I don’t understand a single word of Amharic but I feel deeply connected to Ethiopia and its wonderful people and civilization. I had a great chance to meet with this great singer in Addis. Keep up the GREAT job you are doing Mastewal! You have scores of followers here in Mali.
I am from Haïti, I come to this channel to listening and find 2 or 3 songs to add to my playlist for a birthday party cause where there will be Ethiopians. So Many nice nice songs. I don't understand a words, I feel the song and I Like it, the melody, the beat , the message, Congratulations the Singer. Weye Weye it's a nice song also
Hey buddy don't say like that you are Ethiopian and Ethiopian are Eritrean keep it in your heart that year is bad but this generation and this year is love and peace.
It's really funny that I have this beautiful song on repeat even though I do not understand a word (I'm from Nigeria) Sending so much love from Nigeria to Ethiopia ❤❤ I really love this song. It's so soothing and makes you feel really calm and relaxed at the same time, you want to start dancing to the beat. 😊
Pardon my English. It's not perfect but I tried, Chorus I won't be sad to tell you the truth People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage Though people talk a lot it's in vain because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward Oh, am not okay because they have known you are my weakness they trashed my name coz a fallen tree is a pray to the ax (There is a saying here "Yewedeke zaf misar yibezabetal" translated a fallen tree is a pray to the axe. for firewood but the hidden message is bad things keep on happening to an already hurt person) a dry hollow butternut squash won't boast about breaking the rock when the timing was right you found me when I was not prepared I wouldn't have regretted the sacrifices I made for your love (Another popular saying "Gize yesetew qil dingay yisebral" translated When the time is right even a dry hollow butternut squash will break a rock. through time a rock loses its strength) I thought about it and understood I don't consider losing to you a lose even Jesus was kissed and betrayed by his friend let alone a human, a weak creation I am belittling myself in the name of love It will be over once I am done with it my brave and courageous heart will never beg you. Chorus I won't be sad to tell you the truth People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage Though people talk a lot it's in vain because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward It's because I couldn't pressure you that a killer with a smile visited my house (not literally, it means other People got involved in our business) I should try leaving while in love I won't be expecting much from people anymore though I don't like eating alone A hand won't miss a mouth because there is no one to share with Why should I be sad and depressed for I have lost you not myself I am belittling myself in the name of love It will be over once I am done with it my brave and courageous heart will never beg you.
Thank you for the respect. Many Ethiopians & Eritreans also love Sudanse music. It is upto us to preserve our culture. The current Sudanese gvn't is serving the terrorist USA to destroy this beautiful culture of Ethiopian by music by serving as running ground & hidding place to TPLF. We expect & encourage Sudanese oeoole to say No to the Sudanese gvn't who is a puppet to Egypt & Westerns. East Africa shall prevail.
I wish the whole world could understand the language, Amharic. The lyrics are univerasal, expressing true feelings, deep reaching and timeless. A great song. 💚💛❤
I was desperate that we will not have a musical art with Ethiopian color anymore, and attached myself with old Ethiopian music. Now I got the most valuable present which I didn't dream of from my generation. Good job Mastewal!
Pardon my English. It's not perfect but I tried, Chorus I won't be sad to tell you the truth People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage Though people talk a lot it's in vain because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward Oh, am not okay because they have known you are my weakness they trashed my name coz a fallen tree is a pray to the ax (There is a saying here "Yewedeke zaf misar yibezabetal" translated a fallen tree is a pray to the axe. for firewood but the hidden message is bad things keep on happening to an already hurt person) a dry hollow butternut squash won't boast about breaking the rock when the timing was right you found me when I was not prepared I wouldn't have regretted the sacrifices I made for your love (Another popular saying "Gize yesetew qil dingay yisebral" translated When the time is right even a dry hollow butternut squash will break a rock. through time a rock loses its strength) I thought about it and understood I don't consider losing to you a lose even Jesus was kissed and betrayed by his friend let alone a human, a weak creation I am belittling myself in the name of love It will be over once I am done with it my brave and courageous heart will never beg you. Chorus I won't be sad to tell you the truth People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage Though people talk a lot it's in vain because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward It's because I couldn't pressure you that a killer with a smile visited my house (not literally, it means other People got involved in our business) I should try leaving while in love I won't be expecting much from people anymore though I don't like eating alone A hand won't miss a mouth because there is no one to share with Why should I be sad and depressed for I have lost you not myself I am belittling myself in the name of love It will be over once I am done with it my brave and courageous heart will never beg you.
They say English boasts around a million words in its vocabulary. Amharic might have only a third of those or even fewer. However, it always leaves me in awe how my rural fellas mince simple words to conjour up absolutely powerful messages that drill deep into my soul. Rural Amharic, what a rich language!!!❤❤❤
To be honest this is the Best Music of all time !!! Video quality 100% Melody >100% The girl is soo adorable & naturally beautiful,,,every thing is Culturally sensetional,,,Thanks you inadvance!!!
Love from a Sudanese girl ♥️♥️♥️💜 I love Ethiopian music ♥️♥️🩵🩵🩵 inshallah one day I wanna go there and visit my uncle in Addis 😍🥰 beautiful people Ethiopian ppl
This music is even better than most of the famous singers' work, but the viewers aren't many here! Bravo Maste, and I am sure you will shine like a star very soon!! Millions like is expected even in one day!
Ethiopian music, has religious value, cultural values, philosophical values , love , you got everything in it. When he explained he had been betrayed, he said, “ let alone me, Christ was sold by 30 dinar” to show, how we ( human beings) are brutal each others.
