💡 Register to GM Igor Smirnov's FREE Masterclass "The Best Way to Improve at Chess INSTANTLY" - chess-teacher.com/masterclass 💲 Join the RCA Affiliate Program, promote our courses, and get 50% commission - chess-teacher.com/partnership/
At min 6:13, How do you think the best play would be if black queen went to d3 to protect h7. That move would stop the check mate I think. Even if the white rook slid to the king to threaten the black queen, the queen then then move to g6. If the white queen did not back off, they would trade queens. It is amazing how fast this game can change direction.
@@EarthSurferUSA you can play e4 to diconnect the queen from h7. If black takes with the pawn, Qh7 is mate and the queen can not take the e4 pawn because its protected by the knight
Dear Igor, I'm a Black homeschooling mom who recently bought your Remote Chess Academy course for my 11 year old son. I just wanted to share my customer testimonial here. 1. My child diligently watches and studies every video. As a result, his ELO has climbed 200 points in just the first two weeks! You've made him believe he can achieve 2000. 2. The "3 Steps to 2000 ELO" course cost us $97 USD and considering how much my spouse & I have invested in his chess classes (alot!), we would've gladly paid more. It is worth so much more! So it is incredibly kind of you to make your courses affordable to many viewers. 3. I bought your course because I became a fan on RUclips after you thoroughly explained the London System. As a bonus, (and this may seem trivial to those who can't relate) I once heard you use the pronoun "she" as a default to describe an imaginary chess player in one of your scenarios. This gave me a sense of your character. You are inclusive and welcoming to all newcomers to the game, which is currently heavily male-dominated. We want our son to exhibit this quality too. You're awesome and I will continue to spread the word to other parents. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You're inspiring the next generation of chess players.😊
I get it women are not dominating but lady men have to dominate or we all starve. Get it ? You're not going to kill anything but nature itself. Raise our kids and give me attention when needed and I'll teach you anything.
Final Quiz @ 20:42 Bxf7+ forcing the King to move and loose the right to castle: If Kf8; Ng5 protects the Bishop on f7. If Kxf7; Ng5+ and the kNight cannot be captured. If King goes to e8; then, Ne6(+) wins the Queen. If King goes to g8; then, Ne6 Qe8. Nxc7 forks the Queen on e8 and Rook on a8.
@@Martin_Neal after that this position is unclear. The white knight has no where to go after catching the rook, and white would've moved many times the knight. So, they would have many moves to finish the development of the rest of pieces.
How do you tackle the middle game from London system or if the opponent plays the london system as well? I did get some good success with the London system but have gone backwards in the last month. Please advice
These videos are the ones I needed. They show the theory but most importantly the plans to get your advantage from common mistakes your opponent can do.
► Chapters 00:00 Introduction 00:18 What is the London System? 01:07 Game-1: Sharp attack 03:33 Game-2: Deadly trap 05:03 The winning continuation 06:52 Even Carlsen fell for this trap 08:14 Trap the Black's queen 09:01 Another trap if Black plays Qxb2 11:11 Bxh7+ sac and tactical ideas 15:05 How to play against the London System as Black? 18:12 The double pin 20:39 Final quiz for you
Ne4 idea is superb in Bg3 line with Qc7 pressure ! plus poisoned pawn on b2 with idea of Na4! Nc3-> Nb5 idea also great! To deal as black play fianchetto->play c5 Nfe7 with idea if e5!!! -> most london system lines involves Ne5!
Fantastic video. Really underrated channel for aspiring players. Showing how to play vs the London is really helpful, not just playing as black against it but to really see how your opponent might beat you when youre playing the London. Won four games in a row tonight while studying some of your content and actually saw a really cool mate in 4. Subbed!
It is a move called 'En Passant' It means you can use a pawn to take your enemy pawn if it has just moved two squares forward in one go and ended up next to you.
I’m stuck at around 600. Thanks for explaining the different options for the London. This is exactly what I needed! Also, thanks for saying why you would or would not move certain pieces. It’s difficult when starting out knowing WHY you are making those moves. You’re the best!
@@asianpopart2785 Yeah chess is tough. I feel like you have to memorize a lot of traps to be good. Traps you can put your opponent in and traps to avoid.
