The Mehdi Hasan Show Full Broadcast - Mar. 2

  • Опубликовано: 2 мар 2022
  • "The Mehdi Hasan Show: Insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day's events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our interconnected society.
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Комментарии • 88

  • @cassiusdhami9215
    @cassiusdhami9215 2 года назад +8

    “Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they always made me glad.”
    -Malcom X

  • @sherrillwhately7586
    @sherrillwhately7586 2 года назад +11

    The problem with Democrats is that once they get a little push back, fail to come back with a rhetorical counter punch. They just roll over.

    • @cassiusdhami9215
      @cassiusdhami9215 2 года назад +1

      Democrats = "Babyfaces"
      GOP = "Heels"
      American Congress = "WWE"
      American Electorate = the "Marks"

  • @never2yield20
    @never2yield20 2 года назад +5

    SOTU speeches are usually just a bag of hot air. This one was really no different.

  • @mladyriad
    @mladyriad 2 года назад +2

    Ty💙really need these updated you give us with fact (s) in truth!

  • @bikehard1000
    @bikehard1000 2 года назад +12

    It not about defunding it’s about reforming the police it’s all about the message.

    • @michellarabie7169
      @michellarabie7169 2 года назад

      and even though the majority of the people know exactly that information - some people of color still manage to shit their pants and get their girdles all tied up in knots - take a breather you people shit - you cause your very own troubles

  • @KaritKtana
    @KaritKtana 2 года назад +3

    I'm surprised Biden mentioned burn pits in his speech! I truly hope this issue is being addressed. Jon Stewart should be proud 👏

  • @tommiebenford3190
    @tommiebenford3190 2 года назад +4

    Fair is Fair give the people what they need to fight back Fair is Fair

  • @scottcoon232
    @scottcoon232 2 года назад +3

    Idiocracy is here.

  • @mk5336
    @mk5336 2 года назад +2

    Mehdi, you are right on the button.

  • @cluelessgenius898
    @cluelessgenius898 2 года назад +2

    Nancy Pelosi knuckle rubbing trying to decide clap or not with that look on her face is priceless and me #LMAO

    • @trisha7162
      @trisha7162 2 года назад +3

      She is such a phony

    • @Damacles9
      @Damacles9 2 года назад +1

      Drunk, corrupted, corrupted shill...

  • @lynnburke5272
    @lynnburke5272 2 года назад +2

    They have no behavior. Our children watching this. Smh

  • @tommiebenford3190
    @tommiebenford3190 2 года назад +5

    The saddnes of the Republican party on par with the Russian way of thinking 🤔

  • @abukarosman1859
    @abukarosman1859 2 года назад +2

    What about those who live in the for all waste chemicals you dropped in the middle of the people

  • @Antifa_Gini
    @Antifa_Gini 2 года назад +3

    Elie is an inspiration

  • @hafizaaminajavaid1188
    @hafizaaminajavaid1188 2 года назад +2

    Please start again same kind of debate show that you used to organize on Aljazeera ,head to head

  • @KyaniMosaic_Crone
    @KyaniMosaic_Crone 2 года назад +6

    Ukraine is RIGHT to expect more involvement from the US & UK. Ukraine has every right to expect them to honor the Budapest Memorandum of 1994.
    In 1994 the USA, UK & Russia convinced Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons capabilities AND transfer ALL OF THEIR NUCLEAR WARHEADS TO RUSSIA by promising to come to Ukraine's defense if they were ever invaded.
    The fact that Russia broke the deal does NOT mean the USA & UK don't have to honor it.
    But they are refusing to honor it now just as they refused to honor it in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea.
    Their excuse? A claim that the Budapest Memorandum is not legally binding. Why has Ukraine been the only country out of 4 to honor this contract?
    Signers of Budapest Memorandum:
    US President-Bill Clinton
    UK Prime Minister- John Major played
    Russian President- Boris Yeltsin
    Ukraine President- Leonid Makarovych
    (The FIRST Democratically elected President of Ukraine)
    Just because Russia betrayed Ukraine & broke the contract does NOT make it null & void for The US & UK. They are OBLIGATED to be more involved than other countries.
    If the Budapest Memorandum was a trick by Russia to force 2 major NATO countries into war that is not Ukraine's fault. America & UK should've been more astute. The time for caution in this deal was PRIOR to signing not after Russia breaks their end of the deal.
    Thise Nukes Putin is threatening to use would most likely be Ukraine's. He us just that conniving & evil to use their own relinquished nuclear weapons against them as punishment for what he views as their weakness, stupidity & audacity to leave the Soviet Union.
    The time to act is BEFORE he hits that red button that would have massive consequences for the entire world. Ukraine has 5 operational Nuclear Power Plants not counting Chernobyl. He is twisted enough to nuke one or all 5.
    And you must keep in mind that Putin has repeatedly said that "A world without Russia is nothing anyway"
    The US & UK lining up on the Poland side of the boarder to prevent Russia from advancing any further while throwing their hands up quite literally feels Trump saying "I'd love to help you but I have these bone spurs"
    It's like the world pulling up chairs & bringing enough 🍿🍿🍿 for everybody to watch the fight.
    This is NOT the way to repair the damage Trump did to the world's trust in America to honor our commitments & have their backs. THIS will not only once again have countries we're allied with turning to China for protection & this time they will sign the new alliance. We MUST regain the trust of our allies of we are to ever be able to count on them when we WE need THEM the most.
    If not we will be right there where Ukraine is today. It doesn't matter if you don't want war with Russia when Putin has set his sights on you. He set his sights on the US years ago & the more we ignore it the more brazen he gets because he views us as weak & ignorant.
    Putin already started his war with us.
    1) He rigged our elections & unleashed a massive misinformation campaign.
    2) Cyber attacks
    3) Trump. ALL of it
    4) Recon mission INSIDE the White House with Trump giving the WH tour & you can bet Putin not knly saw classified documents, he has his own copy.
    5)He not only ordered a bounty for the heads of American Troops AND PAID UP.
    If your loved one was one of those soldiers who's head was delivered to Vladimir Putin wouldn't you feel like Putin already declared war on the Unite States?
    How did Trump's betrayal in denying the truth of how your loved one was murdered feel? It felt worse than his remarks about John McCain being weak because he was captured didn't it? Especially knowing ISIS always makes sure to video tape ALL of their beheadings. Trump would have been given a copy of each one.
    And as someone raised in a Military family who was also married to an Army Ranger (82nd Airborne) and a mother who has had to wave her daughter off to war, I know 1st hand what goes through you as you watch them disappear from sight... and every terrifying moment after. My deepest condolences for the disrespect your loved one & your family were given by the person who was acting Commander-In-Chief & as a result, also by the country they died fighting so damn hard for.

