Quite philosophical this time. Reminds me of "free as in freedom" vs. "free as in free beer". I will add "you only own what you can destroy" to my list of quotes worth remembering 👍 For me, the podcast is perfect for listening without video. I enjoy every episode!
I think that there's a flaw in how postgresql treats superuser. Some things only super user can do. Why not allow me to assign permission to a user that I want to allow to refresh a subscription for example. Now this user has to be a superuser. I've had to write functions that are just wrappers do specific things with execution rights of the superuser.
Quite philosophical this time. Reminds me of "free as in freedom" vs. "free as in free beer". I will add "you only own what you can destroy" to my list of quotes worth remembering 👍
For me, the podcast is perfect for listening without video. I enjoy every episode!
I think that there's a flaw in how postgresql treats superuser. Some things only super user can do. Why not allow me to assign permission to a user that I want to allow to refresh a subscription for example. Now this user has to be a superuser. I've had to write functions that are just wrappers do specific things with execution rights of the superuser.