Reaction | Czechia - Vesna - My Sister's Crown | ESC 2023

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @thingybob4375
    @thingybob4375 Год назад +6

    Bart - it could be said that, because the band members are from various Slavic countries, that the "sisters" of the songs' title and lyrics are not just women, but also sister countries. The lines "My Sister's crown, don't take it down" then become self-explanatory. ❤

  • @mirindapom
    @mirindapom Год назад +2

    For me the best entry of this year… Just amazing song, that chorus, mixing pop with traditional music, strong and direct message. ~~~❤CHOOSE LOVE OVER POWER plus WOMEN EMPOWERMENT ❤~~~ the song touches on so many topics interpreted by art and it produces me goosebumps… Hopefully it wins Eurovision Song Contest 2023 and let’s go for Prague2024. Will be difficult but let’s go 4 it😅 People, you have just to vote for it

  • @ReneKuchar
    @ReneKuchar Год назад +2

    Dear Bart! I really, really loved your honest and spontaneous reaction!! And I also appreciate the fact that the song had exactly the same impact on you as it had on me! When I´ve heard it for the first time I had goos bumbs all over my body! I would like to recommend you to watch another edition of this video that has a spoken prologue and it also contains subtitles to all parts of the song with an idetintification in wchich langaue which part is sang. So, if you are willing, have a look it up!

  • @robinoswald
    @robinoswald Год назад +4

    There are actually 3 different Slavic languages, each one for a different Slavic language family (western - Czech, eastern - Ukrainian, southern - Bulgarian) so it kinda symbolizes all the Slavic nations, with our similar languages, related culture, traditions, history... related just like the sisters in the video. Plus the members are from various Slavic nations - three are Czechs, one is Slovak, one is Bulgarian and one is Russian (+ they've also collaborated with one Ukrainian). And the song is about the support to our Slavic Ukrainian sister who is in need. I can't even say how happy I am for seeing my country sending this time something more traditional, ethnic, with (also) Czech language... something that I've been waiting for for years 🤩🥰

  • @ReneKuchar
    @ReneKuchar Год назад

    And one more thing! Your reaction was also very fun and big pleasure to watch!! I was completely blown away by your spontaneity!! Thank you very much for such a wonderful experience!!

  • @karp31
    @karp31 Год назад +3

    Ukraino - "Siostro piękna/Och, ty silna/ Odważna, jedyna/Korona twoja".
    I świetna uwaga o kolorach. Wittgensteinowska teoria barw.

  • @ReneKuchar
    @ReneKuchar Год назад

    Btw. I was also very surprised that even some non slavic people started to sing the chorus with the band, even though it is completely in ukrainian. As follows...
    Сестро красива
    Ой ти сильна
    Хоробра єдина
    Корона твоя
    Sestro krasyva
    Oi ty sylna
    Khorobra iedyna
    Korona tvoia

    • @ZakhadWOW
      @ZakhadWOW Год назад +1

      Rene', I learned a smattering of RUssian many years ago (Geography of USSR course 1982, visitin USSR March 1989) so I caughta good amount of the meaning inthe Ukrainian lyrics. and the music of the chorus is catchy as hell.... While a powerful anthem for women, this track will also a be a banger on the club dance floor.. right alongside "Soarele si Luna" , ChaChaCha, Queen of Kings, and Carpe Diem 🥰 Man i would love to be in the euroclub this year!

  • @Tomik3959
    @Tomik3959 Год назад

    The sister of the Slavic states (Czech Republic, Hungary and others) is Ukraine!!! You gotta find symbolism in every detail. The purple guys represent Russia and their idea of being the rulers of all the Slavs. Purple is the color of power. When the guy feeds the Ukrainian woman red soup(RUSIAN BORŠČ), it's a metaphor for propaganda. At the same time, they're scary, which is why the girl gets scared in front of the mirror and prefers to comply by putting red lipstick all over her face. When they swirl their sticks around the singer, they choke her, they want to subdue her. Then in the chorus they sing about how each of our Slavic sisters, in this song Bulgarian, Czech, Ukrainian, are equal, their crown and sovereignty cannot be taken away. This is a reflection of Russian aggression in Ukraine, just as the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968 once was. Anyway, I'm so glad you like our song!

    • @juansaavedra2003
      @juansaavedra2003 Год назад

      I understood that man in purple is feeding Russia, and that girl eating the soup represents Russia and girl in front of the mirror represents Belarus that gets scared and the red in her face is the bloods cause supporting Russia. Btw it is just my opinion, and the song is really awesome, despite I don't agree with all the shit from media, I don't support war from any side but I'm not against Russia.

  • @ZakhadWOW
    @ZakhadWOW Год назад +2

    Bart, as a Pole, I'm surprised you didnt really catch any of the Czech lyrics at the beginning.. I realize Czech/Slovak are much closer, but there should be some understanding.. The chorus is in Ukrainski, and the rap is in Bulgarski

    • @robinoswald
      @robinoswald Год назад +1

      Yeah I was thinking the same...

  • @ZakhadWOW
    @ZakhadWOW Год назад

    btw I hope to god the NEVER let that "host" for that tv program ever do it again.. YIKES, he sucked.

  • @samryderfans5144
    @samryderfans5144 Год назад

    Love your videos. Do you use twitter so I can follow for updates ?

  • @delfigaunt
    @delfigaunt Год назад

    It has a pagen like appeal