Returning player looking into some addons that will help manage arena. Is there a way you could share how you set up your UI for arena and how I could replicate? Thank you!
Hey, I might do a video about the UI but there are things I might have to find a fix for like Gladius (an addon that tracks enemy players trinkets and cc it seems to be broken and my party frames add-on for healing I might have to resort to default since the one I'm using called CELL is designed for PVE and has some flaws in PVP)
Returning player looking into some addons that will help manage arena. Is there a way you could share how you set up your UI for arena and how I could replicate?
Thank you!
Hey, I might do a video about the UI but there are things I might have to find a fix for like Gladius (an addon that tracks enemy players trinkets and cc it seems to be broken and my party frames add-on for healing I might have to resort to default since the one I'm using called CELL is designed for PVE and has some flaws in PVP)