Heavenly Father, I come to you asking for your blessings as a single mom. I’m raising my children with courage, despite the challenges I face. My sons both are special needs. Lord as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own.
God is very mysterious! The Bible is multi layers deep. So much to learn and the more you read you see connections to other scriptures and deeper meanings. Thank You for explaining.
For example Jesus states of Himself in "Matthew 12:39 (KJV) But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:" If you knew the Bible, which you seemingly don't, you would see the allusion to Jonas entering the belly of a whale for 3 days and 3 nights symbolic of Jesus' own descent into the bottom of the Earth for 3 days and 3 nights in "Matthew 12:40 (KJV) For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." @@kibbah
And Jesus reinstated him by asking Him does he love 3 X.3 is the number of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) 3 bear witness on Earth (Water, Blood and the Spirit). 3 (James, John and Peter) were selected by Jesus to ascend the mount of Olives and @@ericcrawford3453
Wow, Melchizedek is such an intriguing figure! His role as both a King and a Priest really shows how God’s plan was always bigger than what we see. The way he blessed Abraham and received the tithe is such a powerful reminder of how God’s grace transcends time. It’s amazing to think about how Melchizedek points to Jesus and His eternal priesthood.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for all of those divine souls who came and keep coming to help us to know You and to guide us back to our eternal home in heaven.
Look up the video by Nehemia Gordon (PhD in Philology) titled "The Name of God Nehemia Gordon Open Door Series". Since the date of the video, Dr. Gordon and his team have searched for the Name of God in ancient and old sacred texts and found it with the full vowels MORE THAN 10,000 TIMES! The story of how that got started -which is an amazing story - is in that video. You'll love it!
@@koerma30 Besides the false sabt(Sunday),and the wide spread of spiritism(yoga- karma, ouija bord, reiki,hipnosis), last final decieve wil be ,that Satan himself wil come as Hrist, saying he changed the day of rest! And this decieve wil be poerwfull for al those who dont read teh Bible for themselves, as it wil be followed by great miracles and healings,everywere he wil apear! But the Bible doesn't live us without warning to this and clearly says that when Jesus coems, " All eyes will see Him," so everyone on earth, wile Satans fake only here and there! -Read Mathew chapter 24! Another direct warning to the spirit of the anthirst is in 2 Joan 7" "Anyone who says that Jesus doesn't come in flesh/body is the spirit of the anthirst!" The most concrete verses regarding the state of the dead is in Eclesiast 9:5,6,10! And the most clear verses regarding, God's trinity, are in Mathew 28:19 and 1Joan 5:7 ! And i would sugest you get a book called " The great controversy" by Ellen White, is an amazing book, wich depicts the war betwen good and evil,from Lucifers fall til the very end, and in the last few chapters, teh very end,and in the last few chapters, is everything about what we live, what is to come(the Sunday-decret,and truly everything) ,pure truth with amazing insights! By Ellen White! May God bless you and youre loved ones!
Salvation Prayer for you, LORD JESUS, I am a sinner and I Repent of all my sins, Please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today, I turn away from all sin, and I receive you into my heart today as my Lord and Saviour, Please write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in holiness, and establish your Word in my heart and protect my heart. Amen
Salvation prayer will not save a lost soul, this is adding works. Salvation is a free gift, given freely to all who BELIEVE from their hearts in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, the only gospel that saves lost souls. Ephesians 2:8-9, we are saved by Grace through Faith, not be works, nor by sight.
@@1Corinthians15_1-4 agree, and add it must be brought to Us by the holy ghost, in Gods holy order. God, His Son Jesus, And the Holy Spirit/Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit convicts a sinner, and by His Grace, through the heart a man can receive salvation, not only head knowledge, by reciting a scripture that is done in jest. Come Lord Jesus send Your spirit onto all who truly see themselves as lost without hope of salvation, lest You Lord come to them, Standing at the door of their soul knocking, if we lay aside our plans and take up our cross, laying down selfish pride acknowledging the Heart is ready to receive what Jesus is offering, and not we sinner's saying we are finding Jesus. That is pride, humility of the heart towards a perfect savior is how our hearts must be conditioned before we can receive the best gift this world will ever have, freedom from the penalty of our sins past and future, covered by the blood of Jesus, who today is alive sitting on the right hand of God The Father, when the enemy tells God you are his disciple God only sees the blood of His only Son Jesus Christ covering our souls, and not ourselves, so we bring nothing and by Gods grace and mercy inherit the kingdom of God as a brother or sister of Christ Jesus... Amen.
"I noticed that 'god' is written in lowercase in the video. To show respect and follow proper grammar, 'God' should be capitalized when referring to a deity, especially in monotheistic contexts. Just a suggestion for future content!"
At the time the Old and New Testaments were written, and centuries after, there were no lower case or Miniscule letters, whether to capitalize was an arbitrary decision based on the beliefs of modern translations.
@@bartonbagnes4605 in English capitalisation for God, The Almighty and lower case for 'gods' the fallen ones and false gods who are not The God above all.
@@turnitupmike Yep. They started doing that based on personal biases, not anything solid. Originally there were no distinctions. GODS were GODS , and false GODS were false GODS.
Yeap. The word soldier infer to wars. You have to be kidding me if you don't see the signature of man. We seekers want peace, and love at a spiritual level. You all hace been deceptive.
@@FaithfulChroniclesYMelchizedek isn't a mysterious person in the Bible he is Jesus Christ that's just one of his names his name is also Israel his name is also Jehovah it's not a mystery you just have to study the Bible
Except No man taketh this honor unto themselves, they have to be called as was Aaron, by the laying on of hands by someone with authority from God to do so. This authority also cannot be bought or claimed, it has to come from God directly.
Melchizedek (king of righteousness) was King and Priest christ comes in the order of Melchizedek King and Priest the original order before the split with jacobs son Judah(king) Levi(priest).
@@curtcarr2684 Except Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were not kings, only Priests. Israel's first king was Saul, a long time after the death of Moses and Joshua. And though they called the heads of each tribe Princes, they were not kings, just Priests of an order higher than Levitical Priests and the sons of Aaron. Those 12 Princes, along with the Seventy Elders, were the judges of Israel, including all the Levites.
@@bartonbagnes4605 indeed Saul was the first King of the Israelites(sons of Jacob) but from Noah,Melchizedek= (Shem son of Noah) Abraham, Issac ,Jacob are the original line King(Patriachs) and Priest the hold both offices of TMH that's why Christ who is King and Priest follow that line .
Melchizedek is such a mysterious and fascinating figure! His connection to Christ as the eternal high priest really shows how God's plan unfolds across time. 🙏
Melchizedek was a priest in the Order of heavenly priest called the Order of Melchizedek and the priest was sent to earth to bless Abraham give him the seed of God to carry the covenant of God. So in Abraham having been blessed by Melchizedek had in him a priest, a king and a generation and God wanted to make a nation of priest out of Israel, that priesthood was passed down to Moses, to Aron, down to David who was a king and could play the role of a priest by offering sacrifices to God down to Jesus who came from the defendants of David all done to fulfill the scriptures to show Jesus as a King and Priest and now all believers through Christ are priest in the Order of Melchizedek. So he was sent by God to initiate the order of priesthood on earth through Abraham which explains why he has no history or birthplace because he was a Heavenly priest not an earthly priest. It is by him that the Levi priesthood was initiated through Abraham..
@@omoruyiodosa5495It wasn't Melchizedek that had no father or mother, it was his Priesthood, which wasn't by inheritance like the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, who they named the Priesthood in honor of him.
