Did you return it? I don’t see this bag on their site anymore. When you purchase from third party sellers, you’re taking a huge risk. This is why I purchase directly from the designer boutiques, but even then, they try to deceive you by selling used/returned or products on display. It’s better to purchase in person, or buy from a reputable third party company, where you can return & get a full refund.
I don't think you got a new bag. First off, it should have come in a Versace Box not just in a dust bag placed in a generic brown box. Secondly, those marks inside the purse should not be found in a new purse. I'm concerned about the glue issue you pointed out. Now that's something I can't understand, but next time I look at this purse in person, I will for sure see if I see the same issue. Right now, it's hard to believe BUT you did authenticate your purchase with the tag...so the glue is a concern. As a suggestion, next time you buy from 3rd party, ask, DOES IT COME IN ORIGINAL VERSACE BOX made for the item I am buying? If they say no ..then think twice about buying it. That said, I saw that a MAJOR, MAJOR retailer has also delivered a Versace bag in a Versace dust cover placed in a generic brown bag. That one amazes me. All I can say is that this well known Major retailer either lost the box or took back a return without a box. I hope you returned the bag you bought.
The Versace bag is authentic I can assure you! I see a lot of Versace bags in stores and their bags now are terrible quality. Terrible, terrible, terrible. The leather is not the best, the design is sloppy and none of the bags are made in Italy like in the past. Versace is not for bags. Versace is only for clothes and nothing more. Perhaps some belts, sunglasses.... but bags it´s a no for me! Coach is better quality than Versace, but Coach is an house that is known for their leathers and quality bags.
Right! I feel like Coach and Kate Spade have amazing quality and style. I have more of those brands and I love it. I get more compliments on those. We returned the Versace.
No..luxury handbags are not of better quality, than a mid luxury designer, such as MJ, Tory Burch or Michael Kors, you’re just overpaying for the brand, which is overrated.
Such a gorgeous bag! Sorry you got a bad one, I've had only great luck with my designer bags. 💕
Did you return it? I don’t see this bag on their site anymore. When you purchase from third party sellers, you’re taking a huge risk. This is why I purchase directly from the designer boutiques, but even then, they try to deceive you by selling used/returned or products on display. It’s better to purchase in person, or buy from a reputable third party company, where you can return & get a full refund.
Are you sure? Mine has the borraque design inside and yours does not!
Doesn’t have it. Pretty disappointed in the bag. Going to buy direct from the official site from now on.
@@cyreneq yes. it is suppose to have baroque style lining inside.
I was there yesterday and their hardware feels so cheap too.
Yeah it’s really surprising since I expected it to be at least worth the price tag.
@@cyreneq I know that’s right… so odd
I don't think you got a new bag. First off, it should have come in a Versace Box not just in a dust bag placed in a generic brown box. Secondly, those marks inside the purse should not be found in a new purse. I'm concerned about the glue issue you pointed out. Now that's something I can't understand, but next time I look at this purse in person, I will for sure see if I see the same issue. Right now, it's hard to believe BUT you did authenticate your purchase with the tag...so the glue is a concern. As a suggestion, next time you buy from 3rd party, ask, DOES IT COME IN ORIGINAL VERSACE BOX made for the item I am buying? If they say no ..then think twice about buying it. That said, I saw that a MAJOR, MAJOR retailer has also delivered a Versace bag in a Versace dust cover placed in a generic brown bag. That one amazes me. All I can say is that this well known Major retailer either lost the box or took back a return without a box.
I hope you returned the bag you bought.
Nice very expensive luxury bag but so disappointing to know about the quality of the product. I better look for another brand. 😊
Yes, let's get you a better present!
The Versace bag is authentic I can assure you! I see a lot of Versace bags in stores and their bags now are terrible quality. Terrible, terrible, terrible. The leather is not the best, the design is sloppy and none of the bags are made in Italy like in the past. Versace is not for bags. Versace is only for clothes and nothing more. Perhaps some belts, sunglasses.... but bags it´s a no for me! Coach is better quality than Versace, but Coach is an house that is known for their leathers and quality bags.
Right! I feel like Coach and Kate Spade have amazing quality and style. I have more of those brands and I love it. I get more compliments on those.
We returned the Versace.
NEED to sell my black cocodrile handbag
I think my issue is…I see this bag and think of Victoria’s Secret.
No..luxury handbags are not of better quality, than a mid luxury designer, such as MJ, Tory Burch or Michael Kors, you’re just overpaying for the brand, which is overrated.