Some people fangirl over Ikuto, some people fangirl over Tadase, and some people fangirl over Kukai. I however fangirl over Nagihiko! I absolutely love boys with long hair (maybe it's because I'm a girl with short hair), and I think Rima is one lucky lady.
I fangirl over Ikuto and Kukai, but I don't really like Tadase, because to be frank, he's kinda feminine. (No offense Tadase-kun!) But Nagi's cute too.
For an anime that was done 12 years ago, was one of he prettiest ones that I watched. Even looking at it now, the animation style was way ahead of its time
Hello everyone! It is a lovely time to be in the year 2019 and still seeing comments being posted again on this video. For the longest time, this video was banned, but now it is back up and going strong still! It makes me very happy to still see people enjoy my old videos even a decade later! It is so surreal! It would be nice to start doing videos again! But for now I was still lay low. Thank you for your support!
I knooowwwww i used to hella listen to this song/ video but one day it disappeared from my life and it was the worst time ever. Idk why but this song just hits me so much even tho najihiko and amu isnt together. But why was it banned? I was so happy when i found this video again.
omg are you the original person who posted this Hana Tegami video? THANK YOU SO MUCH LOL Nagihiko being my favourite Shugo Chara character, I used to watch this video so much that now when I listen to Hana Tegami these days, your video is what I picture in my head :')) and from time to time, I revisit this for the memories.
I really love this song, it is so sad and beautiful, with that soft voice (which later becomes firm!), it makes me cry, I find Nagi's story extremely sad, but it is beautiful because he handles it so well , having so much maturity and having so much passion for dance. Sincerely, thanks for the clip.❤ /// Brasil
移り行く季節はいつも 急ぎ足でどこへ行くの 우츠리유쿠 키세츠와 이츠모 이소기아시데 도코에 유쿠노 바뀌어가는 계절은 언제나 빠른 걸음으로 어디로 가는 걸까 風がそっと窓をたたき 遠い国の旅へ誘(いざな)う 카제가 소옷토 마도오 타타키 토오이 쿠니노 타비에 이자나우 바람이 살며시 창문을 두드리며 먼 나라로의 여행을 권해 少し 留守にするわね 泣かないで 스코시 루스니 스루와네 나카나이데 조금 집을 비울게 울지 마 指切りしよう きっと逢えるわ 유비키리시요오 키잇토 아에루와 손가락 걸고 약속하자 분명 만날 수 있어 ひとつふたつ花びらは ほろり散りゆくのに 히토츠 후타츠 하나비라와 호로리 치리유쿠노니 하나 둘 꽃잎은 살며시 지는데 離れがたき思い出を ひとりながめていた 하나레가타키 오모이데오 히토리 나가메테이타 멀어지기 어려운 추억을 홀로 바라보고 있었어 出会い別れまた出会い 人もめぐるけれど 데아이 와카레 마타 데아이 히토모 메구루케레도 만나고 헤어지고 또 만나고 사람도 돌지만 君と過ごすこのときは だいじな宝物 키미토 스고스 코노 토키와 다이지나 타카라모노 너와 지내는 이 시간은 소중한 보물 ずっと忘れないわ 즈읏토 와스레나이와 계속 잊지 않을 거야 (후지사키 나기히코) いつのまに 大人になる 君も僕も 変わってく 이츠노마니 오토나니 나루 키미모 보쿠모 카와앗테쿠 어느샌가 어른이 돼 너도 나도 변해가 今以上 知りたくなる あれもこれも好きになる 이마 이죠오 시리타쿠 나루 아레모 코레모 스키니 나루 지금 이상 알고 싶어져 이것도 저것도 좋아하게 돼 ずっと そのままでいて ねがうけど 즈읏토 소노마마데이테 네가우케도 계속 이대로 있어줘 바라지만 僕は僕を 探し始める 보쿠와 보쿠오 사가시하지메루 나는 나를 찾기 시작해 好きなものいくつだって あってもかまわない 스키나 모노 이쿠츠다앗테 아앗테모 카마와나이 좋아하는 게 아무리 많이 있어도 상관없어 素直に感じる心 大切にしたいよ 스나오니 카은지루 코코로 타이세츠니 시타이요 솔직하게 느끼는 마음을 