If the crank actually will turn the drivetrain around when you try to pedal, there has to be an overcomplicated internal design with axles, chain and some form of reduction gears. My gut feeling tell me that the cranks has no effect on the drivetrain, and is there stricly to have something to stand on. So, can this bike be pedaled or not?
I have never seen such bike design. Something like the new Pivot Phoenix - but better.
To vypadá fakt skvěle!Good job bro🎉
Awesome bike and amazing location 😍😍🔥
Masakr!!! Moc se mi líbí.
Pecka. Krásný kolo.
I am not sure about the frame material.... I think it´s not from zkarbonu or zhliniku.... :D Dobrá práce, zajimave vedeni řetězu :)
WOW🫢 Amazing frame🤩
Dost povedený 👏🏼
Marťas ty jsi borec !
Krásná práce 💪
nice bike
pecka 🔥
Mi nějak uniká ten druhý řetěz. Ten tam teprve bude? 😅
Ale jinak moc hezké kolo! Držím palce!
Druhý je uvnitř rámu.
To si hodně někde 🫡
Hustyyy, docela ses pochlapil:D;)
How does it work? theres no 2nd chain that I can see. Is there some sort of vertical axle that the crank drives ?
supeeer !
Šikovny ručičky
you should try making a frame with a gearbox drivetrain
Tak to vypadá hodně přísně 🔥 dá se to někde vyzkoušet❓
V Brně
Kde se to prosim natacelo?
V Prokopskym udoli;)
Send a frame over in L if you want your brand to become known in Tuscany 😉
If the crank actually will turn the drivetrain around when you try to pedal, there has to be an overcomplicated internal design with axles, chain and some form of reduction gears.
My gut feeling tell me that the cranks has no effect on the drivetrain, and is there stricly to have something to stand on. So, can this bike be pedaled or not?
Yes, we demand an answer to.
this question!
Jak je možné, že na stolku není moje samolepka...to budeme muset někdy vylepšit :-)...hlavně, že Vám to člověk posílá dál že :-)