So deep! Amazing ,አልባሳት facial expression,body language, the word usage, no word to express it...its amazing award መደረግ አለበት የግጥሙ እውነታ፣ ትምህርቱ ትግስቱ የፍቅርን ኃያልነት ቦታው የካሜራው ጥራት ቅንብሩ wow its so amazing
- የዜማው ጥልቀት
- የግጥሙ ብስለት
- የሙዚቃው ቅንብር ውህደት
- የዘፋኙ ጣፋጭ ድምፀት
- የሺዲዮው ውብ ኢትዮጵያዊነት
ሁሉም ነገር ድንቅ ነው!! 🙏
This is the purest definition of Artistic Perfection!!
💚 💛 ❤️
💯 %
Tebarkelg beka adega nehe
Yes Yes !!!!!
I don’t understand a single word of Amharic but I feel deeply connected to Ethiopia and its wonderful people and civilization. I had a great chance to meet with this great singer in Addis. Keep up the GREAT job you are doing Mastewal! You have scores of followers here in Mali.
Quelle langue vous parlent au Mali? Je vous aime aussi
Thanks brother. Keep connected with us your brothers and sisters.
@@peace8750 a
Brother you look Ethiopian
@@nathanmedia5778 Notre langue officielle est le français mais il y a beaucoup de langues locales.
I am from Haïti, I come to this channel to listening and find 2 or 3 songs to add to my playlist for a birthday party cause where there will be Ethiopians. So Many nice nice songs. I don't understand a words, I feel the song and I Like it, the melody, the beat , the message, Congratulations the Singer. Weye Weye it's a nice song also
ጩኸት ብቻ በበዛበት የሙዚቃ ዓለም ውስጥ ነጥሮ የወጣ ምርጥ ሙዚቃ ከምርጥ ግጥም እና ዜማ ጋር 👏👏👏
perfectly said
@@senafekeshbiruk4148 b. Wow🤩🤩🤩
እግዚአብሔር እንደሚወድህ ታውቃለህ? ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ አምላክ እና ብቸኛው ወደ እግዚአብሔር መንገድ ነው። በእርሱ የሚያምኑ ሁሉ በገነት የዘላለም ሕይወት እንዲኖራቸው ኢየሱስ ለኃጢአታችን ሞቷል፣ ተቀበረ እና ተነሳ። በጌታ በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እመኑ ትድናላችሁ። ዮሐንስ 3፡16
ከተለቀቀበት ሰዓት ጀምሮ ያለማቋረጥ እየሰማ ያለ ማን ነዉ !?😃
ምርጥ ስራ ነዉ!💚💛❤️♾🫶
@@saramillion9585 you jjjji
Me too
በህይወት አጋጣሚ ሁሉ ዝምታን ስንመርጥ ሰዎች ፋሪ አርገው ያስብናል። 😐
Yesbekuti yetngrshwe ❤ wadgalwe❤
ሀቅ ነው ዝም ማለት ፈርሀት አደለም❤❤
መሆናችን ደሞ ኮ ኣናምንም 😅😅😅
አላዝን አላዝን ግልጹን ልንገርሽ
ወኔ አጥቼ አይደለም የታማሁብሽ
ከንቱ ቢለፈልፍ ተናግሮ አናጋሪ
የወደደ አይደለም የጠላ ነው ፈሪ
ኧረ አይደለሁ አይደለሁም ደህና
ደካማ ጎኔን ባንቺ አዩብኝና
ስሜ ላይ ሄዱ ጎዝጉዘው እንደሳር
የወደቀ ዛፍ መች ያጣዋል ምሳር
ቀን የሰጠው ለታ ቅል ድንጋይን ሰብሮ
ወትሮስ እንደ ጀግና ያውቃል ወይ ፎክሮ
አገኘሽኝ እንጂ ድንገት ስዘናጋ
ባልቆጨኝ ለፍቅርሽ የከፈልኩት ዋጋ
ሳስበው ሳስበው ገባኝ ሳዳምጠው ውስጤን
ሽንፈት አልለውም በቃ ባንቺ መበለጤን
እንኳን ሰው ደካማው ቀርቶ የፈጠረው ጌታ
ተስሞ ተሽጧል በወዳጁ ማታ…..
ፍቅርን ብዬ እንጂ የምተናነሰው
ከመረረማ በኔ ነው ሚብሰው
ጀግና የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆራጡ(2*)
ዘበት ነው አንቺን መለማመጡ (2*)
አላዝን አላዝን ግልጹን ልንገርሽ
ወኔ አጥቼ አይደለም የታማሁብሽ
ከንቱ ቢለፈልፍ ተናግሮ አናጋሪ
የወደደ አይደለም የጠላ ነው ፈሪ
ኧረ አይደለሁ አይደለሁም ደህና
ደካማ ጎኔን ባንቺ አዩብኝና
ስሜ ላይ ሄዱ ጎዝጉዘው እንደሳር
የወደቀ ዛፍ መች ያጣዋል ምሳር
ባልጨክን ነው እንጂ ፊትም ባንቺ ጉዳይ
ቤቴን ባልጎበኘው አሳስቆ ገዳይ
ወዶ መለየትን ቢመርም ልቅመሰው
ከእንግዲህ ውለታን አልጠብቅም ከሰው
ብቻ ቀርቦ ጉርሻ ልምዱን ባልኩራራበትም
ሰው ራቀኝ ብሎ መቼም እጅ አፉን አይስትም
ለምን ስል ልከፋ ደሞ ልዘን ምን በወጣኝ
አንድ አንቺን ነው እንጂ ሀቄን አያሳጣኝ
ፍቅርን ብዬ እንጂ የምተናነሰው
ከመረረማ በኔ ነው ሚብሰው
ጀግና የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆራጡ(2*)
ዘበት ነው አንቺን መለማመጡ(2*)
Thank you
Waw thanks
የጨረስኩት የዚህን ዘፈን ዘይቤ ስለወደድኩት ነው። ይህን አስተያየት የሚያነብ ማንኛውም ሰው አንተ በጣም የተባረክህ እንደሆንክ እወቅ እና በጣም ጥሩ ነገሮች በቅርቡ ወደ እርስዎ ይመጣሉ። አጥብቀህ ያዝ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በስራ ላይ ነው።
"ለምን ስል ልከፋ ልዘን ምን በወጣኝ
አንድ አንችን ነው እንጂ ሀቄን አያሳጣኝ!"
