When I was younger I used to be the person who was sceptical about converts who were 'white'. Then Allah opened my eyes and now I really appreciate them so much more than the average Muslim. Your sacrifices and your striving are for Allah and you will be happiest person in the hearafter, InshaAllah. Jazakallah for your valuable thoughts.
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived. So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
Abdullah ibn Amr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Read the Quran once in every month.” I said, “I have strength to do more.” The Prophet said, “Then read it in twenty nights.” I said, “I have strength to do more.” The Prophet said, “Then read it in seven nights, and do not do more than that.” Source: Hadith Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4693, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1971.
What an inspiration! So strong a woman despite looking innocent and fragile! For those who struggle with memorising Quran, listening many times will get the job done inshallah. Remember: almost everything in Islam, wallahu a'alam, is about intentions, so praying "properly" is all about having the intention to do so, getting it right is not that matters as long as you try your best. The harder to do, the higher the reward according to what I've learnt. Thank you for sharing this amazing story.
There are 4 fiqh(imma ) Choose 1 out of four and learned it rules & Practices Those 4 fiqh(Imma & its followers (Rules wale) are called Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat
THE SEVEN GATES OF HELL AND WHO WILL BE SENT THERE FOR PUNISHMENT ON JUDGMENT DAY? Starting from the Lowest Punishment (Level 1, Gate 1) to the Highest Punishment (Level 7, Gate 7). NOTE: The Fire of Hell gets hotter as you go from the 1st Level to the 7th Level. References: Holy Qur'an [Chapters: Verses] against each Punishment Level. LEVEL NO. 1: For Muslim Sinners - Lightest Punishment - [9:81 & 4:56] LEVEL NO. 2: For Christians - People who did not believe in the Oneness of Allah (Tawheed) and rejected the prophets (PBUH) [70:15] LEVEL NO. 3: For Jews aka Yahud - They did not pray Salah (i.e., prayer) - [74:26-30 & 74:40-47] LEVEL NO. 4: For Iblees and his Followers - [104:4-9] LEVEL NO. 5: For Atheists and Sabayeen - Who did not have the correct belief in Allah - [69:30-34] LEVEL NO. 6: For Mushrikeen & Kaffirs - [42:7 & 67:10-11] LEVEL NO. 7: For Munafiqeen & Hypocrites with Pharaoh & his Helpers - [101:8-11 & 96:18] Punishments to the Recipients inside Each Gate of Hell: GATE NO 1: The fire will burn the faces of men and women who enter through this gate. GATE NO 2: The fire will eat and finish the body parts one by one, both internally and externally. GATE NO 3: The fire will eat up their flesh but not bones. GATE NO 4: The fire will break their bones and blaze the heart and other organs. GATE NO 5: There will be big pieces of hot coal, and one piece is bigger than the lower one. GATE NO 6: This fire is continuously burning and has never stopped burning, 27-million kinds of penalties, with scorpions, snakes, ropes, chains & irons. GATE NO 7: Nobody will come out from this level. It is a fire mountain burning hot, people will be laid down on their faces with their hands, necks & feet tied together. Angels will stand over them and beat them with iron fists.
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ My beloved sister I’m happy to see you come to Islam. I have a tip as I see you are wanting to wear the hijab, it would be good to look into the conditions of Islamic hijab. 🌺A scholar called Sheikh Al Albani discusses these, so take it easy my fellow sister and look into these conditions and try to implement them for the sake of Allah
As salaam wa alaikum...every human is born muslim. Environmental influences cause an individual to deviate from his/her pure soul. Reversion to the ISLAMIC WAY OF LIFE is a return to your pure soul centre. May ALLAH(SWT) protect & guide you to protect your Eeman, ameen. Arabic, clothes, outer appearances, etc are important BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL IS "...CONNECTION TO ALLAH(SWT) AS CREATOR, & UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & RESPECT FOR THAT WHICH TAUGHT BY THE MOST-BLESSED FINAL PROPHET & MESSENGER MUHAMMAD(SAW): THAT ISLAM IS A WAY OF LIFE & MUHAMMAD(SAW) IS THE SPIRITUAL GUIDE THEREOF. YOU ARE NOT A CONVERT. HAVING REVERTED TO YOUR TRUE SOUL-CENTRE, REFER TO YOUSELF AS AV"...REVERT...". WELCOME BACK HOME.
THE QUESTIONS THAT EVERYONE WILL BE ASKED BY ANGELS AFTER DEATH: Q1. Who is your Lord (aka God)? Q2. What is your Deen (aka Religion)? Q3. Who is your Messenger (aka Prophet)? Q4. Where did you get this information from? Your replies to these questions will determine the next phases of REWARDS or PUNISHMENTS that every human being will have to face.
WHAT ISLAM OFFERS TO BELIEVERS? 1. 24x7 Access to Almighty God. 2. Ask Almighty God for His Help anytime you need Him. 3. The Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of Mohammad SAW for Guidance. 4. Guidance for a complete way of life. 5. Rewards for your good deeds in this life, as well as the afterlife. 6. Repentance and forgiveness of your bad deeds, regardless of their level. 7. Guidance in a majority of the issues you face in your life. 8. Guidance for relationships with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers & others in your society. 9. Respect for people of other faiths. 10. A reward for even your daily deeds that you execute as a believer. For example, you are rewarded for even removing a pebble or a needle from a walkway, so that someone else may not get injured. 11. Guidelines and laws for situations in modern life. 12. Guidance for a peaceful living without injustice to anyone, regardless of their faith. Please ask if you have any questions or need further guidance.
