Hey onzed! I was wondering if you could give me some laning phase tips against Yone and Yasuo. The problem I'm having is when they get BORK, that pretty much eliminates any poke I do because they just heal it back up, and I'm not fed enough to one-shot them with ult unless I've roamed early game and got kills from bot (of course that doesn't happen every game). And even against a Yasuo, my W cooldown is longer than his passive shield which eliminates a big part of the poke, and If i use my W, I can't really step up to farm because he will jump on me with his e. Yone isn't nearly as hard to deal with but any tips will be appreciated!
13:33 진 채팅 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 당한게 많았나보네
Onzed short Music: 💪🗿🔊
Onzed main music: 🌈😇🌅
4:49 들어올꺼 예측했다고 생각해도 말안되는 타이밍이랑 반속이네 신인가
7:58 일전 영상에서 알려주신 사일에게 w 거리주는 플레이
난이도가 있음에도 의도하여 유도하는게 너무 멋진 디테일이예요
6:14 암살자의 목적은 원딜 암살이 맞죠!
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 채팅 밑에 탑정글 이차식이랑 김민재 아이디 치는거 개웃기네
7:41 11:25 설계 완벽하다 진짜
인트로 센스 미쳤다 걍
"난 온재라서 박음"
뭘 박아요?
난 온재xx 박음 (다소 의역)
Hi mr Onzed, i want to ask when should i build eclipse or voltaic first?
항상 잘보고있슴다 🎉
Hey onzed! I was wondering if you could give me some laning phase tips against Yone and Yasuo. The problem I'm having is when they get BORK, that pretty much eliminates any poke I do because they just heal it back up, and I'm not fed enough to one-shot them with ult unless I've roamed early game and got kills from bot (of course that doesn't happen every game). And even against a Yasuo, my W cooldown is longer than his passive shield which eliminates a big part of the poke, and If i use my W, I can't really step up to farm because he will jump on me with his e. Yone isn't nearly as hard to deal with but any tips will be appreciated!
4:40 Siuuuuuuu
I love sleeping after watching ur videos
근데 저 말하는 이유가 율드댕님이 항상 라인꼬여서 미드가고싶을때 닉넴대라하면 온재kr1 이래가지고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
???:"온재한테 박음"
상대보다 엄청 잘크지도 않았는데 사이드는 항상 상대 2차포탑까지 밀려있고 그래서 어느순간 상대랑 격차가 많이 벌려져 있던데 뭐가 문제일까요??
온재님 모니터 몇인치 쓰시나요
24인치 씁니다.
와 김민재님까지있네 라고할뻔
제드 벤되거나 다른라인 걸리면 뭐쓰시나요??
탑 걸리면 제드 하고 그 외 라인은 닷지합니다.
제드 밴 될 경우 갈리오 하거나 닷지합니다.
"im gonna run it down"
*ques maplestory ost*
내가 제드하면 표창안맞는데 이영상보니 눈호강하네요
1.온재를 들어올린다
박아줘 헤으응
"온재한테 박음"
첫판 헤카림 느낌있노
오늘 제라스한테 개털리고 보러왔습니다
럼블 요네 사일오리
"온재 한테 박음"
온재한테 박고싶댜
온재 안이면 박음
Wow I made it first some how
danh gat the onzed???
3:35 콜필드라서 진거임
i Love u
1빠 온재화이팅😊