Looked to see if this was updated and it seems it was 11 days ago. I'm also stuck right now, low to mid 600's. Now I'm back to the learning/lessons again, haha (Responded a second ago and lost it somehow).
And as for the last quiz it's Bxf7+, Kxf7; Ng5+ then if Ke8 then Ne6 will win the Q and the same thing happens when Kf8, Ne6 kisses the Q goodbye. So, black has 1 move to avoid all this mess which is Kg8 then you still go Ne6 and this the time Q goes to e8 which is the only safe square then you play Nxc7 forking the queen and the rook when the Queen moves you can grab the rook and if there's a better line than this then I'll keep digging until I find it too
Yes but that looses two minor pieces for a rook and pawn,do u think it is ideal? May be depriving the king from it's castling position is an achievement??!!
This is a good video but a few things are left out of the white response to the black defense. Chess is an adaptive game...After 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 d5 3 Bf4 g6 4 e3 Bg7 white does not have to continue routinely with 5 c3. Other options are 5 c4, 5 Nc3. Also after 5...O-O the white king bishop bites stone on d3 and is better with 6 Be2 to support h4, h5 after Ne5. 😉
@1:50 Mr..Smirnov, how are bishops stronger than Knights? I’ve triple forked with check with a knight and I had two rooks and a queen for the taking. The queen left. However, those positions aren’t attainable with Bishops. At least, none that I know how to achieve. I am a huge advocate for your channel Igor! You are highly reccomnded by me in my Chess community
Bishops are more favorable in the endgame when there aren't many pieces on the board. You can bishop fork too, or skewer(check with a valuable piece behind the king)
As a new player to DAILY chess and a very low rating I’m struggling with opponents early Queen attacks and bishops . Hard to get setup . Also opponents take like crazy . Love the instruction
2:35 Plan 1: Requires Black to move to d5 instead of d6. Then 1. Ne5 Nd7 White then shifts to a king side attack with 1. Ng5 g6 2. Nh7 Kxh7 3. Qh5+ Kg7 4. Qh6 Kg8 5. Ng6 fxg6 6. Qxg6 Kh8 7. Qh7# 3:49 Plan 2: Requires Black to challenge the white bishop with Bd6 and then abandon the attack after white moves Bg3. Also requires Black to take white knight on d7 with bishop instead of queen. But how to checkmate is left unstated. 7:08 Plan 3: White moves Nc3 instead of c3 and Black d6 instead of d5. White then Nb5 and Nc7. This captures the rook. 8:16 Plan 4: White moves Nc3 instead of c3. If instead Black d5 it moves Qb6 attacking the pawn on b2, White to a3. If Black continues the attack, then White Na4 and has captured the black queen. 9:10 Plan 5: If Black moves Qb6 before White has moved Nc3, and has also moved c5 and d5 then White still goes Nc3 after Black Qxb2. After the black capture, then 1. Nb5 Na6 2. Rb1 Qxa2 3. Ra1 Qb2 4. Rxa6 bxa6 5. Nc7. The black king must move and his rook falls *or* Ngf7 takes the rook on h8. What White does after that is unstated. 11:40 Plan 6: If Black decides to capture Ne5 with his bishop. After White recaptures with his pawn, Black triples his attack on e5 with Qc7. White abandons the defense of e5 and Bxh7. Black captures that bishop. If the Black king moves back to g8, then White Qh6 and this is then the same ending as in plan 1. 15:20 Here starts advice on how to attack the London system.
thanks for these explanations. Kamsky vs Shankland , you suggested to take on d7 instead of Rd1, ( instead Re8 what you played, it was Rd8 ), so then Rd1 is the best move.
9:53 POV: You've finally arrived in this position, and you're excited as you'll be able to sacrifice a rook soon. However in the corner of the screen you see it says "London System: Poisoned Pawn Variation", you instantly become vexed, as your opponent noticed it too. Waking back up to reality you realize, it was cannon event all along. You accept this, however you are no longer vexed, you feel calm as you know your opponent is most likely going to resign as they don't know what to do now against the London System.
You take with the knight and if they recapture you take with the bishop (EDIT: BISHOP OR PAWN, UNSURE WHICH IS BEST) and your up an exchange, then your bishop is also going to kick away blacks very annoying f6 knight. I hate that knight, it's always a problem for me as a begginer.
