Taiwanese Identity: Who We Are is Beyond Politics
- Опубликовано: 1 дек 2024
- It didn't surprise me to read the news about the unfair treatment Taiwanese employees were facing speaking up for Taiwan. What shook me was the fact that it happened in Australia, where personal viewpoint or freedom of speech should not be a justification of laying off an employee.
After reading the Taiwanese Psyche written by a Taiwanese psychologist, many things started to make sense. The February 28 incident had led people to believe that speaking up for Taiwan's independence or participating in any political activity could lead to danger and even death. We are afraid that China may threaten our safety with armed force. We are content with the current situation and choose to ignore all sorts of pressure China imposes on other countries to deny Taiwan's independence.
When have we become so spineless? What about our values? Democracy? Human rights? Freedom of speech? Freedom of Media?
If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything - Malcolm X
For more information, please visit:
In Australia, Staying Loyal to Taiwan Can Mean Losing a Job
February 28 Incident
Taiwanese Psyche: Stockholm Syndrome Analysis
This video is filmed with #Canon #5DMarkII and edited via Final Cut Pro. The audio quality produced by a #digitalrecorder #ZoomH4n Pro 4-Channel Handy Recorder.
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As a proud taiwanese American, I honestly haven't seen much animosity for being Taiwanese. Most ABC or ABTs I know are pretty receptive that Taiwan is it's own country. Even with students from mainland china, I haven't had any real debate over the issues.
I think most people understand that it's a sensitive subject so would avoid bringing it up altogether.
@@IrisViruss my wife is from main land China and I've noticed the same Taiwan belongs to China attitude from her
@@IrisViruss DO YOU THINK people and country a whole of canada the same as rich as taiwan?
Hi! I'm one of the subscribers from Korea.😀
Your videos are quite interesting!
While I studied about Asian history, I was really curious about Identity of Taiwanese.
I just want to know the thoughts and perspectives of people who live in Taiwan.
I wanna say thank you for making these videos❤ Please, keep doing this!
I hope to visit Taiwan someday🙂
U r talking nothing
I am not an Asian nor a Western so my openion is based on my personal observation and experience. It is upsetting how China managed to bend the hand of so many countries to derecognize Taiwan or/and stop the formal relationship with Taiwan in the past 80 years. I think the world need to step up for Taiwan and similar other countries that are fighting to keep their identity. Taiwan went through hard times and yet they managed to build themselves and grow to be a very strong and independent economic country.
Personally, during my visit to Taipei, I came across a campaign or peaceful protest just near Taipei 101, they were looking for foreign support to stand by Taiwan. My wife and I were more than happy to sign and express our support to this beautiful nation and people.
If we, the people, keep on believing and force the recognition of Taiwan and the Taiwanese within us, then whatever the politics is it will not stand a chance in front of our well. It should start within us and not by the people above us.
Thank you for the support and sharing this lovely story with us. I understand that many countries would bend under the pressure of China. After all, what do we have to offer compared to the 1.3b of Chinese consumers? It's not surprising. Problem is if we as Taiwanese don't even grow some backbone and stand for our values (Human rights, freedom of expression and religion), who could we count on for support?
Past 80 years? It would be dated back to 1939. And Republic of China was still in charge of the mainland. You might want to google the official name of Taiwan today. Taiwan is the last stronghold of ROC, and they are still flying the same flag used in all of China before communists won the civil war in 1949. It is funny to see people came up with opinions based on clueless.
I've been to Taiwan this summer, and have since read a lot about the bizarre political situation its people have to live in. You arguments are strong, and this video is great. Sad, that I did not find your channel earlier. Stay strong and true to what you believe in! Hope other fellow Taiwanese do so as well, and that even non-Taiwanese do not submit to the aggressive stance that is increasingly deployed to intimidate those who express the right for Taiwanese independence.
THANK YOU Iris! This video is so inspiring and I believe TW younger generation need to learn and appreciate the values we have as Taiwanese. However, we also need to respect the people who share different values around us! Taiwanese also need to respect the immigrants or foreign workers more, I think there's still lots of discrimination in our society that many people think they are superior than the SE Asia immigrants, which need to be changed!