Alhamdulillah, welcome to islam sister 🙏🏼 me, i'm just love to share knowledge of islam religion to every people around the world via youtube or other media platform, because islam religion is also teaching to doing this affair that in islam teaching namely [dawah] or called preaching, [tarbiyah] or called learning and teaching to other with the path way by reading text written or discussion [muzakarah] to muslims, but by me i'm just able doing with [tarbiyah] by giving the text written (passive way) of the insight or knowledge from islam religion teachings and knowledge that i was understands from i'm learning too with others muslims around the world especially muslims scholar of [sunni ahlussunnah salafussaleh] disciples until we human become muslim and also every muslims are together getting [hidayah] namely [true straight guidance] knowledge from God (Allah) that received by our mindset thinking until understood everything inside the islam teaching part by part without ambiguously or confused and our inner heart will be not in condition like uncertain or untrusted again but changed feeling to islam knowledge and teaching into worthy to trust and convinced, this change inner heart condition is sign of the human have got guidance (hidayah) from God (Allah), and that evidence happened is also as the truth of islam itself such like mentioned too in Allah's Holy sentence of His Al-Furqan Knowledge : "Praise be to Allah who has sent down to His servant the Holy Book (Al-Qur'an) and He has not put any crookedness in it;" (Quran_Al-Kahf[18]:1) "Glory be to Allah who has sent down Al-Furqan (Al-Furqan is the Islam's teachings knowledge in holy book Al-Qur'an, word [Furqan] definition means is: the teachings knowledge that teach to do struggle Insulating and then purifying on between contradictive inside difference diversity until become differentiate that dissociating in between of any contradiction things placed on its origin position's places with logically true and truly good until next the results for humanity is can be trusted its righteousness truth in public society) to His servant so that he may be a warning to all the worlds," (Quran_Al-Furqan[25]:1) "And this is the path of your Lord; (the) straight path (islam). Indeed, We have explained (Our) verses to those who take lessons." (Quran_Al-An'am[6]:126) "It is with that holy Book (Quran) that Allah guides those who follow His pleasure to the path of salvation (islam religion), and (with that holy Book too) Allah brings those people out of complete darkness into bright light with His permission, and guides them to the straight path (islam religion's teachings)." (Quran_Al-Ma'idah[5]:16) "And indeed We have simplified the Qur'an for study, so is there anyone who wants to take the study?" (Quran_Al-Qamar[54]:22) "So great misfortune will be for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah", (with the intention) of gaining little profit from that act. So great misfortune will be for them as a result of what is written by their own hands, and great harm will happen to them as a result of what they do." (Quran_Al-Baqarah[2]:79) "Indeed, among them is a party who twist the Book with their tongues, so that you might think that what they read is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say: "This is from Allah", but it is not from Allah. They tell lies about Allah while they know it." (Quran_Ali 'Imran[3]:78) "And who is more unjust than the person who invents lies against Allah while he is being invited to the religion of Islam? And Allah does not guide the unjust people." (Quran_As-Saff[61]:7) "They want to extinguish the light (Islam religion) of Allah with their mouths (spiteful speech), and Allah continues to perfect His light even though the disbelievers do not like it." (Quran_As-Saff[61]:8) "It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the true religion, so that He may win it over all religions even though the polytheists do not like it." (Quran_As-Saff[61]:9) One of the Final Prophet's close friend said: "Prophet Muhammad ordered to speak the truth although it is (The True) VERY BITTER." (Hadith:Ahmad, sanad:Shaheeh) The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said: "The slander will return to its owner (slander's perpetrator)". (Hadith:Muslim, sanad:shaheeh) "In fact, you only give warnings to those who want to follow the warnings (who realize that they have gone astray and who want to repent) and who fear God the Most Gracious even though they (the Muslim group) do not see Him. So give them good news with forgiveness and glorious reward." (Quran_Ya Sin[36]:11) "And thus We have revealed to you revelation (the Qur'an) by Our command. Previously you did not know what the Holy Book (the Qur'an) was nor did you know what the faith is, but We made the Qur'an (as parable) a light, whom We will guide with whom We will among Our servants. And verily you guide to the straight path." (Quran_Ash-Shura[42]:52) "The One who created death and life, so that He might test you, which of you is better in deeds. And He is the Most Mighty, the Most Forgiving." (Quran_Al-Mulk[67]:2) Narrated by Abdullah 'Ibn' Amr: "I heard the Messenger of Allah always say: "Verily Allah has created His creatures in darkness, then Allah sent down light (revelation of wisdom faith) on them, whoever is exposed to that light (this mean is whose their inner heart were opening their inner heart's door by doing their own will for receiving the truth), (then) surely he will be guided, whoever is not exposed to that light (this mean is for they who is closing off their own inner heart's door when that truth's light is coming to them or they denied it), then he will be lost (become astray). That's why I say, the pen of the writer of charity is dry on the knowledge of Allah." (Narrated by Ath-Thirmidhi: number 2642) Next islam insight in my reply comment.
[Islam] that is mean : submission only to the Singular God. (the God or in arabic word called [Ilah] (english phrase: Eelah) but the name is: [Allah], and Allah is the Singular God that the God's form is only one so [cannot be associated with another] and [doesn't need anything besides Him for His own] and [doesn't need descendant] also this mean [Allah cannot be descended because there is no couple for Allah of course that is His Singularity that mean Allah's form is always and just Singular or only one always forever that cannot be divided into multi forms] that is the truth about Allah the Singular God is truly logically rationally true knowledge without failed beliefs by islam scientifically's faith in reality life, because the truly of God existence's form that of course is only one or singular form then God's form is cannot be as many form or multi form existences.) "Allah never had children, and there was never any (other) god with Him, if there were gods with Him, each god would bring the creatures that god created, and some of those gods would defeat some others. Glory be to Allah from what they attribute." (Quran_Al-Mu'minun[23]:91) "Who knows all that is unseen and all that is visible, then exalted is He above what they associate with each other." (Quran_Al-Mu'minun[23]:92) "He is Allah Who has no god (who has the right to be worshipped) but Him, Who knows the unseen and the real, He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." (Quran_Al-Hasyr[59]:22) "He is Allah Who has no god (who has the right to be worshipped) but Him, the King, the Most Holy, the Most Prosperous, the One Who Gives Security, the Most Sustaining, the Most Mighty, the Almighty, the One Who Has All Glory, Glorified is Allah from what that they associate themselves with." (Quran_Al-Hasyr[59]:23) "He is Allah Who Created, Who Created, Who Formed Forms, Who Has the Asma'ul Husna. Glorify to Him what is in the heavens and the earth. And He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise." (Quran_Al-Hasyr[59]:24) Here is some logic insight from Islam understanding to the truth : "When you think about a knowledge and then lie and there is evidence for it, it means that you deny the knowledge and its evidence, so that is the cause that leads you astray. Then interrogative question: where go you chose the path way to act between the choice path way such this: is that you lying, or denying, or keep brave straight forward following the truth with the prove?, every path way is having the risk itself and that it depend on how understand what act to do by the person who facing the crossover path way or dilemma thing path way because this life in this world is just a trial to test who is the best person personality and the best deeds act among human and who is those the best then they get the best results too between human, also become happiness and peaceful in live along their life span, why is that? Because those doing good deeds until become profitable to anyone who deal with, that namely [safety] from mistakes and problematic life span, after those facing this test then next is continue to next trial that is facing the [lies and slander] by the guilty perpetrator evil with their hypocrite, disobedient, denier, and liar habits doing such [stray speech] when facing the truth, then [patience] along with [truth loyalty] is become the best friend of self loneness brought as provision although those will encountering the mess that mean is no matter what next but always must keep struggling and steadfast, because in this world that our life isn't not always for fun only but human life in this world is full of struggling big or little in once life span, so human life's problem shouldn't make those who keep steadfast together with the truth would be feels narrow and tight-chested (stressed / frustrated / hopeless), although they are lifting enough heavy burden by responsibility and bravery because if there is no other good best path way to passing yet, that all is about the struggle of life's test then do not give up too soon and lazy is more bad than give up, and give up is not always to blame but with wisely justly also spirit and help each other to the alternative solution." