When confirming sale order, the product is automatically available saying that it is replenish on order and the purchase order is not created, only the five delivery options appears on confirmation of sale order
Please check whether the route for the product 'Replenish on order MTO' is enabled and whether it has a vendor pricelist. If the product has more on-hand than the requested quantity, the purchase order will not be generated.
When confirming sale order, the product is automatically available saying that it is replenish on order and the purchase order is not created, only the five delivery options appears on confirmation of sale order
PO is not generated ?
Please check whether the route for the product 'Replenish on order MTO' is enabled and whether it has a vendor pricelist. If the product has more on-hand than the requested quantity, the purchase order will not be generated.
po is not generated why ?
Please check the video between (7:27 -10:03) RFQ for purchasing has been created