I don't deny the fact that discrimination does still exist in Taiwan but I saw progress with my own eyes every time I went home. I have faith in our people :)
I noticed that as well, media and people starts to use 移工 instead of 外勞 to call immigrant workers, or 新住民 instead of 外籍新娘. And I think Taiwanese people do really have "accepting" characteristics, I've followed many foreign RUclipsrs that felt much happier living in Taiwan than other countries because Taiwan has a unique character that you can feel like home in Taiwan even you have never been in Taiwan before, I think it's partly because our complicated culture/history that causes our people are more "accepting" than many other countries.
移 工 本來就字面上解釋就不=外勞ㄅ 外勞比較像是沒移民的 拿 工 簽的
新住民就比較類似於外籍新娘 差別在於 新住民是有居留證ㄉ
這就跟一個臺人在日本搞得亂七八糟 日人就會對台灣評價降低是同一個道理 無關於騎士 在於不夠了解 或是個案解讀
Discrimination and prejudices against foreigners exist everywhere. Not only so, often the people of an ethnic or racial group discriminate and hold out their prejudices against other ethnic and racial groups of nationals.
If discrimination were so harsh in Taiwan, why are foreigners still moving in there to work, for temporal residence, or for permanent relocation?
@@TheImmersiveTraveler Yes I have been to Taiwan around 8 times and always feel like home 🏡
I'm from France and I truly love Taiwan ! I hope you guys will keep your independence and will keep standing and talking about this subject around you cause it's only like that you will succeed.
I think China's government (and not Chinese people) is trying to get every single country and worldwide company in their side by bribing them. It's sadly working and I'm ashamed to see that it's all about money in this world. French government and companies are weak too, but people have their own opinion so keep fighting ✊️💪😘
Your video is excellent. Most Taiwanese people I have met are like you and speak like you: calmly, clearly, convincingly and without bitterness.
The differences between Chinese and Taiwanese are noticeable in many areas. One of them is the freedom or lack thereof with which they express their views and opinion about politics. The other one is the refined manners or lack thereof in their behavior and interactions with other persons, particularly Westerners. I guess that several decades of ruthless Communism, Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, and post-1980s accelerated Capitalism have had a toll on Chinese society.
There is a common history linking China and Taiwan that goes back millennia, yet the current differences are clear. Taiwan is not China.
Love your message. As a first generation Taiwanese American I too fought with some ex Chinese friends with something similar. Thank you!
是啊 都是教育落差造成的 毕竟清华北大 全球排名20多名 台大190多名。。。。好好学习吧
除了C9 你中共高校有幾個能跟台灣大學還有四大筆?
yeah Taiwan No. 1
Dear Iris, 一直很喜歡你拍的一系列影片,但今天這部讓我一定要跳出來跟你讚聲叫好。💪💪💪
一個地球上人口最多的國家,經濟量體跟發展大本來正常。某些中國人只看到開放後自體經濟、硬體建設和科技發展的成長就自傲,天天在 RUclips 留言叫別人井蛙,卻沒想到他們更像一大群住在長城圍起的超級大井裡的蟾蜍,可笑至極。
或者老是拿語言來攀關係,拜託,世界上多少個說英語跟西語的國家啊,臺灣的文化也不光只有中國因素,DNA 都跟中國人有差了好嗎。
就你這幾句話,莫名强烈的自信 不知道從哪里來的? 論智商 論能力 都能吊打你 ,你還有什麽資格在這裏說這些 阿Q式的話。 知道什麽叫阿Q式的話嗎?就是自己欺騙自己,明明活的很慘,沒智商沒能力 卻要在網路上裝有文化
Verónica J. Y. L. 咦?你们不是日本人吗?
Thank you for speaking on this topic! Fellow proud Taiwanese here ♥️🇹🇼
Im an American black dude and love what ive seen of taiwan and taiwanese people. Totally different place from China. Anyway hope you start making vids again!
Not getting into politics but do have to make a couple points. You, Iris, make incredible videos. They are getting better and better. You are also right about the people I've met in Taiwan. They are nice. They are helpful. They are kind. They are civil. They behave much better than most people I've met and grown up with in the United States. They respect their elders and people take pride in what they do.
