Why Chibnall Doesn't Work: The Ghost Monument

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 436

  • @Jeremy-bg6fk
    @Jeremy-bg6fk 3 года назад +439

    What annoys me is that they get rescued by complete luck. The doctor basically brought her companions to their inevitable death, and she dosent care or apologize. This happens quite too often that they are all safe because of dumb luck, not because the doctor is a space genius

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 3 года назад +49

      Worse, they get rescued by sheer luck twice, by two _separate_ spaceships which just happened to be flying past at that same moment in time :)

    • @marcuswalters8093
      @marcuswalters8093 3 года назад +21

      Which is fine! But maybe I dunno..... make a comment on that? Maybe add a bit of tension...?

    • @Jeremy-bg6fk
      @Jeremy-bg6fk 3 года назад +7

      @@marcuswalters8093 exactly!

    • @thequeenofspades
      @thequeenofspades 3 года назад +16

      The ships were powered by infinite improbability drives. Which is also what powers Chibnall's writing.

    • @hothotheat3000
      @hothotheat3000 8 месяцев назад +3

      There’s a reason why the other companions stay with The Doctor. Why do these people stay with her? I’d be terrified and begging to go home so I don’t have to deal with her anymore. She’s not appealing. Even Capaldi at his grumpiest had some appeal and charisma.

  • @zacmumblethunder7466
    @zacmumblethunder7466 3 года назад +108

    The best reaction to finding out that the TARDIS translates for it's occupants was Donna's when she instantly wondered what would happen if she spoke Latin while in Pompeii and said to a stall holder "veni vidi vici".

    • @TheHighSpaceWizard
      @TheHighSpaceWizard 3 года назад +12

      Classic scene.

    • @Halfendymion
      @Halfendymion Год назад +8

      "Welsh. You sound Welsh."

    • @hothotheat3000
      @hothotheat3000 8 месяцев назад +13

      Donna reacts like a real person would, which is part of her appeal. The fam doesn’t react to anything at all.

  • @DanTheMan2150AD
    @DanTheMan2150AD 3 года назад +531

    The fact that they seem to have given the Chibnall Era a huge budget in comparison to the rest of the show really highlights that they're trying to compensate for the lack of quality writing by distracting us with fancy visuals, when if anything that's the exact opposite of what Doctor Who should be.

    • @BrightIslandCreative
      @BrightIslandCreative 3 года назад +2


    • @cube3d819
      @cube3d819 3 года назад +7

      Yah. Chibnall was given the visual effects and Video cameras to make up for some bad writing .

    • @himynameisben95
      @himynameisben95 3 года назад +25

      is the budget really higher for this series? To me it looks lower, like sure they bought some fancy cameras and the CGI is decent, but it is 2021 so you'd expect the CGI to be decent for cheaper by this point, and I always rationalised a lot of the "tell, don't show" stuff as "we don't have the budget to show." The show just feels much cheaper now than something like The Impossible Astronaut or The Pyramid at the End of the World.

    • @Shurikenofdoomed
      @Shurikenofdoomed 3 года назад +27

      some of my favourite episodes are the low budget ones (blink, midnight, the girl who waited)

    • @Roboshi2007
      @Roboshi2007 3 года назад +26

      @@himynameisben95 It's more like Chibnall got more budget but spent it like a lotto winner and splurged in the wrong places so other parts were left starved.

  • @ClaireWritesSometimes
    @ClaireWritesSometimes 3 года назад +65

    My overwhelming thought when watching the Chibnal era is...
    Darn I wish we had more than one series with Bill.

    • @TheHighSpaceWizard
      @TheHighSpaceWizard 3 года назад +10

      Bill was amazing.

    • @whereverover
      @whereverover 3 года назад +7

      Yeah, Bill deserved way better than the weird story she got in the end

  • @andrewmorton7482
    @andrewmorton7482 3 года назад +202

    Proper "quippy dialogue" Yaz, "I'm confused, are you confused?" Ryan, "Proper confused" Graham "Right! Got it!" while arching an eyebrow

  • @oldoldmeme
    @oldoldmeme 3 года назад +275

    What saddens me so much is how Capaldi was given such a rough hand by the BBC during his run when he was arguably one of the best actors to have ever played the Doctor, from the title sequences down to special FX, but for some reason Whitaker's Doctor has gotten completely undivided attention in so many aspects that feel completely undeserved. I know that it's probably to try and mask the unbearably poor writing but man I won't forgive the BBC (and Moffat too to am extent) for nearly purposefully ruining Capaldis run in so many ways.

    • @oldoldmeme
      @oldoldmeme 3 года назад +30

      @@LukasOfTheLight I sorta agree, I thoroughly believe that Capaldis best episodes were no doubt the best episodes in the show's history, Heaven Sent itself would raise any series to such heights. But at the same time, Moffat really dropped the ball with Capaldi sometimes, especially in Series 9 and 10, I especially don't like going back to watch series 9 because of Clara's poor portrayal.

    • @BH-98
      @BH-98 3 года назад +24

      Remember when a BBC article said Capaldi's doctor "wasn't universally loved"?

    • @oldoldmeme
      @oldoldmeme 3 года назад +8

      @@LukasOfTheLight admittedly I haven't watched most of the series since it's release so perhaps you're correct, I was rather tired of the show at the time so I definitely had a bias against the shows favour, but having watched the odd episode from the series over the years I still find Clara to be unbearable. I understand that if you take a step back her character has a rather compelling development, but actually watching her episode to episode isn't incredibly enjoyable for me.

    • @BambiTrout
      @BambiTrout 3 года назад +11

      @@LukasOfTheLight I personally think the finale was let down significantly by Hell Bent, but I do think that Face The Raven and Heaven Sent were extremely well written and the trilogy as a whole was a perfect way to show the character flaws of both The Doctor and Clara causing their own demises. I just wish that Hell Bent had gone further with the concept of The Doctor tearing apart time and space to save Clara - I wanted the return of the Time Lord Victorious idea, as I feel like it would have been a perfect way to explore 12's struggle with whether he truly was a good man or not.

    • @DonHbankz
      @DonHbankz 3 года назад +18

      @@oldoldmeme series 10 was prob one of the best written and coherent series of DW IMO

  • @crazy_noisy_bizzare_t0wn396
    @crazy_noisy_bizzare_t0wn396 3 года назад +107

    Chibnall's jokes really feel like some Family Guy skit:
    "Heh heh, this is even wackier than that time I was partying with Pythagoras."