ሰላም ለሀገራችን 💚💛❤
እውነት ነው
The best part
ይመችህ ደስ አይልም?
I love that part !
ምን አይነት አስማት ነህ በእናትህ እውነትም ጀግና ነህ የሰሞኑ ዘፋኞች ነን ባዮች ተልፈስፍሰው አንዴ አልቻለም ጎኔ አንዴ ሁሌ አይመችሽም እያሉ ሲለፋደዱብን አንተ መጥተህ ቆፍጠን ያለስራ ጀባ ብለኸናልና ልትመሰገን ይገባሀል👏 በርታልን💪💪
ዘፈን የማንን ታቃለህ ከተባልኩ የመጀመሪያ ምርጫዬ ነው እምነት ሠሚነው ነኝ❤❤❤❤❤
የመጀመሪያው ሰው በመሆኔ ደስ ብሎኛል !!😊
Sira sileleleh eko nw
@@abd1685 esu eko new yemeleh endante aynet guadegna agegnehu 😂
Adame nw yemjmriya sew
ድንቅ ነው!
እንኳን ሰው ደካማው ቀርቶ የፈጠረው ጌታ፣
ተስሞ ተሽጧል በወዳጁ ማታ::
ፈጣሪ ይጨምርላችሁ ወንድሞቼ🙏
እግዚአብሔር እንደሚወድህ ታውቃለህ? ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ አምላክ እና ብቸኛው ወደ እግዚአብሔር መንገድ ነው። በእርሱ የሚያምኑ ሁሉ በገነት የዘላለም ሕይወት እንዲኖራቸው ኢየሱስ ለኃጢአታችን ሞቷል፣ ተቀበረ እና ተነሳ። በጌታ በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እመኑ ትድናላችሁ። ዮሐንስ 3፡16
ለምን እንደሆነ ኣላቅም ይህን ዜማ ስሰማ በጣም ስሜታዊ እሆናለሁ። እንዲህ የተበደላችሁ ሰዎች ስሜታችሁ ይሰማኛል።
ዋው ደስ የሚል ሥራ ነው ፈጣሪ የሀገራችንን ሥላም ይመልስልን 🙏
የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆራጡ
ዘበት ነው አንችን መለማመጡ
ድምፅ ፣ ውበት ፣ ቅንብር የአመቱ ምርጥ ዘፈን ቢባል ማጋነን አይሆንም 100 % ምርጥ ስራ ነው
jegna nw
ምረጥ ዘፈን ነዉ ጎበዝ እንደዝህ አይነት የተረጋጋ ልብን የሚነካ ዘፈን በአሁኑ ሰአት የለም በርታ ወንድማችን አድናቂህ ነኝ God bless you keep up the good job❤❤❤👏👏👏
ደስ የሚል ስራ ነው ወንድሜ ወንድማቹ ከኤርትራ 🇪🇷❤🇪🇹🤲🤲🤲
ፍቅርን ብዬ እጂ የምተናነሰው
ከመረረማ በኔ ነው የሚብሰው
ጀግና የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆራጡ
ዋው ድምፅ💚💛❤ 💪💪💪👍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
በመጀመሪያ ቲክቶክ ላይ ነበር የሰማሁት እና በጣም ነው የወደድኩት መስተዋል እያዬ በርታ ወድሜ አሪፍ ሙዚቃ ነው😢❤️❤️🙏 ሰላም ለሀገራችን
Im Eritrean 🇪🇷 but I really do love Ethiopia 🇪🇹 such a beautiful country with diversity of cultures I really want to visit it one day .
Hey buddy don't say like that you are Ethiopian and Ethiopian are Eritrean keep it in your heart that year is bad but this generation and this year is love and peace.
We welcome you my sister already it's your home country as it is before.