@@Nuffsed81 thank you, I wondered the same myself. I think it's so obvious of a situation for higher rated players they kind of skip that for us beginners. I'm 17-5 in my last 22 games now wuwu.
Taking the rook on a1 is definitely the better move. Going for the second rook on Ne5 is easily defused by e4. You lose the advantage completely. If you take both rooks you are going to lose both knights and have a lost position. Both rooks cannot be captured without losing the bishop on f4 making the move Ng5 tempo losing at best. If you sacrifice the bishop and take both rooks, the knight on a8 is has no escape squares and must be traded for a pawn, and the knight on h8 without any escape squares will either be captured without compensation or similar black compensation will be had elsewhere on the board.
From 11:00 to 15:00, you didn't actually move the knight to take the e5 pawn. Many of the tactics shown would not be possible with the knight on that square.
I mean some of the traps are the jobava london and the others are the normal london. Does it all just class as the london system and os it good to learn both?
how much of this do I need to know as a beginner? im sure its helpful but its hard to memorize all this? or should I just try to learn some of the ideas behind the theory instead of memorizing it?
no. after Bf4 takes Ne5, Nd7 takes Be5 (instead of taking with queen). then u cant do the discovered check because the second Ne5 is hitting the queen.
14:19, bxe5 if queen takes nf3 discovered check wins the queen. If Knight takes it doesnt really work but if u want to trade then go nf6 u win the queen and the rook possibly on a8, edit : u cant take the rook because nxg4
My favorite trap in the London system: 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 c5 3. e3 Nc6 4. c3 cd 5. ed f6 6. Bd3? e5 7. Qh5+ g6 8. Bxg6+ hg 9. Qxh8 ef 10. Qxg8 Bf5 and White is nearly lost even though he played the most natural moves under the sun and is an exchange and pawn up
@@mathildewesendonck7225 Yes, the point of any trap is that it is not obvious. The problem is that Black is ready for Qe7+, after which White will not castle, while Black will long castle and trap the Qg8. Try it for yourself or ask a comp. I think the people who fall into this cannot believe what is happening to them
Final position is better for black. But this trap od wrong. After 5...f6 white can simply play very natural move 6.Nf3 and Black can't play 6...e5 because it loses a pawn. So Black made a weakness near King without other benefis for this.
@ Yes, 6. Nf3 is a good move. Black continues with g5 7. Bg3 g4 8. Nd2 e5, it is very sharp. And there is another interesting line: 8. Nh4 e5 9. de f5! with the idea of f4 or Be7
Bf7 and it’s a winning position for white, took me a few minutes to find it, but with this move, you win the Queen or one of the rook (my answer for the final quizz btw haha)
@@GMIgorSmirnov in the trap you showed at 8:59 wouldnt black be able to move Queen to b4, check the king and then sacrifice the pawn in b6 to move the bishop to a6 and checkmate? Im new in chess so its a theory i made up to defend the queen
💡 Register to GM Igor Smirnov's FREE Masterclass "The Best Way to Improve at Chess INSTANTLY" - chess-teacher.com/masterclass
💲 Join the RCA Affiliate Program, promote our courses, and get 50% commission - chess-teacher.com/partnership/
Hello, I will join you Masterclass after 1 month. And I like your videos very much and I will like to your videos.
At min 6:13, How do you think the best play would be if black queen went to d3 to protect h7. That move would stop the check mate I think. Even if the white rook slid to the king to threaten the black queen, the queen then then move to g6. If the white queen did not back off, they would trade queens.
It is amazing how fast this game can change direction.
@@EarthSurferUSA you can play e4 to diconnect the queen from h7. If black takes with the pawn, Qh7 is mate and the queen can not take the e4 pawn because its protected by the knight
Dear Igor, I'm a Black homeschooling mom who recently bought your Remote Chess Academy course for my 11 year old son. I just wanted to share my customer testimonial here.
1. My child diligently watches and studies every video. As a result, his ELO has climbed 200 points in just the first two weeks! You've made him believe he can achieve 2000.
2. The "3 Steps to 2000 ELO" course cost us $97 USD and considering how much my spouse & I have invested in his chess classes (alot!), we would've gladly paid more. It is worth so much more! So it is incredibly kind of you to make your courses affordable to many viewers.