  • @nettieb7604
    @nettieb7604 3 года назад +118

    the thirteen asking questions thing really gets me because twelve was always asking questions too, but with him it felt more like a teacher or professor (heh) either thinking aloud or even guiding you through to an answer, like a discussion? maybe it was in the delivery or just terrible dialogue, but it’s one of 13’s quirks that really does my head in by comparison

    • @markchapman6800
      @markchapman6800 3 года назад +21

      Combined with that terrible romper suit style outfit, it really does make her reminiscent of a toddler.

    • @InhabitantOfOddworld
      @InhabitantOfOddworld 3 года назад +2

      Marketed to the average intelligence of the target audience then

    • @Jackson-ub1uv
      @Jackson-ub1uv 8 месяцев назад

      Besides the obvious Heaven Sent, 'Listen' and 'Before the Flood' demonstrate that, with the right actor, direction, and writing, monologues are able to keep an audience engaged.

  • @BambiTrout
    @BambiTrout 3 года назад +166

    I think another issue with this episode simply relates to how it transitions from The Woman Who Fell to Earth. I think that the ending of the previous episode didn't really make sense. Grace's funeral would have taken weeks to organise, and The Doctor just sat around and waited until Yaz told her to buy some new clothes, and only THEN decided to build the teleport. Plus, The Doctor hates funerals and goodbyes. 13 is later shown to even be reluctant to stay for dinner (except for when she's totally cool with it). The end of TWWFTE just drags a lot, and it doesn't really excite you for the next episode beyond "oh they're in space. How will they get out of thiiis?"
    I think that the teleport scene should have taken place as part of the events of the episode, BEFORE the funeral - maybe even have The Doctor build the TARDIS tracking equipment while building her screwdriver (e.g. "This would be so much easier with my TARDIS... The signal's not even on Earth. We can't risk going to get it until Tim Shaw's gone."). This would add more conflict to the characters of Graham and Ryan, and actually add to the urgency of reaching the end of the race for our main characters. "We have to get back to Earth in time for Grace's funeral! She died helping YOU!". In addition, it provides viewers a character motivation to watch this episode. It's not just that the Fam are stranded in space - it's that they are stranded in space AND THEY NEED TO GET BACK ASAP.
    In addition, The Doctor would still have her tatty Capaldi clothes on, which is a) cool, and b) allows us to finally have another TARDIS wardrobe scene, rather than just The Doctor going shopping with Yaz's money. It also clears up any plot holes about a random historical figure's sunglasses being in the pocket of her brand new and completely human coat which doesn't have pockets that are bigger on the inside.
    All of the other things you suggest in this video, like putting Ryan with The Doctor, and Yaz and Graham together, along with keeping the teams separate would also help keep the narrative tension going. Splitting the teams allows the audience to know something the characters don't, so let's say the alien with Ryan and The Doctor does something that endangers the other team in order for them to get ahead - they don't know that they could be hurting Graham and Yaz, and then we can see the impact on Graham and Yaz and how they respond, which could be used to grow character. Maybe Graham gets injured and the female alien suggests leaving him behind to save time, so Yaz stands up to her. There are so many possibilities.
    The Chibnall era is an era of good concepts completely squandered by lazy writing, unimaginative direction, and an obvious lack of trust in the intelligence of the audience he is writing for.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +40

      Great points! I'd have loved to see that version of the episode. I really wanted to dig into the timing inconsistencies with the funeral, but if I picked at everything I'd never get these finished.

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 3 года назад +4

      Great points, but: _"It also clears up any plot holes about a historical figure's sunglasses being in her brand new coat"_ The script actually says that the sunglasses are _like_ the ones the Doctor once borrowed from Pythagoras or Audrey Hepburn, not the original glasses themselves.

    • @BambiTrout
      @BambiTrout 3 года назад +7

      @@ftumschk ahhh that's my bad. Even so, I do find it odd that The Doctor just happened to have a pair of sunglasses in a new coat.

    • @BambiTrout
      @BambiTrout 3 года назад +3

      @@JackWolf10 I completely understand! There are just so many things to nitpick in the Chibnall era that it's impossible to cover it all.

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 3 года назад +2

      @@BambiTrout Don't worry - the moment is over in an instant, so it's easy to miss.

  • @kieronball8962
    @kieronball8962 3 года назад +30

    This isn't Doctor Who.
    This is an incompetent Chibnall, making his awful fan made version, with a cosplay Doctor, played by a face pulling Whittaker and filled with actors who can barely speak, let alone act.

  • @Payne2view
    @Payne2view 3 года назад +27

    Yaz (and others) get exposed to the vacuum of space for a time and soon get over their near death experience, yet when Yaz gets captured by the Kasaavin, on her return she is all teary eyed and saying "I thought I was dead", in shock for quite a while. I wish the writers would make up their mind about the character of these people.

  • @oldoldmeme
    @oldoldmeme 3 года назад +186

    The cinematography alone made watching the newer episodes fucking unbearable, they don't seem to have any grasp of how to use a camera angle to tell a story, they only know how to make it "look cool and gritty and realistic"

    • @BambiTrout
      @BambiTrout 3 года назад +36

      Definitely. There is literally no visual storytelling. Everything is either stated explicitly by the characters, or it is irrelevant. Also, in half of the close up reaction shots you can't actually see the characters' facial expressions due to the MASSIVE amounts of lens flare. I know we all moan about JJ, but at least he can tell a decent story most of the time.

    • @oldoldmeme
      @oldoldmeme 3 года назад +14

      @@BambiTrout Agreed, JJ has some major flaws but ngl, some of his infamous lens flares have been used for some decent storytelling (Starkiller base laser scene for example), I'm convinced that whoever the cinematographers are at Doctor Who rn don't understand that their role is that of an artist, not a promotional material gatherer.

    • @BambiTrout
      @BambiTrout 3 года назад +18

      @@oldoldmeme Exactly. JJ's lens flares are often used to draw attention to key things and key moments. Even their somewhat egregious use on the bridge of the Enterprise was a tool to show off just how brand spanking new and literally sparkling clean this ship was. Plus, he does usually know when to tone them down.
      The other problem with Chibnall's era is that while the location shots and camera equipment have clearly seen a big upgrade, the actual sets have seen a MASSIVE drop in quality, with most of the indoor sets of Series 11 just looking like variations on a warehouse in Sheffield. The shots on these sets are also usually either aggressively dark, or completely washed out by the light from outside - like when you hit auto-exposure and point your camera directly at the window, making everything in the room basically black.
      It's just so amateurish, and only serves to create dramatic looking shots that feel completely mismatched to the tone and content of the episodes. I feel like the music and camerawork are telling me that I'm watching some dark, dramatic post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie, and then the dialogue is giving me BTEC Tracy Beaker on an intergalactic jolly run.