@@RubenetteStander El was there with Yahweh, as was Lady Wisdom, that the ancient Hebrews and Canaanites called Asher, but the Bible makes it very clear that Yahweh alone did all the creation, so he could say to the Father, when he has subdued all things under his feet and subjected them to himself, "I have tread the winepress alone." Then Yahweh (Jesus Christ) will subject himself to the Father, that God may be all in all. El the Father and Asher the Mother were only advisers for the creation. For it says that Jesus Christ made everything THAT WAS MADE. Jesus Christ did not make the darkness, nor did he make the deep, which is described as waters, though that was probably just the closest thing in appearance to it that Moses knew. When God (Yahweh or Jesus Christ) finally speaks to start creating, the first thing he creates is light from the deep, and separates it from the darkness. Of course all the sons of God were there at the foundation of the earth, of which Adam would have to have been one, for they shouted for joy at the foundation of the earth.
Melchizedek is not that mysterious. Melchizedek means 'Son of Help'. There are ten million of them, they are teachers from higher spiritual worlds. The one who visited us in flesh was Machiventa Melchizedek. He's now serving as our Planetary Prince in place of the Devil. The Devil true name is 'Caligastia', a local Lanonendek Son of Christ Michael - Jesus.
@@VISIONTVASSINIEI would be interested to know where you get your information, doesn't sound like a scriptural source, from what I can tell. Melchezedek is Hebrew and translates "my righteous king". He is one of many instances where we see our Messiah, Y'shua HaMashiac, appear in the Old Testament Scriptures.
Christians don't really know who Jesus is and why he visited us in the flesh. The Bible knows nothing of the higher spiritual worlds, and anyone who thinks the Bible is the word of God is blind, and those who listen to the Bible's teachings are blind too. There are seven intellectual forms of life in the Master Universe. The Sons of Melchizedek are higher than angels. There are about five types of angels: 1. the Sanobim, 2. the Cherubim, 3. the Seraphim, 4. the Superangels, 5. the Archangels. The dream of a Sanobim is to become a Cherubim, the dream of a Cherubim is to become a Seraphim, Seraphim angels study for 1000 years, their university worlds are : Valmer, Eremer, Sorian, Serender, Veremer and Elander, their capital world/sphere is Seraphernion. And God is not in the Universe, the whole Universe is inside God, in God's center of gravity. I've been to Paradise 18 times from 2012 to today. Angels don't come from Heaven, angels are local servants. The angels' highest dream is to accompany mortal humans to Paradise. The paradise city of the angels of the universe is SERAPHINTON.
There are about 500 billion architecturals worlds in the Master Universe, and about 7 trillion evolutionary habitable and inhabited worlds such as ours in the Master Universe. It takes a human being one billion years to reach Paradise. Various studies are planned for ascending souls on architectural worlds. The sun evolves around the Divine Residence at 628,000 km/h and takes one billion years for a complete rotation around Paradise.
I appreciate that you took the time to include captions so that the deaf don't have to rely on RUclips's shotty caption system. I love to see everyone having access to the exact same message at the same time. That is fantastic!
Who had no begining nor end? This fits only the Lord he was called the king of kings and He is our high priest we go directly to the Lord in prayer he became the believers offering when He Died for us and raised from the grave forever making intersision for us. Amen.
Jesus Christ had a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, he was NOT without father or mother, only his Priesthood was, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood was without father or mother, it did not come through inheritance like the Aaronic Priesthood, and it will not end with the Temples and Sacrifices like the Aaronic Priesthood.
It is very clear that you do not have the indwelling of The Holy Spirit, if you did, you wouldn't have made that comment. God The Holy Spirit dwells inside all born again believers in The Lord Jesus Christ.
@@emmanuelmichael1084John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ. kjv Christ was Melchisedec and was with God from the beginning. Haven't you read?
Thank you for this. I tried on my own to find more about Melchizedek , but didn't do too well. So happy this showed up for me to watch. All should watch this. Very interesting
Melchizedek was a priest in the Order of heavenly priest called the Order of Melchizedek and the priest was sent to earth to bless Abraham give him the seed of God to carry the covenant of God. So in Abraham having been blessed by Melchizedek had in him a priest, a king and a generation and God wanted to make a nation of priest out of Israel, that priesthood was passed down to Moses, to Aron, down to David who was a king and could play the role of a priest by offering sacrifices to God down to Jesus who came from the defendants of David all done to fulfill the scriptures to show Jesus as a King and Priest and now all believers through Christ are priest in the Order of Melchizedek. So he was sent by God to initiate the order of priesthood on earth through Abraham which explains why he has no history or birthplace because he was a Heavenly priest not an earthly priest. It is by him that the Levi priesthood was initiated through Abraham..
@@dodgebailey1182Your discernment is way off. Jesus Christ has a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, his Priesthood is without father or mother, in other words it wasn't inherited, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood wasn't inherited. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, of whom they named the Priesthood in his honor.
I always thought it a blessing to know how loving God is to allow people like Melchizedek and Jesus Christ to dwell among men. God truly loves us ❤. Love always will rule over hate.
Melchizedek was much more than an angel or heavenly high priest, he was actually a lesser god devoted to the service of his one and only God. It was Melchizedek who commanded Michael and Gabriel in the wars of the heaven leading to the casting out of Satan. It was Melchizedek who ordained Abraham, King David, and even Jesus Christ, into the high priesthood of God. There is no one higher than Melchizedek, the Archangel, the personal high priest of the most high God!
@@Michaeljoseph-u7r2pHow can he be an "one and only God" if there are lesser Gods? There is nothing to indicate he was anything more than a very righteous man.
@@bartonbagnes4605 all I'm gone say there is God the father and God the son and holy spirit Melchizedek is king of righteousness I don't know this Melchizedek trips me out to but it's the truth and it ain't what it looks Like I'm come to a point in my life it is what it is whatever happens in the end is gone happen
@@Michaeljoseph-u7r2p But we know Melchizedek wasn't the Holy Spirit, spirits cannot collect tithes or reign as a Priest and King. We know it wasn't the Son, because he didn't receive a body until he was born to Mary. And we know he wasn't the Father, even though Jesus Christ says that the Father is a man, because he was a Priest of the Most High God, not the Most High God. That just leaves a really righteous man.
Love the story of Melchizedek, first learned about him on the show "Ask The Pastor" about a decade ago. He is God to me but came down in human form. Thanks for this story.
John 8:56- "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY: AND SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD."~Christ.. John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ.. Hebrews 7:1- "For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, AND BLESSED HIM. kjv
@@mariasophia925John 8:56- " Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY: AND HE SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD."~ Christ... John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ.. Hebrews 7:1- " For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, AND BLESSED HIM." kjv
The Priesthood of Melchizedek has been restored to the earth. I invite you all to Ask God to guide you to it. and NOT let your bias turn you away from it when you find it. Let GOD testify the truth of it to you bu means of the Holy Spirit.
WOW, talk about learning as you go! Definitely on your way to getting the basement sorted out! Such a lot of work, but who better than you hard-working, super intelligent young men! I wish I could pat you all on the back & tell you how proud & inspired I am, but I cannot, so please pat each other. Good job, gentlemen! TYTY for sharing! ❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️
As it is written: in the beginning Jesus Christ was with his father, God, during creation of all things, including mankind. Melchizedek is indeed Christ appearing, blessed and received tithe from Abraham. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ forever being with us...
That's absurd. Someone cannot be MADE an High Priest AFTER the ORDER of someone they already are, or receive a Priesthood they already have. Besides Jesus Christ had a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, he was not without father and mother, but his Priesthood was without father and mother, it wasn't by inheritance, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood wasn't inherited. It isn't like the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood, which is inherited, and will end with the Temples and Sacrifices. The Order of Melchizedek is forever, those with the Melchizedek Priesthood will always have it, like Moses and Aaron. Korah was already a Levitical Priest in charge of the most holy things, yet he sought the same Priesthood Aaron had. Why would Korah seek the Priesthood if he already had it? Why would Korah seek a Priesthood of equal power? Numbers 16.