3. I bought your course because I became a fan on RUclips after you thoroughly explained the London System. As a bonus, (and this may seem trivial to those who can't relate) I once heard you use the pronoun "she" as a default to describe an imaginary chess player in one of your scenarios.
This gave me a sense of your character. You are inclusive and welcoming to all newcomers to the game, which is currently heavily male-dominated. We want our son to exhibit this quality too.
You're awesome and I will continue to spread the word to other parents. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. You're inspiring the next generation of chess players.😊
I get it women are not dominating but lady men have to dominate or we all starve. Get it ? You're not going to kill anything but nature itself. Raise our kids and give me attention when needed and I'll teach you anything.
this is literally just an advertisement for his course. you aren't a real person, and it's sad that so many people still fall for this sentimental bs
that's so sweet to hear, W mum.
I am a white man
Thank goodness she shared her skin color...
Bf7+ Kxf7 followed by Ng5+. If King goes to e8 or f8, Ne6 wins the Queen. If King goes to g8, Ne6 Qf8 followed by Nxc2 wins the rook.
@@gpuretic Right and also Qe8 instead of Qf8
Final Quiz @ 20:42 Bxf7+ forcing the King to move and loose the right to castle:
If Kf8; Ng5 protects the Bishop on f7.
If Kxf7; Ng5+ and the kNight cannot be captured.
If King goes to e8; then, Ne6(+) wins the Queen.
If King goes to g8; then, Ne6 Qe8.
Nxc7 forks the Queen on e8 and Rook on a8.
@@Martin_Neal after that this position is unclear. The white knight has no where to go after catching the rook, and white would've moved many times the knight. So, they would have many moves to finish the development of the rest of pieces.
@@oneandonlym8095 And also Nxc7 instead of Nxc2.
@@user-bk1xy5gt4b you just leave the knight there. you won. material.
Been playing with the London for 3 months. Have gone from a 750 to just under 1200. I love this opening.
How do you tackle the middle game from London system or if the opponent plays the london system as well? I did get some good success with the London system but have gone backwards in the last month. Please advice
Learn the c4 line in lon London like queen's Gambit basically called symmetrical London@@pankajrohaj
How long did it take to get to 700 from 0? Or have you been playing a while?
You dont start at 0 lol
Any tips? I've lost 200 elo trying the london.
These videos are the ones I needed. They show the theory but most importantly the plans to get your advantage from common mistakes your opponent can do.
And it's not even like they are really "mistakes" because they seem like natural moves for the opponent.
@@darkhorse2reign they *SEEM* normal but are mistakes because they're plays resulting in negative outcomes...
@@monkey-balls4324 sounds like my ex wife
► Chapters
00:00 Introduction
00:18 What is the London System?
01:07 Game-1: Sharp attack
03:33 Game-2: Deadly trap
05:03 The winning continuation
06:52 Even Carlsen fell for this trap
08:14 Trap the Black's queen
09:01 Another trap if Black plays Qxb2
11:11 Bxh7+ sac and tactical ideas
15:05 How to play against the London System as Black?
18:12 The double pin
20:39 Final quiz for you
Thank you Igor!
Been playing knight to B5 religiously with super results at the 900-1000 level. Wanted to find extra tactics and this was perfect
As someone who plays the London System as white frequently this video is like a goldmine
Game changing video for us london system users
I wholly agreed!
Ne4 idea is superb in Bg3 line with Qc7 pressure ! plus poisoned pawn on b2 with idea of Na4! Nc3-> Nb5 idea also great! To deal as black play fianchetto->play c5 Nfe7 with idea if e5!!! -> most london system lines involves Ne5!
Fantastic video. Really underrated channel for aspiring players. Showing how to play vs the London is really helpful, not just playing as black against it but to really see how your opponent might beat you when youre playing the London. Won four games in a row tonight while studying some of your content and actually saw a really cool mate in 4. Subbed!
Great! We are glad you liked them.
14:41 I don’t understand how you kill the black pawn afterwards?
It is a move called 'En Passant'
It means you can use a pawn to take your enemy pawn if it has just moved two squares forward in one go and ended up next to you.
I’m stuck at around 600. Thanks for explaining the different options for the London. This is exactly what I needed! Also, thanks for saying why you would or would not move certain pieces. It’s difficult when starting out knowing WHY you are making those moves. You’re the best!
What’s your rating now?