    • @eunicedesouza8279
      @eunicedesouza8279 2 года назад

      Evoking nuclear war is not the answer, sadly that would be the result of your proposal

    • @michellarabie7169
      @michellarabie7169 2 года назад +1

      at whatever the outcome - countries will have to eventually put soldiers on the ground there. It's inevitable and they all know it.

    • @09SURGEON
      @09SURGEON 2 года назад

      Thank you so very very much @Mosaic Crone.
      Your historic context is brilliant and highly intuitive and insightful.
      This Putin gamble and bluff must be countered and allowed to play out full circle.
      Only two likely outcomes: Putin is definitively schizophrenic and will nuke some country and trigger the inevitable end of the human race, or, he will sober up from his Smirnoff and save his budding New Soviet Russian Empire and Oligarchs. “He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day”…. Bob Marley & the Wailers

    • @jmb3608
      @jmb3608 2 года назад

      I agree with you on most points. As Fiona Hill said in an interview recently: “WWWIII already started almost a decade ago …” or longer ago?
      As far as “conquering” the US, his best bet had always been doing it from the inside, and he isn’t far from having reached his goal… (trump as you explained, and now a big chunk of the Republican Party.)
      The problem is that it is now too late to cry over split milk. Too many mistakes have been made over the years. We are in the middle of an almost (trying to remain optimistic here) unsolvable dilemma: either go to war with Russia when knowing that Putin is a soulless, mad dictator who will balk at nothing, or give in to his demands to avoid massacres and tacitly encourage him to keep moving forward…
      Let’s hope that some in his inner circle decide that conquering Ukraine in order to pander to Putin’s lust for grandeur and will to re-form imperial Russia doesn’t come with the ultimate cost - namely reducing the world to ashes in the process.
      Let’s also hope China and India ultimately understand that the man is now totally insane and out of touch with reality.

  • @solutioninsearchofaproblem2402
    @solutioninsearchofaproblem2402 2 года назад +10

    The fact that Trump and the Republicans are cheering for Putin is shameful!!!

    • @maaziy_ghaziyIYI
      @maaziy_ghaziyIYI 2 года назад


    • @charlesray9674
      @charlesray9674 2 года назад

      @@maaziy_ghaziyIYI 🙄
      "It's all about the Benjamins!!"

    • @jhegre
      @jhegre 2 года назад +1

      @@maaziy_ghaziyIYI Why not?

    • @Damacles9
      @Damacles9 2 года назад

      Republiscum are sociopathic traitors to democracy, society, and the actual rule of law. Cheering for Putin signals they are autocratic anti-democratic simpletons. They have zero shame because they have no souls, only hate and scapegoating in its place.

  • @ithork
    @ithork 2 года назад +1

    WTF reporter "What's it like to see your friends die"?

  • @lynnburke5272
    @lynnburke5272 2 года назад

    No one is perfect

  • @schoolcoach1
    @schoolcoach1 2 года назад +1

    Well, the question is whether or not the majority of the electorate wants segregation and a theocracy. What if all white people who can made a difference want Jim Crow again. Can we finally talk about THIS as a core issue.

  • @Notfunnysam
    @Notfunnysam 2 года назад

    I wish there were a new candidate for 2024.
    Yeah Medhi.
    Good points all around.
    Admittedly a few thoughts I've had myself.

