Yaesu FT-450D versus FT-897D

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024
  • You're in doubt which small (holiday) HF Yaesu radio to buy, the FT-450D or the FT-897D? Same here! That's why I got both. I though (still think I guess) the FT-450D is a little nicer on HF, it does have very effective IF DSP and it has a nice built-in tuner. The FT-897D has 2m and 70cm bands and, as you're about to see, isn't that bad on HF as I recall from 2008 when I had an FT-897D. I still haven't made up my mind, but I think I will let the FT-450D go (even though I like it better on HF).
    Back in 2008 I had an FT-897D. Even though it has many features to offer, I wasn't satisfied with the HF performance. My home radio is an FT-2000 and for my holidays I purchased the FT-450D, a very nice and underappreciated radio to my opinion. Even though I like it very much, it stays in the closet almost 49 weeks a year, because it doesn't add value to the FT-2000. I recently bought an FT-897D radio. The idea was that it would be a nice 2m and 70cm addition to the home shack, but could as well be a nice HF holiday radio. Is the FT-450D really a better radio. To be honest, I still like it better on HF, it's just a tiny little bit quieter and nicer to listen to especially with headphones on. And even though I got an LDG AT-200Pro autotuner, I still like the built-in tuner even though it only tunes a max. SWR of 1:3. It's handy to tune a resonant antenna on the edges of the bands, that's what it's intended for and that's what it does very well. By comparing both radios, I started to appreciate the FT-897D more and more and to be honest, for those 3 or 4 weeks a year, it's FINE on HF. List for yourself and let me know what you think!

Комментарии • 51

  • @jabiru658
    @jabiru658 10 лет назад +9

    I have an FT-450D and a FT-857D (fitted with 2.3KHz SSB and 500Hz CW W4RT Collins mechanical filters). The 857D is electrically the same radio as the 897D and before I fitted the filters it didn't receive as quietly or as clearly as the 450D, the difference wasn't huge but it was there. Your video and conclusion agree with my personal experience. However after I fitted the filters the situation reversed and the 857D was better. I honestly believe buyers would generally be happy with either one (or the 857D for that matter). Geoff - VK3DMN

  • @ae4xo
    @ae4xo 6 лет назад +2

    I like he 897 because if you do go on holiday you can use the VHF stuff as well. That way in a go bag, you don't need an extra 2meter radio either. The 450 is good but they don't include the work horse bands

  • @captlarry-3525
    @captlarry-3525 6 лет назад +1

    One can read the specs and the ARRL lab reviews and understand what each radio is and isn't. Which one you want, depends mostly on which one you want !

  • @KX4UL
    @KX4UL 6 лет назад +1

    Tough choice as they both perform equally well. I have owned two FT-897D's. Regretted selling the first, so I bought another FT-897D. I love these radios. But I would certainly not hesitate purchasing an FT-450D. I think for portable use the FT-897D is much more rugged and would be my choice. The FT-450D is much more suited for a base station. I don't think you can go wrong either way.

  • @bonydox9
    @bonydox9 6 лет назад +2

    I prefer the 897 just for the fact that you also have 2m & 70cm on board for ssb fun.

  • @BikingChap
    @BikingChap 5 лет назад +2

    To my ears the 897 sounded smoother, more analogue if you will. The 450 sounded just a little rough or processed but hardly a lab test I agree.

    • @ronknight3417
      @ronknight3417 4 года назад

      i have found the 450 better with contour off

  • @PA2OLD
    @PA2OLD 11 лет назад +1

    On CW the 897 is sounding more clear. The speaker in the 450 is bigger, so in SSB use 2 exactly the same external speakers to hear the difference.

  • @johnsmith-ge5ht
    @johnsmith-ge5ht 7 лет назад +2

    i have an 897 d , when receieviung i get no meter movment even with very strong signals ? any idea why ? thanks

  • @mikesey1
    @mikesey1 2 года назад

    Well, your video is eight years old, so I have no idea which one you kept. l liked the 897 myself.