    • @marnirobertson
      @marnirobertson 3 года назад +15

      the bit that irritates me the most is the way everyone’s always standing in the “magic triangle” we all got taught in primary school drama classes - it’s so boring.

  • @thewhitewolf1156
    @thewhitewolf1156 3 года назад +24

    Maybe Chibnall was afraid BBC will wipe his episodes, and they will go missing, apart from the audio, so he made it fully friendly to listeners.

  • @whereami2477
    @whereami2477 3 года назад +89

    Watching pretty much any episode of the RTD era is just so much more entertaining compared to fucking anything from Chibnall. It's just way tighter, so much less clunky exposition, way more interesting characters and their dynamics with each other, the way the episodes are shot. The pacing, editing, music, villains. Just fucking everything. The difference in quality is so disappointing.

  • @Traxedits
    @Traxedits 3 года назад +123

    All their reactions to being on an alien planet are absolute s**t. Like Martha's reaction to being on the moon was so much more realistic, in Smith and Jones.

    • @Hoganply
      @Hoganply 3 года назад +17

      The first meetings are always cool, but that one's one of my favourites.

  • @milenaz4475
    @milenaz4475 3 года назад +35

    Making Chibnall bald in the thumbnail was a powermove ✨

    • @roverbever1084
      @roverbever1084 3 года назад +4


    • @milenaz4475
      @milenaz4475 3 года назад +1

      @@roverbever1084 😅

    • @TheClodGamer
      @TheClodGamer 3 года назад +2

      He has hair it’s just invisible.

    • @blastfromthepast8344
      @blastfromthepast8344 3 года назад +4

      He either wears a wig or has had a transplant. And funny how he's gone from ginger hair to black hair. Not many people can do that naturally... not even the Doctor!

    • @kyleager6417
      @kyleager6417 3 года назад +2


  • @JackWolf10
    @JackWolf10  3 года назад +84

    UPDATE: So BBC randomly blocked Part 3.5. Fun. I'm currently disputing it.
    Alright well hopefully this works. I've had to split the video into two parts in order to avoid getting blocked by the BBC.

    • @JontyLevine
      @JontyLevine 3 года назад +6

      The BBC have been getting really claim-happy lately. Just last week, a 4-hour episode of Adam Martyn's The Ident Review got blocked in the UK for using a copyrighted _channel ident_ (which, again, should have been covered by fair use or similar).

    • @TheGreatSpoonMan
      @TheGreatSpoonMan 3 года назад +1

      Dammit watched part 3.5 first as it showed up in my sub feed and didn't think to check for a part 3 😅

  • @SeanS102
    @SeanS102 3 года назад +36

    If you want to know why there's a lack of conflict between the companions, it's because it is Chibnall's philosophy for the show, as opposed to some kind of writing mistake or laziness. There's an interview with The AV Club for Series 12 where he asked a couple of times about tension between the characters, and he always bats it away, but this section in particular is very telling to me:
    "AVC: Will that lead to a clash with The Doctor, or the rest of the team?
    CC: I wouldn’t necessarily say that there’ll be clashes or risks between the companions. There are different approaches in different stories. But what I come back to is, this is an incredibly strong friendship group that they can have differences of opinion, but it’s not like there’s going to be some spectacular fallings out among this group. No, I wouldn’t want to lead you down any false trails."
    To me this is the issue, the whole thing is fundamentally flawed by design, the show doesn't want to explore stuff like this, as a rule. It feels like "strong friendship group" is written on a whiteboard at BBC Wales and that's about as far as all their relationships go.

    • @cr10001
      @cr10001 3 года назад +5

      Some of the *best* moments in Who were when companions clashed with the Doctor. Think Donna forcing Ten to go back to rescue the Pompeiian family (the clip Jack Wolf just showed). Or Amy threatening to shoot Eleven in the A Town Called Mercy. Or Clara tearing a strip off Twelve at the end of Kill the Moon (only good bit in that ep, IMO). It helps to give the cast strong characters, and if they do have strong characters then they're going to clash. Instead of all this touchy-feely 'fam' business.

  • @nightowl8477
    @nightowl8477 3 года назад +146

    This planet feels like the first stage of the space race, not the last.
    I could fuckin win this thing.

    • @TheSmart-CasualGamer
      @TheSmart-CasualGamer 3 года назад +15

      Ah, but how would you beat THE DOOR SLIGHTLY OFF SCREEN?

    • @Nintendalek42
      @Nintendalek42 3 года назад

      Not only this (fantastic point btw), but no way would these two vanilla bozos be the last two survivors whittled down from 4000 contestants across 90+ planets. They don't seem particularly dangerous, they don't display any special skills, they feel like two background contestants who would normally die off in service of establishing danger, but with sad backstories pasted on.
      You'd expect the last two contestants to be hypercompetent survival experts, and probably have cool alien designs to boot.
      It's pretty convenient that the insultingly lazy human appearance of the characters (something that wasnt too prevalent in new who, if you can excuse humans with wacky skin paint and strange clothes-with the notable exception of Voyage of the Damned, something that still irks me to this day about that episode) helps mask this obvious "plot hole", because it's less jarring when everyone present are just regular people underneath all the sci-fi fluff. But with a bit of critical distance, just like the planet feels like it should be the first stage, they feel like they'd be first stage contestants at best.
      Leave it to Chibnall to take such a cool premise and deadass make it the most boring episode in a noticeably boring run of series.

  • @joeeeee256
    @joeeeee256 3 года назад +40

    Such a shame Chibnall's gay representation is so lazy and forgettable and kinda cringey, still longing for the day it's done well and fairly and realistically

    • @j.r.cilliangreen4083
      @j.r.cilliangreen4083 3 года назад +4

      Please tell me when that was? Davies used it as a soap box for all of us gays to feel like we were being SHOWN GODDAMMIT. So, haven't seen that yet...

    • @Im_Evie_Now
      @Im_Evie_Now 3 года назад +1

      @@j.r.cilliangreen4083 Angstrom mentioned a wife

    • @reimeir3267
      @reimeir3267 3 года назад +7

      +1 it was always just baked into his characters in a throw away line, even the mention that Yaz digs the doctor seems lazy. Meanwhile Moffat actually explored Bill's sexuality a lot more, and not in a way that it was her whole identity but just one part of her being a human.

