How To Use Allah’s Name In Duas

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
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    One of the most beautiful ways to connect with Allah is by making dua (supplication) using His divine names. Allah has revealed many names and attributes to help us understand His greatness and seek His mercy and blessings. By invoking His names in our dua, we recognize His infinite power and seek His assistance in our daily lives. When we call upon Allah using His names, we affirm our belief in His divine attributes. Each name represents a unique aspect of His nature, encompassing His mercy, forgiveness, guidance, and protection. By utilizing these names in our dua, we acknowledge His authority and seek His intervention in our specific needs and desires.
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Комментарии • 25

  • @user-pr8dy1mo5w
    @user-pr8dy1mo5w 5 месяцев назад +24

    Lets strive these last 10 night brother and sisters

  • @StrikesPerception
    @StrikesPerception 5 месяцев назад +15

    Pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine!

  • @mustafafh4402
    @mustafafh4402 5 месяцев назад +7

    Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Whoever says, 'Subhan Allah wa bihamdihi,' one hundred times 100 a day, will be forgiven all his sins even if they were as much as the foam of the sea
    My dear muslims recite this thikr before sunrise and sunset ❤

  • @user-ud6xv2uz2j
    @user-ud6xv2uz2j 5 месяцев назад +8

    I truly believe this is the best form of dua. Reflecting upon Allah's nature and his attributes as they relate to your everyday life will Insha'Allah reinforce your Taqwa. May Allah accept this from us with this effort. _Rabbana taqabbal mina innaka antas sami'ul adheem_
    1. 1:31 *Al Mujeeb* _(The One Who Responds)_ - For help when in great difficulty
    2. 1:58 *Al Wakeel* _(The Disposer Of Affairs)_ - When you feel restricted in time/money/capacity
    3. 2:20 *Al Jabbar* _(The Restorer)_ - When you lack necessary skills to achieve something
    4. 2:51 *Al Fattah* _(The Opener)_ - To improve your relationship with Allah
    5. 3:04 *Al Wali* _(The Protecting Friend)_ - To get yourself out of distress
    6. 3:26 *As Salam* _(The Source of Peace)_ - Need security and assurance
    7. 3:53 *Al Shafi* _(The Healer)_ - For help with illness
    8. 4:16 *Al Haseeb* _(The Sufficient)_ - When worried about sustenance
    9. 4:39 *Al Wadood* _(The Most Loving)_ - When you feel alone
    10. 5:00 *Al Qayyum* _(The One Who Sustains and Protects ALL)_ - Distress about your affairs
    11. 5:22 *Al Musawwir* _(The Fashioner)_ - Insecurity about your looks/attributes
    12. 5:43 *Al Matin* _(The Powerful)_ - When hard to accept outcome of situation
    13. 6:06 *Al Basit* _(The Extender, Amplifier)_ - When embarking on something new/unknown
    14. 6:29 *Al Baseer* _(The All Seeing)_ - When tempted by nafs/shayateen
    15. 6:54 *Al Muqtadir* _(The Perfect In Ability)_ - When you feel things impossible/difficult
    16. 7:15 *As Sitteer* _(The Concealer of Sins)_ - When somebody compliments you
    17. 7:34 *Al Mu'min* _(The Giver of Security)_ - Feel overburdened from worldly stress
    18. 7:58 *Al Wajid* _(The Finder)_ - When struggling to find the next steps to take
    19. 8:16 *Al Hayy* _(The Ever Living)_ - Feeling hopeless or defeated
    20. 8:27 *As Sami'* _(The All Hearing)_ - If you feel worries and complaints unheard
    21. 8:46 *Al Hadi* _(The Guide)_ - When heart wavers from doubt
    22. 9:11 *Al Qareeb* _(The Ever Near)_ - When need motivation to do right
    23. 9:27 *Al Wahid* _(The One)_ - When you desires take precedence over Allah's commands
    24. 9:48 *Al Qadir* _(The Most Able)_ - Worried about outcome of event
    25. 10:08 *Ar Razzaq* _(The Provider)_ - When struggling to make ends meet
    26. 10:33 *As-Sabur* _(The Most Patient and Enduring)_ - When frustrated about life
    27. 10:56 *Al Ghani* _(The Self Sufficient)_ - Struggling financial worries
    28. 11:21 *Al Mannan* _(The Bestower)_ - When constrained by time/ability
    29. 11:50 *Ar Raheem* _(The Especially Merciful)_ - Struggling to stop sin
    30. 12:12 *Al Jawaad* _(The Most Generous)_ - Struggling to articulate needs

    • @user-ud6xv2uz2j
      @user-ud6xv2uz2j 5 месяцев назад

      @@richcharacter Jazakallahu Khayran brother. May He grant you firmness and excellence in faith and the practice of your deen, shahada on your tongue at the time of your death, a spacious grave and spare you the chastisement of the Hellfire. Ameen.

  • @user-zr7js8pq4v
    @user-zr7js8pq4v 5 месяцев назад +2

    ❤Dua for the night of power(laylatual Qadr)
    “Allahumma innaka Afuwwun tuhibbul `afwa fa`fu `annee”
    ❤Translation: “O Allah, indeed You are Pardoning, You love to pardon, so pardon me”

  • @StrikesPerception
    @StrikesPerception 5 месяцев назад +11

    What a wonderful video, it was needed! May god bless you and reward you for this.
    Subhan Allah.