  • @n6hpx
    @n6hpx 10 лет назад +2

    I like the ft897 for portable use I got the FT817nd already but would love to try a 2nd rig

  • @josephframo6044
    @josephframo6044 9 лет назад +8

    you didn't use any of the filters on the 450d and it sounded better I think the 450d performs the 897

  • @pd1jdw630
    @pd1jdw630 7 лет назад +2

    The first time I saw a ft450 in real life I thought . That screen is so small. Then I saw a ft897 that screen is the size of a zippo lighter. Which makes the ft450's screen look huge.

    • @ronknight3417
      @ronknight3417 4 года назад

      yes but you can make the frequency read out on the 897 bigger but the 450 receiver is better(in my opinion) i say in my opinion because we are not all the same

  • @bugabootang
    @bugabootang  11 лет назад +1

    This video was not meant to be a "lab test". It's a comparison between two radios "in practice" under "normal working conditions". I consider the radios as a whole, so including their built-in speakers. From this video, you can't tell much of a difference to be honest. When listening with headphones, there IS a difference. It's not big, but it's there. The FT-450D defenitely is quieter and more pleasant (less harsh) to listen to. Your suggestion (897 more clear) confirms that. FT-450D wins!

  • @Munk451
    @Munk451 10 лет назад

    Really good video to help me shadow my doubt out. If 2m/70 were in more use I would use the 897D, but the 450D is not too bad of a radio, even though there is no SSB filter capability, which makes a MAJOR difference in contesting. I think I may be considering an 897D with a narrow SSB filter, just because I am a big contester and like to use it for that purpose, not to mention an internal battery pack to boot, so no rigging a power box for the 450D.

  • @danmcdonnell9984
    @danmcdonnell9984 8 лет назад +1

    Thanks for posting. I love the FT450. I own a Kenwood TS590, but want a 450D for portable use.

  • @AH6OY
    @AH6OY 11 лет назад +1

    I have both and installed the battery's in the 897D. I could stand to get rid of the 450 because it seems to have a loud static white noise sound before audio is received unless I have the DNR enabled half way up. I've picked up an IC-7000 that's good for low white noise. Debating on getting the 1200. I've got a FT-2000 but that's not a radio to compare.
    If it's just one radio I'd go with the 450 unless you want battery power in the future. By the way light gaps in connectors can cause static.

  • @michaelbrill1081
    @michaelbrill1081 4 года назад +1

    Keep the Yaesu 450d Delta you might want to think about getting the pan adapter for the Yaesu

    • @bugabootang
      @bugabootang  4 года назад +1

      The video is over 7 years old...

  • @funkindaguy1
    @funkindaguy1 10 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the video but I am just as undecided as you are! I like the looks and portability of the FT-897 but reading after several other reviews, the FT-450D makes it a better performer for my use.
    (de WB5GSA).

  • @freesaxon6835
    @freesaxon6835 6 лет назад +1

    Could you tell me what aerial switch you are using? It looks well made.

  • @billa.2450
    @billa.2450 8 лет назад

    I now own the FT-450D and in the past had the earlier model FT-450. The D model is a good improvement over the older FT-450 and it's a keeper. I also have an FT-950 and the new D model compares very favorably with the FT-950. The FT-450D with its IF DSP is a better all around performer than the older T-897, which is a good radio. But It's really a toss up....do you want the latest technology, or are you happy with the older audio DSP?

  • @thestingyham1188
    @thestingyham1188 9 лет назад +1

    I have a question about the 450D, please. If I purchase an Endfed longwire antenna, will the 450D tune this wide-band antenna well enough, supposing that the antenna claims to work on approximately 10m to 60m pr more after being tuned?? How about a typical wide-ranged dipole of similar specs? Thanks.

  • @ronknight3417
    @ronknight3417 4 года назад

    video is blurred cannot see weather dsp is on or off on 897 i also have both and for hf the 450 is much better in my opinion

  • @M6PEC
    @M6PEC 11 лет назад +1

    I love my ft897 Shack in a Box, i take it /p and run it for over 2 hours on a 12ah battery, its very /p friendly rig but the internal battery cost a mint save yourself a money buy a 12ah that outlasts both of the internal ones 73 2e0pec

  • @JohnPorterKh6juf
    @JohnPorterKh6juf 10 лет назад

    Looking for a D-Star radio and a portable all band radio that I can fit in a backpack. I used to have a FT101 a long time ago but I need simi- new gear now!! LOL!