Why is this your last video? :|
I just realized this is the last video you've posted.... Are you ok? Keep it up and don't let these things bring you down. 99% of the people outside China (not Mainland China, not PRC... Just China) believe that Taiwan is a country and a great prosperous rich democracy.
For the last 6 months or so, I've been trying to figure out if the Taiwanese are as passionate about their independence as the Ukrainians. If they are, then it would be worthwhile for the free world to defend them from China. Otherwise, I'm not so sure.
Aloha Iris,
Would like to share with you that my birthday is 02/28/75....I went to the 228 museum in Taipei when I was 40 years old.....I also know some history about Taiwan A.K.A "Ilda de Formosa" Portuguese for "beautiful island".....Aloha...
The overseas Taiwanese Americans are also the ones helping Taiwan. From what I know, there's a few Taiwanese fellows here in Dallas that directly contributed to the Taiwan-US relation. For instance, the Taiwan Relations Act, and the most recent Taiwan Travel Act. All these counterparts are not to be neglected.
Btw, I do hope someday Taiwanese(as a language) are more commonly spoken between youngsters, it's upsetting to see kids feel ashamed speaking Taiwanese.
You mean hookien .?(Not hook)
Fujian is only 181 km from your shores..what difference between Han..and Han????😢😮😅😅😊
I’m half Taiwanese and I always tell people that I am. I just feel that it is different from saying that I am half Chinese. Plus I always go back to Taiwan to visit family, not China lol
As a born and raised Taiwanese person, I am grateful for that
废话,你们都是中国人 :)
Alessandro Peri
K-17 please take me with you lol
IrisVirus taiwanese are chinese, but chinese arent taiwanese ☺
Great video! Thank you for bringing up this issue to attention. It's very couragous and insightful!
這麼晚才看到你影片! 太可惡了,已訂閱分享。謝謝你用外語讓人明白。還有你的朋友真可怕...(事實上我也聽過很多...)
哇真的謝謝你拍這部影片 我們台灣雖然是個小國但我們有我們的自尊跟底線。我們應該有更強烈的民族意識跟不屈服的勇氣,台灣的社會才能真正走向民主自由及獨立的道路上。
今年年初,我和家人在新加坡聖淘沙島旅遊,搭程島內的輕軌時,遇到一群向我們問路的中國遊客,他們表示自己是從成都來的,我說我從台灣來,他笑著對我說:「哈哈哈哈我們都是中國人啊」 我掩飾著心中的憤怒笑著回應他:「對啊!你們都是中國人😀」
Margo C. 阿他們說什麼
Margo C. Fantastic reply! How did they react?
Snowing Kim 他們臉超臭下車了,這麼多次的旅遊經驗,告訴我一定要站出來捍衛自己的立場,千萬不要迎合別人!
Margo C. 真是委屈你了,btw im chinese
发生在日本很奇怪吗? 你难道没发现 即使是在土澳 你们也是一小撮人吗? 你们和大陆移民到土澳的人 还是泾渭分明
Thanks for the info.
I'm Filipino and now I understand Taiwanese more now. Regards...
中国各地都不同。云南和新疆相同吗?内蒙和东北相同吗?江南和华北相同吗?你对中国的认知首先就很有问题。香港能是中国的,台湾为什么不行?光说台湾和大陆不同就说台湾不是中国的话,这不是能使人信服的理由。 而且你去过厦门吗?你去过泉州吗?我去过厦门,也去过台北,除了政治其它真的没差好吗?台湾以前归福建管辖,移民也都是福建广东移民,哪有什么天差地别。而且,台湾是中华民国的一部分,何来中华民国打压台湾之说?你是精神分裂吗?
唉,很多台湾人,都像他,自以为与众不同,把台湾岛上的某一时段地域文化,强调成自以为的“种族文化”,就差弄出个“台湾族人”,疯狂区分与汉的不同,你让他谈不同,他说你没有民主???哈哈,那还谈个屁啊。 看着乐乐得了,你劝他们,他们觉得自己受到侮辱,简直不可理喻,可怜至极。 用他们的办法区分人种,那台湾岛上就能独立出来成百上千个国家,一个村子一个国。
I was born in Taichung but raised in the US. Thank you for the Taiwan pride video. Please make more videos.