소중히 하고 싶어 どんな僕も僕だって 胸を張れるように 도은나 보쿠모 보쿠다앗테 무네오 하레루요오니 어떤 나도 나라며 가슴을 펼 수 있도록 いつかきっと見つけるさ 揺るぎなき想いを 이츠카 키잇토 미츠케루사 유루기나키 오모이오 언젠가 반드시 찾을 거야 흔들림 없는 마음을 ひとつひとつ花びらは 違う形だけど 히토츠 히토츠 하나비라와 치가우 카타치다케도 하나하나 꽃잎은 다른 모양이지만 みんな集めてつなげれば ひとつの夢になる 미은나 아츠메테 츠나게레바 히토츠노 유메니 나루 모두 모아 이으면 하나의 꿈이 돼 いつの時も変わらない 花の美しさよ 이츠노 토키모 카와라나이 하나노 우츠쿠시사요 어느 때에도 변하지 않는 꽃의 아름다움이여 ふりかえればふるさとは やさしく香ってる 후리카에레바 후루사토와 야사시쿠 카오옷테루 뒤돌아보면 고향은 다정한 향기가 나 いつも待っているよ ここでまた会おうね 이츠모 마앗테이루요 코코데 마타 아오오네 언제나 기다리고 있어 여기서 다시 만나자
I'm going through such a nostalgia trip rn. It's been so long since I watched shugo chara. I remember loving this song especially cuz it was so beautiful and it helped me when I had to move halfway across the country away from my friends... I even used this exact video to try to memorize and sing the Japanese lyrics all those years ago...
to think that 14 years ago (as the video uploaded ofc haha) we've had such an amazing queer coming-of-age song, from the a shoujo anime, by the most queer character is just amazing. shugo chara is already ahead of its time, i love nagihiko so much
I emotionally preparing to move away and leave my friends behind its really hard I can't say I'm ready yet but I needed a song that relates me to help. THIS SONG DOES IT. Thank you
Awesome vid i watch it 20 times and moreeee I love nagi he's just so awesome and cool And nade is just cute I preffer nagi I have all about him and i also have the song in my fav !! I love ur vídeos plz make more of the fujisaki twins and rimahiko becuz ur videos are awesome!!!!!!!! Keep ur good work Good luck and congratsssss!!!!!!!
This is a beautiful song showing both sides of Nagihiko. It has become my latest favorite song. I'm trying to memorize the lyrics with ease, so thank you for the lyrics.
I'm trying to piece together Nadeshiko, Nagihiko, Azmaria (Chrono Crusade) and the ending song Sayonara Solitia (Chrono Crusade Ending). Damn Japanese voice actors are insane and awesome. I love this character he is awesome I was shocked to learn he was a boy, and he's one of my favorite characters in Shugo Chara. A job well done on this vid I love it. I can see you worked hard on it and the scenes and effects and timing and all fit well with the song.
Lol I used to get annoyed that Nadeshiko wasn’t real and didn’t like Nagihiko. But now that I look back I realize I was strangely attracted to him as a kid hahah. All the characters/actual people I like now/growing up all had resemblance to him. In fact, I think he influenced my taste greatly 🤣
great vid! I'm serious! the timing was perfect and you followed with the song. I'm also glad of the lyrics, now I understand the theme of the song better. This is a true nagihiko/Nadeshiko song!!! ^^
I have always and only shipped Amuhiko, And There is no way Rima is going to change my view about it. plus, the girl mentioned in the song is obviously Amu.