  • @petchharrison
    @petchharrison 9 лет назад

    i like the 897 on CW its better at that than the 450d but ssb does sound better on the 450d, i have the 450d here and would like the 897 but i dont like having to get extra filters .. jeff ..

  • @zepraca
    @zepraca 11 лет назад

    I have those two radios and confirm that!
    FT-450D more quiet!! (But no VHF,UHF..)

  • @MrHarveyluke
    @MrHarveyluke 10 лет назад +1

    Don't know if you've decided yet, but thanks for the test video. The 897 sounds better in all aspects. The 450 has more QRN. Someone mentioned the ssb sound quality, I always use an ext speaker anyway. The only thing I don't like about the 897 is the small display. 73 Harvey KM4JA

  • @jackiegreen9810
    @jackiegreen9810 4 года назад +1

    I like 897D better just me !

  • @joeletecatkoss6261
    @joeletecatkoss6261 9 лет назад

    I also have the ft 911, find it very excellent on VHF and UHF

    • @ronknight3417
      @ronknight3417 4 года назад

      i agree i have a 991 also but i cant get my head round the digital side perhaps not enough brains? or to old hi

  • @Kcy101
    @Kcy101 10 лет назад +1

    Deff think the 897 sounds better, so it does not have built in tuner. That is not important to me. The the 897 having the gain of that it does higher bands, And can run are battery. I do agree on the display being small, but that don't stop it from being the better radio. Thanks for the Video; Good comparison :)

  • @mr.cudgel5971
    @mr.cudgel5971 9 лет назад +1

    ...but much better FT-2000 and K-2. :)
    i am using 3 radios, ft-857, ft-2000, K-2 and i think K-2 better but only for CW!
    thank you for the intresting video.

  • @aguswinarno1147
    @aguswinarno1147 9 лет назад

    the FT-450D or the FT-897D.... little bit better 897..... bur for price....?
    YC1TDL, Indonesia.

  • @joeletecatkoss6261
    @joeletecatkoss6261 9 лет назад

    I've got both radios and there's not much difference between 2

  • @cigale40
    @cigale40 9 лет назад

    thank you !

  • @nobodyyouknow222
    @nobodyyouknow222 9 лет назад +1

    Pleun, You are Not Using ALL the DSP Features available on the FT-450.
    The NOTCH, as well as the variable peak, null, notch are part of the audio shaping possible. But you have used all the features available on the 897. As operated the 897 sounds better.. but with a little more attention the FT-450 has a lot more to show you. The choice depends on how and where you will use it. Audio DSP is simple and works fine as you show.

    • @bugabootang
      @bugabootang  8 лет назад

      I was never my intention to demo all the DSP features let alone prove that the 450 is a better (which I honestly believe), I only wanted to compare the two radios and use two features they both have: bandwidth. The 450 has IF DSP bandwidth, the 897 has AF DSP bandwidth. At the time, it seemd a "fair" comparison. As said, to me the 450 sounds better but that's a matter of taste I guess.

  • @simonapiccirillo4967
    @simonapiccirillo4967 8 лет назад +4

    I hear the 897 better, I prefer 897d.

  • @jamesgeorge1709
    @jamesgeorge1709 3 года назад

    Keep the 450d to my ears it sounds way better.

  • @JJarman
    @JJarman 11 лет назад +1

    What does the beeping do? Emit morse code out? Or was it receiving a signal??

    • @wadepatton2433
      @wadepatton2433 6 лет назад

      That's CW being received. And yes, you'll have a side-tone when sending CW. dadidah (over)

  • @Jeff_369
    @Jeff_369 10 лет назад

    Thanks for the video.

  • @TingILi
    @TingILi 8 лет назад +1

    My FT-920 is better then my FT-450D.

  • @radiomegahertz
    @radiomegahertz 11 лет назад

    FT 897D for me sounds better than 450 . the 897 sound too much better in narrow adjust with DSP without ringing sound

  • @jacobew2000
    @jacobew2000 11 лет назад

    Beeping is actually him receiving morse code.

  • @yaesuicomkenwood
    @yaesuicomkenwood 7 лет назад