@@bartonbagnes4605"Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ John 8:58.. "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY; and he SAW IT AND WAS GLAD."- John 8:56~ Christ.. kjv
@@billb3673 Yep, Jesus Christ is Yahweh in the Old Testament, the sole creator of everything that was created, obviously he didn't create the darkness or the Deep, which is described as waters. The first thing Yahweh spoke into existence from the waters was light, which he then separated from the darkness that already existed. But Jesus Christ is NOT El. Nor is he Lady Wisdom, which we are told in Proverbs was there during the creation. El and Lady Wisdom (which the ancient Israelites called Asher), along with Yahweh (Jesus Christ), were the Us and Our in Genesis 1: 26 and Genesis 3: 22.
A Jesus, as ourMecal. priest is not only our Savior/Redeemer , by His Blood; but our Failsafe RE-Connection to our Father. This is accomplished by the Infilling of His Holy Spirit, which has the Power to Unite His Body! Union with Christ is the first step, & The Unity of The Body is the final step for the manifestation of Christ’s Malehizeldeck Priesthood demonstrated here on earth! Come quickly, Lord Jesus INTO Your People!
II Thessalonians 2:1-4, We DO NOT gather back to Christ until AFTER there is a great falling away first and the Son of Perdition, who is Satan, stands in the Holy Place claiming to be God, Christ. Then IMMEDIATELY AFTER Satan's tribulation Christ returns to earth to begin the millennium- Mark 13:24-26. The whole world except for those who have the seal of God in their foreheads will worship Satan, believing that he is Christ- Revelation chapter 13. Satan comes first!
God is present in every aspect of our life. He is unexplainable and mysterious. Life in Holy Scripture is so deep, interesting and spiritual to watch and experience. I often thought that Melchizedek was the Father on earth, who paved the way for for His son. We have no DNA to explain, but we do know that Jesus' DNA, is from a female. Oh God.
Are you saying you aren't converted and haven't been healed by Jesus Christ? In Mathew 13: 11-15 Jesus Christ makes it clear that the only ones who don't understand the mysteries of God are those blind in their seeing and dull of hearing and with gross hearts.
@@BarbaraGarlock-w4v Jesus Christ said mysteries are revealed to his true followers, they only remain mysteries to the spiritually blind, hard of hearing with gross hearts. Jesus Christ said that the Father is a man separate from him, and Jesus Christ is his only begotten Son in the flesh. The Holy Spirit entered into Mary, he can do that as a spirit, and the Most High overshadowed Mary, giving half of Jesus Christ's DNA, making him the only begotten. For as Paul makes clear all are God's offspring, He being the Father of spirits. But unless we are adopted by Jesus Christ to himself by obedience to his teachings and commandments, Jesus Christ not being our father naturally, we will not be counted as children of God. We will not become one like Jesus Christ and the Father and one with Jesus Christ and the Father. All one God, though each with our own separate resurrected bodies. Just like the husband and wife become one flesh, though they still have separate physical bodies. Not really much mystery to it, you just have to pay attention to everything that the Bible says.
@@billb3673 I agree, in part. After looking into whatever Urantia is, I found this in one of the descriptions of the book, "The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living that brings new meaning and hope into your life". Discernment tells me, nope to this one. This doesn't seem so divinely inspired. But, keep in mind that just because a scripture isn't canonized doesn't render it invalid. There are a number of references throughout the canonized text that refers to various apocryphal Scriptures, such as Enoch, Jasher, and others. I've leaned through my studies, using primarily NKJV, that all the translations and variations have flaws to some degree. That's where using other study guides to understand the original text is very helpful in word studies, along with the study of biblical Hebrew. This is how I've also come to find intentional mistranslations and omissions. There are truths that certain powers don't want us to know, it's all part of the great deception, leading to false doctrine.
Melchizedek came in the form of Jesus Christ bcoz He offered Bread&Wine to Abraham as Spiritual Communion And Divine Blessings,I believe and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour Hallelujah ✨️🕊✝️🔥🙌 💯🤍💙💟🌷💐
I'm amazed by this! I never paid any attention to Melchizedek" or knew he never "died"! Nor was he "born".... how can this be ( mind blown!)? Nevermind, God just is & Wonderful!❤
That still doesn't make him Melchizedek, Jesus Christ has a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, but his Priesthood was without father or mother, it was not inherited like the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood. Just like Melchizedek's Priesthood wasn't through inheritance. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, who had a Priesthood named in his honor.
All it tells us is that God already gave baptism and the sacramental bread and wine from the beginning, and it was lost time and again through rebellion. He could not be Jesus Christ, first because Jesus Christ was MADE an High Priest AFTER the ORDER of Melchizedek, so he cannot receive a Priesthood he already has or be after the order of someone he already is, secondly, Jesus Christ had a Father in heaven and a mother on earth. The Priesthood of Melchizedek was without father or mother, not Melchizedek, the Priesthood wasn't through inheritance like the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood was. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man. So righteous the Priesthood he had started to be given his name afterwards.
Bro actually melkisedak was shem But Bible compare him with Christ that , he is priest like him who was not from the tribe of Lavi ( from descend and descends ) But before Lavi he was the priest of most high You can see in genisis That Noah blesses shem That ' blessed be the God of Shem' Jesus is priest forever and ever
@@PandaCheeks I pray that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me. 🙏
@@angloaust1575 “Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin” (1 Peter 4:1)
Maybe Melchizedek is Jesus Christ who came just for a short time, bcoz Jesus is already with God since the beginning of the World. How mysterious our God's plan, just believe and trust in him, Worship him, that's we as a small creature should do😇😇
No mystery. Only the Priesthood wasn't inherited from father or mother, like the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood is. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, for whom they named the Priesthood in his honor.
It cannot be Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ has a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, though he did not inherit his Priesthood from either of them, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood was without father or mother, unlike the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood, which did have a beginning when Moses called all the sons of Levi to be Priests from father to son or mother to son, generations inheriting it. Mystery solved, Melchizedek was just a very righteous man that they named the Priesthood after in his honor.
@@bartonbagnes4605 The mystery that made Christ high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek is not humans theology; he has no earthly parents (see Hebrews 5:5-11). The writer explained in verse 11, an event hard to explain that Christ, God the son, is God's high priest for us. The Father can't have two positions for same eternal office ministry. May the Holy Spirit give you understanding and knowledge concerning spiritual truths.
@@chibofred-vn5jz Well, since there's absolutely nothing in Hebrews chapter 5 that there's only one Melchizedek Priest. Quite the opposite, you can't have an order unless you have more than one person. And Moses and Aaron also were in this Order, as were the 70 Elder of Israel, also called Judges, Priests or Prophets, of which Joshua was one. Aaron got his Priesthood from Moses, on command from God, and the 70 Elders also got their Priesthood from Moses, on instructions from Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, who was a Priest of Midian, and undoubtedly the one who gave Moses his Priesthood long before Moses saw the Burning Bush. All these, Aaron and the 70 Priests, had their Priesthood before Moses set apart the sons of Levi and gave them the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood. Yet even though Korah and those with him had been given the Levitical Priesthood and been put in charge of the most holy things, they still sought the Priesthood of Moses and Aaron, because it was the higher Priesthood. A Priesthood without mother or father, without beginning of days or end of years. Unlike the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood, which had just started, that would be inherited from mother or father, and would have an end when there was no more need for a Temple or sacrifices. All this they said when they were contrasting the difference between the two Priesthoods, the Levitical Priesthood and the superior Melchizedek Priesthood that Jesus Christ had just restored. Nowhere does it say Jesus Christ had no father or mother, nor does it say that Melchizedek had no father or mother. The whole point of Hebrews 7 is to show the superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood and him who restored it to the temporary Levitical Priesthood given through descent to the sons of Levi.