Wahhh, I wish i can change my voice! I have no problems with Nade's part but my voice is usually high and Nagi's part is kinda hard. T_T Awesome video btw.
@AsianCuppyCake Thank you for ur comment :33 Umm...when i made this i was new to Sony Vegas so it took me around a month to do xDD!! Now it would probably take me around 2-5 days estimated lol
Some people fangirl over Ikuto, some people fangirl over Tadase, and some people fangirl over Kukai. I however fangirl over Nagihiko! I absolutely love boys with long hair (maybe it's because I'm a girl with short hair), and I think Rima is one lucky lady.
I fangirl over Ikuto and Nagihiko 💜
I fangirl over Ikuto and Kukai, but I don't really like Tadase, because to be frank, he's kinda feminine. (No offense Tadase-kun!) But Nagi's cute too.
Mira Shards my fav is nagihiko💕
Maria Vera I'm a fangirl of Nagihiko too 😍 (It's my favorite character 💕)
おりゃー!! に毎回持ってかれるw
For an anime that was done 12 years ago, was one of he prettiest ones that I watched. Even looking at it now, the animation style was way ahead of its time
I remember watching this video so many years ago. Brings back a lot memories.
It was the last time I watched it dude. It's a long time for me. XD
Same here! I remember when I made this vid as well. Thank you for the wonderful comment!
You're welcome. c: I watched this video and memorized the entire song. :D It was amazing!
@@Alixrain2334 then now its like 10 or 9 years???!!! Woahhh
Hello everyone! It is a lovely time to be in the year 2019 and still seeing comments being posted again on this video. For the longest time, this video was banned, but now it is back up and going strong still! It makes me very happy to still see people enjoy my old videos even a decade later! It is so surreal! It would be nice to start doing videos again! But for now I was still lay low. Thank you for your support!
Your videos are a huge part of my childhood. Thanks for giving me a wonderful childhood
I knooowwwww i used to hella listen to this song/ video but one day it disappeared from my life and it was the worst time ever. Idk why but this song just hits me so much even tho najihiko and amu isnt together. But why was it banned? I was so happy when i found this video again.
omg are you the original person who posted this Hana Tegami video? THANK YOU SO MUCH LOL Nagihiko being my favourite Shugo Chara character, I used to watch this video so much that now when I listen to Hana Tegami these days, your video is what I picture in my head :')) and from time to time, I revisit this for the memories.
@@skyetranslationsskye9854 AWWW you are welcome!!
@@savannahthao5070 Yeah it disappeared and it made me really sad! Stupid copyright issues. Now it is back and staying ^^
+Sayaka Sonozaki はい!優しく見守ってるとことかも好きです(*^-^*)
+Sayaka Sonozaki わかってもらえる人がいてうれしいですo(^-^)o
This song is made because Nagihiko is telling Amu about the times they spent together and their memories.
Who is still here in 2018?
Ada Fong Me ! 😂✨
Throwback to my middle school looking at these nonstop
Soon...2019.....Tomorrow... :'0
2019 and forever!!!!
It's been over 10 years and I still remember this song perfectly, holy shit
To think nadeshiko was a boy this whole time........
Unpredictable, because Nadeshiko was such a beautiful and elegant girl. But to be frank, Nagihiko was raised as a girl tho........
Kylie Nguyen l had not surprise when nagi tell kukai that he is nadeshiko because in season 1 I suspected him..
mangas-séries magicc no his mom gave a hint that nagihiko was raised as a "girl" in the last few minutes of episode 25'
なでしこ可愛すぎる❗優しい✨ なぎひこかっこいい♥ 優しい✨
I love this anime. It is just that Amu-chan didn't know that Nadeshiko is Nagihiko in the end
She did in the manga, but yeah, not the anime....
What chapter? I need to know
Sharron Tum The last one, or at least the one when they attended the wedding. They didn't show much of it, only Nagi whispering it to Amu.
in shugo chara encore chapter 4 I think??