@@rickiespanish8422 639 😅
I'm playing for like 2 months and still stuck at 500 😶
@@asianpopart2785 Yeah chess is tough. I feel like you have to memorize a lot of traps to be good. Traps you can put your opponent in and traps to avoid.
Looked to see if this was updated and it seems it was 11 days ago. I'm also stuck right now, low to mid 600's. Now I'm back to the learning/lessons again, haha (Responded a second ago and lost it somehow).
And as for the last quiz it's Bxf7+, Kxf7; Ng5+ then if Ke8 then Ne6 will win the Q and the same thing happens when Kf8, Ne6 kisses the Q goodbye. So, black has 1 move to avoid all this mess which is Kg8 then you still go Ne6 and this the time Q goes to e8 which is the only safe square then you play Nxc7 forking the queen and the rook when the Queen moves you can grab the rook and if there's a better line than this then I'll keep digging until I find it too
Did you ever find anything better?
Brilliant line well done.
Yes but that looses two minor pieces for a rook and pawn,do u think it is ideal? May be depriving the king from it's castling position is an achievement??!!
I like the way you elaborated clearly on the London System!
i play the london almost exclusively as white and I struggle a ton with early queen aggression from black
This is a good video but a few things are left out of the white response to the black defense. Chess is an adaptive game...After 1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 d5 3 Bf4 g6 4 e3 Bg7 white does not have to continue routinely with 5 c3. Other options are 5 c4, 5 Nc3. Also after 5...O-O the white king bishop bites stone on d3 and is better with 6 Be2 to support h4, h5 after Ne5. 😉
Best London Video. And so complete, ending with a black counter attack.
I love your videos! Love how you explained both how to play the London and how to defend against it! 👍
You're welcome!
@1:50 Mr..Smirnov, how are bishops stronger than Knights? I’ve triple forked with check with a knight and I had two rooks and a queen for the taking. The queen left. However, those positions aren’t attainable with Bishops. At least, none that I know how to achieve. I am a huge advocate for your channel Igor! You are highly reccomnded by me in my Chess community
Bishops are more favorable in the endgame when there aren't many pieces on the board. You can bishop fork too, or skewer(check with a valuable piece behind the king)
You are a brilliant chess teacher. Excellent
As a new player to DAILY chess and a very low rating I’m struggling with opponents early Queen attacks and bishops . Hard to get setup . Also opponents take like crazy . Love the instruction
Great video on the traps, been playing this opening and it brought me up from 300 to 600 and felt like I was missing how to attack
This really helped, I always wanted to learn more in depth london system tactics and tricks.
I started learning London some time ago and I saw several videos to learn it. This is by far the best one . Great job (Y)
@14:40 you show black playing pawn f5 then whites pawn moves diagonally to f6? What am I missing?
it is called en passant
Great overview. You answered so many "what if?" questions about the London.
Glad you enjoyed it! :)
Great detailed video! I think you forgot to mention that at 03:09 the king also can go to f6 and then you can checkmate with bisshop g5
I have just watched this video with my mouth like 😮in awe, it was crazy.. These traps are awesome thanks so much
7:02 Whats black opening called?
At 2.49 sec if black play h3 thn how deal plz say sure
Thanks for the video!
@14:45, not clear how white can capture pawn at f5 with white pawn at e5.
Wow didn’t know about en passant when I made that comment : D
Thank you for the video.. i also appreciate the additional counter part you added in.
thanks for sharing Igor , instant help in developing strategies !!!
Glad it was helpful!
2:35 Plan 1: Requires Black to move to d5 instead of d6. Then 1. Ne5 Nd7 White then shifts to a king side attack with 1. Ng5 g6 2. Nh7 Kxh7 3. Qh5+ Kg7 4. Qh6 Kg8 5. Ng6 fxg6 6. Qxg6 Kh8 7. Qh7#
3:49 Plan 2: Requires Black to challenge the white bishop with Bd6 and then abandon the attack after white moves Bg3. Also requires Black to take white knight on d7 with bishop instead of queen. But how to checkmate is left unstated.
7:08 Plan 3: White moves Nc3 instead of c3 and Black d6 instead of d5. White then Nb5 and Nc7. This captures the rook.
8:16 Plan 4: White moves Nc3 instead of c3. If instead Black d5 it moves Qb6 attacking the pawn on b2, White to a3. If Black continues the attack, then White Na4 and has captured the black queen.