    • @capricorn878
      @capricorn878 2 года назад +2

      In the New years special of this year he just throw out of nowhere that Yaz had always feelings from the Doctor, and i bet that he will just forget about.. just sad

    • @Leslie_AF
      @Leslie_AF 8 месяцев назад

      I’ll give you that some of it was lazy, but I don’t like that in the video he used the term “forced”. The entire point of the “representation” being written that way is to make it seem casual, which is a good thing. Calling it “forced” implies that anyone being gay is inherently out of place. If a man offhandedly mentioned his wife, no one would called it “forced straightness”.

  • @horatio655
    @horatio655 3 года назад +63

    18:19 As a first year film student, we've done framing better than this. That's not a boast on how good we are, it's to show how a big budget production can be on par with some 16 year olds messing about.

    • @j.r.cilliangreen4083
      @j.r.cilliangreen4083 3 года назад

      I doubt that sincerely...

    • @horatio655
      @horatio655 3 года назад +7

      @@j.r.cilliangreen4083 ok? You do you, looking at your other comments, you seem just a pinch agitated, why not take a nice break.

    • @KyrieFortune
      @KyrieFortune 3 года назад +4

      @@j.r.cilliangreen4083 there are movies done by 9yo on youtube which have better cinematography and plot than this

    • @vannisy7971
      @vannisy7971 2 года назад

      @@horatio655 yeah, surely get insulted by that, you go get a break.

  • @theplumpchicken2233
    @theplumpchicken2233 3 года назад +16

    27:15 yeah I think it could’ve made a more interesting character if Graham was liberated since his cancer scare so he genuinely doesn’t fear death anymore (to an extent), but obviously Chibnall couldn’t do that because they had to expand on his only ‘personality trait’

  • @nightowl8477
    @nightowl8477 3 года назад +54

    I think the 'Big Finish' style is intentional, given Chris has said he's targeting a Netflix audience; one that's gonna be say on their phones, iplayer on in the background.
    But...that's not Who's audience? At all? It's the producer work of this era which is fucked to me, even if the writing is lackluster too.

    • @alexturlais8558
      @alexturlais8558 3 года назад +14

      He has a point, I end up spending half the episode on my phone, just because its so boring.

    • @BH-98
      @BH-98 3 года назад +7

      The reason he’s tried to appeal to that audience is because the rating in Capaldi’s era were dropping & the BBC wanted to get the general audience watching the show again. Tbf it worked, for a while. Now though the numbers dropped even faster because series 11 wasn’t very interesting & series 12 had terrible marketing & was trying to win back the fans with nostalgia (even though they didn’t improve the writing)

    • @alexturlais8558
      @alexturlais8558 3 года назад +12

      @@BH-98 that sort of makes sense but considering how competitive media is nowadays, you still have to create a good product, you can't just trick people into watching something.

    • @BH-98
      @BH-98 3 года назад +5

      @@alexturlais8558 Completely agree.

  • @Arbrax
    @Arbrax 3 года назад +43

    it's funny that Chibnall doesn't really care for Big Finish yet still is setting them up for saving the Thirteenth Doctor

    • @creed8712
      @creed8712 3 года назад +18

      If we’ve learned anything about Chinball it’s that he’s a massive hypocrite

    • @Trev359
      @Trev359 3 года назад +12

      It's particularly funny when he rips off their stories.

  • @Brogan_Balfour_Crescent
    @Brogan_Balfour_Crescent 3 года назад +16

    The only good thing about that episode is the name as The Ghost Monument is the most beautiful description of the Tardis I’ve ever heard and sums up it’s reputation/legacy (idfk 🤷🏼) perfectly.

  • @Nintendalek42
    @Nintendalek42 3 года назад +81

    "Whilst the Woman who fell to Earth had been a decent' if rather uninspired start"
    -Reads title again
    -Oh... Oh no...

  • @MrRetroDev
    @MrRetroDev 3 года назад +17

    The main thing I keep saying Chibby needs to understand is that a bigger budget doesn't instantly mean it's better.

  • @jonathankozenko
    @jonathankozenko 3 года назад +11

    Heh - I actually thought the Title Sequence introduced in The Snowmen was arguably the most enjoyable, as it looked neat and was a callback to like 3 Classic Title Sequences

  • @NessTheCatLIVE
    @NessTheCatLIVE 3 года назад +44

    So she had nothing in her pockets, but then they added a line where she put stuff in her pockets, including an item she couldn't POSSIBLY have on her unless she already had those sunglasses in 12's old tattered clothes...
    a pair of Sunglasses is giving me a headache

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 3 года назад +3

      She actually says that they're similar to the sunglasses she once had, not that they're the original pair:
      DOCTOR: Want to borrow my shades?
      GRAHAM: Oh, ta!
      DOCTOR: They're like an old pair of mine... I can't remember who I borrowed them off now; either Audrey Hepburn or Pythagoras.

  • @pedroxqui
    @pedroxqui 3 года назад +22

    Well... I can understand their lack of reaction to the "alienness" of it all because, well, it's so earth like that well, it's totally earth like, earth looking place, earth looking people, nothing to react to actually

  • @fire_phoenix04
    @fire_phoenix04 3 года назад +28

    Ryan, graham and yaz feel feel like a bunch of yes men at times blending into one character never having any sense of agency or real impacting the story in a significant way.

  • @Hoganply
    @Hoganply 3 года назад +10

    This best thing about this era's writing is that it makes me realise how easy the older scripts made it look.

  • @clayprent8753
    @clayprent8753 3 года назад +47

    I get really annoyed at some whotubers who applaud the series completely or hate on it as lefty trash. This is a fairly balanced and critical look on it, thank you.

    • @ToddProductions1925
      @ToddProductions1925 3 года назад +1

      some fellow youtubers have problems outside of the fandom.

    • @creed8712
      @creed8712 3 года назад +5

      I mean it’s defiantly trash with heavy leftist themes as it were like the representation and that time they made not Donald trump

  • @crowcoregames1785
    @crowcoregames1785 3 года назад +37

    older episodes of dr who: *hiden messageing hidden very well*

    • @EditedAF987
      @EditedAF987 3 года назад

      Really? I thought the Green death wore it’s environmental messaging on it’s sleeve

    • @crowcoregames1785
      @crowcoregames1785 3 года назад +3

      @@EditedAF987 as someone whos watched the green death, kindof but its alot more subtle than jody staring into the camra and going "CLEAN UP OR" then a dreg apears

  • @mystic_mimi21
    @mystic_mimi21 3 года назад +9

    By having the doctor just question everything makes her seem less competent. They are meant to have the answers and when they don’t you know something is wrong

  • @dusty2366
    @dusty2366 3 года назад +27

    An interesting criticism I think you glossed over about the gay rep in the show is that because it's pretty much only included casually from side characters who usually end up being killed to big up the bad guy, the Chibnall era has the highest LGBT death count in the history of the show. Something tells me that's not the kind of representation that many LGBT people would appreciate.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +14

      I did try to show that with the clip from Resolution, but you're absolutely right.