有次在長灘島青旅遇到一位美國女孩,邀請大家一起去吃飯,有幾個來自不同國家的外國人,席中有一位北京女孩,我的英文不好但隱約知道他們辯論著中國香港台灣的問題,我英文不好一直沉默無辯解,後來美國女孩詢問我的看法,我心裡膽怯,但卻勇敢的說出事實,台灣和中國是不同的國家Taiwan and china is different country,北京女孩表情瞬間垮下!從那次以後再也無所謂劇表達自己的看法!
但是你们的宪法上面,是republic of china ...并非taiwan。
HCui 這個名字的確容易引起誤會,需要改變
发生餐厅那两件事问题根源在于: 大陆称『中国人』是国族认同,也就是华人才被称为中国人,而台湾人称『中国人』是国家政权认同, 这才是矛盾的根源!这听起来很可笑,但事实观点却是如此!台湾人要独立很难很难,基本上独立机会如同西班牙的巴塞罗那地区,就算政府敢于公投,但在国际社会上也会迫于压力不被认同。
That’s a friend you don’t need.
I’m proud of being a Taiwanese.
Taiwan needs to make their voice a lot louder. It's a little late because of China recently, but ...
Taiwan is not a small country. It has a population of 25 million similar to the Australian continent. Someone has to come out and make a big voice.
It's all because you guys picked the presidents wrong. They have not been able to speak to China and the world in the last decades since the little Chiang, and they are ambiguous. In particular, I personally think that the mistakes of Lien Zhan of the recent National Party is big and I think he had sent the wrong messages to China when they started to talk with mainland.
The president Ma did not do anything for the people of Taiwan during his ruling for 8 years. He had only wasted the precious time for Taiwanese people.
It's time to speak out and loud.
I'm probably not the best person to be commenting on politics because I haven't paid close attention to what the president or former presidents were doing. I can see that it is quite tricky when it comes to communicating with China because of the communist party nature. Nonetheless, we definitely need politicians with backbones in our democratic society.
But I am so proud of Taiwanese special history position and environment . So that I can have a big heart and various vision to discuss these problems...by a Taiwanese who studying in China now.
Thats weird, I thought Australia would have laws against that kinda thing.
Fireing someone because their culture of origin is illegal here in the US.
Or freedom of speech
Australia has laws against firing people for their culture. However, it sounds like this person was a casual employee. Protections against wrongful dismissal only extend to part-time or full-time workers, not casual employees. A fair amount of hospitality and serving work is casual.
Can't agree more! Thanks for speaking out and be a proud Taiwanese!
關心!已經2年沒更新了,how are you ?
I love Taiwan, it's my country! Yes, Taiwanese should stand up for our country , one for all all for one
能有獨立思考,又能有勇氣站出來捍衛立場的女生,實在不多見,一直都很欣賞你,加油,永遠支持你,GREAT GIRL .
Taiwan is an example of what mainland China should be but it isn’t. Taiwan is an independent nation with it’s own values. I support Taiwan for democracy not what China does with it’s practices of communist and socialist ideals far removed from the freedom that other people have. Love from USA Ya Ting I hope your people stand strong against the CCP.
I stand with you! ✊
The Taiwanese Aboriginals in Taiwan are as under the radar or echo or sonar or vibration as Ainus usually are in Japan
I love TAIWAN a.k.a FORMOSA... love from Ghana
I’m just now viewing this. But thank you very much for this information. Are you still living in Canada?
TAIWAN Number ONE !!! 🙌😉🇹🇼
Hahahahahahaha..... ...
you are so funny,dashabi🙂
yes, no 1 number of swindlers.
Ric Lorens china was a part of mongolia in ancient times
yes, rich mongolians are still in china, and many parts of euroupe were also part of mongolia
Excellent! More of this. Right on!
