I saw the title, and for a brief instance I forgot that folks in your region put the day first, so my mind read it as what you'd write as "24 August". I thought, "I knew Australia was several time zones ahead of us, but not *that* many."
It is not nearly as expensive as many other hobbies one can be addicted to.....! Just keep it simple, and "scratchbuild" most equipment, except for maybe the Locos, and some of those aren't outrageously expensive, it all depends on your tastes! ;-)
What great fun!! Nicely built track, too...... and loved the steam traction demo!
Looks like ya’ll had a fun time.
I saw the title, and for a brief instance I forgot that folks in your region put the day first, so my mind read it as what you'd write as "24 August".
I thought, "I knew Australia was several time zones ahead of us, but not *that* many."
This is one expensive hobby (I definitely dont need this)
It is not nearly as expensive as many other hobbies one can be addicted to.....! Just keep it simple, and "scratchbuild" most equipment, except for maybe the Locos, and some of those aren't outrageously expensive, it all depends on your tastes! ;-)