❤️Wow. Book me on the next flight ✈️to South Korea! 🎼 Iwant to be in their concerts. World class outstanding musicians/artists/performers/composers. 💕Wow just wow. Need all the albums on itunes, can only buy 3 albums Superband 2 ep 9, ep 13 and ep 14.❤️London🇬🇧
방송에서는 약간 어색한것 같았는데....다시보니 와....완전 감동....여기 현지에선 라디오 틀어 두면 가끔 나와서 그때마다 크랙샷 떠올립니다.
간만에 80년대 이 메탈발라드 최고봉을 듣게 해주셔서 감사.
아.... 볼때마다 눈물나네.... ㅠㅠ
화면 가득 맴버들 모습이 다 있어서 너무 좋아요 감사합니다
감사 잘봤어요
Home sweet Home!!!!!
모두 멋있지만 대니리 너무 멋있어요
와우! 고맙습니다!
요청드리고싶었던거였는데 감사합니다
❤️Wow. Book me on the next flight ✈️to South Korea! 🎼 Iwant to be in their concerts. World class outstanding musicians/artists/performers/composers. 💕Wow just wow. Need all the albums on itunes, can only buy 3 albums Superband 2 ep 9, ep 13 and ep 14.❤️London🇬🇧
No words !! They’re EXTRAORDINARY ❤️💜 love em
Syuunbi, can you upload the version that was shown on the tv with reactions?
슈운비, TV에 나온 반응 버전을 업로드해 주실 수 있나요? (구글 번역본입니다.)
Wow. So much feeling put into this performance
The best 🔥🔥🔥
본방을 놓쳤는데....이제야 봅니다 ㅠㅠ
Que bonito canta 😍
Omg cant believe they chose motley crue