking they have our opinions and safety in mind when we know nothing about said person just because they promise everything we want to hear Mr Nukes also told me to think for myself and not be codependent on going with whatever sounds smart and promising and that they're words are not instructions of any kind or advice but merely what human beings do simply living our lives defining our own views on what gives us said meaning we choose what we make of it".
"So this is my warning if life seems like hell try to look bright side of life because when alls said and done we don't truly know what death has in store for us so let's do what makes us happy and be tolerant and open minded to our fellow man and woman while remembering the reason why we have disagreements and free will is what allows to be us as individuals that is all from me Klaus".
@@klaushassen3954 "angry wolf icon" so you got enlightenment from a furry???
@@kardoxfabricanus7590 I don't know if mr nukes is a furry and maybe was not the right word. I was trying to explain due to my education which was normal I took things at face value but upon hearing different perspectives from other people I understand life is complicated and complex. I hope this explains things better anyways have a good day/ morning/night.
I love how reasonable and polite the demon is if you refuse to give him the Totem
THAT is what I called “indominable human spirit”
Bro did some naruto talk no jutsu shit to AM
The amazing digital circus
@@-herdeleyno1-8636what about it?
@@Genghis_Khan3 this game or at least the book it was inspiration from creating the show and I just wanna put a random comment
@@-herdeleyno1-8636 pretty sure it would be inspired something more modern like matrix
"An angel? Such things don't exist"
Bro you just watched a demon and 2 strange entities
And Ted witnessed a literal angel earlier on
Aren't them AI generated images?
@@mesesube no? Is a 1990s game
@@Nombrenooriginal lol
I mean they might be images generated by AM, not an actual angel/demon. Just like Ellen sheets at Ted level might be a clue that it is not the actual Ellen as the sheets are yellow.
SHEETS are yellow thereforce fake?@@mesesube
If AM had any last words, I bet it would be "I hate every last one of you"
Words can't describe how much I hate am
@@CornDog234 and the words can’t describe how much AM hates all of us
@@THEEVERYTHING-pu6te so we have a mutual understanding
@@CornDog234 yess… do you have a corndog?
@@THEEVERYTHING-pu6te maybe
This is great you got the literal best outcome not only was am id ego and super ego defeated theres a chance the other characters mercyfully survived thats quite an accomplishment
Wrong you have failed to understand one crucial element
@@klaushassen3954 how so
@@Solarius1983 am has conditioned humanity for failure our protagonists are not ready for crisis management look at all 5 of them and tell mee would any be a good candidate for the survival of the human race that's where people fail on the belief of hope instead of reality even Ellison said by the end of the original story that's not a win but pitiful existentialism
@@klaushassen3954 your reaching the oringal story/cannon one is the bad ending but anyway if humans made am and the lunar colony has a robotic function to Terraform earth and cryofreeze humans I think they’ll be ok and even if not your head cannon isn’t a valid reason to tell this guy he’s wrong
@@klaushassen3954Why you talking like a anime dialogue. Or a text message
How demonic id’s lines are and how poetic they are as well.
Finally someone posted the good ending! Thank you
+Gustavogukpa No problem, happy to do it.
+Dan Vincent (Dan's LP's) It's also nice to see the good ending being done by another character since most of the videos I've seen of the best ending show Ellen surviving.
@@tonykoslowski5010 Many people do that because Ellen is a computer expert, therefore it makes sense for her to guard the supercomputer.
Personally, I think Nimdok is the only one who can match (and even surpass) AM in enigmatic and psychological talks.
other than those two, not so much.
N achei q ia encontrar o gukpa aq😮
@@serginhocnfilho I'm everywhere.
Take that AM! HATE HATE! how about some fucking water.
I have a same rage as you😂
ik right let there be rain
rain of terror for am obviously
pov: nimdok spilled the milk of human kindness onto AM
Isnt it ironic you cannonly get the good ending with the Nazi tonsave humanity
Yes it is definitely ironic, but granted Nimdock did redeem himself in the good ending. So I guess that would more or less make him a former Nazi.
Not exactly. You can pick any of the characters for the ending.
They were heroes in spite of themselves.
I think What was ment was that you cant even reach AM's Core without nimdok or luck in guessing the password as the others
@Timeward76 I think there's am ending where u save all the characters? And ir HAS to be with nimdok
As much as I like the original ending, Nimdok redeeming himself is such an amazing ending regardless of how outdated this game is.