@@abeltefera3412 ው
Pls Come my friend my bro ...I will help you ..by guide..and by everything u want.. 😘
well come bro we love Eritrean people
ምርጥ ድምፅ ከምርጥ ቅንብር ጋር ጀግና😍
ኢትዮጵያዬ ሰላምሽ ይመለስልሽ🇪🇹
ምርጥ ሙዚቃ በሳል ግጥም "እንኳን ሰው ደካማው ቀርቶ የፈጠረ ጌታ ተስሞ ተሽጧል በወዳጁ ማታ" "የወደደ አደለም የጠላ ነው ፈሪ"ሁሌም ፍቅር አሸናፊ ነው።መልካም እድል
It's ma history ..🙃
It's really funny that I have this beautiful song on repeat even though I do not understand a word (I'm from Nigeria)
Sending so much love from Nigeria to Ethiopia ❤❤
I really love this song. It's so soothing and makes you feel really calm and relaxed at the same time, you want to start dancing to the beat. 😊
Pardon my English. It's not perfect but I tried,
I won't be sad to tell you the truth
People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage
Though people talk a lot it's in vain
because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward
Oh, am not okay
because they have known you are my weakness
they trashed my name
coz a fallen tree is a pray to the ax
(There is a saying here "Yewedeke zaf misar yibezabetal" translated a fallen tree is a pray to the axe. for firewood but the hidden message is bad things keep on happening to an already hurt person)
a dry hollow butternut squash won't boast about breaking the rock
when the timing was right
you found me when I was not prepared
I wouldn't have regretted the sacrifices I made for your love
(Another popular saying "Gize yesetew qil dingay yisebral" translated When the time is right even a dry hollow butternut squash will break a rock. through time a rock loses its strength)
I thought about it and understood
I don't consider losing to you a lose
even Jesus was kissed and betrayed by his friend
let alone a human, a weak creation
I am belittling myself in the name of love
It will be over once I am done with it
my brave and courageous heart
will never beg you.
I won't be sad to tell you the truth
People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage
Though people talk a lot it's in vain
because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward
It's because I couldn't pressure you
that a killer with a smile visited my house (not literally, it means other People got involved in our business)
I should try leaving while in love
I won't be expecting much from people anymore
though I don't like eating alone
A hand won't miss a mouth because there is no one to share with
Why should I be sad and depressed
for I have lost you not myself
I am belittling myself in the name of love
It will be over once I am done with it
my brave and courageous heart
will never beg you.
Oh my Goodness! !
I was really looking forward to Google the lyrics of this song oh
Thank you sooo much
I appreciate this😊
@@munirhatolanipekun9687 you are welcome. It doesn’t rhyme as it does in Amharic. But you’ve got the gist of it I believe.
Thank you. So much love from Ethiopia to Nigeria ✌✌❤❤❤
@@yareddejene462 most certainly ☺💯
ፍቅርን ብዬ እንጂ የምተናነሰው
ከመረረማ በኔ ነው የሚብሰው
ልብ ይነካል ኢትዮጵያ ሁሌም ትቅደም ከምንም ከማንም በላይ ነች 💚💛❤️
wOw ከምንም በላይ ልክ ነሽ❤❤❤
ፍቅር ብዬ እንጂ የምተናነሰው
ከመረረማ በኔ ነው ሚብሰው
ባክሽ አታስፈራሪ! ይባሳ
በጣም ደስ የሚል ግጥምና ዜማ ነዉ አይዞህ ወንድሜ ሁሉም ነገር ያልፋል ሁላችንም ልባችን ደምቷል ብሶታችንን በሚያምረዉ ድምፅህ ስለገለፅክልን በጣም እናመሰግናለን እግዚአብሔር እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏
From ghana..I don't understand nothing but seems nice. Any Ethiopian I'm Atlanta, Georgia
The meaning his wife is being attracted by her neighbor.but her husband loves even he knows about her attention
ጀግናናና የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆራጡ
ዘበት ነው አንቺን መለማመጡ😍
ዋውውው ድምፅ
ውብ ቅንብር ❤
I am from Sudan and I love Ethiopian songs very much ❤🤍🍂🇪🇹🇸🇩
we love Sudans people too. they are our people. but the government is not good at all
Thank you for the respect. Many Ethiopians & Eritreans also love Sudanse music. It is upto us to preserve our culture. The current Sudanese gvn't is serving the terrorist USA to destroy this beautiful culture of Ethiopian by music by serving as running ground & hidding place to TPLF. We expect & encourage Sudanese oeoole to say No to the Sudanese gvn't who is a puppet to Egypt & Westerns. East Africa shall prevail.
We Ethiopians love Sudanese music, too. Muhammed Wardi is deep inside our heart.
I wish the whole world could understand the language, Amharic. The lyrics are univerasal, expressing true feelings, deep reaching and timeless. A great song. 💚💛❤
I know, i share yur toughts..... it's so deep and express thoughts amazingly. ...
ጥበብ እንዲህ ተከሽኖ ሲቀርብ ህይወት ዘርቶ ከልብህ ጋር ያዋህድሀል🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ዘፈን ተዘፈነች ዘፈን ቦታዋን አገኘች በርታ ሸጋ ስራ ነው አሁንም ደገምኩት I can’t stop listening
Me too
ፍቅርን ብየ እንጂ የምተናነሰው
ካመረረማ በኔ ነው ሚብሰው......
ምንም እንከን የሌለው ምርጥ ዘፈን ነው👋👋
እኔ እራሱ የማስተዋል አድናቂ በመሆኔ ጀግና ነኝ
እስኪ የጀግናዉን ስራ የወደዳቹት 👍
Wow I’m just melting my heart ❤️. I love it from 🇪🇷
I was desperate that we will not have a musical art with Ethiopian color anymore, and attached myself with old Ethiopian music. Now I got the most valuable present which I didn't dream of from my generation. Good job Mastewal!
I can't agree more.