I 'm so sorry to hear that.There is no basis in the international law for the Taiwan region to establish or maintain the so-called diplomatic relations with any country since such relations have no legitimacy and future. Good luck.
Check your facts and your law, Dear Seirai.
There were no bases in international law for the establishment of a Communist China. In fact, Communist China was denied international recognition by the UN and by many countries up to the 1970s whereas the Republic of China in Taiwan retained international recognition.
International recognition is not a requisite for the existence of a nation, country, or a state. Facts and the military power to stand your ground establish the existence of both.
Taiwan has never been a part of the Chinese Communist. During Qing Dynasty was Taiwan regarded as ”化外地”, which did not belong to Qing's Sino-barbarian dichotomy, that defines Chinese concerns in their world view from those of babarians (anybody other than Chinese). After Chiang Kai-shek was defeated with power struggle for the land geographically called "China" with Mao's communists as they both aimed for "King of the land", Chiang evacuated himself and his thugs (Kuomingtan) into Taiwan, whereas by then Idiot FDR of USA with full of Soviet communists in his office handed Taiwan to Chiang's hand after Japan's defeat although Japan had only relinquished sovereignty of Taiwan. Since Mao's Communist declaration of PRC in 1949 while Chiang's Kuomintang in Taiwan still yelping, Taiwan has become symbolic and political trophy of their vanity as to who is "King of China" since Chiang and Mao both kept claiming themselves the King of China. In realty today, Taiwan is an independent and democratic republic unlike despot's plunder of 1.4 billion slavery.
Hi! I'm new to your channel. 😃Just wondering, is there a quiet, peaceful place to live in Taiwan close to nature?
When have we become so spineless? What about our values? Democracy? Human rights? Freedom of speech? Freedom of Media?
You still have your *values*, you still have your *democracy*, you still have your *human rights*, you still have your *freedom of speech*, you still have your *freedom of media*.
Just as the mainland has their rights and freedom too, to want a united China. (That is freedom of paradox, just cause you want freedom, don't mean only yours should matter, there are many who want to re-unite).
Also it is called a civil war dear, your civil war never ended, NO TREATY was ever signed, because BOTH Mao and Chiang Kai-shek wanted a UNITED CHINA.
(hence Republic of China vs People's Republic of China)
Also, the REAL natives of Taiwan aren't Chinese (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwanese_indigenous_peoples), you are of chinese descent no matter what you claim, just like Shanghainese, Cantonese, Pekenese etc. They may call themselves differently due to birth place, but all identify as chinese (we chinese have transcended borders, we are almost a civilization). Even me who is part cantonese/hakka/hokkien identify as chinese.
Don't let the west and other powers that be break us up, classic divide and conquer since the colonial times, up to WW2 when Japan invaded, and then so on.
Hong Kong is a fine example of outside influence sabotage, they wanted the *"1 Country, 2 System"* to fail so they can scare Taiwan into more isolationist stance. The moment those rioters planted foreign flag and chanted foreign slogan they breached the *"1 Country part"*.
Also ironically, it was AFTER these riots that the Chinese government STEPPED IN, for the past 25 years, the central government never intervened, they tried, but when the people said no, the central gov did not push aggressively, they respected the people's decision back in 2003.
Now the HK people no longer pushes back the changes, why? because they can see very CLEARLY themselves what kind of damage foreign influence can do.
proud of you iris as being a taiwanese!!
ilove taiwan..di disini aku meraih impianku..
National identity has always been about politics.
