DMS | inferiority complex

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • "An inferiority complex: often indicated by low self-esteem, a feeling of intense insecurity, being considered as a social pariah, or of not measuring up to certain expectations."
    I think as individuals, we've always got two entities inside of us that are fighting one another. The person you want to become, and the fear of becoming someone you hate. Most of the time, we think we're alone too; we think we have to face all of our problems by ourselves, and become frightened of opening up to someone. Being vulnerable becomes something "childish" and gets hidden behind the walls we put up against the world. It's like the saying of how there are two wolves fighting inside you; light and dark. The one that wins is the one you feed. While you may need a balance of the two, it's easy to let the dark one take over at times, especially as a coping mechanism.
    That was the whole psychological side to this video since I've been dealing with problems here and there recently and I've wanted to made a video like this for a while, I just needed the right music. There were two separate problems that provoked me into making this, but one of those problems is resolved now thankfully. The other...not so much, but I'm working on it bit by bit xD; Still, since this is a bit of a psychological "need-to-get-these-messed-up-feelings-out-of-my-system* vent, none of these scenes are haphazard or "random". They've all got a reason for being there. And the last couple of scenes are highly relevant *squishes Araragi-kun*, though all of them are relevant tbh xD Some in good ways, others in bad.
    "I don't want a fairy tale ending with you. I want to be there to help you face your fears and to help you overcome your failures."
    Might add some stuff later, we shall see~(since I'm the kind of person who adds stuff in every so often if I realise I've forgotten something ~_~) I've got to get on to some B-day vids for a few certain people coughsatDMSstophavingbirthdaysinOctoberdeargod too so...Half-term break, get your butt here faster.

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