Httzzffxcc Mnnnjqc
Woww songon
ቅኔ ያለው ዘፈን ስወድ በጣም ምርጥ ስራ ! የዘፈኑ ርእስ ብቻ ሳይሆን አንተም ጀግና ነህ
በጣም ቆንጆ ሙዚቃ ነው።
ዜማ፣ ግጥም፣ የሙዚቃ ቅንብር፣ ሚክስ እንዲሁም ማስተሪንጉ እጅግ ማራኪ ነው። በተጨማሪም ተንቀሳቃሽ ምስሉም /Video/ ገዢ ነው።
በጣም የወደድኩት እና መካሪ ቃል ነው ብዬ የመረጥኩት ስንኝ የሚከተለው ነው።
"አላዝን አላዝን ግልጡን ልንገርሽ
ወኔ አጥቼ አይደለም የታማሁብሽ
ከንቱ ቢለፈልፍ ተናግሮ አናጋሪ
የወደደ አይደለም የጠላ ነው ፈሪ..."
ጥላቻ የሚመነጨው ፍቅርን ከመፍራት እንደሆነ በመናገር አፍቃሪን የሚያጀግን /መዋደድን የሚያበረታታ/ ድንቅ የግጥም ስንኝ ነው።
ይን ሙዚቃ ለአማራ ልጆች በሙሉ ግብዣዬ ነው😢 ግዜ የሰጠው ቅል ድንጋይ ይሰብራል😢💔
ድምፅ 100%
ግጥም 100%
አለባበስ 100%
ቀረፃ 100% @
አማራዬ አይደለሁም ደህና😢
በጣም ይገልፀዋል 😢😢😢
በጣም የኔ የዋህ አማራየ ምን አባቴ ላድርግህ አይዞን ያልፈን የማያልፍ የለም
@@ዋርካውምሬወዳጆየዘመኔጀግ እባካቹህ የልጁን ስራ የደዘር ቋት ከታቹህ አታበላሹት።ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ ስራ፣ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ ።ይህ በቂ ነው።በየቦታው የዘረኝነትን ዘር መዝራት ለራስም አይበጅም።ልብ ይስጠን።
Thank you
I from Madagascar🇲🇬 and i love song Ethiopia🇪🇹 💪
it is a hurt teach song express his betray
there aint no way you are from madagascar. you 100% look ethiopian... I almost feel tempted to talk to you in Amhric
Eager yega madagaskar ?
U have no choice
ፍቅርን ብየ እንጅ የምተናነስው ከመርርማ በኔ ነው የሚብስው አቤት ድምፅ 100💚💛❤
ለገባው በውስጡ ጠንካራ መልእክት ያዘለ ነው :: እንደሁልግዜው ምርጥ ስራ በርታ::
Yeah betam
ለከሀዲው ለድሮ ፍቅርኛዬ ለሲሳይ አብርሀም ይድርስልኝ ሆሳዕና
Wtf 😂
የወደእደ አይደለም
የጠላ ነው ፈሪ ! ፍቅር ያሸንፉል 💚💛❤️
The music shows us that, the Ethiopian music industry is reviving once again. Thank you Mastewal.
የዜማ ግጥም እዲህ ብሥል ያለ ሢሆን ሁሌም እደኣዲሥ ይሠማል በየቀኑነዉ የምሠማዉ እሄን ሙዚቃ😘😘😘😘😘😘👌👌👌👌👌 የነጥላሁን ገሠሠ የኔ ቴዲ ኣፍሬ ምትክ ናችሁ ብዙልን እድሉን ሥላገኛችሁ ለመታየትሣይሆን ሥራየብላችሁ ተጨቃችሁ ነዉ ዩምሠሩት እናመሠግናለን
በስማምዬ ስንት ጊዜ ደጋግሜ እየሰማሁት እንደሆነ።ማስቱዬ ትችላለህ በርታ ዜማ ግጥሙ ቅንብሩ ቀረፃዉ ላይ የተሳተፉ በጠቅላላ ምስጋና ይገባቸኋላ እንደዚህ አይነት ስሜትን የሚሰረስር ሙዚቃ ከሰማን ሰነባብተን ነበረ።
"ጀግና የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆራጡ
ዘበት ነው አንቺን መለማመጡ!"
ምርጥ ስራ!
እንደስምህ አስተዋይ ልጅ ነህ! ይመችህ!
I don’t understand the Ethiopian 🇪🇹 language but I love this song ❤❤❤❤ from Ghana 🇬🇭
🎉❤😊❤ 4:44
በጣም ጎበዝ አሁን ማንነትህን አሳየህን እንደዚህ ነው።የክለብ ዘፋኝ ሆነህ እንዳትቀር ወንድሜ
i don’t understand anything but this song is a💯%💯%
much love from Rwanda ❤️🇷🇼
God bless you
Much respect 🤩🙏🙏🙏
Pardon my English. It's not perfect but I tried,
I won't be sad to tell you the truth
People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage
Though people talk a lot it's in vain
because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward
Oh, am not okay
because they have known you are my weakness
they trashed my name
coz a fallen tree is a pray to the ax
(There is a saying here "Yewedeke zaf misar yibezabetal" translated a fallen tree is a pray to the axe. for firewood but the hidden message is bad things keep on happening to an already hurt person)
a dry hollow butternut squash won't boast about breaking the rock
when the timing was right
you found me when I was not prepared
I wouldn't have regretted the sacrifices I made for your love
(Another popular saying "Gize yesetew qil dingay yisebral" translated When the time is right even a dry hollow butternut squash will break a rock. through time a rock loses its strength)
I thought about it and understood
I don't consider losing to you a lose
even Jesus was kissed and betrayed by his friend
let alone a human, a weak creation
I am belittling myself in the name of love
It will be over once I am done with it
my brave and courageous heart
will never beg you.