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness) "God's religion is for people who have common sense, because there is knowledge that must be understood correctly. Believers must be honest and not become liars who deny, do not just believe even though you find contradictions / oddities in the evidence. Lying by saying the knowledge then the result is facing an error by alone or by group." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness) Lesson teach by Allah in below : "So great misfortune will be for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah", (with the intention) of gaining little profit from that act. So great misfortune will be for them as a result of what is written by their own hands, and great harm will happen to them as a result of what they do." (Quran_Al-Baqarah[2]:79) "Indeed, among them is a party who twist the Book with their tongues, so that you might think that what they read is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say: "This is from Allah", but it is not from Allah. They tell lies about Allah while they know it." (Quran_Ali 'Imran[3]:78) One of the Final Prophet's close friend said: "Prophet Muhammad ordered to speak the truth although it is (The True) VERY BITTER." (Hadith:Ahmad, sanad:Shaheeh) The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said: "The slander will return to its owner (slander's perpetrator)". (Hadith:Muslim, sanad:shaheeh)
Here is some logic insight from Islam understanding to the truth : "When you think about a knowledge and then lie and there is evidence for it, it means that you deny the knowledge and its evidence, so that is the cause that leads you astray. Then interrogative question: where go you chose the path way to act between the choice path way such this: is that you lying, or denying, or keep brave straight forward following the truth with the prove?, every path way is having the risk itself and that it depend on how understand what act to do by the person who facing the crossover path way or dilemma thing path way because this life in this world is just a trial to test who is the best person personality and the best deeds act among human and who is those the best then they get the best results too between human, also become happiness and peaceful in live along their life span, why is that? Because those doing good deeds until become profitable to anyone who deal with, that namely [safety] from mistakes and problematic life span, after those facing this test then next is continue to next trial that is facing the [lies and slander] by the guilty perpetrator evil with their hypocrite, disobedient, denier, and liar habits doing such [stray speech] when facing the truth, then [patience] along with [truth loyalty] is become the best friend of self loneness brought as provision although those will encountering the mess that mean is no matter what next but always must keep struggling and steadfast, because in this world that our life isn't not always for fun only but human life in this world is full of struggling big or little in once life span, so human life's problem shouldn't make those who keep steadfast together with the truth would be feels narrow and tight-chested (stressed / frustrated / hopeless), although they are lifting enough heavy burden by responsibility and bravery because if there is no other good best path way to passing yet, that all is about the struggle of life's test then do not give up too soon and lazy is more bad than give up, and give up is not always to blame but with wisely justly also spirit and help each other to the alternative solution." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness) "God's religion is for people who have common sense, because there is knowledge that must be understood correctly. Believers must be honest and not become liars who deny, do not just believe even though you find contradictions / oddities in the evidence. Lying by saying the knowledge then the result is facing an error by alone or by group." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness) Lesson teach by Allah in below : "So great misfortune will be for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah", (with the intention) of gaining little profit from that act. So great misfortune will be for them as a result of what is written by their own hands, and great harm will happen to them as a result of what they do." (Quran_Al-Baqarah[2]:79) "Indeed, among them is a party who twist the Book with their tongues, so that you might think that what they read is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say: "This is from Allah", but it is not from Allah. They tell lies about Allah while they know it." (Quran_Ali 'Imran[3]:78) One of the Final Prophet's close friend said: "Prophet Muhammad ordered to speak the truth although it is (The True) VERY BITTER." (Hadith:Ahmad, sanad:Shaheeh) The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said: "The slander will return to its owner (slander's perpetrator)". (Hadith:Muslim, sanad:shaheeh)
COMMENTS ABOUT ISLAM FROM SOME WELL-KNOWN SCHOLARS: 1. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) "Islam will rule the world one day, because in it there is a combination of knowledge and wisdom." 2. Herbert Wells (1846-1946) "Until the effectiveness of Islam again, how many generations will suffer atrocities, and life will be cut off? Then one day the whole world will be attracted to it, on that day there will be PEACE and on that day the world will be inhabited again." 3. Huston Smith (1919) "The faith which is upon us now and which is better than us in the world, is Islam. If we open our hearts and minds for it, then it will be good for us." 4. Michael Nostradamus (1503-1566) "Islam will be the ruling religion in Europe, and the famous city of Europe will become the Islamic State capital." 5. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) "I read Islam and realized that it is to be the religion of all the world and all humanity. Islam will spread throughout Europe and in Europe the big thinkers of Islam will emerge. A day will come when Islam will be the real stimulus of the world." 6. Gosta Lobon (1841-1931) "Islam only talks about peace and reconciliation. Invite Christians to appreciate the faith of reform." 7. Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) "The whole world will accept Islam religion one day and if it cannot even accept the real name, it will accept it by a name of metaphor. West will accept Islam one day and Islam will be the religion of those who have studied in the world." 8. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) "We all have to accept Islam religion sooner or later. This is the real religion. If I am called a Muslim, I will not feel bad, I accept this as a right thing." 9. Sir William Muir (1819-1905) “There is probably no other book in the world which has remained twelve centuries (now fourteen) with so pure a text." Life of Mohammad, London, 1894, Vol.1, Introduction
One Very Important Name out of the 99 Names of Allah SWT is that He is: FORGIVING Because of His GREATNESS, Allah SWT is Willing and Able to FORGIVE ALL SINS that any human being commits, without any regard to the severity of your sin or sins. But here are His requirements for Granting His Forgiveness, as documented in several places in the Holy Qur'an: 1. You MUST ASK for Allah SWT's forgiveness for the sin or sins that you have committed. 2. You MUST BE sincere in your repentance. 3. You MUST PROMISE NOT TO REPEAT THAT SIN AGAIN. You can ask for ALLAH's FORGIVENESS whenever you want. Ten times a day, or even hundreds of times a day. But you have to be SINCERE in your REPENTANCE. Otherwise, it is useless. Because Allah SWT knows what is in your heart. A couple of important things to remember: Allah SWT forgives your MINOR SINS are every time you pray to Allah SWT. But your MAJOR SINS are ONLY FORGIVEN when you ask for Allah SWT's FORGIVENESS for those sins, such as adultery, etc. When asking for Allah SWT's Forgiveness, your repentance has to be sincere, and your intention should be to never repeat those major or minor sins again.