What Haru said, then she gasped and screamed WHAT?!
I really love this song, it is so sad and beautiful, with that soft voice (which later becomes firm!), it makes me cry, I find Nagi's story extremely sad, but it is beautiful because he handles it so well , having so much maturity and having so much passion for dance. Sincerely, thanks for the clip.❤
/// Brasil
なでしこ、カワイイ 優しい!! なぎひこ、かっこイイ 優しい!!♪
Miss these kind of videos. Miss ya 2000s
This song is too beautiful and I'm still listening to it till 2015
+Melody Sun 2016 lol
+Ryouta Kise 2016!
Until the day you die! Or maybe even after it.........*taps chin thoughtfully*
This song sounds so beautiful and graceful♪.
移り行く季節はいつも 急ぎ足でどこへ行くの
우츠리유쿠 키세츠와 이츠모 이소기아시데 도코에 유쿠노
바뀌어가는 계절은 언제나 빠른 걸음으로 어디로 가는 걸까
風がそっと窓をたたき 遠い国の旅へ誘(いざな)う
카제가 소옷토 마도오 타타키 토오이 쿠니노 타비에 이자나우
바람이 살며시 창문을 두드리며 먼 나라로의 여행을 권해
少し 留守にするわね 泣かないで
스코시 루스니 스루와네 나카나이데
조금 집을 비울게 울지 마
指切りしよう きっと逢えるわ
유비키리시요오 키잇토 아에루와
손가락 걸고 약속하자 분명 만날 수 있어
ひとつふたつ花びらは ほろり散りゆくのに
히토츠 후타츠 하나비라와 호로리 치리유쿠노니
하나 둘 꽃잎은 살며시 지는데
離れがたき思い出を ひとりながめていた
하나레가타키 오모이데오 히토리 나가메테이타
멀어지기 어려운 추억을 홀로 바라보고 있었어
出会い別れまた出会い 人もめぐるけれど
데아이 와카레 마타 데아이 히토모 메구루케레도
만나고 헤어지고 또 만나고 사람도 돌지만
君と過ごすこのときは だいじな宝物
키미토 스고스 코노 토키와 다이지나 타카라모노
너와 지내는 이 시간은 소중한 보물
즈읏토 와스레나이와
계속 잊지 않을 거야
(후지사키 나기히코)
いつのまに 大人になる 君も僕も 変わってく
이츠노마니 오토나니 나루 키미모 보쿠모 카와앗테쿠
어느샌가 어른이 돼 너도 나도 변해가
今以上 知りたくなる あれもこれも好きになる
이마 이죠오 시리타쿠 나루 아레모 코레모 스키니 나루
지금 이상 알고 싶어져 이것도 저것도 좋아하게 돼
ずっと そのままでいて ねがうけど
즈읏토 소노마마데이테 네가우케도
계속 이대로 있어줘 바라지만
僕は僕を 探し始める
보쿠와 보쿠오 사가시하지메루
나는 나를 찾기 시작해
好きなものいくつだって あってもかまわない
스키나 모노 이쿠츠다앗테 아앗테모 카마와나이
좋아하는 게 아무리 많이 있어도 상관없어
素直に感じる心 大切にしたいよ
스나오니 카은지루 코코로 타이세츠니 시타이요
솔직하게 느끼는 마음을 소중히 하고 싶어
どんな僕も僕だって 胸を張れるように
도은나 보쿠모 보쿠다앗테 무네오 하레루요오니
어떤 나도 나라며 가슴을 펼 수 있도록
いつかきっと見つけるさ 揺るぎなき想いを
이츠카 키잇토 미츠케루사 유루기나키 오모이오
언젠가 반드시 찾을 거야 흔들림 없는 마음을
ひとつひとつ花びらは 違う形だけど
히토츠 히토츠 하나비라와 치가우 카타치다케도
하나하나 꽃잎은 다른 모양이지만
みんな集めてつなげれば ひとつの夢になる
미은나 아츠메테 츠나게레바 히토츠노 유메니 나루
모두 모아 이으면 하나의 꿈이 돼
いつの時も変わらない 花の美しさよ
이츠노 토키모 카와라나이 하나노 우츠쿠시사요
어느 때에도 변하지 않는 꽃의 아름다움이여
ふりかえればふるさとは やさしく香ってる
후리카에레바 후루사토와 야사시쿠 카오옷테루
뒤돌아보면 고향은 다정한 향기가 나
いつも待っているよ ここでまた会おうね
이츠모 마앗테이루요 코코데 마타 아오오네
언제나 기다리고 있어 여기서 다시 만나자
omg, this is so good. The pictures match the lyrics so well.... this is amazing. The song is so calming and relaxing. This will never get old
I love his story :D it was so cute~
I'm going through such a nostalgia trip rn. It's been so long since I watched shugo chara. I remember loving this song especially cuz it was so beautiful and it helped me when I had to move halfway across the country away from my friends... I even used this exact video to try to memorize and sing the Japanese lyrics all those years ago...