    • @j.r.cilliangreen4083
      @j.r.cilliangreen4083 3 года назад

      Cite your sources. As a gay man...haven't noticed that particular thing happening at all...

    • @horatio655
      @horatio655 3 года назад +5

      @@j.r.cilliangreen4083 I love it when people say “cite your sources” when it’s the easier thing to find on the planet

    • @vannisy7971
      @vannisy7971 2 года назад

      @@j.r.cilliangreen4083 internet, there are your source, go find out

  • @zlee001
    @zlee001 3 года назад +6

    U should talk about how the doctor always always always fucks up. Even in this episode. She accidentally teleported everyone into space and someone else had to save them. She literally killed them if the extras werent there.

  • @markmatthews7202
    @markmatthews7202 3 года назад +51

    I guess the one good thing about Chinballs' Doctor Who being shite, is that we get semi-consistent Jack Wolf videos.

    • @ringostarr8034
      @ringostarr8034 3 года назад +1

      That's is troo. Thanks chibnall I guess?

    • @markmatthews7202
      @markmatthews7202 3 года назад +1

      @@ringostarr8034 Yeah, just about the only thing I'll thank Chinballs for.

  • @JackWolf10
    @JackWolf10  3 года назад +64

    Part 3.5 is up!

  • @fletcherhamilton3177
    @fletcherhamilton3177 3 года назад +14

    We all know Chibnall / Whittaker _Doctor Who,_ and the eponymous Doctor played by Whittaker, _doesn’t work._ But you’re among the first to truly embark on a detailed episode by episode, scene by scene multi-video analysis of _why,_ right down to the show’s dialogue, line delivery and costume choices. But in response, the BBC have you copyright struck / blocked?? _They ought to be taking notes off of these!!!_

  • @nihaarikasingh9524
    @nihaarikasingh9524 3 года назад +27

    Highly agree with the cinematography issue. It does not hold the same Doctor who campiness as the previous seasons. It's like it's trying to be a CW show. Also, the recent New Year's special was filmed like a Bond movie or like a really poor action movie. Really takes you out out of the experience.

    • @sonnykingcomposer
      @sonnykingcomposer 3 года назад +2

      Bond movies are directed really well though 😕😕 I do agree the directing/cinematography isn't as good as other eras though

    • @nihaarikasingh9524
      @nihaarikasingh9524 3 года назад

      @@sonnykingcomposer yeah but I mean it's more like a wannabe bond movie. So it doesn't feel like Doctor who that we love

    • @sonnykingcomposer
      @sonnykingcomposer 3 года назад

      @@nihaarikasingh9524 ig. I don't think the directing is as good as other eras but it's still not bad imo. I also love this episode's score

  • @ClaireWritesSometimes
    @ClaireWritesSometimes 3 года назад +6

    Biggest budget Who has ever had...
    One Desert, a tent, no alien make up or interesting costume design.

  • @TheWAYF
    @TheWAYF 3 года назад +6

    "What's exciting here is the storytelling opportunities it opens up"
    Ah. Yes. About those.

  • @mahrinui18
    @mahrinui18 3 года назад +6

    The whole "galactic race" thing is fun but not unique. It's the premise of the fifth Doctor episode Enlightenment, and at least in that episode all the stores ships were disguised as sailing ships, adding another fun twist. Also it was part of the turlough arc

  • @dylanlarge11
    @dylanlarge11 3 года назад +7

    Capaldi's theme was awesome!!!

  • @Hearth123
    @Hearth123 3 года назад +3

    I hate that Chibs acts like there have never been women or black people in Doctor Who before and if you think Yaz is boring it's because you're racist which is just a writing cop out. Martha Jones was an actual character, she had motivations, she had an arc, and she was all around an actual character instead of just a plot device.

  • @drewcampbell8555
    @drewcampbell8555 3 года назад +5

    The titles look and sound great. I'll give them that.

  • @orangeapples
    @orangeapples 3 года назад +2

    Lol, that visual big finish thing made so much sense. Just imagine what’s going on instead of watching it.

  • @TheSmart-CasualGamer
    @TheSmart-CasualGamer 3 года назад +7

    I've just realized I saw part 3.5 before part 3. Not sure how that happened.
    And Capaldi's theme had one good thing. The bells. Doctor Who requires more clanging in it's music, it nearly always sounds good for exciting action scenes.
    And the joke about the sunglasses is no "Janis Joplin gave me that coat."

  • @dylanlarge11
    @dylanlarge11 3 года назад +8

    Big Finish writing is 100X better writing than Chibnall's.

  • @andrewcroft5606
    @andrewcroft5606 3 года назад +56

    What can I say? They're nothing without an audience *looks at camera, wink, wink*
    Heaven Sent reference.

  • @michaeldeboer9940
    @michaeldeboer9940 3 года назад +20

    I liked the pacing of The Ghost Monument, them sleeping, it felt longer, like the characters experienced many days, instead of the usual haphazardly running intense everything goed boom within 40 minutes. It felt like a stamina race, not a running race. I thought that was unique and maybe a new element for a new show and new Doctor. But it wasn't. It was a fluke of editing and bad pacing and not something intentional, just bad writing.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +13

      I know what you mean. I actually really like the small moment when Graham wakes Ryan up and he asks if they're home yet. A two-parter could have allowed for a much better climax whilst maintaining that pace.

    • @michaeldeboer9940
      @michaeldeboer9940 3 года назад +11

      @@JackWolf10 I would've really loved a slow paced season of them looking for the TARDIS going from planet to planet while slowly building the lore of this new alien threat.

  • @LiveHedgehog
    @LiveHedgehog 3 года назад +11

    I still don't know why they got the guy who made that fanmade sequence, but ended up producing a shitty looking knockoff of it lol

  • @TNJX
    @TNJX 3 года назад +3

    Replace Chibnall with a true lifelong Doctor Who fan who has watched all of the classic series, understood the themes and who is actually competant. Please BBC. We need this.

    • @PlsGiveMeUser
      @PlsGiveMeUser 3 года назад

      they would had to be either
      1. very old
      2. wasted too much of their time

  • @TY-oy9bp
    @TY-oy9bp 3 года назад +13

    Ehhhhhh "forced diversity" has always struck me as a pretty hollow criticism considering how we don't expect a hetero character's orientation to be a substantial part of their character the same way we do for lgbt ones. Nobody would have gone "huh, that was kinda forced" if a male presenting alien had said "my wife died."