John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am ~Christ.. John 8:56- "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY; and he SAW IT, and was glad.~ Christ. kjv Hebrews 7:1- For this Melchisedec, King of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings ,AND BLESSED HIM."
If you have a Bible, look for Melchezidec in the concordance that's in the back of it and you should be able to find the references ❤ Genesis 14:18-20 is the exact first account of the interaction between Abram and Melchezidec...
According to Jewish tradition melchezedek is Seth, the son of Noah. That would make a lot of sense regarding Abraham s upbringing and education. It is even said that Abraham taught the Egyptians about astrology and astronomy.
But Melchisedec had no mother or father- Hebrews 7:3. Melchisedec was Christ before He was born in the flesh of Mary... John 8:56- Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY, AND HE SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD. ~ Christ.. John 8:58- Before Abraham was, I am. ~ Christ.
@@billb3673, the priesthood after the order of the Son of God (Melchezedek priesthood) is without beginning of days and end of years because the priesthood is the authority to act in Gods name. It has no beginning or end.
Also Abraham paid tithes to melchezedek because Abraham recognized that authority. Abraham, at around 8 years old was sent to the land of Ur, to be taught about the ways of God in the house of Noah (father of melchezedek… not the priesthood but the man melchezedek). Abraham sent Issac there as well. Jaco was sent also but by the time Jacob went there Noah had died and so was taught by melchezedek.
Lower case or Miniscule letters didn't exist until long after the Old and New Testaments were written, and is decided by whoever is translating. All capitals could be used for any time God or Lord is used with equal justification, or all lower case letters could be used and be just as legitimate. It is all a later addition to the Bible.
You do realize that 1 John 5: 7-8 was added to the Bible and attributed to John some time in the 4th century A.D., and first was part of a dissertation in the 3rd century A.D.. It wasn't even added to the Greek translations until 1516A.D., for the third printing of the Geneva Bible.
@@bartonbagnes4605and the Word became flesh.. and the word was with God, and the Word WAS GOD... you are immeasurably lost in the fullness of self love and ignorance!
Heavenly Father, I come to you asking for your blessings as a single mom. I’m raising my children with courage, despite the challenges I face. My sons both are special needs. Lord as I struggle to pay my rent every month and as I struggle to buy groceries for my children. I ask that you bless me with your wisdom and guidance, as I navigate parenthood on my own.
In Jesus Name. Amen ❤
He will bless you and care for you and your children. There is no one like our beloved Father and King Jesus.
May Yahuah bless you in the name of Yahusha our messiah, the highest priest of prayers❤❤❤
"Heavenly Father, lead me on the path of righteousness. Illuminate my steps and show me Your will as I navigate life's journey."
God could have revealed him self in the form of melkizedek or Jesus Christ. Thanks to God Almighty. Amen
wherefrom is that quote?
@@iryumikaPsalm 119 v105; your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. John 8 v 12.
God is very mysterious! The Bible is multi layers deep. So much to learn and the more you read you see connections to other scriptures and deeper meanings. Thank You for explaining.
It is. The symbolism begins to jump out at you.
@@rexscipio3344 what symbolism jump out at you, please?
For example Jesus states of Himself in "Matthew 12:39 (KJV) But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:"
If you knew the Bible, which you seemingly don't, you would see the allusion to Jonas entering the belly of a whale for 3 days and 3 nights symbolic of Jesus' own descent into the bottom of the Earth for 3 days and 3 nights in "Matthew 12:40 (KJV) For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."
@rexscipyour rite also Peter denied Chrst 3 times.io3344
And Jesus reinstated him by asking Him does he love 3 X.3 is the number of the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) 3 bear witness on Earth (Water, Blood and the Spirit). 3 (James, John and Peter) were selected by Jesus to ascend the mount of Olives and @@ericcrawford3453
Melchizedek gave Abraham a blessing along with bread and wine, and Abraham honored Melchizedek with a tithe.
@yantolee4017 it was customary during those for Priests to be given a Tithe
Thank you and praise you Jesus
Wow, Melchizedek is such an intriguing figure! His role as both a King and a Priest really shows how God’s plan was always bigger than what we see. The way he blessed Abraham and received the tithe is such a powerful reminder of how God’s grace transcends time. It’s amazing to think about how Melchizedek points to Jesus and His eternal priesthood.
God is AMAZING! He can blow our minds like no one else.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for all of those divine souls who came and keep coming to help us to know You and to guide us back to our eternal home in heaven.
The secret things belong to Yahweh, but the things that are revealed belong to us and our children forever... Deuteronomy 29:29
Look up the video by Nehemia Gordon (PhD in Philology) titled "The Name of God Nehemia Gordon Open Door Series". Since the date of the video, Dr. Gordon and his team have searched for the Name of God in ancient and old sacred texts and found it with the full vowels MORE THAN 10,000 TIMES! The story of how that got started -which is an amazing story - is in that video. You'll love it!
Interesting study
There’s no secret here
He was Yahweh
Only he is without mother , father & without descendant. And no beginning or ending.
👉🏼 Hebrews 7:1-4 👈🏼
For Hebrew it was yhwh, eventually yahwah, yaweh and evolved to Jahova. Incredible what man can do.
@@koerma30 Besides the false sabt(Sunday),and the wide spread of spiritism(yoga- karma, ouija bord, reiki,hipnosis), last final decieve wil be ,that Satan himself wil come as Hrist, saying he changed the day of rest! And this decieve wil be poerwfull for al those who dont read teh Bible for themselves, as it wil be followed by great miracles and healings,everywere he wil apear! But the Bible doesn't live us without warning to this and clearly says that when Jesus coems, " All eyes will see Him," so everyone on earth, wile Satans fake only here and there! -Read Mathew chapter 24! Another direct warning to the spirit of the anthirst is in 2 Joan 7" "Anyone who says that Jesus doesn't come in flesh/body is the spirit of the anthirst!" The most concrete verses regarding the state of the dead is in Eclesiast 9:5,6,10! And the most clear verses regarding, God's trinity, are in Mathew 28:19 and 1Joan 5:7 ! And i would sugest you get a book called " The great controversy" by Ellen White, is an amazing book, wich depicts the war betwen good and evil,from Lucifers fall til the very end, and in the last few chapters, teh very end,and in the last few chapters, is everything about what we live, what is to come(the Sunday-decret,and truly everything) ,pure truth with amazing insights! By Ellen White! May God bless you and youre loved ones!
May the reading of his words be blessed ❤
God gave me a great revelation about Melchizedek and my Lord Jesus. This answered all my questions about the new testament and the order of Levi
Please Share it. I want to know more about Melchizedek
Salvation Prayer for you,
LORD JESUS, I am a sinner and I Repent of all my sins, Please wash my sins with the Precious Blood of JESUS today, I turn away from all sin, and I receive you into my heart today as my Lord and Saviour, Please write my name in the Lamb's Book of Life, and please send me the HOLY SPIRIT to help me live in holiness, and establish your Word in my heart and protect my heart. Amen
Salvation prayer will not save a lost soul, this is adding works. Salvation is a free gift, given freely to all who BELIEVE from their hearts in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, the only gospel that saves lost souls. Ephesians 2:8-9, we are saved by Grace through Faith, not be works, nor by sight.