Taiwan still has a provincial identity which is distinct from the rest of China. It's similar to how Sardinia in Italy has a unique identity in comparison to Rome, whilst both regions of Italy still possess a broader Italian identity. In the case of Taiwan versus the rest of China, Taiwan obviously has a unique identity. The only question is whether Taiwan's identity is independent from China's or a subgroup of China's. In Taiwan, there is a spectrum; some Taiwanese identify strongly as Chinese, whereas other Taiwanese identify strongly as Taiwanese. I think Taiwan is still very culturally Chinese, but Taiwan has been politically separated from China for a long time, and Taiwan has also been subjected to unique cultural experiences from Mainland China. For example, Taiwan was only colonised by China and Chinese people during the 1600s; during this time, the Chinese living in Taiwan developed a unique "Overseas Chinese" identity. They were still ethnically Chinese, but they were not living in the heartland of China, and they had to deal with diseases and Aboriginals and various other unique experiences. Additionally, Taiwanese people were forced to live under Japanese rule for fifty years; during that time, the Taiwanese initially resisted Japanese rule, were defeated, and then were subjected to assimilation campaigns (such as through being taught the Japanese language) and were drafted to fight in the Japanese Imperial Army. So, overall, Taiwan is distinct from Mainland China, but the Taiwanese still possess some form of Chinese identity, even if it is sometimes very weak in comparison to the Taiwanese identity. I think Taiwan shouldn't abandon its Chinese roots, but I think Taiwan should also remain independent from Mainland China, similarly to Singapore.
Couldn't agree with you anymore, Iris.
那個中國朋友的反應也太大了吧 教育不同的關係不能互相包容嗎?
胡博淳 认同问题从小受的教育不同,大家都身在海外其实可以和气交流,但是博主那副poker face,以及可以想象得到谈到这个问题时那种“我才不甩你的想法和感受,咱们就是不一样必须划清界线”的态度,是人估计都会想把她踢下车
Gonzalo S 我們一樣都是人,但我們來自不同國家,英國&美國,新加坡&馬來西亞,南韓&北韓。你分的清楚嗎?
IrisVirus 可能你这位朋友本身脾气管理不是很好,但有没有可能一个大陆人坐台湾朋友车,然后正在解释为什么台湾必定属于中国时被一脚踹出,我看同样非常可能。所以说不想和气交流的只是大陆人而从来没有台湾人?
This is so brave. Admiration!!!
Taiwan for me politically resembles a little in Quebec in an English Canada Quebec is a french provin in an English Canada we are proud to be Quebecois and at home we like to receive everyone we are very warm
Are you ok? You disappeared... I hope your doing Ok your on my Facebook is Brian. I'm worried about you.
Very interesting. I can attest that Taiwanese people are WAY more kind than people from China. In Buenos Aires there are a lot of Chinese-run supermarkets (most come from Fujian), and they are very indifferent and most even rude (with exceptions of course). They don't even try to learn Spanish, so communicating is always hard and they don't integrate (send their children to China at 5 years old). On the other hand, not long ago I discovered a photography store with very kind east Asian people. I asked where they are from, and the seller told me she was from Taiwan =D
I'm so glad to hear your story! When a person migrates or moves abroad, s/he automatically represents hers/his country of origin. I'm grateful for the Taiwanese lady whom you met in Argentina and your time for sharing the encounter :)
Hey! im also from BA and I’ve noticed that too ,besides that there is a trafficking network of Chinese people and the Chinese mafia, they don’t integrate with the argentinian society as well as the taiwanese, Koreans or Japaneses immigrants who almost everyone educate their children in local schools and speak with a fluent argie accent. in fact, our Chinatown was actually a neighborhood belonging to the Taiwanese community, but when the Chinese saw the business opportunities, they took the neighborhood as theirs.
it's sucks that our weak government has had to stop recognizing taiwan so as not to lose trade with China, it is basically threatening any 3rd world country.
Sorry to hear that, but those ppl are consider rude ppl in China as well, uneducated and disrespectful... I live in Cupertino California, and the Chinese ppl here are very nice and very educated. But the Chinese ppl in Oakland or San Francisco Chinatown are pretty much exactly the kind you've encountered. Its a difference in Social status and education level. China has close to 1.4 billion ppl, so we have lots of rude ppl and lots of nice ppl, and we need more nice ppl around the world to Change these negative stereotypes I guess.
if Argentine police are less racist, maybe they can have friendlier chinese as well. ;)
You do not deeply know Mainlanders. Please judge other ppl. Thanks
As an outsider looking in, this is clearly an important issue. Some 43 years ago when I was sitting in a TLI class room studying Chinese (in Taipei), one of my teachers asked me if my wife (Taiwanese) was Chinese or Taiwanese? I remember teller her, " what different does it make, you're all 漢人." Of course, at that time, I really didn't understand the importance of the question.