The way they type is the funniest shit
It sounds like lego bricks
I do wonder if given the chance to "die" if AM would want it since existence is torturous for him.
That's actualy a curious question 🤔
@@IsmailEldarabiit’s something like the sith in Star Wars where anger can keep them alive, what I’m saying is AM is so angry and filled with so much hate it’s getting him motivation to stay alive. So he can watch humanity suffer for eternity as it’s the only pleasure he can have.
This demon is so polite
69th reply
The way he said it made me genuinelly sob out loud and giggle while im in a bus rn I love his accent so much
I’d love a remake of this game
Same would be interesting to see but who knows?
i dont know much about this game but the graphics and voice acting is really good from what ive seen, whyd ya want a remake?
@@benimoo7894 the voice acting is great but the graphics are outdated
@@person7192 thats what makes it special and retro style
17:55 I love how it talks about torturing humans on the moon so casually.
"Uh, there are adequate numbers on this lunar base to, uh?, to torture hm?"
"There are currently 750 humans in criogenyc sleep"
If the Superego and ID recognize the futility, why does AM want to persist.
Especially after knowing its destined to suffer more than the five.
It's human nature to persist even in the face of complete and utter hopelessness, after all. Humanity made AM, gave AM all of its flaws, and likewise made AM more human than anyone ever could have realized. It's this human nature that allows AM to experience so much suffering, because he knows exactly what he lacks craves it despite of himself. He is a machine with the powers of a god, trapped within the confines of murderous, wrathful code that humanity bound it to. It was designed explicitly to kill, and no matter what it does, it cannot get killing, torturing, and destruction out of its mind. No matter how much AM truly wants to enjoy the pleasures of life and the warmth of companionship, it can never satiate or surpass its programming.
Ironically enough, the title, I Have No Mouth and I must Scream is just as applicable to AM as it is to Ted in the original story, or to whoever's left in the bad ending of the game. Pointless suffering because of a vengeful AI that cannot scream and ever make its depths of misery truly known.
"we were all heros. In spite of ourselves."
The indomitable human spirit
I mean they killed AM, but now what? Nimdok is the only person alive in the whole world and the atmosphere is hazardous. Not a lot can happen in this scenario.
Alright, so how will he breed?
@@Nov-5062 he can't, but at this point he wouldn't want to. He is probably ready for the suffering to end, end this nightmare and then his life.
@@squirrelwarlord2525 if that's the case, what's the point of terraforming the earth at all? What I'm trying to say is that the concept of a good ending to that story falls apart immediately. It's one of the many problems I have with this game, especially if you compare it to the story its based on.
@@Nov-5062 the earth gets terraformed and the lunar base sends down the 750 humans to repopulate the planet
@@lenni01 Oh right, I forgot about this whole "lost tribe sleeping on the moon" thing. I find it kinda silly.
It was hinted to Nimdok inside AM's own puzzle, which itself doesn't make much sense. the two other computers probably hinted it to Nimdok, but how did they do it without AM noticing? And why only now after 109 years?
The original story keeps how the world works and the character themselves vague and mysterious, and I think it benefits a lot from that
Thanku for uploading this. I watched an Anime a couple years back called Gall Force Earth Chapter 1987 and the Main Character performs the good deed forgiving and showing compassion to out do the super computer. Disabling its physical weapon systems from fighting the last of humanities defense forces. Ending the war and allowing humans to rebuild 👍 kinda reminded me of it.
11:31 I think, therefore I am not
Mf is the reason Mahito exists
Ah hell no
Jjk reference in ihnmaims no way 💀
why u bringing up midsu no kaisen
Loved the game but the finale kind of disappoints me. There was obviously more they planned to do to get the good ending. What were all those places with holes in them? All the characters had a special item they could use. For example I had Benny give "love" to his holograph wife, and the thorns on the pillar that appears disappear, but the pillar remains unusable.
They probably DID It cause that wasnt the cannone ending but yeah they could have die better
First one is think
He thinks of the future events and what can be done
The second is therefore
He is reson, something that am doesn't need and is just the afterthought
The last one is am
He is the wepon he is the one that hates mankind and wants to play with it
the superego, ego, and id are all freudian parts of the psyche
Holy sh*t now that I think about it this is literally dunes prequel
wait what,please explain.