    • @ftumschk
      @ftumschk 3 года назад +8

      I agree in principle - however, in this specific case, the fact that Angstrom's wife was killed by a Stenza adds nothing to Angstrom's motivation or to the plot. All it does is provide an excuse for her to say she'd married a woman when Graham says that Tzim Sha had killed Grace.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +12

      I'd find it just a meaningless if Angstrom was male and had said that. The fact that it's literally mentioned once yet never again, and that this happens to multiple characters, doesn't sit right with me. Chibnall is more than happy to make one-off characters gay in throwaway mentions, yet daren't explore the sexuality of his main characters. I don't care what sexuality a character is, I just want them to be a good character.

    • @TY-oy9bp
      @TY-oy9bp 3 года назад +1

      @@JackWolf10 yea that's fair

    • @whereverover
      @whereverover 3 года назад +1

      @@JackWolf10 actually, same thing happens with Sky in Midnight, she just casually mentions having a female partner and that's about it. But nobody ever complained:)

  • @the5thdoctor
    @the5thdoctor 3 года назад +24

    It was this that i decided the series wasn't going to get better and i dropped it. My respect for the people who sat through the whole season.

    • @grelkie
      @grelkie 3 года назад +5

      I'm holding out for when chibnall leaves and if it doesn't get better then, I'm dropping it

    • @SceneSurgeSnippets
      @SceneSurgeSnippets 3 года назад

      @@grelkie He ain't gonna be leaving any time soon. I'm pretty sure that egoistic hack wants to stick around so he can write the 60th anniversary special

    • @grelkie
      @grelkie 3 года назад

      @@SceneSurgeSnippets :(

  • @professionalmemeenthusiast2117
    @professionalmemeenthusiast2117 3 года назад +24

    I interpreted the side characters not thinking of themselves as human as them being descended from humans but identifying entirely with the planets they were from, as a way of showing how humanity diverges in the far future. It actually seemed pretty cool at the time and fit with what the 9th Doctor tells us about humans mixing with other species and no longer caring about pure homo sapien-ness but I have no idea of that was Chibnall's intention.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +16

      That would be interesting, but in this story they haven't time travelled. The Doctor's just teleported them into deep space.

    • @samanthaw3845
      @samanthaw3845 2 года назад +1

      @@JackWolf10 I think the commenter means the two people involved in the race. Tbh that was my first thought, too - oh, they’re human (or part human), but they identify with the planet they were born on bc space travel. …But that might be giving Chibnall way too much credit lolol

  • @theoneandonlyzulu3342
    @theoneandonlyzulu3342 3 года назад +10

    Still think the 10th Doctors intro theme is the best, gets me so excited to watch episodes I've seen many times over

  • @paxinviscis8245
    @paxinviscis8245 3 года назад +10

    It is really annoying how this version of the Doctor is not that keen on saving the lives of her companions?

    • @Hearth123
      @Hearth123 3 года назад +2

      Ten spent one episode with Madame De Pompadour and I felt more of an emotional connection there than with any of the new companions

  • @theog6494
    @theog6494 3 года назад +5

    ive been looking forward to this for so long!! thanks for making my shit day sm better!!

  • @The_Triple_Point
    @The_Triple_Point 3 года назад +24

    I'd actually argue against you that the series 1-4 intro aged way worse than the series 5-6 intro. Series 7 intro gets waaaaaay too much hate. Series 8-10 intro is awesome and lets be real...no one noticed the audio sync. You saw the reddit post. Plus, the series 8-10 intros also have awesome versions like the christmas ones and the guitar one.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +8

      Why do you think it aged worst? We're talking technically, not aesthetically. The Series 7b opening looked tacky to me from the moment I saw it. It's the equivalent of throwing layers upon layers of nebulas, 2D assets and stock footage together, with some painfully 2D camera motion. Despite being a small improvement, I still think the Capaldi titles look cheap. The dull 8 seconds of dingy brown cogs have an overly clean metal material, making them look awfully cg. The Tardis is violently bright blue and the whole sequence lacks enough motion blur. You can see some planets look like they've been hastily masked and feathered into the composition. I noticed the sync issues without seeing a reddit post.
      The 2005 titles aren't perfect, especially when in HD, but they're also 16 years old at this point. At least the Tardis and 3D text actually interacts with the lighting of the vortex, which you can clearly see in the windows of the TARDIS as it transitions from blue to red. Plus they remembered motion blur.

    • @The_Triple_Point
      @The_Triple_Point 3 года назад +11

      @@JackWolf10 the CG of the 2005-2009 intro is soo old. There's barely any texturing. It's so simple. Fans just love it because nostalgia goggles.
      The series 5-6 intro actually has hq tectures and is animated really well considering its a smoke simulation with weather and lighting fx.

    • @The_Triple_Point
      @The_Triple_Point 3 года назад +5

      @@JackWolf10 The cogs scene actually changes with each season. Especially the duration and lighting. You're kinda nitpicking it, but whatevs. It's all subjective whether you like it or not.
      Personally the WORST is the chibnal intro
      the noise is soo shallow and the graphics are not whimsical or mysterious
      it reeks of
      stereotypical syfi intro

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +8

      @@The_Triple_Point ​The CG of Jurassic Park or Terminator 2 is also 'soo old', yet it manages to hold up fine? What texturing are you referring to? Only the logo and text lack texturing, which is made up for by the quality of lighting. Plus from 2007 they updated logo (and funnily you can see they didn't track the new texture on top properly). I don't even 'love' those titles, I just think Capaldi's show little improvement on them despite coming nearly 10 years later.
      The series 5-6 intro is one I praised, plus it was made 5 years after RTD titles. My argument is that the 7B and Capaldi Sequence looked cheaper, which I tried to explain through the reasons I stated. How am I nitpicking by pointing out the lack of motion blur, generic textures, and inconsistent lighting, yet you're not nitpicking when you say "There's barely any texturing"?
      And whilst you're entitled to dislike the Chibnall titles, this is about the quality of the CG work itself, not the aesthetic choices made.

    • @KevinLeroyGrant
      @KevinLeroyGrant 3 года назад +4

      I always loved the series 7B intro, I think it was great for Matt Smith's send off. Definitely agree that it's overhated.

  • @tehherpderp7007
    @tehherpderp7007 3 года назад +4

    Hey jack, for the flesh eating microbes bit, i think the best example to show how DW did this so well in the past was The Web Planet 1965, there was a small puddle of acid that was used as a plot device and for tension fairly early in the arc. Shown first, then used as a danger point in the next part.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +3

      Ahh yes I remember that! Man I love the aesthetic of The Web Planet.

