Sir, can you show me how to use Index + Match to sort out a result with 4 criteria ? e.g. 1. Pipe día. , 2. pipe material, 3. the method of laying (e.g. Open Cut), and 4. the depth of excavation, so that I can find the the Rate (I.e. price) for laying a pipe with these 4 criteria ? thank you very much. Further, if the Index + Match function can be used in EXCEL version 2010 ? 🙏
Yes, the INDEX and MATCH functions are fully compatible with Microsoft Excel 2010. These functions have been available in Excel for many years and are commonly used for advanced lookup operations. For the rest you can send an e-mail to Regards :)
Excellent, that solve my problem in my work, thx
Glad I could help! Let me know if you have any other Excel questions.
Sir, can you show me how to use Index + Match to sort out a result with 4 criteria ? e.g. 1. Pipe día. , 2. pipe material, 3. the method of laying (e.g. Open Cut), and 4. the depth of excavation, so that I can find the the Rate (I.e. price) for laying a pipe with these 4 criteria ? thank you very much. Further, if the Index + Match function can be used in EXCEL version 2010 ? 🙏
Yes, the INDEX and MATCH functions are fully compatible with Microsoft Excel 2010. These functions have been available in Excel for many years and are commonly used for advanced lookup operations.
For the rest you can send an e-mail to
Regards :)