90% of humans are never guided by God... they live and die in the religion they were born into. God only guides to Him those who are pure of heart. If God guided you, then In God's eyes you are special.
here my questions and maybe you can answer at least some of them. 1) The quran states that Mohammed’s “the god” (that is all that allah means) is guarding the quran. Yet I have TWO very different versions of the quran in Arabic right here at home, which proves that the quran is not perfectly preserved. We also read that Uthman burnt all of the versions of the quran based on what Mohammed recited which shows that Uthman did not believe that the quran was from GOD. So did Mohammed lie about “the god” guarding the quran, or was Mohammed’s “the god” not capable of guarding the quran? Either way, this proves that the quran is not from GOD. 2) Do you know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? So which quran is the one kept by Mohammed’s “the god” in heaven? And which version of the quran do you use and why that one? 3) These different versions of quran were written by unknown authors. As this is something Muslims keep throwing at Christians about the Gospel writers, how does one deal with the fact that the quran writers are all unknown? This makes hypocrites out the people who follow Islam. 4) How does one deal with all the mistakes and contradictions in the quran? Muslims claim the quran is perfect, so why all the mistakes and contradictions? 5) How does one deal with the approval of evil in the quran such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is rape and adultery, both are evil and condemned by GOD as being evil. 6) How does one deal with wife beating (surah 4:34). Would you like your father to beat your mother? I would not, so how can I accept that this is from GOD? 7) How does one deal with child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls (those who have not menstruated) which is pure evil. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. 8) So tell me, why do you believe you will be with GOD our FATHER in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? You see to me this clearly disqualified Mohammed as a prophet of GOD which means that islam cannot be from GOD. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
WHO IS GOD AND HOW DO YOU FIND HIM? If you are looking for answers to these questions, then read the following verses where Almighty God describes Himself: The Holy Qur'an [Chapter 112 - Al-Ikhlas]: - Say, O Prophet, He is Allah, the only Lord, - Allah, the Eternal Refuge. - He neither gave birth, nor was He born, - Nor is there anyone like Him.
As salaam wa alaikum...PLS. DO NOT MIS-QUOTE THE QUORAN-e-KAREEM. Surah Ikhlaas is more a reference to the concept of THUWEED, rather than a description of the nature of ALLAH(SWT).
@@MohomedFaroukNabee-ui4ir Walekum-Assalaam Do you know when Suraj-e-Ikhlaas was revealed to Mohammad SAW? It was revealed when non-Muslim tribal leaders asked Mohammad SAW this question: Who is Allah? Please describe Allah to us! There are hundreds of other verses in the Holy Qur'an that Mohammad SAW could have used. Instead, Allah SWT described himself in four simple verses, which were revealed specifically to answer this question.
As salaam wa alaikum...I suggest:- forget what they have taught us, surah ikhlaas refers to thawheed, I peruse the QUORAN-e-KAREEM almost always & BY THE KARAM OF "...THE ONE DIVINE(SWT)..." & THE KIND GAZE OF "...THE ONES' MOST BELOVED PROPHET & MESSENGER MUHAMMAD (SAW), I AM GUIDED TO ATATUL KURSI, SUBHAN-ALLAH- (and the ayat does not refer to a chair, which is different to A THRONE).
@@MohomedFaroukNabee-ui4ir Walekum-Assalaam! Astaghfirullah! So, your opinion counts more than what Allah SWT revealed when non-Muslims asked Mohammad SAW to tell them about Allah SWT?
@@Mohammad-251CA The difference between my opinion & truth lies within the MOST BLESSED HEART OF RASSOOL(SAW), which was able to bear the "...WEIGHT OF THE QUORAN-e-KAREEM. Pls. peruse, with an open mind the, "...AYATH-AL-KURSI...", THE 4×QUL-AYATHS...& THE LAST 2×AYATHS OFF SURA-TAUBA. MAY ALLAH(SWT) GUIDE THE FOLLOWERS OF RASSOOL(SAW), AMEEN.
Almighty Allah s.w.t make your life happy and peaceful here and hereafter. Good wishes from Bangladesh.
@@Dr.M.Wahid-U-zzaman you too!
You are a hero and one in a million, courageous and special. Welcome back sister.
Welcome dear sister
When I was younger I used to be the person who was sceptical about converts who were 'white'. Then Allah opened my eyes and now I really appreciate them so much more than the average Muslim.
Your sacrifices and your striving are for Allah and you will be happiest person in the hearafter, InshaAllah. Jazakallah for your valuable thoughts.
@@kb4432 Aw you are too kind! All the best for you.
So tell me, which Arabic version of the quran do you use and why that one? Or do you not even know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? Of course all these qurans were written by unknown authors. And how do you deal with all the mistakes, discrepancies, inconsistencies and contradictions in that quran as well as the approval of evil such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is adultery and wife beating (surah 4:34) as well as child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old. Clearly Mohammed disqualified himself as a prophet of GOD by the evil he perpetrated. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
So tell me, why do you even believe that you will be with GOD our Father in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed? And do show the quran verses on which you base your belief.
Be patient their ease of every single hardship and Allah bless after the hardest times
❤Thankyou for Your Reaction, Peace & Happy Always.
❤ Indonesia Love You ❤.
Abdullah ibn Amr reported:
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Read the Quran once in every month.”
I said, “I have strength to do more.”
The Prophet said, “Then read it in twenty nights.”
I said, “I have strength to do more.”
