High Priest(Sumo Sacerdote) - Rivers & Robots - Español & English(CC)

  • Опубликовано: 5 окт 2024
  • Lyrics:
    Oh the humility of a King inside a manger
    Our shepherd and our saviour on the cross
    You gave Your life for me
    Now, how can I repay You?
    All the riches I could gain are not enough
    [Oh la humildad de un Rey dentro de un pesebre, Nuestro pastor y nuestro salvador en la cruz, Tú diste tu vida por mí, Ahora, ¿cómo puedo pagarte?, Todas las riquezas que pude ganar no son suficientes]
    You are the Prince of Peace
    You’re our great high priest
    You have made a way for me
    You have set me free
    [Eres el Príncipe de la Paz, eres nuestro gran sumo sacerdote, me has abierto un camino, me has liberado]
    You got thirsty, You got tired
    You were tempted, You were tried
    And You can fully sympathise
    Cause You know just what it’s like to live this life
    Fully God and fully man, who can fully comprehend the mystery?
    [Tienes sed, te cansaste, fuiste tentado, fuiste probado, y puedes simpatizar completamente, porque sabes lo que es vivir esta vida, completamente Dios y completamente hombre, ¿quién puede comprender completamente el misterio?]
    You are the Prince of Peace
    You’re our great high priest
    You have made a way for me
    You have set me free
    Now found freedom in You Jesus
    There is nothing in between us
    [Ahora encontré libertad en ti Jesús, no hay nada entre nosotros]
    You turn mourning into dancing
    And sorrow into joy, oh Lord
    [Conviertes el duelo en baile y el dolor en alegría, oh Señor]

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