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
Stop 🛑 with European characters
Very sickening 🤢
@@1Corinthians15_1-4 agree, and add it must be brought to Us by the holy ghost, in Gods holy order. God, His Son Jesus, And the Holy Spirit/Spirit of God.
The Holy Spirit convicts a sinner, and by His Grace, through the heart a man can receive salvation, not only head knowledge, by reciting a scripture that is done in jest.
Come Lord Jesus send Your spirit onto all who truly see themselves as lost without hope of salvation, lest You Lord come to them, Standing at the door of their soul knocking, if we lay aside our plans and take up our cross, laying down selfish pride acknowledging the Heart is ready to receive what Jesus is offering, and not we sinner's saying we are finding Jesus.
That is pride, humility of the heart towards a perfect savior is how our hearts must be conditioned before we can receive the best gift this world will ever have, freedom from the penalty of our sins past and future, covered by the blood of Jesus, who today is alive sitting on the right hand of God The Father, when the enemy tells God you are his disciple God only sees the blood of His only Son Jesus Christ covering our souls, and not ourselves, so we bring nothing and by Gods grace and mercy inherit the kingdom of God as a brother or sister of Christ Jesus... Amen.
Heavenly father bless every being around us ...lead us not into temptations, but deliver us from eveil Amen
God bless you for sharing this.
This is the most impressive video I've ever seen on this subject "Melchizedek" 🖖
"I noticed that 'god' is written in lowercase in the video. To show respect and follow proper grammar, 'God' should be capitalized when referring to a deity, especially in monotheistic contexts. Just a suggestion for future content!"
At the time the Old and New Testaments were written, and centuries after, there were no lower case or Miniscule letters, whether to capitalize was an arbitrary decision based on the beliefs of modern translations.
@@bartonbagnes4605 in English capitalisation for God, The Almighty and lower case for 'gods' the fallen ones and false gods who are not The God above all.
@@turnitupmike Yep. They started doing that based on personal biases, not anything solid. Originally there were no distinctions. GODS were GODS , and false GODS were false GODS.
I fully agree
God is a title not a name
I think your keyboard is broken
Yeap. The word soldier infer to wars. You have to be kidding me if you don't see the signature of man. We seekers want peace, and love at a spiritual level. You all hace been deceptive.
I've wondered about this figure in the bible. Thank you for the explanation.
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
@@FaithfulChroniclesYMelchizedek isn't a mysterious person in the Bible he is Jesus Christ that's just one of his names his name is also Israel his name is also Jehovah it's not a mystery you just have to study the Bible
What a revelation Jesus My Lord and My saviour To be all Glory Power And LoveAmen and Amen
Thank you so much and my eyes are now opened.
The best graphics on the web! Appreciate your hard work. Very informative and interesting.
I am a Priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek .Ps 110:4
That's what He meant? I am, you are, ca'va?🤣
Except No man taketh this honor unto themselves, they have to be called as was Aaron, by the laying on of hands by someone with authority from God to do so. This authority also cannot be bought or claimed, it has to come from God directly.
Melchizedek (king of righteousness) was King and Priest christ comes in the order of Melchizedek King and Priest the original order before the split with jacobs son Judah(king) Levi(priest).
@@curtcarr2684 Except Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were not kings, only Priests. Israel's first king was Saul, a long time after the death of Moses and Joshua. And though they called the heads of each tribe Princes, they were not kings, just Priests of an order higher than Levitical Priests and the sons of Aaron. Those 12 Princes, along with the Seventy Elders, were the judges of Israel, including all the Levites.
@@bartonbagnes4605 indeed Saul was the first King of the Israelites(sons of Jacob) but from Noah,Melchizedek= (Shem son of Noah) Abraham, Issac ,Jacob are the original line King(Patriachs) and Priest the hold both offices of TMH that's why Christ who is King and Priest follow that line .
Melchizedek is such a mysterious and fascinating figure! His connection to Christ as the eternal high priest really shows how God's plan unfolds across time. 🙏
Thank you for the message about Melchizedek - high priest & king - Zechariah's prophesy about Jesus. Zechariah 7:13
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
I appreciate your effort to bring such beautiful content. I'm learning a lot from them. Thank you 🙏
Thankyou for clarifying this myself and my son was talking just two days ago of this mysterious persona and knew he was Yeshua
Melchizedek was a priest in the Order of heavenly priest called the Order of Melchizedek and the priest was sent to earth to bless Abraham give him the seed of God to carry the covenant of God. So in Abraham having been blessed by Melchizedek had in him a priest, a king and a generation and God wanted to make a nation of priest out of Israel, that priesthood was passed down to Moses, to Aron, down to David who was a king and could play the role of a priest by offering sacrifices to God down to Jesus who came from the defendants of David all done to fulfill the scriptures to show Jesus as a King and Priest and now all believers through Christ are priest in the Order of Melchizedek. So he was sent by God to initiate the order of priesthood on earth through Abraham which explains why he has no history or birthplace because he was a Heavenly priest not an earthly priest. It is by him that the Levi priesthood was initiated through Abraham..
@@omoruyiodosa5495It wasn't Melchizedek that had no father or mother, it was his Priesthood, which wasn't by inheritance like the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, who they named the Priesthood in honor of him.
Melchizedek cannot be Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ has a Father in heaven and a mother on earth.
@@bartonbagnes4605 Jesus was with God and created with God in the beginning the word was and the word became flesh
@@RubenetteStander El was there with Yahweh, as was Lady Wisdom, that the ancient Hebrews and Canaanites called Asher, but the Bible makes it very clear that Yahweh alone did all the creation, so he could say to the Father, when he has subdued all things under his feet and subjected them to himself, "I have tread the winepress alone." Then Yahweh (Jesus Christ) will subject himself to the Father, that God may be all in all. El the Father and Asher the Mother were only advisers for the creation. For it says that Jesus Christ made everything THAT WAS MADE. Jesus Christ did not make the darkness, nor did he make the deep, which is described as waters, though that was probably just the closest thing in appearance to it that Moses knew. When God (Yahweh or Jesus Christ) finally speaks to start creating, the first thing he creates is light from the deep, and separates it from the darkness. Of course all the sons of God were there at the foundation of the earth, of which Adam would have to have been one, for they shouted for joy at the foundation of the earth.
Reading stories from the Old Testament was one of my favourite childhood activities. I always pondered on who Melchizedk was.
Idk this confuses me
Melchizedek is not that mysterious. Melchizedek means 'Son of Help'. There are ten million of them, they are teachers from higher spiritual worlds. The one who visited us in flesh was Machiventa Melchizedek. He's now serving as our Planetary Prince in place of the Devil. The Devil true name is 'Caligastia', a local Lanonendek Son of Christ Michael - Jesus.
@@VISIONTVASSINIEI would be interested to know where you get your information, doesn't sound like a scriptural source, from what I can tell.
Melchezedek is Hebrew and translates "my righteous king". He is one of many instances where we see our Messiah, Y'shua HaMashiac, appear in the Old Testament Scriptures.
Christians don't really know who Jesus is and why he visited us in the flesh. The Bible knows nothing of the higher spiritual worlds, and anyone who thinks the Bible is the word of God is blind, and those who listen to the Bible's teachings are blind too. There are seven intellectual forms of life in the Master Universe. The Sons of Melchizedek are higher than angels. There are about five types of angels: 1. the Sanobim, 2. the Cherubim, 3. the Seraphim, 4. the Superangels, 5. the Archangels. The dream of a Sanobim is to become a Cherubim, the dream of a Cherubim is to become a Seraphim, Seraphim angels study for 1000 years, their university worlds are : Valmer, Eremer, Sorian, Serender, Veremer and Elander, their capital world/sphere is Seraphernion. And God is not in the Universe, the whole Universe is inside God, in God's center of gravity. I've been to Paradise 18 times from 2012 to today. Angels don't come from Heaven, angels are local servants. The angels' highest dream is to accompany mortal humans to Paradise. The paradise city of the angels of the universe is SERAPHINTON.