The Prophet said, “Then read it in seven nights, and do not do more than that.”
Source: Hadith Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 4693, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1971.
Alhamdulliah sister thank you for sharing.. i just subscribed to your channel
Thanks and welcome
Amazingly strong sister 🎉 🤲
What an inspiration! So strong a woman despite looking innocent and fragile!
For those who struggle with memorising Quran, listening many times will get the job done inshallah. Remember: almost everything in Islam, wallahu a'alam, is about intentions, so praying "properly" is all about having the intention to do so, getting it right is not that matters as long as you try your best. The harder to do, the higher the reward according to what I've learnt. Thank you for sharing this amazing story.
Thank you for your advice!
May Allah protect you ameeen❤
I really love you Rebecca 💚💚💎
بارك الله فيكى وفى جميع اخواتى المسلمين
May Allah bless you sister and grant you happiness and peace in your life and afterlife ❤
ما شاء الله والحمد لله والله اكبر
Wwalykoum Salam warahmatuhu wabarakatuhu my sister, the Hijab will suit you well mashallah. ❤💪✌️
❤Wa'alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, BARAKALLAHU Fiikum.
Your Brother's ISLAM from Indonesia.❤
Salam Rebecca, greetings from Toronto, Canada.
Most welcome
Be strong sister inshallah
@@amjadhussain5024 insha’Allah
Assalamualaikum sister may Allah bless make it easy for you.aamiin.done.subscribed .your muslim brother .from Malaysia
@@ogyfauzi9964 thank you!
May Allah bless you and fix you on the straight path ...
Ameen. Thank you.
There are 4 fiqh(imma )
Choose 1 out of four and learned it rules & Practices
Those 4 fiqh(Imma & its followers (Rules wale) are called Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat
Masallah sister, welcome to Islam
@@mehmetozkan6510 thank you
May Allah (SWT) bless you sister. Your Muslim brother from Morocco.
I subscribed your channel
🎉 welcome sister Allah protect u and be chained with Allah in bad situations and u will get proves be stronger
I will remember you in my Dua.
@@Nabi599 thank you!
Starting from the Lowest Punishment (Level 1, Gate 1) to the Highest Punishment (Level 7, Gate 7).
NOTE: The Fire of Hell gets hotter as you go from the 1st Level to the 7th Level.
References: Holy Qur'an [Chapters: Verses] against each Punishment Level.
LEVEL NO. 1: For Muslim Sinners - Lightest Punishment - [9:81 & 4:56]
LEVEL NO. 2: For Christians - People who did not believe in the Oneness of Allah (Tawheed) and rejected the prophets (PBUH) [70:15]
LEVEL NO. 3: For Jews aka Yahud - They did not pray Salah (i.e., prayer) - [74:26-30 & 74:40-47]
LEVEL NO. 4: For Iblees and his Followers - [104:4-9]
LEVEL NO. 5: For Atheists and Sabayeen - Who did not have the correct belief in Allah - [69:30-34]
LEVEL NO. 6: For Mushrikeen & Kaffirs - [42:7 & 67:10-11]
LEVEL NO. 7: For Munafiqeen & Hypocrites with Pharaoh & his Helpers - [101:8-11 & 96:18]
Punishments to the Recipients inside Each Gate of Hell:
GATE NO 1: The fire will burn the faces of men and women who enter through this gate.
GATE NO 2: The fire will eat and finish the body parts one by one, both internally and externally.
GATE NO 3: The fire will eat up their flesh but not bones.
GATE NO 4: The fire will break their bones and blaze the heart and other organs.
GATE NO 5: There will be big pieces of hot coal, and one piece is bigger than the lower one.
GATE NO 6: This fire is continuously burning and has never stopped burning, 27-million kinds of penalties, with scorpions, snakes, ropes, chains & irons.
GATE NO 7: Nobody will come out from this level. It is a fire mountain burning hot, people will be laid down on their faces with their hands, necks & feet tied together. Angels will stand over them and beat them with iron fists.
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
My beloved sister I’m happy to see you come to Islam. I have a tip as I see you are wanting to wear the hijab, it would be good to look into the conditions of Islamic hijab. 🌺A scholar called Sheikh Al Albani discusses these, so take it easy my fellow sister and look into these conditions and try to implement them for the sake of Allah
Asalamualaikum from Indonesia sister....❤
@@fmvrpv3509 Walikumasalam
As salaam wa alaikum...every human is born muslim. Environmental influences cause an individual to deviate from his/her pure soul. Reversion to the ISLAMIC WAY OF LIFE is a return to your pure soul centre. May ALLAH(SWT) protect & guide you to protect your Eeman, ameen. Arabic, clothes, outer appearances, etc are important BUT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL IS "...CONNECTION TO ALLAH(SWT) AS CREATOR, & UNCONDITIONAL LOVE & RESPECT FOR THAT WHICH TAUGHT BY THE MOST-BLESSED FINAL PROPHET & MESSENGER MUHAMMAD(SAW): THAT ISLAM IS A WAY OF LIFE & MUHAMMAD(SAW) IS THE SPIRITUAL GUIDE THEREOF. YOU ARE NOT A CONVERT. HAVING REVERTED TO YOUR TRUE SOUL-CENTRE, REFER TO YOUSELF AS AV"...REVERT...". WELCOME BACK HOME.
Q1. Who is your Lord (aka God)?
Q2. What is your Deen (aka Religion)?
Q3. Who is your Messenger (aka Prophet)?
Q4. Where did you get this information from?
Your replies to these questions will determine the next phases of REWARDS or PUNISHMENTS that every human being will have to face.
May Allah continue to bless you!
1. 24x7 Access to Almighty God.
2. Ask Almighty God for His Help anytime you need Him.
3. The Holy Qur'an and Sunnah of Mohammad SAW for Guidance.
4. Guidance for a complete way of life.
5. Rewards for your good deeds in this life, as well as the afterlife.
6. Repentance and forgiveness of your bad deeds, regardless of their level.
7. Guidance in a majority of the issues you face in your life.
8. Guidance for relationships with your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers & others in your society.
9. Respect for people of other faiths.
10. A reward for even your daily deeds that you execute as a believer. For example, you are rewarded for even removing a pebble or a needle from a walkway, so that someone else may not get injured.
11. Guidelines and laws for situations in modern life.
12. Guidance for a peaceful living without injustice to anyone, regardless of their faith.
Please ask if you have any questions or need further guidance.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸❤️.