    • @tehherpderp7007
      @tehherpderp7007 3 года назад

      @@JackWolf10 So did I when I watched it and when you mentioned the pond I couldn't help but think about it.

  • @justanotheryoutubechannel
    @justanotheryoutubechannel 8 месяцев назад +1

    Wow, you make a really good point with the audio-style directing, that might honestly be why I enjoyed S11 so much more than the later seasons, I mostly listened to it the first time, and when I rewatch them I usually listen to them as background audio rather than a direct watching experience, and that works quite well with Chibnall’s writing. I still prefer TV doctor who, but that has inspired me to give the Audio dramas a go.

  • @sonnykingcomposer
    @sonnykingcomposer 3 года назад +4

    Great video man. While I disagree with some points, it was a really good review. I also think the score was great in this episode too.

  • @romulusnuma116
    @romulusnuma116 3 года назад +6

    This really is a audio drama

  • @madeleine5561
    @madeleine5561 3 года назад +4

    Okay just got to say I disagree on the titles note. Capaldi's is my absolute favorite DW opening Whittaker's just looks like a toilet flushing

  • @TheValeyard92
    @TheValeyard92 3 года назад +11

    I know opinions is opinions, but how anyone can fail to see these screaming deficiencies in Chibnall's run is just beyond me.
    "Nah, it's all coz you're a sexist."
    Oh, do eff off.

    • @katarinabrunk8698
      @katarinabrunk8698 2 года назад

      I'm not really mad at those people, I'm just confused and disappointed, confused because.....how? how can anyone look at Chibnall era and think "this is A+ writing", and disappointed because I thought people were better than that

  • @jimmyfiddlesticks337
    @jimmyfiddlesticks337 3 года назад +3

    The part where you showed a clip from the episode 'Fires Of Pompeii' and mentioned the difficult choices that come with being the Doctor I personally could have been chosen better by changing it for the clip where David Tennant says "Donna, it's Pompeii or the world"

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад

      Ah yeah good point, should have thrown that in. I was wanting to show how her actions build the relationship between her and The Doctor.

  • @nathank2289
    @nathank2289 3 года назад +4

    This really highlights just how good the Donna arch was

  • @thedeadd.c.207
    @thedeadd.c.207 3 года назад +4

    If given the chance to be a show runner on Doctor Who, I'd jump at the chance. I haven't watched the show since 10 regenerated. And I need to go back and watch 11 and 12. But I decided to check out 13 for a few episodes. And it was terrible.
    I think show runners need to be more casual fans than diehard fans (as Chibnall is supposedly) diehard fans often put their own story needs first than thinking of the general audience and other fans.
    Hence why I'd love to be the show runner or a show runner on Who. The balance of what I'd want to see and what the general audiences and other fans need, in terms of story. Would be put first and thus the show would be better as a result. Plus I have a great story idea that would fix all of the problems from Chibnall and his run. And bring in a new Doctor and companions that would be refreshing for the show, plus more Aliens, Adventures and of course less time spent of earth.
    Of course everyone says they would make a great show runner, not wanting to put themselves down. But honestly I think anyone would show run Who better than Chibnall. Damn even my 13-year-old nephew would make a better show runner and he don't like Who.

    • @PlsGiveMeUser
      @PlsGiveMeUser 3 года назад +1

      without knowing you at all. i know you would be better

  • @x5digi
    @x5digi 3 года назад +6

    The Doctor: Asking every question in the episode
    The Audience: 21:01

  • @monosupreme1
    @monosupreme1 3 года назад +6

    Thank you for mentioning the awful direction and camera work, I'm so sick of hearing "best Doctor Who has ever looked"

  • @curtiburm5442
    @curtiburm5442 3 года назад +4

    Because of his dialog and reactions to aliens I'm convinced Graham is the doctor using a pocket watch

  • @almcdonald8676
    @almcdonald8676 3 года назад +6

    Whittaker sounds like mrs tweedy querulously berating her husband for the chickens being organised. It plumbs new depths of utter contemptibility.

  • @SJ9001
    @SJ9001 3 года назад +16

    "The gossip I picked up"
    "Can we have the lights and siren on?"
    "No! All my stuff's on there!" "Not any more!"
    "Actually turned out to be a training camp for the Quiston Calcium Assassins."
    "The Woolly Rebellion. In 193 years, there's a total renegotiation of the sheep-human relationship. Utter bloodbath."
    While so much humour falls flat, lines like the above are ones that I've ALMOST found funny - I've WANTED to laugh at them, there's humour in there somewhere. But something has held me back. When I felt a laugh rising, it just sank back down again. It's like the delivery is just about there but the writing holds it back, or vice versa, I'm not entirely sure, but something crucial doesn't work.
    I think the only things I found genuinely funny in the series were Ryan thinking Rosa Parks was the first black woman to drive a bus, and just about everything King James says in his introductory scene in "Witchfinders". But - alas - the best humour comes from the likes of "Arachnids" and everything else in "Witchfinders", which aren't meant to be funny but are.

    • @JackWolf10
      @JackWolf10  3 года назад +7

      I do feel there's a lack of a twinkle to thirteen's delivery, it feels less enigmatic and more sincere. This takes a lot of the fun out of her interactions with her companion, especially since they barely respond to her. I miss that sense of not knowing whether the Doctor was telling the truth or just messing with their companions. I think the Sontaran experiment has a good example of this.
      "DOCTOR: Enjoy yourselves. Trafalgar Square should be that way.
      SARAH: Trafalgar Square?
      DOCTOR: If this is Piccadilly.
      SARAH: You're joking. Aren't you?
      DOCTOR: Mind the traffic."

  • @adamfreddo5703
    @adamfreddo5703 3 года назад +5

    On my Doctor who rewatch marathon, that next time trailer for Tsuranga conundrum is the dullest trailer I've ever seen. I actually laughed loud and asked how the hell was that meant to get anyone excited.... and it was an actual dull episode, maybe the dullest episode of Doctor who I've ever seen (aside from maybe the pting). This episode is a contender, but at least there were locations to go to, not dull white corridors.

    • @whereami2477
      @whereami2477 3 года назад +1

      Lmfao I just watched the next time. Shocking. They don't give a shit

    • @adamfreddo5703
      @adamfreddo5703 3 года назад +1

      @@whereami2477 literally.. "look white corridors, PEOPLE!!!" cut. Wow.

