1st. Avoid titan as much as possible 2nd. unlock bat spell 3rd. Active hero ability 4. Pass monolith while bat taking it down 5. Unlock ice golam and other troops in that corner 6. Go to that corner. 7. Wait till pekka, ice golam face inferno. 8. When pekka and ice golam face inferno go straight to the 3star basket.
1st. Avoid titan as much as possible
2nd. unlock bat spell
3rd. Active hero ability
4. Pass monolith while bat taking it down
5. Unlock ice golam and other troops in that corner
6. Go to that corner.
7. Wait till pekka, ice golam face inferno.
8. When pekka and ice golam face inferno go straight to the 3star basket.
Dude thanks a lot
Happy to help