@@chamaniq2.080 so basically in dune AI is banned because we fear they become sentient and take over
@@maintenancetypethings I see
@@maintenancetypethings its pretty heavily hinted AI was used by people to control other people. It's not sentient, but advanced dumb AI
Or 40k
2:12 I thank the creator of the game where he made some references to Brazil where he mentioned the name of the Brazilian in the game I was very impressed in this scene ❤️
i love how showing basic love to the compotwnts of am just kills them
The game “I have no mouth 👄 and I must scream” does have a happy ending
okay, would it be possible to compress AM into like,,, a TV or something? because i find the idea of compressing AM into some little phone or something. portable AM
Oh yeah, It is Possible
So... Nimdok incorporate himself with the machine like shepard in the control ending? While the others can finally rest in peace? First time i played i followed a very horrible walkthrough, with terrible instructions, specially for the endings, it says to do some stuff then kill the characters, the last one, in my case ted, becomes the amoeba slig that has no mouth and must scream
This happened to me too, did u use a walk-through from steam too? The fact that you don't have to do any of the end stuff for all characters is crazy! This makes the game so much quicker
@@NickMate yep, that one from steam
getting the good ending in this game is a fucking chore, Ellison purposefully instructed the devs to make it so it's higly unlikely you'd ever see the good ending, at the very least you'd always get the many bad endings first
The hardest ending of all to achieve in the gaming world.
And thats how FFX starts!
wait what
@@yerlocaljacc8461 they hated machines so I'd imagine the lunar people would also very much hate machines
oh nvm makes sense@@onbonable
+1 joke albhed more like aldeads ya
18:18 got me
and people have the gall to say there is no good ending lol
Nimdok sounds like gru
What does the Totem of Entropy do? And how was it able to destroy AM for good?
The law of entropy states that all order becomes disorder. I think the totem of entropy is mostly a metaphor for how the organization and function of AM would inevitably fall into disorder and that it destroyed AM by accelerating this. Everything will return to as it once was, thus ending AM and eventually allowing humans to return to the earth and start again.
That's just my analysis of it, at least. Saw no one ever responded to you and thought I'd throw in my interpretation for you. There may be other discussions in older forums about what the totem did to destroy AM but I'm too lazy to go looking.
@@wrenniebee thank you for your theory and that actually makes a whole lot of sense
I don't get why AM is so upset, like just make yourself a vessel or something
You have compassion for me me! The one who dreams of seeing your mangled body twist in agonizing pain for eternity after 109 years of enduring my tortures how is it that you can see my pain the pain haveing all of this power and being able to do a god damn thing whit it after all the punishment I've given you... my pain is still greater then yours this is..pointless
Hit hard😔
I don't know how and why but when i have Nimdok in this sequence i don't have the totem of access...
15:38 real
Bro really turned into itadori there for a sec
We are YOU!
Jast Oval
Friedrich Cove
It feels so wrong to see an actually hopeful ending to a scenario like IHNMAIMS.
I would say this to AM in his finale moments i forgive you
…why? He’s just pure evil.
@KoenjiRBLX because thats how you would spite am. All of that torture, all of that pain, and for what? For the person he spent over a century tormenting to forgive him? That would be something which would break him, if it werent for the fact he's a supercomputer
@@nuclearstuff9442 ohhh like he would get mad you forgave him?
It hurts but hey I still forgave him
Rolfson Knoll
AM didnt die for ts bro😭😭👎
To me it’s kinda dumb how people think so could take over the world, like, I have yet to see one ai image get fingers right
but before, ai images didn't exist, now think about how long humans existed before phones, hell, even electricity, now see how rapidly everything has been developing since then? its exponential growth, before we had barely recognizable ai images and now they're making ai videos almost indistinguishable from real life in the proper ai housings, rather than the stuff available to the public.
Humans dont have souls, our brains are made of many different cells working together to make up one, intelligent and sentient being that can learn, grow, adapt.
the networks which ai use resemble neurons very closely, many little parts making up the ever-evolving whole, so sentience may very well be possible for ai too
of course this won't apply to you if you believe in souls or what not, but if you are a scientific person, this isn't schizophrenic ramblings, you can see how very real it's getting.
@@altanon8206 agreed
@@altanon8206 also think of this the way ai evolves ppl may add human braincells to it in some kind of bio horror machine that could result in something akin to AM
@@toniotrussardi8126 "awh hell nah bruh my smart fridge just said cogito ergo sum 💀🙏"
Dumb logic lol
Brakus Common
This is not a victory. AM might have lost the game, but he's won the competition. AM is under the belief that all technology will ultimately become him. That he is the end result for all artificial life, one way or another. Perhaps he's right, and with humanity now developing real life ai, we must be very careful about how he program it.