There are about 500 billion architecturals worlds in the Master Universe, and about 7 trillion evolutionary habitable and inhabited worlds such as ours in the Master Universe. It takes a human being one billion years to reach Paradise. Various studies are planned for ascending souls on architectural worlds. The sun evolves around the Divine Residence at 628,000 km/h and takes one billion years for a complete rotation around Paradise.
I will be meditating on this.
Thank you Lord Jesus for being my best study buddy. I seek to know you better through the Bible, your Holy word.
He was GOD. “Without beginning and without end. No mother, No father.
AMEN!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
I appreciate that you took the time to include captions so that the deaf don't have to rely on RUclips's shotty caption system. I love to see everyone having access to the exact same message at the same time. That is fantastic!
Who had no begining nor end? This fits only the Lord he was called the king of kings and He is our high priest we go directly to the Lord in prayer he became the believers offering when He Died for us and raised from the grave forever making intersision for us. Amen.
King of Salem or King of righteousness...No genealogy ... He remains a high priest FOR EVER.
@@sunlight9091 🤣 To who? please! Jesus is Lord! Over the Grave, being water, life. He is your God!
It could be God himself???
So jesus before he was born went through time to be able to walk before he was killed
Jesus Christ had a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, he was NOT without father or mother, only his Priesthood was, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood was without father or mother, it did not come through inheritance like the Aaronic Priesthood, and it will not end with the Temples and Sacrifices like the Aaronic Priesthood.
Excellent teaching. Thank you!
I pray for the blessings of Melchizedek on my life 🙏 🙌 ✨️ 💯
It is very clear that you do not have the indwelling of The Holy Spirit, if you did, you wouldn't have made that comment. God The Holy Spirit dwells inside all born again believers in The Lord Jesus Christ.
Pray for blessings of Jesus christ himself instead
As melchizedek is not Jesus, but Jesus' shadow - Heb 7:3
@@1Corinthians15_1-4born again means born FROM ABOVE. apparently you don't have the Holy Spirit in you if you're ignorant of that!
@@emmanuelmichael1084John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ. kjv Christ was Melchisedec and was with God from the beginning. Haven't you read?
At the Moment I am speechless! Preise be to God Most High!
Thank you for this. I tried on my own to find more about Melchizedek , but didn't do too well. So happy this showed up for me to watch. All should watch this. Very interesting
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
Kindly read more about Melchizedek in the New Testament's book of Hebrews.
Melchizedek was a priest in the Order of heavenly priest called the Order of Melchizedek and the priest was sent to earth to bless Abraham give him the seed of God to carry the covenant of God. So in Abraham having been blessed by Melchizedek had in him a priest, a king and a generation and God wanted to make a nation of priest out of Israel, that priesthood was passed down to Moses, to Aron, down to David who was a king and could play the role of a priest by offering sacrifices to God down to Jesus who came from the defendants of David all done to fulfill the scriptures to show Jesus as a King and Priest and now all believers through Christ are priest in the Order of Melchizedek. So he was sent by God to initiate the order of priesthood on earth through Abraham which explains why he has no history or birthplace because he was a Heavenly priest not an earthly priest. It is by him that the Levi priesthood was initiated through Abraham..
He is in the Old Testament too. Through my discernment, it had to be Jesus.
@@dodgebailey1182Your discernment is way off. Jesus Christ has a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, his Priesthood is without father or mother, in other words it wasn't inherited, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood wasn't inherited. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, of whom they named the Priesthood in his honor.
Let's keep praying and praising YAHUAH always everyone for HIS LOVE PEACE AND ABUNDANCE FAVOUR and BLESSINGS. Amen and Amen.... This is from Fiji....
May God blesses you for always enlightening us about the scriptures 🙏🏾
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
I always thought it a blessing to know how loving God is to allow people like Melchizedek and Jesus Christ to dwell among men. God truly loves us ❤. Love always will rule over hate.
Melchisedec WAS Christ before Christ was born to Mary in the flesh..
Very good presentation. Thanks 👌
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
WOW this is mind blowing. i love this.
Wow! Thank you...
Ì emjoyed your ptesentation.
Amen. Salem(Jerusalem).Jesus Christ is a Prest forever in the order of Melchizedeck.
Psalms 110
Melchizedek was much more than an angel or heavenly high priest, he was actually a lesser god devoted to the service of his one and only God. It was Melchizedek who commanded Michael and Gabriel in the wars of the heaven leading to the casting out of Satan. It was Melchizedek who ordained Abraham, King David, and even Jesus Christ, into the high priesthood of God. There is no one higher than Melchizedek, the Archangel, the personal high priest of the most high God!
@@Michaeljoseph-u7r2pHow can he be an "one and only God" if there are lesser Gods? There is nothing to indicate he was anything more than a very righteous man.
@@bartonbagnes4605 all I'm gone say there is God the father and God the son and holy spirit Melchizedek is king of righteousness I don't know this Melchizedek trips me out to but it's the truth and it ain't what it looks Like I'm come to a point in my life it is what it is whatever happens in the end is gone happen
@@Michaeljoseph-u7r2p But we know Melchizedek wasn't the Holy Spirit, spirits cannot collect tithes or reign as a Priest and King. We know it wasn't the Son, because he didn't receive a body until he was born to Mary. And we know he wasn't the Father, even though Jesus Christ says that the Father is a man, because he was a Priest of the Most High God, not the Most High God. That just leaves a really righteous man.
Love the story of Melchizedek, first learned about him on the show "Ask The Pastor" about a decade ago. He is God to me but came down in human form. Thanks for this story.
???? He was priest of God. What you talking?
John 8:56- "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY: AND SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD."~Christ.. John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ.. Hebrews 7:1- "For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, AND BLESSED HIM. kjv
@@mariasophia925John 8:56- " Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY: AND HE SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD."~ Christ... John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ.. Hebrews 7:1- " For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, AND BLESSED HIM." kjv
@@billb3673 So???
The bread and wine was a sacrament about Christ that both Abraham and melchezedek shared a belief in.
Great share. Thank you
The Priesthood of Melchizedek has been restored to the earth. I invite you all to Ask God to guide you to it. and NOT let your bias turn you away from it when you find it. Let GOD testify the truth of it to you bu means of the Holy Spirit.
I agree! The Melchizedek Priesthood authority has been restored back to the earth! I am so grateful to have found where that priesthood resides!
WOW, talk about learning as you go! Definitely on your way to getting the basement sorted out! Such a lot of work, but who better than you hard-working, super intelligent young men! I wish I could pat you all on the back & tell you how proud & inspired I am, but I cannot, so please pat each other. Good job, gentlemen! TYTY for sharing! ❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️
John 8:56- Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY, and he SAW IT AND rejoiced ~ Christ.. John 8:58- BEFORE Abraham was, I am. ~ Christ.. kjv
Wonderful Video!!! Photography is Beautiful
Thank you so much for such contents, I look forward to another everyday🔥🔥
AMEN and AMEN,,,🙏💝🙏💝🙏💝🙏
❤❤❤ thank you for the teaching I have lernt alot that I didn't know of
A lovely and insightful video, God bless you!
Thank you my Lord Jesus Christ ❤
❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉 Thank you for teaching us about this most fascinating Man.
