Ah. This was version 1 for more mid end power and to 8k rpm powerband. But cylinder porting doesn't fit. So last year made a version 2 what fitted te original porting better for 5.5k rpm - 7.5k rpm. Tested two weeks ago on dyno. With really rich jets 30 hp on the wheel. Yes feels real difference when hitting powerband
Mwoooooooaaaap hing hing hing
Does it go any better? it looks like it has too much header too me.
Ah. This was version 1 for more mid end power and to 8k rpm powerband. But cylinder porting doesn't fit. So last year made a version 2 what fitted te original porting better for 5.5k rpm - 7.5k rpm. Tested two weeks ago on dyno. With really rich jets 30 hp on the wheel. Yes feels real difference when hitting powerband
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