9:10 Plan 5: If Black moves Qb6 before White has moved Nc3, and has also moved c5 and d5 then White still goes Nc3 after Black Qxb2. After the black capture, then 1. Nb5 Na6 2. Rb1 Qxa2 3. Ra1 Qb2 4. Rxa6 bxa6 5. Nc7. The black king must move and his rook falls *or* Ngf7 takes the rook on h8. What White does after that is unstated.
11:40 Plan 6: If Black decides to capture Ne5 with his bishop. After White recaptures with his pawn, Black triples his attack on e5 with Qc7. White abandons the defense of e5 and Bxh7. Black captures that bishop. If the Black king moves back to g8, then White Qh6 and this is then the same ending as in plan 1.
15:20 Here starts advice on how to attack the London system.
Thank you very much! Really great content!
What happens @14:42 ? It looks like you take the black pawn @F5 with the white pawn @E5 ??
14:40 i think theres a problem with the move u done, seems illegal, am i wrong?
Excellent video
Thank you very much!
thanks for these explanations.
Kamsky vs Shankland , you suggested to take on d7 instead of Rd1, ( instead Re8 what you played, it was Rd8 ), so then Rd1 is the best move.
10:12 what should you do if the opponent’s queen takes ur knight
9:53 POV: You've finally arrived in this position, and you're excited as you'll be able to sacrifice a rook soon. However in the corner of the screen you see it says "London System: Poisoned Pawn Variation", you instantly become vexed, as your opponent noticed it too. Waking back up to reality you realize, it was cannon event all along. You accept this, however you are no longer vexed, you feel calm as you know your opponent is most likely going to resign as they don't know what to do now against the London System.
Beautiful video about the London system! Thank you Igor 👌
12:59, is it better for White Nxf6 to get Queen or checkmate next move?
7:31 what if black plays Qa5+
Wow, brilliant video, thanks a lot.
Glad you liked it!
Best chess teaching channel tbh
what happened to black's pawn at 14:40?
At 7:22, how do you respond to pawn to E5?
Do you mean if they had moved to e5 instead of d5 or if they go e5 after d5?
You take with the knight and if they recapture you take with the bishop (EDIT: BISHOP OR PAWN, UNSURE WHICH IS BEST) and your up an exchange, then your bishop is also going to kick away blacks very annoying f6 knight. I hate that knight, it's always a problem for me as a begginer.
@@Nuffsed81 great, thanks.
@@Nuffsed81 thank you, I wondered the same myself. I think it's so obvious of a situation for higher rated players they kind of skip that for us beginners. I'm 17-5 in my last 22 games now wuwu.
10:52 Ng5 equalize. Better to play Nxa8 right away.
Very nice explanation keep baring such as games thank you A lot for your exertion
Great video. *STILL* a huge fan of the evil laughter 👍
"That is clearly not an option for black" Laughs in 600 elo
Nice video.Thanks for sharing.i love to play london.
Good luck!
Taking the rook on a1 is definitely the better move. Going for the second rook on Ne5 is easily defused by e4. You lose the advantage completely. If you take both rooks you are going to lose both knights and have a lost position. Both rooks cannot be captured without losing the bishop on f4 making the move Ng5 tempo losing at best. If you sacrifice the bishop and take both rooks, the knight on a8 is has no escape squares and must be traded for a pawn, and the knight on h8 without any escape squares will either be captured without compensation or similar black compensation will be had elsewhere on the board.
Please join my tournament
At 5:19 is push the pawn forward it would be a fork
Is there a PGN to all the traps in Igor's video. thanks Ironbyron
Can you post a video on how the London system can defeat the kings Indian defense which beats me constantly you alluded to it at the end of this video
Is there a PGN to all the traps shown in Igor's video. thanks Ironbyron
I could listen to you explain trading all day.
I've watched several vids on the London system. Yours is the best because you explain well and don't waste time. Thank you very much. I've subscribed.
You are very welcome
From 11:00 to 15:00, you didn't actually move the knight to take the e5 pawn. Many of the tactics shown would not be possible with the knight on that square.
Best explanation of the London System. Thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
2:44 if the black knight moves back to f6, not able to figure out the line of attack
8:00 Yet still Magnus win the game after the Pawn push lol
7:41 where did you found that site?