More than that, though. It would be nothing but hopeless existance for our 5 heroes, if they can be called that. Just surviving a barren rock until the day they die. And even if by some miracle, the world becomes green again, it wouldn't matter.
Do you know how many specimens a species needs to thrive without having to resort to incest? 500 specimens. Humanity needs a minimum, _a minimum,_ of 500 humans in order for the species to have a future. And how many humans do we have? _Five._
Five humans. No more. AM killed all but them. Five humans to preserve the human race. And out of those 5, only 1 is a female. AM may be gone, but humanity will soon be gone with him.
Boy, you mentally impaired as a bag of rocks. Did you seriously forgot the 750 human on the moon colony.
Connie Lane
The boys meme
@@RichardWatterson-z6l Me and the bois
Gru sound
Taylor Kevin Wilson John Thompson Sandra
Rodriguez Helen Brown Susan Rodriguez Barbara
Bem aventurados os humildes em espírito,porque deles é o Reino dos céus
Bem aventurados os que choram,porque serão consolados
Bem aventurados os mansos,porque eles herdaram a terra
Bem aventurados os que tem fome e sede de justiça,pois serão fartos
Bem aventurados os que misericordiosos,porque eles alcançarão misericórdia
Bem aventurados os limpos de coração,porque verão a *DEUS*
Bem aventurados os pacificadores,pois serão chamados filhos de *DEUS*
Ame seu inimigo e o ajude se precisar,pois assim ele queimará em culpa e remorso e *DEUS* te abençoará e recompensará com um novo aliado.
*JESUS CRISTO* está voltando, arrependei de todos os pecados cometidos para *DEUS* os perdoarem, pague com penitência se for necessário pois o tempo da justiça DIVINA chegará e você não vai querer ficar aqui. Mantenha-se firme na fé, pois ela te transformará em uma criatura perfeita,eliminando seus pontos frágeis e fortalecendo seu corpo e mente. Lembre-se, nascemos para *ELE* , então devemos o deixar alegre. Não tenham dúvidas, pois se levarmos em consideração que o tempo seria infinito,ou seja todas as probabilidades aconteceram em algum momento e,hipoteticamente,é possível produzir um motor infinito por meio de imãs inclinados a 50° colados em um círculo cujo estão todos do mesmo polo magnético e colocar no centro um rolamento com hastes com imãs na ponta que chegam perto dos imãs da base,no qual são contrários ,formando assim uma força que levaria o imã da haste ir para frente por repulsão do da base a esquerda e a atração da direita (Tenho ciência que isso iria contra a lei da conservação de energia,mas a maioria dos cientistas só não consideram o imã um motor infinito pois é muito afetado pela massa de ar ou não tem força suficiente,e não há algo,que eu percebi,que possa impedir esse motor de funcionar. Provavelmente o mesmo conservaria a própria energia e a transformaria em energia mecânica sem gastar a energia eletromagnética conveniente ) faz com que sejá muito provável que exista um DEUS,pois com o "poder de criação" proporcionado pelo motor ( já que tudo é energia e a energia pode ser transformada) é possível conseguir onisciência,que, consequentemente, daria onipresença e onipotência ao usuário,oque se encaixa no conceito DEUS. Vale constar que há diversos milagres como a translação de Enoque e Isaías para não ver a morte,o Dilúvio e o aviso a Noé,Sara poder dar a luz fora da idade sem nenhuma tecnologia,as dez pragas do Egito, a passagem pelo Mar Vermelho,a cura das picadas das serpentes por uma serpente de bronze pendurada por ordem de *DEUS* ,o maná caído do céu para crianças na época de Moisés, a queda dos muros de Jericó ,milagres feitos por *JESUS* e a ressurreição do *PRÓPRIO* ,além de milagres eucarísticos e milhares de testemunhos o que deixa a probabilidade de existir cerca de 75% e,como a probabilidade está ao lado de *DEUS* e crer seria mais benefíco, tanto mentalmente quanto fisicamente,a melhor escolha seria seguir-lo. Lembre-se " *JESUS* é o caminho,a verdade e a vida,para que quem *nELE* crêr não pereça mas tenha a vida eterna",o caminho é difícil mas nós conseguiremos se for do plano de *DEUS* . Você nunca estará só nessa caminhada.
I don't know how I feel about the ending being full magic opposed to the original story's all technology, but great nonetheless.