The AFG and Warrant Officers form Navy, Army & Air Force at the day's closing ceremony of the AWM

  • Опубликовано: 3 апр 2013
  • An enhanced Australian Defence Force (ADF) involvement with the Australian War Memorial (AWM) began on the 3rd April 2013. Each day in the Memorial's closing ceremony, a serving ADF member will read a short personal story of a Sailor, Soldier or Airman as represented on the walls of the gallery of remembrance and recite the ode. For the first reading, all three services were represented by the Warrant Officer of the Navy, Martin Holzberger, Warrant Officer of the RAAF Mark Pentreath, and RSM of the Army Dave Ashley. On this day, the first story, was about Trooper John Waddell of the NSW Citizens Bushmen's Contingent, Boer War in South Africa. Trooper Waddell died on the 4th August 1900 in Rhodesia.

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