It's a rather complicated issue to explain to people, especially to people who aren't very familiar with the history between China and Taiwan. It must have been quiet confusing for you back then. Nonetheless, if people are getting laid off because of this, it's not a small matter to be taken lightly.
where are you Iris, come back and make more videos
It's similar to the situation with Spain and Catalonia
How so? I am amazed by this idea.
@@mfarruco7426 Taiwan is currently administered completely separately from Communist China, under a Democratic system where different political parties can be elected to government; nominally, Taiwan is part of China (Republic of China), but it's definitely not under Communist control, so it's not subjected to the same social forces as Communist China (People's Republic of China), and Taiwanese people live under different laws than those enforced in Communist China. So, the situation with Taiwan and China is not comparable to the situation with Catalonia and Spain, given that Catalonia is currently under control by the Central Spanish Government.
So proud of myself as a Taiwanese, and so glad not to be a Chinese!
BRAVO to you! I hope the great Taiwanese people will NEVER "knuckle under" to be mind-slaves of Beijing's CCP communists, any more than Singaporeans would want to. LONG LIVE TAIWAN!
TX R 我也以自己是台灣人為傲,但同時我們應該尊重他人
There is no ROC its a fiction there is only PRC and Taiwan,
When PRC was still poor a lot of Taiwanese (chinese immigrants) invested a lot to china. Now they bullied Taiwanese arround the would and say Taiwan is part of china with out any real historical facts only based on CCP created history.
People who lives in Taiwan and call them self Chinese with no CCP chinese passport should realize that they are Taiwanese now and not chinese. If you still want to be called Chinese you should move back to your beloved CCP mainland china.
I agree with you, I am also a Taiwanese
黃國松 拜托吼,如果想自稱自己是台灣人,麻煩把英語語法學好,然後再發表自己的言論以及想法吼,沒知識真可怕吼,來自中國大陸四線城市給你的建議🙃
always loved your videos hun!
Thanks for the support Brian!
Why did you stop uploading?
You are so pretty any man should show you ultimate respect and love
Yeah thats the weird thing i think the younger people seem to like china only because their image of getfing rich in china
Thanks lots I am proud of you
Iris we miss you!!!
LONG LIVE TAIWAN! Self-determination is a God-given right, not a CCP-given right, just as in Singapore. I hope and pray that the great Taiwanese people will NEVER bow down and buckle under to the communists (and rude peasants) in Beijing. Taiwanese people, whichever dialect they speak, are far, far better and better-mannered "Chinese" than the cheating and amoral "Chinese" (Han) in Beijing!
Well done, Iris!
When the World needed Her Most she Vanished
im apprently chinese, vietnamese, and taiwanese
張姨婆 你能忍受十三亿的民主?像印度那样? 像台湾那样占领立法会? 只有长期稳定的执政才能保持经济政策的稳定
為啥你都沒更新拉 我等好久阿 很喜歡你做的議題
If there were a Malaysian guy or Singaporean guy who's ethnically Chinese and saying he/she's Malaysian or Singaporean, I'd be like ok. But when it comes to Taiwan, it is another story. Cause Taiwan is a province under the governance of the Republic of China. So most of the mainland Chinese don't like it when the Taiwanese trying hard to deny the simple fact. And people know you guys have your values when you just say I'm Chinese from Taiwan.
Feels bad... 加油!
You are a good looking and beautiful Taiwanese Canadian Girl.
Well put!
I'm from Madzu and I'm proud to say I'm not Taiwanese but the island is considered part of Taiwan. In reality, it's much closer to mainland China. What r u going to say about it?
I don't know how the geographic proximity has anything to do with it?
Identity is a complicated issue. What I am saying is if u assume someone was born in Taiwan, then he or she should be regarded as belonging to this identity, I would say u r forcing sort of ideology on them. Of course, the geographic factor is not absolute. Yet it sometimes depends on the choice one makes. It's like taiwanese born in America do not have to identify themselves as Taiwanese. Yet in Taiwan as long as u have Taiwanese parents, u r naturally considered Taiwanese no matter where u were born. This idea identity differs from culture to culture. What u said about identity is ur side of story. I can understand but would not totally agree with u.
fangming hsueh tbh, I understand what you’re saying here. See! Even though you disagree with what Iris was saying, it is nothing wrong with that. You have your own perspective and I as a Taiwanese totally respect that. You also mentioned that Taiwanese born American. They probably thought they’re American. I don’t see anything wrong at all. So then why would it be a problem that people think they’re Taiwanese?