I won't be sad to tell you the truth
People are not gossiping about me because I have no courage
Though people talk a lot it's in vain
because it's not the lover rather it's the hater that's a coward
It's because I couldn't pressure you
that a killer with a smile visited my house (not literally, it means other People got involved in our business)
I should try leaving while in love
I won't be expecting much from people anymore
though I don't like eating alone
A hand won't miss a mouth because there is no one to share with
Why should I be sad and depressed
for I have lost you not myself
I am belittling myself in the name of love
It will be over once I am done with it
my brave and courageous heart
will never beg you.
ምርጥ ቅንብር፦
የሚገርም ድምፅ፦
በአጠቃላይ ድንቅ ስራ በርታ ወንድማችን🙏🙏🙏
ፈጣሪ አገራችን ይባርክልን 💚💛❤️
አገኘሺኝ እንጂ ድንገት ስዘናጋ
ባልቆጨኝ ለፍቅርሽ የከፈልኩት ዋጋ
ሳስበው ሳስበው ገባኝ ሳዳምጠው ውስጤን
ሽንፈት አልለውም በቃ ባንቺ መበለጤን
እንኳን ሰው ደካማው ቀርቶ የፈጠረው ጌታ
ተስሞ ተሽጥዋል እ...ህ በወዳጁ ማታ
ድንቅ ሙዚቃ ነው ኑርልን!!!!
በጣም ምርጥ ስራ ነው ምን ብዬ አስተያየት እንደምሰጥ እራሱ ግራ ስለገባኝ እየደጋገምኩ ከስማሁት ብኋላ ነው ይህንን ኮሜንት የጻፍኩልክ በጣም ምርጥ ስራ ነው ከዚ ይተሻለ ደሞ በቅርቡ እንደምታሰማን ተስፋ አለኝ በርታልን🙏🙏
በጉጉት ስጠብቀዉ የነበረ ሙዚቃ ነዉ ምንም ቃላት የለኝም እራስህ ብለህዋል እዉነትም " ጀግና" በጣጣጣጣጣጣም ጎበዝ ያልተዘመረልህ ጀግና
ፍቅርን ብዬ እንጂ...... የምተናነሰው
ከመረረማ በኔ ነው ሚብሰው።
ምርጥ ሙዚቃ።
They say English boasts around a million words in its vocabulary. Amharic might have only a third of those or even fewer. However, it always leaves me in awe how my rural fellas mince simple words to conjour up absolutely powerful messages that drill deep into my soul.
Rural Amharic, what a rich language!!!❤❤❤
I can’t agree more.
To be honest this is the Best Music of all time !!!
Video quality 100%
Melody >100%
The girl is soo adorable & naturally beautiful,,,every thing is Culturally sensetional,,,Thanks you inadvance!!!
"ጀግና የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆራጡ ዘበት ነዉ አንተን መለማመጡ" ዉስጥን ሰርስሮ ይገባል የዉስጤን ነዉ የገለፅክልኝ ቃላት የለኝም
I am from 🇪🇹 today we are in trouble but we believe in good one day our country be free from such kids of unrest
I love Amhara music ከ ትግራይ ❤💛❤
ሰላም ውድ ሀገሬ ትግራይ 💊💊💊
ሰላም ለምትወዶት ሀገራቹ ኢትዮጲያ 💚💛❤
ሰላም ለሁሉም 🙏🙏
....... ልቤ ቆራጡ
ዘበት ነው አንቺን መለማመጡ ፣
ሁለቱም አንድ ኢትዮጵያ ናት የጊዜ ጉዳይ ነው እግዚአብሔር ሆዳሞችን ከነ ክርሳቸው አፈር ይከታቸዋል
The language is Amharic, ignorance is bliss, lol you are still part of I check there is no country called Tigray...
That was deep. 🤣🤣🤣🤣👎
አሽቃባጪት ተረጋጊ ተታረቁ እኮ አልሰማሽም 😂 ወይስ አንቺ ዋሻ ዉስጥ ነሽ አሁንም
በጣም የሚገርመው በሳል የሆነ ግጥም ለዛ ያለው ዜማ ከሚገርም ድምፅ ጋር ዋው አንደኛ በቃ።
The melody ❤👍
The lyrics ❤👍
The video ❤👍
Your VOICE is a miracle.
Thank you Mastewal!
ብሰማው ብሰማው የመልጠግበው ሙዚቃ ነው ወንድሜ አንጀቴን እንዳራስከው የሚርስ እንጀራ ይስጥህ አቦ 😘🙏🙏🙏🙏
ከሰማሁት ሰዓት ጀምሮ ማድመጤን ማቆም አልቻልኩም በስመአብ🙆♀️🙆♀️🙆♀️🥰ሁላችሁም በዚህ ስራ ውስጥ የተሳተፋችሁ ሁሉ ብዙ ምስጋና ብዙ ፍቅር ይገባችኋል ❤️😍🤗
Iam from nepal and this music and video has genuinly started touching my heart love you all eyhiopean you have such an unique talent 🙏
Namaste didi
Wow ጀግና የጀግና ጀግና በጣም ደስ ይላል ግጥም ቃላት አመራረጥ ክሊፕ ድምፅ ሁሉም የተዋጣለት ምርጥ ስራ ነው
እንዲህ አይነት አርቲስቶች እያሉ ቲርኪ ምርኪ ዞራ ዞራ እያሉ ጆሮዎቻችንን ያደነቁርነል
Very explicit comment 😂
Betikikil kesefer eyetelekakemu yimetuna zora zora, birabiro anbeta kesiyas bewala minamin lemilut hula
Love from a Sudanese girl ♥️♥️♥️💜 I love Ethiopian music ♥️♥️🩵🩵🩵 inshallah one day I wanna go there and visit my uncle in Addis 😍🥰 beautiful people Ethiopian ppl
Thanks ! But in Ethiopia we believe that the birth place of music is somewhere in Sudan!!