Thank you for enjoying the video! This is my new account...well one of them at least lol ^_^
Ah, I remember this. Nostalgic days. :')
Love it still! Still a beautiful song, beautiful AMV.
Thank you for the loveley comment! (this is my new accout Im commenting from)
3:16 Fujisaki Nadeshiko : WRYYYYYYAAA!!!
I love this song. Both Nadeshiko & Nagihiko's part. It sounds so amazing!
I'm so glad your vids are still up oh my gosh bless
to think that 14 years ago (as the video uploaded ofc haha) we've had such an amazing queer coming-of-age song, from the a shoujo anime, by the most queer character is just amazing. shugo chara is already ahead of its time, i love nagihiko so much
3:17...anybody seen Rhythm flying across? LOL, so funny :)
ahhh such a nice song and nice lyrics! NICE VOICE TOO
Heh, I find myself absentmindedly singing this song to myself. It's hard not to get this song stuck in your head and love it. Thanks for the subs! :D
im not sure if i commented on this yet but its AWESOME!!!!!
this was the first video i favorited on the ones u made!!!
I emotionally preparing to move away and leave my friends behind its really hard I can't say I'm ready yet but I needed a song that relates me to help. THIS SONG DOES IT. Thank you
i love what u did to the last part!! it was so COOL!!!
Wow! I don't know what to say but... This is... epic.
@BerryNaeNae Thanks 4 the info :)
Thank and I always thought a guy with a girly was Nagi's actor till now >_
This was an AWESOMEEEEE video!!! definitely a favorite!
frikins...ur frkin awesums!!! tish vids ish so awesums!!!
Nagihiko was raised as a girl, and when he went to Europe, he adapted to some American-ish sports and culture etc.
I know but damn its not fair
Awesome vid i watch it 20 times and moreeee
I love nagi he's just so awesome and cool
And nade is just cute
I preffer nagi
I have all about him and i also have the song in my fav !!
I love ur vídeos plz make more of the fujisaki twins and rimahiko becuz ur videos are awesome!!!!!!!!
Keep ur good work
Good luck and congratsssss!!!!!!!
this is an awsome video *_* i love how the bgs on the edge change keep it up and youll get great reviews^_^
wow great job, it's the best Hana Temagi vidio i have seen so far ^_^
@BerryNaeNae Awesome I love this song its such relaxing in the first half thank you for uploading the song
Sooooooo awesome! Yay for rimahiko! :p Really gr8 effects, btw! ^_^
i luv it! i luv most of ur vids!
This is a beautiful song showing both sides of Nagihiko. It has become my latest favorite song. I'm trying to memorize the lyrics with ease, so thank you for the lyrics.
omg this is so so so awesome!!!! love this video, nagihiko was my favorite throughout! that was such a lovely song!!