Very good sir
Alhamdulillah, welcome to islam sister 🙏🏼
me, i'm just love to share knowledge of islam religion to every people around the world via youtube or other media platform, because islam religion is also teaching to doing this affair that in islam teaching namely [dawah] or called preaching, [tarbiyah] or called learning and teaching to other with the path way by reading text written or discussion [muzakarah] to muslims, but by me i'm just able doing with [tarbiyah] by giving the text written (passive way) of the insight or knowledge from islam religion teachings and knowledge that i was understands from i'm learning too with others muslims around the world especially muslims scholar of [sunni ahlussunnah salafussaleh] disciples until we human become muslim and also every muslims are together getting [hidayah] namely [true straight guidance] knowledge from God (Allah) that received by our mindset thinking until understood everything inside the islam teaching part by part without ambiguously or confused and our inner heart will be not in condition like uncertain or untrusted again but changed feeling to islam knowledge and teaching into worthy to trust and convinced, this change inner heart condition is sign of the human have got guidance (hidayah) from God (Allah), and that evidence happened is also as the truth of islam itself such like mentioned too in Allah's Holy sentence of His Al-Furqan Knowledge :
"Praise be to Allah who has sent down to His servant the Holy Book (Al-Qur'an) and He has not put any crookedness in it;" (Quran_Al-Kahf[18]:1)
"Glory be to Allah who has sent down Al-Furqan (Al-Furqan is the Islam's teachings knowledge in holy book Al-Qur'an, word [Furqan] definition means is: the teachings knowledge that teach to do struggle Insulating and then purifying on between contradictive inside difference diversity until become differentiate that dissociating in between of any contradiction things placed on its origin position's places with logically true and truly good until next the results for humanity is can be trusted its righteousness truth in public society) to His servant so that he may be a warning to all the worlds," (Quran_Al-Furqan[25]:1)
"And this is the path of your Lord; (the) straight path (islam). Indeed, We have explained (Our) verses to those who take lessons."
"It is with that holy Book (Quran) that Allah guides those who follow His pleasure to the path of salvation (islam religion), and (with that holy Book too) Allah brings those people out of complete darkness into bright light with His permission, and guides them to the straight path (islam religion's teachings)." (Quran_Al-Ma'idah[5]:16)
"And indeed We have simplified the Qur'an for study, so is there anyone who wants to take the study?"
"So great misfortune will be for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah", (with the intention) of gaining little profit from that act. So great misfortune will be for them as a result of what is written by their own hands, and great harm will happen to them as a result of what they do." (Quran_Al-Baqarah[2]:79)
"Indeed, among them is a party who twist the Book with their tongues, so that you might think that what they read is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say: "This is from Allah", but it is not from Allah. They tell lies about Allah while they know it." (Quran_Ali 'Imran[3]:78)
"And who is more unjust than the person who invents lies against Allah while he is being invited to the religion of Islam? And Allah does not guide the unjust people." (Quran_As-Saff[61]:7)
"They want to extinguish the light (Islam religion) of Allah with their mouths (spiteful speech), and Allah continues to perfect His light even though the disbelievers do not like it." (Quran_As-Saff[61]:8)
"It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the true religion, so that He may win it over all religions even though the polytheists do not like it." (Quran_As-Saff[61]:9)
One of the Final Prophet's close friend said: "Prophet Muhammad ordered to speak the truth although it is (The True) VERY BITTER." (Hadith:Ahmad, sanad:Shaheeh)
The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said:
"The slander will return to its owner (slander's perpetrator)". (Hadith:Muslim, sanad:shaheeh)
"In fact, you only give warnings to those who want to follow the warnings (who realize that they have gone astray and who want to repent) and who fear God the Most Gracious even though they (the Muslim group) do not see Him. So give them good news with forgiveness and glorious reward." (Quran_Ya Sin[36]:11)
"And thus We have revealed to you revelation (the Qur'an) by Our command. Previously you did not know what the Holy Book (the Qur'an) was nor did you know what the faith is, but We made the Qur'an (as parable) a light, whom We will guide with whom We will among Our servants. And verily you guide to the straight path." (Quran_Ash-Shura[42]:52)
"The One who created death and life, so that He might test you, which of you is better in deeds. And He is the Most Mighty, the Most Forgiving." (Quran_Al-Mulk[67]:2)
Narrated by Abdullah 'Ibn' Amr:
"I heard the Messenger of Allah always say: "Verily Allah has created His creatures in darkness, then Allah sent down light (revelation of wisdom faith) on them, whoever is exposed to that light (this mean is whose their inner heart were opening their inner heart's door by doing their own will for receiving the truth), (then) surely he will be guided, whoever is not exposed to that light (this mean is for they who is closing off their own inner heart's door when that truth's light is coming to them or they denied it), then he will be lost (become astray). That's why I say, the pen of the writer of charity is dry on the knowledge of Allah." (Narrated by Ath-Thirmidhi: number 2642)
Next islam insight in my reply comment.
[Islam] that is mean : submission only to the Singular God. (the God or in arabic word called [Ilah] (english phrase: Eelah) but the name is: [Allah], and Allah is the Singular God that the God's form is only one so [cannot be associated with another] and [doesn't need anything besides Him for His own] and [doesn't need descendant] also this mean [Allah cannot be descended because there is no couple for Allah of course that is His Singularity that mean Allah's form is always and just Singular or only one always forever that cannot be divided into multi forms] that is the truth about Allah the Singular God is truly logically rationally true knowledge without failed beliefs by islam scientifically's faith in reality life, because the truly of God existence's form that of course is only one or singular form then God's form is cannot be as many form or multi form existences.)