Hugs to you Darling 🤗 ❤️ 💖
As it is written: in the beginning Jesus Christ was with his father, God, during creation of all things, including mankind. Melchizedek is indeed Christ appearing, blessed and received tithe from Abraham. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ forever being with us...
That's absurd. Someone cannot be MADE an High Priest AFTER the ORDER of someone they already are, or receive a Priesthood they already have. Besides Jesus Christ had a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, he was not without father and mother, but his Priesthood was without father and mother, it wasn't by inheritance, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood wasn't inherited. It isn't like the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood, which is inherited, and will end with the Temples and Sacrifices. The Order of Melchizedek is forever, those with the Melchizedek Priesthood will always have it, like Moses and Aaron. Korah was already a Levitical Priest in charge of the most holy things, yet he sought the same Priesthood Aaron had. Why would Korah seek the Priesthood if he already had it? Why would Korah seek a Priesthood of equal power? Numbers 16.
@@bartonbagnes4605"Before Abraham was, I am."~ Christ John 8:58.. "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY; and he SAW IT AND WAS GLAD."- John 8:56~ Christ.. kjv
@@billb3673 Yep, Jesus Christ is Yahweh in the Old Testament, the sole creator of everything that was created, obviously he didn't create the darkness or the Deep, which is described as waters. The first thing Yahweh spoke into existence from the waters was light, which he then separated from the darkness that already existed. But Jesus Christ is NOT El. Nor is he Lady Wisdom, which we are told in Proverbs was there during the creation. El and Lady Wisdom (which the ancient Israelites called Asher), along with Yahweh (Jesus Christ), were the Us and Our in Genesis 1: 26 and Genesis 3: 22.
A mystery for me throughout my life. Thank you.
I’m glad you brought out Christ relative position in Gods new order.
Very much enjoyed the narration. Very powerful presentation.
Praise be to Melchizedek. Praise be to Christ Jesus.
Fascinating and very well explained . Thank you .
A foreshadowing of Jesus Christ the Messiah.
God remains eternal forever always with you 😊
God is good ✌️❤️🌎
A Jesus, as ourMecal. priest is not only our Savior/Redeemer , by His Blood; but our Failsafe RE-Connection to our Father. This is accomplished by the Infilling of His Holy Spirit, which has the Power to Unite His Body! Union with Christ is the first step, &
The Unity of The Body is the final step for the manifestation of Christ’s Malehizeldeck Priesthood demonstrated here on earth!
Come quickly, Lord Jesus INTO Your People!
II Thessalonians 2:1-4, We DO NOT gather back to Christ until AFTER there is a great falling away first and the Son of Perdition, who is Satan, stands in the Holy Place claiming to be God, Christ. Then IMMEDIATELY AFTER Satan's tribulation Christ returns to earth to begin the millennium- Mark 13:24-26. The whole world except for those who have the seal of God in their foreheads will worship Satan, believing that he is Christ- Revelation chapter 13. Satan comes first!
Excellent Video and teaching!
God is present in every aspect of our life. He is unexplainable and mysterious. Life in Holy Scripture is so deep, interesting and spiritual to watch and experience. I often thought that Melchizedek was the Father on earth, who paved the way for for His son. We have no DNA to explain, but we do know that Jesus' DNA, is from a female. Oh God.
Are you saying you aren't converted and haven't been healed by Jesus Christ? In Mathew 13: 11-15 Jesus Christ makes it clear that the only ones who don't understand the mysteries of God are those blind in their seeing and dull of hearing and with gross hearts.
bartonbagnes4605. I live in Jesus Christ, but Milchizedek is a mystery. Jesus came from a womans through God's miracle.
@@BarbaraGarlock-w4v Jesus Christ said mysteries are revealed to his true followers, they only remain mysteries to the spiritually blind, hard of hearing with gross hearts. Jesus Christ said that the Father is a man separate from him, and Jesus Christ is his only begotten Son in the flesh. The Holy Spirit entered into Mary, he can do that as a spirit, and the Most High overshadowed Mary, giving half of Jesus Christ's DNA, making him the only begotten. For as Paul makes clear all are God's offspring, He being the Father of spirits. But unless we are adopted by Jesus Christ to himself by obedience to his teachings and commandments, Jesus Christ not being our father naturally, we will not be counted as children of God. We will not become one like Jesus Christ and the Father and one with Jesus Christ and the Father. All one God, though each with our own separate resurrected bodies. Just like the husband and wife become one flesh, though they still have separate physical bodies. Not really much mystery to it, you just have to pay attention to everything that the Bible says.
John 8:56- "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY, AND HE SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD. ~ Christ .. John 8:58- BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM..~ Christ.
I love Bible stories I'm glad I found you❤
This channel is very good.
The book of urantia speaks of Melchizedek in detail, a must to understanding his role.
@@billb3673 there is a newer version now
@@billb3673 I agree, in part. After looking into whatever Urantia is, I found this in one of the descriptions of the book, "The Urantia Book harmonizes history, science, and religion into a philosophy of living that brings new meaning and hope into your life". Discernment tells me, nope to this one. This doesn't seem so divinely inspired.
But, keep in mind that just because a scripture isn't canonized doesn't render it invalid. There are a number of references throughout the canonized text that refers to various apocryphal Scriptures, such as Enoch, Jasher, and others. I've leaned through my studies, using primarily NKJV, that all the translations and variations have flaws to some degree. That's where using other study guides to understand the original text is very helpful in word studies, along with the study of biblical Hebrew. This is how I've also come to find intentional mistranslations and omissions. There are truths that certain powers don't want us to know, it's all part of the great deception, leading to false doctrine.
@@cheyennecassidy4329_"For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven."_
Which *version* is that WORD that is settled in heaven in???
Many Blessings
of Love + Light!
Melchizedek came in the form of Jesus Christ bcoz He offered Bread&Wine to Abraham as Spiritual Communion And Divine Blessings,I believe and trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour Hallelujah ✨️🕊✝️🔥🙌 💯🤍💙💟🌷💐
Abraham kneeled before him and was not told not to get up so this is pre Christ who was to come..
I'm so blessed with the message, for sure I have enjoyed the video ❤
Melchizedek was perfect in all things. He held the highest Priesthood, after the order of the Son of God.
I'm amazed by this! I never paid any attention to Melchizedek" or knew he never "died"! Nor was he "born".... how can this be ( mind blown!)? Nevermind, God just is & Wonderful!❤
His birth is in Enoch.. Says He was placed in Eden by the Angel Michael to be preserved & survived the flood!? It’s blown my mind
Christ is King and always has been
ONLY! 🔥✝
That still doesn't make him Melchizedek, Jesus Christ has a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, but his Priesthood was without father or mother, it was not inherited like the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood. Just like Melchizedek's Priesthood wasn't through inheritance. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, who had a Priesthood named in his honor.
Im fascinated by him now after reading about him in my book Friend of God.
John 8:56- Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY, AND HE SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD~ Christ.. John 8:58- BEFORE Abraham was, I am. ~ Christ.. kjv
May I remind you u all that there is no confusion in GOD… if u are confused after watching this … I suggest u go pray
❤😂Amen great Bible teaching 🙏
Hallelujah, Amen ❤❤❤
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
Amen and God bless you ❤
The comment I was looking for ..Definitely Christ..THANK YOU JESUS AND ALL GLORY TO GOD THE FATHER.
All it tells us is that God already gave baptism and the sacramental bread and wine from the beginning, and it was lost time and again through rebellion. He could not be Jesus Christ, first because Jesus Christ was MADE an High Priest AFTER the ORDER of Melchizedek, so he cannot receive a Priesthood he already has or be after the order of someone he already is, secondly, Jesus Christ had a Father in heaven and a mother on earth. The Priesthood of Melchizedek was without father or mother, not Melchizedek, the Priesthood wasn't through inheritance like the Aaronic or Levitical Priesthood was. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man. So righteous the Priesthood he had started to be given his name afterwards.