  • @330vabjr
    @330vabjr 2 года назад +1

    Everybody keeps overlooking Americas historical part in all of this. Unbelievable

    • @gatordragon8824
      @gatordragon8824 2 года назад

      Can we do that after the shelling stops and Russia gets kicked out? Then we play the blame game?

    • @Damacles9
      @Damacles9 2 года назад

      @@gatordragon8824 "Do that after?" Assange rotting in jail for exposing a sliver of American war crimes, you mean THAT "after"? When Bush/Cheney and their sycophant cadre of war criminals appear on TV to advise on how to continue war crimes elsewhere? If not NOW, then WHEN?? America should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, no? "I know that you have personally lost friends in this conflict. How are you coping with your grief while still remaining strong for yourself and your country?" Well? Your heart is good, but we should hold feet to the fire while it is red hot.

  • @gatordragon8824
    @gatordragon8824 2 года назад +1

    Whoever asked her, "What is it like to watch your friends die?" in that too-bored-to-be-flippant voice needs to not do this kind of sensitive work again. Someone with a bedside manner should. I get being objective and all, but deadass asking that question during a war and refugee crisis while this woman flees and just watching her breakdown is a little far. We could have gotten the same result from a more human approach. Like, don't become a grievance counselor. Here are some of my ideas:
    "I know that you have personally lost friends in this conflict. How are you coping with your grief while still remaining strong for yourself and your country?
    "Like many Ukrainians, you've already lost people to this conflict. How are you doing personally? Right now, Ukraine has the backing of the G7, EU, and ECOWAS -- is there anything you would like to see coming from the international community or individual citizens to help stop the loss of life?

  • @justinkosuk3458
    @justinkosuk3458 2 года назад +4

    I do not know how a journalist can ask someone to their face who just explained they watched people they care about be killed in front of them - "how did watching your friends being killed make you feel?" As though it's some profound mystery.
    How else do you think someone is going to feel about watching another human being murdered in front of them?

    • @concernednewfie
      @concernednewfie 2 года назад +4

      Yeah a garbage journalist. I just shut off the show after that one.

    • @jhegre
      @jhegre 2 года назад

      That was seriously messed up. I am surprised they aired that part.

    • @Damacles9
      @Damacles9 2 года назад

      He's a future 60 Minutes flunky......

  • @kingpest13
    @kingpest13 2 года назад

    Chances of raptors being delivered...,0

  • @OsakaGai420
    @OsakaGai420 2 года назад +1

    Are these going to be a day behind all week? The situation in Ukraine demands as up-to-date news as possible, by the time these are posted it's a waste of time. This poster hasn't been behind in previous weeks, what's different this week? While the date may be 'honest' it's still a day late, dollar short.

    • @Damacles9
      @Damacles9 2 года назад

      Patience, Jedi....

  • @tommiebenford3190
    @tommiebenford3190 2 года назад +1

    I believe Puttin wants to 🎲 give him what he wants We have our on problem let's talk care of him

  • @sherrillwhately7586
    @sherrillwhately7586 2 года назад +4

    Defund the Police is a terrible slogan. It should be renamed: Reimagine Policing.

    • @snizami
      @snizami 2 года назад +1

      Reimagine Policing is exactly the slogan I've tended to settle on when reflecting on a possible alternative. Have you seen it being used elsewhere? Is it actually a proposed slogan within the movement?

    • @mr.mrs.d.7015
      @mr.mrs.d.7015 2 года назад +2

      Reform the Police

    • @cassiusdhami9215
      @cassiusdhami9215 2 года назад +1

      Maybe you should have listened to Medhi and his guests? 🙄 Whatever you "call" it the GOP will make that a negative. At this point that's not even subjective it is historically proven fact.
      #dunningkruger #dillusionalnarcissism #unearnedarrogance

  • @liquidsarcasm
    @liquidsarcasm 2 года назад


  • @cattlecorner305
    @cattlecorner305 2 года назад

    Yeah my Bro !!! Teach soccer to our fellow Americans... Teach Americans how much skills it takes to play soccer...Tell them world cup soccer is the true world cup... Not the American NFL or NBA world championship God Damn ho Mehdi Hassan.....

  • @willgetbettereventually124
    @willgetbettereventually124 2 года назад

    This is why Dems lose. Yes he could have spoken for hours and covered more but no one would be happy. Criticize yes but emphasize the positives once in a while. Emphasis on Republican voting against bills not just Sinema and Manchin. Yes Dems messaging is terrible but so is yours.

  • @lynnburke5272
    @lynnburke5272 2 года назад

    Not all police are bad

    • @cassiusdhami9215
      @cassiusdhami9215 2 года назад +2

      😔Show me one, solitary, single, currently serving officer that stood up to other officers when they lied or committed other crimes. 🤨
      Then and only then will that statement be remotely true.
      #sycophants #ACAB
      "One bad apple spoils the whole bunch."