"Allah never had children, and there was never any (other) god with Him, if there were gods with Him, each god would bring the creatures that god created, and some of those gods would defeat some others. Glory be to Allah from what they attribute." (Quran_Al-Mu'minun[23]:91)
"Who knows all that is unseen and all that is visible, then exalted is He above what they associate with each other." (Quran_Al-Mu'minun[23]:92)
"He is Allah Who has no god (who has the right to be worshipped) but Him, Who knows the unseen and the real, He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." (Quran_Al-Hasyr[59]:22)
"He is Allah Who has no god (who has the right to be worshipped) but Him, the King, the Most Holy, the Most Prosperous, the One Who Gives Security, the Most Sustaining, the Most Mighty, the Almighty, the One Who Has All Glory, Glorified is Allah from what that they associate themselves with." (Quran_Al-Hasyr[59]:23)
"He is Allah Who Created, Who Created, Who Formed Forms, Who Has the Asma'ul Husna. Glorify to Him what is in the heavens and the earth. And He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise." (Quran_Al-Hasyr[59]:24)
Here is some logic insight from Islam understanding to the truth :
"When you think about a knowledge and then lie and there is evidence for it, it means that you deny the knowledge and its evidence, so that is the cause that leads you astray. Then interrogative question: where go you chose the path way to act between the choice path way such this: is that you lying, or denying, or keep brave straight forward following the truth with the prove?, every path way is having the risk itself and that it depend on how understand what act to do by the person who facing the crossover path way or dilemma thing path way because this life in this world is just a trial to test who is the best person personality and the best deeds act among human and who is those the best then they get the best results too between human, also become happiness and peaceful in live along their life span, why is that? Because those doing good deeds until become profitable to anyone who deal with, that namely [safety] from mistakes and problematic life span, after those facing this test then next is continue to next trial that is facing the [lies and slander] by the guilty perpetrator evil with their hypocrite, disobedient, denier, and liar habits doing such [stray speech] when facing the truth, then [patience] along with [truth loyalty] is become the best friend of self loneness brought as provision although those will encountering the mess that mean is no matter what next but always must keep struggling and steadfast, because in this world that our life isn't not always for fun only but human life in this world is full of struggling big or little in once life span, so human life's problem shouldn't make those who keep steadfast together with the truth would be feels narrow and tight-chested (stressed / frustrated / hopeless), although they are lifting enough heavy burden by responsibility and bravery because if there is no other good best path way to passing yet, that all is about the struggle of life's test then do not give up too soon and lazy is more bad than give up, and give up is not always to blame but with wisely justly also spirit and help each other to the alternative solution." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness)
"God's religion is for people who have common sense, because there is knowledge that must be understood correctly. Believers must be honest and not become liars who deny, do not just believe even though you find contradictions / oddities in the evidence. Lying by saying the knowledge then the result is facing an error by alone or by group." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness)
Lesson teach by Allah in below :
"So great misfortune will be for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah", (with the intention) of gaining little profit from that act. So great misfortune will be for them as a result of what is written by their own hands, and great harm will happen to them as a result of what they do." (Quran_Al-Baqarah[2]:79)
"Indeed, among them is a party who twist the Book with their tongues, so that you might think that what they read is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say: "This is from Allah", but it is not from Allah. They tell lies about Allah while they know it." (Quran_Ali 'Imran[3]:78)
One of the Final Prophet's close friend said: "Prophet Muhammad ordered to speak the truth although it is (The True) VERY BITTER." (Hadith:Ahmad, sanad:Shaheeh)
The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said:
"The slander will return to its owner (slander's perpetrator)". (Hadith:Muslim, sanad:shaheeh)
Here is some logic insight from Islam understanding to the truth :
"When you think about a knowledge and then lie and there is evidence for it, it means that you deny the knowledge and its evidence, so that is the cause that leads you astray. Then interrogative question: where go you chose the path way to act between the choice path way such this: is that you lying, or denying, or keep brave straight forward following the truth with the prove?, every path way is having the risk itself and that it depend on how understand what act to do by the person who facing the crossover path way or dilemma thing path way because this life in this world is just a trial to test who is the best person personality and the best deeds act among human and who is those the best then they get the best results too between human, also become happiness and peaceful in live along their life span, why is that? Because those doing good deeds until become profitable to anyone who deal with, that namely [safety] from mistakes and problematic life span, after those facing this test then next is continue to next trial that is facing the [lies and slander] by the guilty perpetrator evil with their hypocrite, disobedient, denier, and liar habits doing such [stray speech] when facing the truth, then [patience] along with [truth loyalty] is become the best friend of self loneness brought as provision although those will encountering the mess that mean is no matter what next but always must keep struggling and steadfast, because in this world that our life isn't not always for fun only but human life in this world is full of struggling big or little in once life span, so human life's problem shouldn't make those who keep steadfast together with the truth would be feels narrow and tight-chested (stressed / frustrated / hopeless), although they are lifting enough heavy burden by responsibility and bravery because if there is no other good best path way to passing yet, that all is about the struggle of life's test then do not give up too soon and lazy is more bad than give up, and give up is not always to blame but with wisely justly also spirit and help each other to the alternative solution." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness)
"God's religion is for people who have common sense, because there is knowledge that must be understood correctly. Believers must be honest and not become liars who deny, do not just believe even though you find contradictions / oddities in the evidence. Lying by saying the knowledge then the result is facing an error by alone or by group." (Purity sight of Logical Insight from the Good Honest personalities of Nobleness)
Lesson teach by Allah in below :
"So great misfortune will be for those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: "This is from Allah", (with the intention) of gaining little profit from that act. So great misfortune will be for them as a result of what is written by their own hands, and great harm will happen to them as a result of what they do." (Quran_Al-Baqarah[2]:79)
"Indeed, among them is a party who twist the Book with their tongues, so that you might think that what they read is from the Book, but it is not from the Book. And they say: "This is from Allah", but it is not from Allah. They tell lies about Allah while they know it." (Quran_Ali 'Imran[3]:78)
One of the Final Prophet's close friend said: "Prophet Muhammad ordered to speak the truth although it is (The True) VERY BITTER." (Hadith:Ahmad, sanad:Shaheeh)
The Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said:
"The slander will return to its owner (slander's perpetrator)". (Hadith:Muslim, sanad:shaheeh)
@@kristiantosetiawan5648 thanks!
@@beccarana, don't forget to thank to Allah always, may Allah blessed you mrs 🙏🏼
1. Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910)
"Islam will rule the world one day, because in it there is a combination of knowledge and wisdom."
2. Herbert Wells (1846-1946)
"Until the effectiveness of Islam again, how many generations will suffer atrocities, and life will be cut off? Then one day the whole world will be attracted to it, on that day there will be PEACE and on that day the world will be inhabited again."
3. Huston Smith (1919)
"The faith which is upon us now and which is better than us in the world, is Islam. If we open our hearts and minds for it, then it will be good for us."
