I completely understand their wonder and amazement. I found a bouldering crag close to my hose. You have this amazing 3x3m huge bigwall boulder, which has some completely magnificent and natural low effort graffiti sprayed on it, and you just can't beat the beautiful scenery of the busstation right beside it, the amazing garbage can and the soothing nature sound of the E4 highway 100m away. It's essentially just as good as magic woods and would definitely be worth a two day trip. Nice to see that the Czech climbers don't engage in this garbage sarcasm that is so well understood by many western Reddit climbers.
@@emontana936 thanks for the reply on a really old video!!! and i love your guys english sub videos of czech sandstone. i wish we had more creators like you for the saxon sandstone aswell.
Tohle je nejlepší video od eMontany.
Luxus! Díky za skvělou zábavu, nasmál jsem se dostatečně :)
Dobrý humor a sympaťáci. Jako vždy skvělá kamera.
I completely understand their wonder and amazement.
I found a bouldering crag close to my hose. You have this amazing 3x3m huge bigwall boulder, which has some completely magnificent and natural low effort graffiti sprayed on it, and you just can't beat the beautiful scenery of the busstation right beside it, the amazing garbage can and the soothing nature sound of the E4 highway 100m away.
It's essentially just as good as magic woods and would definitely be worth a two day trip.
Nice to see that the Czech climbers don't engage in this garbage sarcasm that is so well understood by many western Reddit climbers.
Vidím, že Češi mají anglický smysl pro humor. Máme také mnoho jemných betonových výstupů v centrech měst Sheffield a Manchester.
Bezvadný ! :)
If it is not used by anyone, chipping or screwing some holds would make it awesome roof crag!
Je tam slaňák?
Ano. S
Is this real or a big joke? Like seriusly? Why climb that when there is sandstone towers less than an hour away?
Yes, a big joke, man.)) Standa
@@emontana936 thanks for the reply on a really old video!!! and i love your guys english sub videos of czech sandstone. i wish we had more creators like you for the saxon sandstone aswell.
@@HochstartHarry Thanks, our next video will be with German climbers, so you can look forward.) All the best from Elbe Sandstones, Standa
that's sketchy stuff and shes cute...
Nepochopil som istenie sa na tej šikmej stienke na začiatku
Ahoj, jistí se to za vklíněnce nebo "hodiny" a okap není šikmý, ale chlapácky kolmý.) Fajn den, Sany
Jo, a jestli myslíš tu úplně šikmou lehkou stěnku na začátku, tak to je samozřejmě vtip.) S
Je to celé tak trochu ironie.) S
Ah - sorry .
What the F.. are you doing ??
There are so manyreal rocks in your Country - ????????????????????????