የትአግኝቼ አድናቆቴን በገለፅኩልህ አንዲ ውስጤን በዜማም በተለይ በድምፅህ ስላከምከኝ እግዚያብሄር ምኞትህን ያሣካልህ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ማርያምን እንዴ ይሄን ዘፈን፣ግጥም እስካሁን እንድሰማው ሰው አልጋበዘኝም። Great music with great voice...en message!
Wow! I’m fall in love this song.he deserves more than a million viewers. we have to support him!🥰💚💛❤️🕊 ጀግና 1ኛ! በርታ ብሮ
እሚገርም እሚነዝር ድምፅ
ሰማይ የነካ ግጥም የተለየ ዜማ
በጣም በጣም ትችላለህ
ምን አይነት አልበም ትሰጠን ይሆን
ማስቴ ጀግና
ጀና ነህ አንተ እራሱ.. ምርጥ ሙዚቃ በመልቀቅህ…100 ብላይ አዳምጥኩት አልሰለቸኝም…..ምን አልባት ከኔ ህይወት ጋር ይገናኛል ግጥሙ…አቦ ይመችህ
Voice 100%
Location 100%
Action 100%
I love it this music ❤❤❤👀🤘💪Ethiopia tinur
This music is even better than most of the famous singers' work, but the viewers aren't many here! Bravo Maste, and I am sure you will shine like a star very soon!! Millions like is expected even in one day!
4 million now…
ይህን ዘፈን ያየሁት ዛሬ ነው 54 ጊዜ ደጋግሜ ሰምቼው አንዴም የሰማሁት ስላልመሰለኝ ለ 55ተኛ ጊዜ እየሰማሁት ነው ❤❤❤ ግጥሙ ❤ ዜማው ❤የሙዚቃ ቅንብሩ❤ የኩታራው (የኮበሌው)ድምፅ የሚገርም ነው ❤❤❤
ማርያምን ቀን ሙሉ ሳይሰለቸይ ሰማሁት❤
Me 2
እፁብ ድንቅ የሆነ ሥራ ከግጥሙ ዜማው, ከድምፀመረዋው እስከ ቅንብሩ ለጆሮ ግቡ የሆነ ኪሊፉ ባህልን ቶፍትን የምገልጽ ስሜት ቀስቃሽ የሆነ የአመቱ ምርጥ ሥራ ነው
ማንም የሚያጎነብሰው ሊያጣው ለማይፈልገው ሠው ነው አቦ ይመችህ ነፍስ ያለው እራሡ የሚንቀሳቀስ ሙዚቃ በግሌ አመሠግናለሁ
አንድ መጽሀፍ የሚወጣው ታሪክ በአንድ ዘፈን!!! አቦ ድምጽህ ይባረክ!!
ማስቱ ድመፀ-መረዋው!! ደሜን አሞቅኸው!!ዋውውው በርታልኝ ጀግናየ!
ዋው ምርጥ ጀግና ስራ -❤ ከነቦታው ቪዲዮ ያበደ ቅንብር 👍
❤ ይሄን ኮሜንት ላያችሁ ሁሉ ባላችሁበት ፈጣሪ ይጠብቃችሁ ❤ እኔ ቤት ከች በሉልኝ ውዶችዬ ፈታ እንበል 👍
I am from India but I loved to hear Ethiopian songs❤❤❤
ይገርማል፡ የእኔን የህይዎት ጉዞና ገጠመኝ …ነው የዘፈንክልኝ፡፡ ሰው ከባድ ነው ወዳጆቸ፡፡
ፍቅርን ብዬ እንጂ የምትናነሰው
ከመረረማ በእኔ ነው የሚብሰው።
ምርጥ ስራ ነው💙
አንተ እራሱ ጀግና ነህ ምርጥ ሥራ ምርጥ አቅም ምርጥ መልእክት ምርጥ እድሜ ገና ብዙ ምርጥ ሥራን እንጠብቃለን ፈጣሪ የተሟላ ጤና ከእድሜጋ ያብዛልህ ወንድሜ🎉🎉🎉
የብዙ ወንዶች ስሜት ነው ዘፈኑ።
ጠንካራ ግጥም ፣ ቆንጆ ዘፈኑ 👋👋👋
🤣aye shrekla tebs ayeee
This songs express feeling of real Amhara peoples right now ...... thank you mastewal
So true 😢😢😢
Just enjoy the music. ..it's not about politics
@@tselotshafi2339 I didn't say it is politics …it can express real Amhara peoples feeling but if u r not u can't feel this.
@@josephkassa8006 yes that is what everyone calls politics 😅😅😅
@@tselotshafi2339 በማይመለከትህ ገብተህ አትዘባርቅ ዝብለህ አዳምጥህ እኛ ምን እደሆነ እናውቃለን
Ethiopian music, has religious value, cultural values, philosophical values , love , you got everything in it. When he explained he had been betrayed, he said, “ let alone me, Christ was sold by 30 dinar” to show, how we ( human beings) are brutal each others.