4. Michael Nostradamus (1503-1566)
"Islam will be the ruling religion in Europe, and the famous city of Europe will become the Islamic State capital."
5. Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
"I read Islam and realized that it is to be the religion of all the world and all humanity. Islam will spread throughout Europe and in Europe the big thinkers of Islam will emerge. A day will come when Islam will be the real stimulus of the world."
6. Gosta Lobon (1841-1931)
"Islam only talks about peace and reconciliation. Invite Christians to appreciate the faith of reform."
7. Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
"The whole world will accept Islam religion one day and if it cannot even accept the real name, it will accept it by a name of metaphor. West will accept Islam one day and Islam will be the religion of those who have studied in the world."
8. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
"We all have to accept Islam religion sooner or later. This is the real religion. If I am called a Muslim, I will not feel bad, I accept this as a right thing."
9. Sir William Muir (1819-1905)
“There is probably no other book in the world which has remained twelve centuries (now fourteen) with so pure a text."
Life of Mohammad, London, 1894, Vol.1, Introduction
Over ten years?.
Yes I converted in December 2013.
One Very Important Name out of the 99 Names of Allah SWT is that He is: FORGIVING
Because of His GREATNESS, Allah SWT is Willing and Able to FORGIVE ALL SINS that any human being commits, without any regard to the severity of your sin or sins.
But here are His requirements for Granting His Forgiveness, as documented in several places in the Holy Qur'an:
1. You MUST ASK for Allah SWT's forgiveness for the sin or sins that you have committed.
2. You MUST BE sincere in your repentance.
You can ask for ALLAH's FORGIVENESS whenever you want. Ten times a day, or even hundreds of times a day. But you have to be SINCERE in your REPENTANCE. Otherwise, it is useless. Because Allah SWT knows what is in your heart.
A couple of important things to remember: Allah SWT forgives your MINOR SINS are every time you pray to Allah SWT. But your MAJOR SINS are ONLY FORGIVEN when you ask for Allah SWT's FORGIVENESS for those sins, such as adultery, etc.
When asking for Allah SWT's Forgiveness, your repentance has to be sincere, and your intention should be to never repeat those major or minor sins again.
90% of humans are never guided by God... they live and die in the religion they were born into. God only guides to Him those who are pure of heart. If God guided you, then In God's eyes you are special.
here my questions and maybe you can answer at least some of them.
1) The quran states that Mohammed’s “the god” (that is all that allah means) is guarding the quran. Yet I have TWO very different versions of the quran in Arabic right here at home, which proves that the quran is not perfectly preserved. We also read that Uthman burnt all of the versions of the quran based on what Mohammed recited which shows that Uthman did not believe that the quran was from GOD. So did Mohammed lie about “the god” guarding the quran, or was Mohammed’s “the god” not capable of guarding the quran? Either way, this proves that the quran is not from GOD.
2) Do you know that there are some 40 different versions of the Arabic quran we know of? So which quran is the one kept by Mohammed’s “the god” in heaven? And which version of the quran do you use and why that one?
3) These different versions of quran were written by unknown authors. As this is something Muslims keep throwing at Christians about the Gospel writers, how does one deal with the fact that the quran writers are all unknown? This makes hypocrites out the people who follow Islam.
4) How does one deal with all the mistakes and contradictions in the quran? Muslims claim the quran is perfect, so why all the mistakes and contradictions?
5) How does one deal with the approval of evil in the quran such as raping women who have been captures in battle (surah 33:50) which is rape and adultery, both are evil and condemned by GOD as being evil.
6) How does one deal with wife beating (surah 4:34). Would you like your father to beat your mother? I would not, so how can I accept that this is from GOD?
7) How does one deal with child marriage (surah 65:4) which means that Mohammed and his allah approved of raping little prepubescent girls (those who have not menstruated) which is pure evil. And we see that Mohammed led by example when he married a 6 year old child and then raped that child when it was just 9 years old.
8) So tell me, why do you believe you will be with GOD our FATHER in heaven on judgement day when you follow Mohammed?
You see to me this clearly disqualified Mohammed as a prophet of GOD which means that islam cannot be from GOD. And remember all of islam is only based what Mohammed maybe recited and how he lived.
If you are looking for answers to these questions, then read the following verses where Almighty God describes Himself:
The Holy Qur'an [Chapter 112 - Al-Ikhlas]:
- Say, O Prophet, He is Allah, the only Lord,
- Allah, the Eternal Refuge.
- He neither gave birth, nor was He born,
- Nor is there anyone like Him.
As salaam wa alaikum...PLS. DO NOT MIS-QUOTE THE QUORAN-e-KAREEM. Surah Ikhlaas is more a reference to the concept of THUWEED, rather than a description of the nature of ALLAH(SWT).
@@MohomedFaroukNabee-ui4ir Walekum-Assalaam
Do you know when Suraj-e-Ikhlaas was revealed to Mohammad SAW?
It was revealed when non-Muslim tribal leaders asked Mohammad SAW this question:
Who is Allah? Please describe Allah to us!
There are hundreds of other verses in the Holy Qur'an that Mohammad SAW could have used. Instead, Allah SWT described himself in four simple verses, which were revealed specifically to answer this question.
As salaam wa alaikum...I suggest:- forget what they have taught us, surah ikhlaas refers to thawheed, I peruse the QUORAN-e-KAREEM almost always & BY THE KARAM OF "...THE ONE DIVINE(SWT)..." & THE KIND GAZE OF "...THE ONES' MOST BELOVED PROPHET & MESSENGER MUHAMMAD (SAW), I AM GUIDED TO ATATUL KURSI, SUBHAN-ALLAH- (and the ayat does not refer to a chair, which is different to A THRONE).
@@MohomedFaroukNabee-ui4ir Walekum-Assalaam!
Astaghfirullah! So, your opinion counts more than what Allah SWT revealed when non-Muslims asked Mohammad SAW to tell them about Allah SWT?
@@Mohammad-251CA The difference between my opinion & truth lies within the MOST BLESSED HEART OF RASSOOL(SAW), which was able to bear the "...WEIGHT OF THE QUORAN-e-KAREEM. Pls. peruse, with an open mind the, "...AYATH-AL-KURSI...", THE 4×QUL-AYATHS...& THE LAST 2×AYATHS OFF SURA-TAUBA. MAY ALLAH(SWT) GUIDE THE FOLLOWERS OF RASSOOL(SAW), AMEEN.