If I had the regalia and moves my morning routine would start with a chicken dance down the lane. Maybe having the drum sound loud would get me in trouble though. This is so wonderful, and moving.
Chicken is about stamina i laugh at alot of the current guys they run to a bottle of water after 1 song. I used to run 10 miles then got hit the bag for 3 3 minute rounda. Then powerlift 3 days a week. Only rehydrated when i actually needed it.
Beautiful Beautiful
Great exercise work out.
If I had the regalia and moves my morning routine would start with a chicken dance down the lane. Maybe having the drum sound loud would get me in trouble though. This is so wonderful, and moving.
Chicken is about stamina i laugh at alot of the current guys they run to a bottle of water after 1 song. I used to run 10 miles then got hit the bag for 3 3 minute rounda. Then powerlift 3 days a week. Only rehydrated when i actually needed it.
Is there a turkey dance also?
idk if i should be offended by this.