ሳስበው ሳስበው ገባኝ ሳዳምጠው ውሰጤን
ሽንፈት አልለውም በቃ ባንቺ መበለጤን። በፋቅር ውስጥ አሸናፊም ተሸናፊም የለውም መስሎሽ ነው እንጂ አንቺ ልቦናውን ይስጥሽ ብቻ ፈጣሪ ። አመሰግናለሁ ማስተዋል ለዚ ምርጥ ሙዚቃ ።
በጣም ደስ ብሎኛል ወድሜ ገና ገና ብዙ እጠብቃለን 😍
❤❤❤ የምር በጣም የአመቱ ምርጥ ግጥም ና ዜማ ቅንብር ድምፅ ተዋህዶ የተለየ ምርጥ ሥራ ነው ሙዚቃ መዳመጥ አቁሜ ነበር አሁን ግን የምር በጣም ወደድኩት
" ሥሜ ላይ ሄድ ጎዝጉዘው እንደሣር
የወደቀ ዛፍ መቼ ያጣዋል ምሣር"
"ባልጨክን ነው እንጂ ፊትም ባንቺ ጉዳይ"
"ቤቴን ባልጎበኘው አሣሥቆ ገዳይ"
"ወዶ መለየትን ቢመርም ልቅመሠው"
" ከእንግዲህ ውለታን አልጠብቅም ከሠው"
"ብቻ ቀርቦ ጉርሻ ልምድን ባልኩራራበትም"
""ሠው እራቀኝ ብሎ መቼም እጅ አፋን አይስትም " የምር ይህ ግጥም የውስጤን ነው የሚገልፀው የምር እናመሠግናለን ምርጥ ሥራ ነው
This must be one of the best Amharic songs I have ever watched!!Good job!!
የአማራ ልጆች የማንን ተረኛ እየመጣ የሚገላችሁ ዘመን አብቅቶ እንደማንኛውም ኢትዮጵያዊ የምትደሰቱበት ቀን ያምጣላችሁ
Amen 🙏
ወርቅ ሁሌም እንደተፈተነነው
አሜን አሜን አሜን
እግዚአብሔር እንደሚወድህ ታውቃለህ? ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ አምላክ እና ብቸኛው ወደ እግዚአብሔር መንገድ ነው። በእርሱ የሚያምኑ ሁሉ በገነት የዘላለም ሕይወት እንዲኖራቸው ኢየሱስ ለኃጢአታችን ሞቷል፣ ተቀበረ እና ተነሳ። በጌታ በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እመኑ ትድናላችሁ። ዮሐንስ 3፡16
እጹብ ግጥም ናቲ።
ድንቅ ዜማ ቢንአሚር።
ዘይገርም አዚያዜም ማስቴ።
ያምራል በርቱ፣ ሰላም ለኢትዮጵያ፣ ሰላም ለሃገራችን፣
ለጀሮ ደስ የሚል ሁሉም ሊሰማው የሚገባ ድንቅ ስራ🙏 ማስቴ የመጣህበት መንገድ በጣም በጥረት የተሞላ እንደነበር በግልጽ አሳይተህበታል🙏ጀግና!!!የሚለውን ለአንተ ለራስህ ጋብዤሃለሁ።ጀግና ነህ በርታ🙏🙏😘😘😘
So deep! Amazing ,አልባሳት facial expression,body language, the word usage, no word to express it...its amazing award መደረግ አለበት የግጥሙ እውነታ፣ ትምህርቱ ትግስቱ የፍቅርን ኃያልነት ቦታው የካሜራው ጥራት ቅንብሩ wow its so amazing
ሙሉው ዘፈን እንዲያምርለት ተመኝቼ ተሳክቶልኛል። በጣም አሪፍ ስራ 👍
His voice is very soothing. The music was well arranged. I am a huge fan of u Mastewal
ይህ ሙዚቃ የአማራን ህዝብ ሰቆቃ እና አሁን ያለበትን ሁኔታ በደንብ ገልፆልናል እናመሰግናለን👏 በአንቺ መበለጤን የሚለዉ ፍቅርን ብዬ እንጂ የሚለዉ (ኢትዮጵያን) ነዉ። ቀቆረጠ በኔ ነዉ የሚብሰዉ የሚለዉ ደግሞ ከተነሳ ማንም አያስቆመኝም ሲል ነዉ። ወኔ አጥቼ አይደለም የተማዉልሽ የሚላትን ኢትዮጵያን ነዉ ደካማ ጎኔን በአንቺ አገኙኝና የሚላትም ኢትዮጵያን ነዉ። ባልጨክን የሚላት ኢትዮጵያን ነዉ አሳስቆ ገዳይ የሚለዉ አብይን ነዉ። ፍቅርን ብዬ እንጂ (ኢትዮጵያ) የጀግና ጀግና ልቤ ቆረጡ (ዘበት አንቺን መላማመጡ) ቅኔው በጣም ይገርማል።
🤣🤣🤣🤣 besmam
ቃል የለኝም ሙዚቃ እንደዚህ ሲነዝር ነው እጅ ማስቱ ትችላለክ👏👏👏👏👏👏
የሚገርም ሥራ ነው ግጥም+ድምፅ+ቅንብር 👌👌👌 እውነትም የጀግና ጀግና ነህ በርታልን