Lovely video
The second one after queen h5 treatening mate in 1, black queen can block it with qd3 right?
Excellent explanation. Thanks for sharing
I mean some of the traps are the jobava london and the others are the normal london. Does it all just class as the london system and os it good to learn both?
brilliant analysis !
Totally underrated but helpful like wow thanks
Glad you think so!
how much of this do I need to know as a beginner? im sure its helpful but its hard to memorize all this? or should I just try to learn some of the ideas behind the theory instead of memorizing it?
14:19 Qg4 is actually good i think,
Qg4, Ne5, Bf4 takes Ne5
Qc7 takes Bf4
Then Nf2 discovered check by queen and hitting the queen.
no. after Bf4 takes Ne5, Nd7 takes Be5 (instead of taking with queen). then u cant do the discovered check because the second Ne5 is hitting the queen.
14:19, bxe5 if queen takes nf3 discovered check wins the queen. If Knight takes it doesnt really work but if u want to trade then go nf6 u win the queen and the rook possibly on a8,
edit : u cant take the rook because nxg4
What do u think about 0-0-0 first at 6:25? I'm scared of that queen.
thanks man really helped
Is exf6 a glitch? @14:43. Pls somebody explain it to me. Coz I see it often times and thought that it was a some sort of a mistake
I believe you are referring to the en Passant move.
@@robertbrandywine yahp. Thats me being newbie a month ago. Didnt know the passant take.
Calculation missing at time 6:08 . Because Qd3 game save
In 6:14 doesn't Queen to D3 negate this attack? I don't get it.
My favorite trap in the London system: 1. d4 d5 2. Bf4 c5 3. e3 Nc6 4. c3 cd 5. ed f6 6. Bd3? e5 7. Qh5+ g6 8. Bxg6+ hg 9. Qxh8 ef 10. Qxg8 Bf5 and White is nearly lost even though he played the most natural moves under the sun and is an exchange and pawn up
I don’t get it, why is white lost? I set it up, but I can’t see any real danger, especially if white castles
@@mathildewesendonck7225 Yes, the point of any trap is that it is not obvious. The problem is that Black is ready for Qe7+, after which White will not castle, while Black will long castle and trap the Qg8. Try it for yourself or ask a comp. I think the people who fall into this cannot believe what is happening to them
black is probably winning here, but it is a very tricky position for black to play.
Final position is better for black. But this trap od wrong. After 5...f6 white can simply play very natural move 6.Nf3 and Black can't play 6...e5 because it loses a pawn. So Black made a weakness near King without other benefis for this.
@ Yes, 6. Nf3 is a good move. Black continues with g5 7. Bg3 g4 8. Nd2 e5, it is very sharp. And there is another interesting line: 8. Nh4 e5 9. de f5! with the idea of f4 or Be7
This video is amazing thankyou
Love this video. Beautifully explained structure
Great content
Maybe : Bxf7+ Kxf7 Ng5+ Kg8 Ne6 Qe8 Nxc7 followed by Nxa8
Awesome video: subscribed!
Awsome, easy to digest essentials
What if they dnt casel
Bxf7+ Kxf7, Ng5+ and Ne6 winning the queen
Thank you very much for this valuable content. I learn that traps in London and also how anti london gameplay could affect me👍
Lovely london..
In 5 months...
My elo increased.. from 400 to 1042....
BxP ch!! Winning Queen or a8 R with along with pawns
You are great. Good job Sir, I thank you :)
Bf7 and it’s a winning position for white, took me a few minutes to find it, but with this move, you win the Queen or one of the rook (my answer for the final quizz btw haha)
How to continue with London against e5.
why doesn't black play Nh5 attacking B on g4? Looks like it would force a favorable trade.
Why isn't black playing pawn to C4? it attacks the Bishop and gives it little place to move, can anyone help
What to if black doesn't castle or castle on the queen side
very clearly stated - thanks
Thanks for watching!
@@GMIgorSmirnov in the trap you showed at 8:59 wouldnt black be able to move Queen to b4, check the king and then sacrifice the pawn in b6 to move the bishop to a6 and checkmate? Im new in chess so its a theory i made up to defend the queen
great video!
Seems to me like the London System is quite similar to the Colle System, except that it doesn't suck.