Could live without all the squawking... tho. Irritating to have to mlm listen to all that. But, Wow... Was that the actual speed time or did you flastforward its swimming? She Could take the Gold in her category in the monkey Olympics! Look at her go.... 😂
look at her, she's an professional swimmer
Bơi lên bờ lại ném xuống bơi tiếp tục xem thế mới hay không cho nó nghỉ chút nào thế mới hay
Слушайте вам не надоело мучать маленьких животных вы уже всех достали своими тупыми видео
No los mires así no te sentís mal 😅
Hành hạ cho nó bơi lội hàng giờ dưới nước thì tuyệt vời nó vẫn bơi rất khỏe cho nó bơi đến khi nào chúng chậm chạp lúc đấy xem hay tuyệt vời
Awww, he found a little red boat❤
next do race swimming with garina )
You have the best YT channel in the world
❤😂😂monkys aventures very happy❤
So funny. Natural clowns.
Two words darkiss999.. = "NEVER CHANGE" 😊😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂👍👍👍👏👏🙂
A Little Captain 🛳️ 😂
Забыли весло оставить.
Buaya mana buaya nya
Bắt nó bơi lội hàng giờ dưới nước thì tuyệt vời không cho nghỉ cho đến khi mệt và đuối nước thì tuyệt vời
Could live without all the squawking... tho. Irritating to have to mlm listen to all that.
But, Wow... Was that the actual speed time or did you flastforward its swimming? She Could take the Gold in her category in the monkey Olympics! Look at her go.... 😂
Tadinho pedindo socorro.
А помочь не судьба, лучше снимать как это маленькая обезьяна страдает
Пусть утонет эта тварь
Garina crap has kicked the bucket a long time ago, just click bait. But cool footage whatever