Thank you so much for this wonderful information… so much better than I read the Bible by myself thank you thank you 🙏😇😇😇
🙏stay with GOD ❤🙏
Thank you for participating here on the channel. God bless you
The Good master, The everlasting all. Powerfull God.
"Before Abraham was , I AM"
IAM AM...to be Soul-Realized human being...
Bro actually melkisedak was shem
But Bible compare him with Christ that , he is priest like him who was not from the tribe of Lavi ( from descend and descends )
But before Lavi he was the priest of most high
You can see in genisis
That Noah blesses shem
That ' blessed be the God of Shem'
Jesus is priest forever and ever
@@KishoreKishore-oq9vd No.
Didn't Yashua (Jesus) say that? Didn't YHWH (God) also tell Abraham the same thing? That throws the trinity argument right out the window.
@@MelCarter9 there IS no Trinity argument. The THREE are Co equal and Co eternal, each with different jobs for us. Theyre literally ONE. Pray on it😉🙏
Hallelujah 🙌🏼 Hallelujah 🙌🏼 Hallelujah 🙌🏼 Hallelujah 🙌🏼 Glory Glory Glory thank you 🙏🏿 Lord Jesus Christ
Emmanuel Emmanuel
Only Jesus saves
"Only God the Father saves". quote from Jesus Christ
@@dustencross357" I and the father are one " also a quote from Jesus! 😉
@@PandaCheeks I pray that they all may be one; just as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be one in Us, so that the world may believe [without any doubt] that You sent Me. 🙏
Sinners are drawn by Father and
@@angloaust1575 “Since therefore Christ suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves with the same way of thinking, for whoever has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin” (1 Peter 4:1)
Amen 🙏 💝✝️ Thank you, Heavenly Father 🙏✝️💝
Thank you
Maybe Melchizedek is Jesus Christ who came just for a short time, bcoz Jesus is already with God since the beginning of the World. How mysterious our God's plan, just believe and trust in him, Worship him, that's we as a small creature should do😇😇
No mystery. Only the Priesthood wasn't inherited from father or mother, like the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood is. Melchizedek was just a very righteous man, for whom they named the Priesthood in his honor.
Sir Jesus Christ is God
The mystery in this divine encounter revealed Christ for eternity.
It cannot be Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ has a Father in heaven and a mother on earth, though he did not inherit his Priesthood from either of them, just like Melchizedek's Priesthood was without father or mother, unlike the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood, which did have a beginning when Moses called all the sons of Levi to be Priests from father to son or mother to son, generations inheriting it. Mystery solved, Melchizedek was just a very righteous man that they named the Priesthood after in his honor.
@@bartonbagnes4605 The mystery that made Christ high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek is not humans theology; he has no earthly parents (see Hebrews 5:5-11). The writer explained in verse 11, an event hard to explain that Christ, God the son, is God's high priest for us. The Father can't have two positions for same eternal office ministry. May the Holy Spirit give you understanding and knowledge concerning spiritual truths.
@@chibofred-vn5jz Well, since there's absolutely nothing in Hebrews chapter 5 that there's only one Melchizedek Priest. Quite the opposite, you can't have an order unless you have more than one person. And Moses and Aaron also were in this Order, as were the 70 Elder of Israel, also called Judges, Priests or Prophets, of which Joshua was one. Aaron got his Priesthood from Moses, on command from God, and the 70 Elders also got their Priesthood from Moses, on instructions from Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, who was a Priest of Midian, and undoubtedly the one who gave Moses his Priesthood long before Moses saw the Burning Bush. All these, Aaron and the 70 Priests, had their Priesthood before Moses set apart the sons of Levi and gave them the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood. Yet even though Korah and those with him had been given the Levitical Priesthood and been put in charge of the most holy things, they still sought the Priesthood of Moses and Aaron, because it was the higher Priesthood. A Priesthood without mother or father, without beginning of days or end of years. Unlike the Levitical or Aaronic Priesthood, which had just started, that would be inherited from mother or father, and would have an end when there was no more need for a Temple or sacrifices. All this they said when they were contrasting the difference between the two Priesthoods, the Levitical Priesthood and the superior Melchizedek Priesthood that Jesus Christ had just restored. Nowhere does it say Jesus Christ had no father or mother, nor does it say that Melchizedek had no father or mother. The whole point of Hebrews 7 is to show the superiority of the Melchizedek Priesthood and him who restored it to the temporary Levitical Priesthood given through descent to the sons of Levi.
Keep holding your hands from the hands of the Lord and your and your children will be blessed good woman your are blessed by our Heavenly Father 🙏😇😇😇
Give the specific Scriptural texts, enabling the viewer to read and assess for himself, please.
John 8:58- "Before Abraham was, I am ~Christ.. John 8:56- "Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY; and he SAW IT, and was glad.~ Christ. kjv Hebrews 7:1- For this Melchisedec, King of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings ,AND BLESSED HIM."
@@billb3673Thank you Jesus,I just learned something from you today AND HE SAW IT waooooo
If you have a Bible, look for Melchezidec in the concordance that's in the back of it and you should be able to find the references ❤ Genesis 14:18-20 is the exact first account of the interaction between Abram and Melchezidec...
Amen Amen Amen
According to Jewish tradition melchezedek is Seth, the son of Noah. That would make a lot of sense regarding Abraham s upbringing and education. It is even said that Abraham taught the Egyptians about astrology and astronomy.
But Melchisedec had no mother or father- Hebrews 7:3.
Melchisedec was Christ before He was born in the flesh of Mary... John 8:56- Your father Abraham rejoiced to see MY DAY, AND HE SAW IT, AND WAS GLAD. ~ Christ..
John 8:58- Before Abraham was, I am. ~ Christ.
@@billb3673, the priesthood after the order of the Son of God (Melchezedek priesthood) is without beginning of days and end of years because the priesthood is the authority to act in Gods name. It has no beginning or end.
Also Abraham paid tithes to melchezedek because Abraham recognized that authority. Abraham, at around 8 years old was sent to the land of Ur, to be taught about the ways of God in the house of Noah (father of melchezedek… not the priesthood but the man melchezedek). Abraham sent Issac there as well. Jaco was sent also but by the time Jacob went there Noah had died and so was taught by melchezedek.
You have done a little work here. God bless you and WELL DONE!!!
Thank you for the video. Capitalize GOD in the subtitles please.
Lower case or Miniscule letters didn't exist until long after the Old and New Testaments were written, and is decided by whoever is translating. All capitals could be used for any time God or Lord is used with equal justification, or all lower case letters could be used and be just as legitimate. It is all a later addition to the Bible.
Praise our Lord, Jesus Christ.
The Father,The Word,The Holy Ghost 1John5:6-10
You do realize that 1 John 5: 7-8 was added to the Bible and attributed to John some time in the 4th century A.D., and first was part of a dissertation in the 3rd century A.D.. It wasn't even added to the Greek translations until 1516A.D., for the third printing of the Geneva Bible.
@@bartonbagnes4605 The Father,The Word The Holy Ghost and The Holy Spirit are all over The Fullness of The Gospel.AhleluYah
@@normaanderson1673 Yep, as two men and a Spirit, with different power and authority levels, and different jobs. All working as one in the Godhead.
@@bartonbagnes4605and the Word became flesh.. and the word was with God, and the Word WAS GOD... you are immeasurably lost in the fullness of self love and ignorance!