13 years later, and I’m still watching and singing to these like when I first found them. Love these AMV lyric videos ❤
this i a nice video
u did an AWESOME job!!!!!!!
Awesome video!! Good job! It's the best Hana Tegami video I can find! This is awesome!
Oh My Fan Girl!!!!! ILOVE IT^^!!!!!
I'm trying to piece together Nadeshiko, Nagihiko, Azmaria (Chrono Crusade) and the ending song Sayonara Solitia (Chrono Crusade Ending). Damn Japanese voice actors are insane and awesome. I love this character he is awesome I was shocked to learn he was a boy, and he's one of my favorite characters in Shugo Chara.
A job well done on this vid I love it. I can see you worked hard on it and the scenes and effects and timing and all fit well with the song.
Pfft, I love the Rimahiko towards the end. XD Great job~!
This song n this vids is GREAT!!
Lol I used to get annoyed that Nadeshiko wasn’t real and didn’t like Nagihiko. But now that I look back I realize I was strangely attracted to him as a kid hahah. All the characters/actual people I like now/growing up all had resemblance to him. In fact, I think he influenced my taste greatly 🤣
Love this song! I love how you used the pics and episodes in the video! The part where you used the chara change was very creative. Awesome!
great vid! I'm serious!
the timing was perfect and you followed with the song.
I'm also glad of the lyrics, now I understand the theme of the song better.
This is a true nagihiko/Nadeshiko song!!! ^^
Ty ty! I wuv this song so much (Nagihiko is da best) Thank you for uploading this!
I have always and only shipped Amuhiko, And There is no way Rima is going to change my view about it. plus, the girl mentioned in the song is obviously Amu.
Omg yess you're right! Also so happy to find another Amuhiko fan!
Plus Amu did say if "Nadeshiko" was a boy she'd fall in love with him. Need I say more?
im sorry to say this but.. if you read the extra and last manga chapters of shugo chara you'll see that nagihiko ended up liking rima 😅
@@rippingtons60 Can you tell me which episode Amu said it? I am a Amuhiko fan!!
Ikuto too old for Amu so Amuhiko was on of the ships i would rooted for more
Watching this again in 2020 hits different
nice video! I love nagi-chan parts and nadesh-chan! Nagi chan is kawaii!! RIMAHIKO!
Thank you so much and sorry for the late response, i've been kind of preoccupied with school
arigato. my friend said the same thing and i dont do that very often now because im finding ven better effects!. thanks for ur honesty!! ^^
I love your videos with all the characters in it!!! its really awesome :)
u are welcome!! ^^ i liked ur voice in the video!! nicely sung!!
you're back
Kinda...this is my new account...well one of them XD
This song is my Fav song! I just love it! You did a great job on it I use it most of the time when i want to listen to it
thank u!! u were the first one to notice!! ^_^
Awsome Video!
Nice! Nice! Love the video!
GREAT WORK! :D Im lovin it ♥
Arigato ^^ i worked pretty hard on this. i love hs voice so much boy or girl!
omg so well made it doesnt look fan made at all
Wahhh, I wish i can change my voice! I have no problems with Nade's part but my voice is usually high and Nagi's part is kinda hard. T_T Awesome video btw.
great job on the vidio, i love it ^_^
@AsianCuppyCake Thank you for ur comment :33 Umm...when i made this i was new to Sony Vegas so it took me around a month to do xDD!! Now it would probably take me around 2-5 days estimated lol
awwww, it's so beautiful!!
AWESOME!! KAWAI!!! I love this vid, nice! ^_^
My favorite character in this anime.❤❤
a very well done video!! love the song! love nagi too!!!
I guess fave and five-starring is all I can do, but just so you know, this vid was AWESOMESAUCE! ^_^
Great video!
"daw no yamato nadeshiko ..... Oh well this was made before it came out probobly
great vid by the way :D