Line roger I totally respect people who want to identify themselves as Taiwanese theres nothing wrong with it but also people have to respect those who do not want to identify themselves as Taiwanese. after all identity is a socially constructed idea and is subject to,change, isn't it?
Fangming: Japan, Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, the Phillippines, Indonesia, the United States, Vanuatu, and even the French Polynesia are close to China. Would it suffice that China considers those areas as close enough for their existence and independence to be in trouble?
勿謂言之不預也 且行且珍惜
KMT was hypocritical. Why suppress the Taiwanese Minnan language/dialect when it too is spoken in mainland China? That, I hate.
There's ways of getting around these issues. You can say you're Taiwanese and Chinese. You can say Taiwan is a part of the Republic of China. You don't have to be green when you go out into the world when every person asks you a question about your identity or sovereignty, unless you just want to pick a fight with people.
You didn't mention how the Taiwanese were killing mainlanders before the KMT sent troops from Nanjing to suppress the uprising. It wasn't a one sided affair like it has been told by the pan green historians.
You did a good job Iris 💪💪
這個答案不是答案,工作權是和言論自由一樣的,這和應徵不能有種族,性別,歧視一樣,iris問的 是:為什麼可以發生在澳洲?任何人在澳洲是可以告死雇主,讓他明白他是壞人。你不抗爭,反而:為什麼不去台灣雇主?正是錯誤的思維=有混蛋就會有壞蛋。
90%以上的所谓台湾人都不是土著 只是外省人罢了 无非是福建人移民 说Chinese完全不过分 倒是在国外6年,天天听到台湾人在外国人面前强调自己是Taiwanese 让人作呕。那么想要身份认同,不好意思做不到的,我不会说台湾是中国的,我只会告诉外国人历史,让他们自己判断台湾人是否是Chinese。
這個答案不是答案,工作權是和言論自由一樣的,這和應徵不能有種族,性別,歧視一樣,iris問的 是:為什麼可以發生在澳洲?任何人在澳洲是可以告死雇主,讓他明白他是壞人。你不抗爭,反而:為什麼不去台灣雇主?正是錯誤的思維=有混蛋就會有壞蛋。
We are the world ! Live on earth
This video is cool and attentive. (Sorry my English is not good
Apparently they were fired because they upset their boss. Their boss are Chinese who thinks Taiwan should be part of China. It is so easy to understand that when you look for a job, you don’t want to upset your boss. There is really nothing to complain about. Just like if your boss is Taiwanese and you say Taiwan is part of China, you would get fired too.
Not sure what you really want to express in your whole video honestly.
first of all, i want to say 台語 is not taiwanese , Taiwanese including of mandarin chinese hokkien hakka and aborigines.
in my opinion, several years we uphold our freedom, our democracy, and speak loudly" we are a independent country" to people come from abroad.but in the reality is taiwan is not a country for most countries officially. even they are friendly to taiwan such as japan. and economy is getting worse day by day. young people can't affort their life. the salary is low. the prices are very high. i think what if we accept mainland china govement, will taiwan be better? if we lose something?
Yohan Luo
Money can't buy everything.
If you want me to lose the freedom to criticize and complain the government or the politicians or any other unfairness in my country, or living carefully or even frighteningly with every comments I made, worried to "be disappeared" if I said something wrong. Nor have no rights to seek, to choice any information or knowledge freely, but accepted the message fed by the government THB, I'd rather die.
Giving up your country's sovereignty would mean you are giving up everything. Taiwan would then have no power to make their own policies anymore.
Doing business with communist China is a double edged sword. CCP will use Taiwan's dependency on mainland China as a leverage against Taiwan themself.
isn’t taiwanese a nationality? whereas chinese an ethnicity/race?