    • @whereami2477
      @whereami2477 3 года назад +2

      @@adamfreddo5703 Compare that to RTD era. They could sometimes be a bit spoilery, but holy shit there is no comparison

  • @NealKlein
    @NealKlein 3 года назад +1

    Your analyses are brilliant. I've been following your videos and feel your insights are a fresh facet to the body of intellectual dissection of this show that I've loved since the 70s. Thank you for not trying to be snarky for snark's sake. It gives your videos an added honesty.

  • @savigajohnsdoctorwho2747
    @savigajohnsdoctorwho2747 3 года назад +17

    Some people like nerdorotic dont like chibnalls era (i do) and they express it in a terrible way. you do it in a perfect way.

    • @GeorgeMachinNZ
      @GeorgeMachinNZ 3 года назад +15

      Nerdorotic is the worst kind of fan of anything

    • @savigajohnsdoctorwho2747
      @savigajohnsdoctorwho2747 3 года назад +2

      @@GeorgeMachinNZ at least someone agrees with me!

    • @creed8712
      @creed8712 3 года назад +1

      @@GeorgeMachinNZ he’s the Chris chibnall of the current e

    • @galarstar052
      @galarstar052 3 года назад +3

      is he one of those annoying anti-sjw types who blame all of the writing quality on the doctor being a woman?

    • @savigajohnsdoctorwho2747
      @savigajohnsdoctorwho2747 3 года назад

      @@galarstar052 exactly

  • @JelloMiniatures
    @JelloMiniatures 3 года назад +3

    Every single line delivery from Jodie feels wrong probably due to the direction as well. With another doctor those insults would be delivered more sarcastically whilst they still try to help.

  • @danrich7640
    @danrich7640 3 года назад +3

    You missed a beauty. "Flesh-eating bacteria....millions of them." In a stream of flowing water (ie: none at all in practical terms). Keep up the good work, though. X

  • @EthanDJC
    @EthanDJC 3 года назад +21

    finally someone has mentioned the shit cinematography

  • @youtubeaccount697
    @youtubeaccount697 3 года назад +3

    Imo the new title theme is such a downgrade, i much prefer the capaldi version

  • @cyanscholar5498
    @cyanscholar5498 3 года назад +5

    I like jack wolf, because they aren't really a "Doctor Who Coderivative", like he doesn't care that there is a female doctor, he doesn't care that these series were aiming to be a little more "woke" (for lack of better term), he doesn't dislike Jodie Whitaker he dislike the 13th doctor. that's why I like jack wolf.

  • @arthurian2928
    @arthurian2928 3 года назад +4

    Chibnall has managed to give us three of the dullest companions to ever grace the show. He has also relied heavily on locations and existing sets and rather than having a set designer he's got an art director. The TARDIS reveal, should have made up for an underwhelming episode, but it just reflected everything that had gone before. It just looked like three ideas stuck together, the crystals, metallic walls and console that just didn't really fit together, and the interior felt so impersonal. Later there was the addition of some rather naff rostra to try and make it look more impressive which has only made it look even more 'set like'.

  • @rycloud_1
    @rycloud_1 3 года назад +3

    "and it looks like south africa"
    Going to be honest when I first watched it I thought it was a combination of a welsh quarry, a sandpit and some sets.

    • @horatio655
      @horatio655 3 года назад +2

      If we had more Welsh quarries in NuWho, it would be 10x better :)

  • @jmace2424
    @jmace2424 3 года назад +1

    It speaks volumes about the overall lack of episode quality that so much is said about the title sequence.

  • @gentlemanviking2644
    @gentlemanviking2644 3 года назад +5

    I agree with Critical Drinker. The new companions are a bunch of yes men

  • @reimeir3267
    @reimeir3267 3 года назад +2

    I was hugely disappointed by the aliens being "human" in appearance throughout the season due to tardis shenanigans. Just lazy and removes a cool Sci fi element

  • @thelifedyslexic
    @thelifedyslexic 3 года назад +2

    Once we know the Ghost mountain is the TRADIS all the tension evaporates. Since we already know all the series regulars are going to survive.

  • @OmegaChance27
    @OmegaChance27 3 года назад +2

    Awesome! I've been waiting for this.

  • @adamwalkervfx
    @adamwalkervfx 3 года назад +4

    This was last the episode where I still had some hope left for the show. After the TARDIS dematerializes at the end, it was all downhill from there.

  • @themasterofterriblecgi5498
    @themasterofterriblecgi5498 2 года назад +1

    "Pythagoras in sunglasses. How Hila-" ad break

  • @daveofyorkshire301
    @daveofyorkshire301 3 года назад +2

    I think you've actually figured out where Chibnall belongs.... On the radio!

  • @patchoulicolt7093
    @patchoulicolt7093 3 года назад +1

    Downloaded as mp4 online for when I have time to watch. I won't miss this!

  • @4revgreen
    @4revgreen 3 года назад +4

    things that very much annoy me about chibnall area but i'm no good at explaining:
    1) 3 companions is too many
    2) Yaz being a police officer is never utilised, e.g when they're on earth she could get them into places by pretending she's investigating.
    3) The doctor getting used to being a woman again is never used. Like, she's been a man since 1963-
    4) How the fuck did Chinball, who wrote for Torchwood and therefore would know Jack Harkness, manage to make him boring?? John Barrowman wanted to come back to dw for years, sucks it had to be in chibnall's era.

    • @Howyaduing
      @Howyaduing 3 года назад +1

      He probably was leaning on Russell T Davis back the whole time while on torchwood

    • @4revgreen
      @4revgreen 3 года назад +1

      @@Howyaduing mhm most probably
      i miss RTD so much

    • @ladrok97
      @ladrok97 3 года назад +1

      I don't think 3 is too many. In Chibnall era even 1 companion would be too many

  • @mrslagowhoreusrex6300
    @mrslagowhoreusrex6300 Год назад +2

    in 5 whole minutes of chatting in the tent , meanwhile Twelve & Clara had a whole moral discussion on if he's a good man in just 3 in the episode into the Dalek

  • @gingernutkatie
    @gingernutkatie 3 года назад +12

    When explaining what's wrong with the episode takes longer than the episode itself 😅

  • @zlee001
    @zlee001 3 года назад +4

    Omg somebody finally says it. She cant stop asking questions after questions. She supposed to be the smartest in the room. The writer clearly wrote her as a companion cuz shes a girl. They dont know how to write a female doctor.

  • @custardtimelord5502
    @custardtimelord5502 3 года назад +2

    I can't get over that thumbnail... 🤣🤣🤣

  • @MichaelM28
    @MichaelM28 3 года назад +5

    LMFAO That thumbnail