  • @Cupman668
    @Cupman668 5 месяцев назад +3

    Muslims, please remember to always defend Allah and His messenger whenever you encounter someone making negative comments or misunderstanding Islam. Speak the truth and disagree with them, even if they hate you, hurt your feelings, or you think they won't listen. Do not waste that moment, as caring only about yourself won't benefit you much. every level in Jannah is so much different and better than the lower one, if we want to live for eternity, in there it has to be one of the highest. work hard, duniya is our first and last chance so give it your all, that is the true meaning of being successful, and the best kind of success.

    • @AlmightyIsOne
      @AlmightyIsOne 4 месяца назад

      But be careful not to talk with the ignorant and stubborn people.

  • @_Kashmir_313_
    @_Kashmir_313_ 5 месяцев назад +3

    10 Tips For Laylatul Qadr ✨🌙
    1. To avoid sins during the day (Do not disobey Allah, be very mindful).
    2. To avoid conversations at night (to avoid any backbiting, less socialising, less tounge slipping)
    3. Catch isha' and fajr prayer in congregation.(You will get full night praying reward ) Sahih Muslim 656
    4. Pray with the imam in full steps (until the imam finishes. You will get full night praying reward)Tirmidhi 806
    5. Read the Quran extra throughout the night (do not diminish during the day).
    6. Read this dua throughout the night, Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa'fuanni.
    7. Make dua and zikir even while you are in motion (walking, driving etc, make use of every single moment).
    8. Increase your prostration, increase your sujud (the best part of solah is sujud, "wasjud waqtarib").
    9. Giving charity (it extinguishes the anger of your Lord).
    10. Keep on seeking forgiveness, Istighfar (0 Allah accept our good deeds, accept our forgiveness).
    Also Remember Palestinian Brother's & Sisters in your Dua's
    Copy & Share With Others

  • @AlmightyIsOne
    @AlmightyIsOne 4 месяца назад

    By learning about the beautiful names and attributes of Allah, we can build our faith.

  • @gidadotahirsaddik2046
    @gidadotahirsaddik2046 5 месяцев назад +1

    May Allah make it easy for us all.

  • @masoudismail81
    @masoudismail81 3 месяца назад

    May Allah bless us and ananble us to get to janna

  • @Abdullah_3356
    @Abdullah_3356 5 месяцев назад +3

    Don’t skip it’s Ramadan earn some good deeds
    Subhanallah x15
    Alhamdulillah x15
    Allahu Akbar x16
    La ilaha illallah x15
    Astaghfirullah x15
    SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi subhanAllahil adheem x15
    La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah x15
    Allahumma sali ala Muhammadin wa ala ali muhammadin x10
    Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim x16
    Allahumma ini zalamtu nafsi zulman kathiran, wa la yaghfiru al- dhunuba illa anta, faghfirli maghfiratan min ‘Indika warhamni, inaka anta al-Ghafur al-rahim x1
    La illaha ila anta, subhananaka ini kuntu min al-dhalimin x10
    May Allah grant you Jannat al Firdous ameen

  • @Abdullah_3356
    @Abdullah_3356 5 месяцев назад +3

    Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Whoever says, 'La ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la sharika lahu, lahu-l-mulk wa lahu-l-hamd wa huwa 'ala kulli shai'in qadir,' one hundred times a day, will get the same reward as given for freeing ten slaves; and one hundred good deeds will be written in his accounts, and one hundred sins will be deducted from his accounts, and it (his saying) will be a shield for him from Satan on that day till night, and nobody will be able to do a better deed except the one who does more than he.

  • @sweetmama6314
    @sweetmama6314 5 месяцев назад

    Jazack'Allah'khair for this video. May Allah increase your provisions in'shaa'Allah

  • @maseehinc0602
    @maseehinc0602 5 месяцев назад +1

    Jazakallah for the valuable information

  • @themysteriousdunno1
    @themysteriousdunno1 5 месяцев назад +1

    allahuma khayr

  • @phone8330
    @phone8330 5 месяцев назад

    TONIGHT Could be 🌙LAYLATUL QADR🌙.🌙Laylatul Qadr is during one of the last 10 nights (odd nights) of Ramadan!!! (💥30th March - 8th April💥)
    📖 Allah SWT says: "The grand night (Laylatul Qadr) is better than a thousand months" (Quran 97:3)
    🌟 1000 months = 83.4 years or over 30,000+ days.
    So, if you spend this night doing good deeds such as:
    🔹 Zikr
    🔹 Praying Nafl
    🔹 Reading Qur'an
    🔹 Giving Charity...then that could be GREATER than doing these good deeds for 1000 months, Insha’Allah.
    🌙 In one night, you could earn a reward greater than 83 years of Ibadaat (Good deeds), Insha’Allah.
    ✨ PLEASE SHARE ✨ this message with your contacts.If someone else benefits, then you could get an equal reward as them.
    Laylatul Qadr could be on the:
    💥 21st night (30th March)
    💥 23rd night (1st April)
    💥 25th night (3rd April)
    💥 27th night (5th April)
    💥 29th night of Ramadan, (7th April)(UK TIME).

  • @RodriguesPaul360
    @RodriguesPaul360 5 месяцев назад +2

    Ramadan Mubarak
    Free 🇵🇸 Palestine
    Free Gaza !!!