I was doing a little bit of research to find out what the piece is that appears to be a regulator. It’s actually a filter and low pressure regulator. You need a high-pressure regulator on your tank and this is attached to the high pressure regulator to help control even more of the pressure going to your spot welder as well as taking Out impurities from the argon gas. The little clear bulb at the bottom will collect water and other impurities from the argon gas so it doesn’t go into your spot welder. You push up on the small nipple at the bottom of the clear globe to release the fluid that builds up. It’s to help with longevity of your spot welder
I looked at that regulator. It makes me a little nervous because it doesn’t appear to be for high pressure. You absolutely need a high-pressure regulator attached to your argon tank. The filter/regulator that came with the spot welder is a low pressure that goes on in conjunction to a high pressure regulator. If that makes sense@@Friction-Jewelry
@@valeriebartron5373it does make sense, but it doesn’t bc it means you need 2 components, one of which is cheaply made.. so makes more sense to buy one regulator. the victor regulator is designed precisely for this purpose. It’s the industry standard regulator at this point. It could prob handle double the pressure that’s required by an argon tank of the spec you’ll get when you pick up one at your local supply store or order online. I can assure you having used it for 5k+ welds it works great !
There are no shark bites on it, just push to connect. If you are talking about the gas line connection on the back of the welder, you are looking for a bulkhead union 1/4" push to connect. They are on Amazon. You'll need to remove the case to install.
Not yet. But I can tell you, use 3-7 range for 95% of PJ. I use 8-10 for end to end welding. 3-5 for 26g wire, 4-6 for 24g, 5-7 to 22g. Always start with a clean and sharp electrode (10 degree) tip. As your electrode gets dirty and or dull / blunt more power will usually be required for a strong weld.
Thanks for going over your setup. Quick question about the Pressure Gauge that comes with the Amazon welder, if that's OK. Are the tube connectors on either side the same size or different sizes - e.g. are they both 6mm or is the input 4mm and the output 6mm? I ask because on some photos I've seen there seems to be a difference in size which would make sense to me because with a refillable tank (as in your set up) you would usually have a regulator with a dial attached that connects via a 6mm tube, where as on the regulators I've seen for disposable tanks a lot of these don't have gauges and they seem to have 4mm output. That way with a refillable tank you don't need it but with disposable you get a tube change and a gauge. Of course it could just be down to poor quality photographs and me reading into them more than is there - which is also a high probability.
Yes, different sizes on the pressure gauge. 8mm in, 6mm out. Your comments have inspired me to repair/replace the fitting. I just took the cover plates off the welder, and removed the fitting so once I get the part (its called a Bulkhead Union Connector) replaced, I’ll hook up my argon and get back to you !
@@Friction-Jewelry Hope that you make a video of this as I would be interested incase i get one and something goes wrong (I'm in the UK and all distributors are in China so shipping it back isn't cheap)
I was doing a little bit of research to find out what the piece is that appears to be a regulator. It’s actually a filter and low pressure regulator. You need a high-pressure regulator on your tank and this is attached to the high pressure regulator to help control even more of the pressure going to your spot welder as well as taking
Out impurities from the argon gas. The little clear bulb at the bottom will collect water and other impurities from the argon gas so it doesn’t go into your spot welder. You push up on the small nipple at the bottom of the clear globe to release the fluid that builds up. It’s to help with longevity of your spot welder
That makes sense. Best thing to do imo is buy the regular for the the tank that is already set up for pulse arc regulators. $109 plus tax.
I looked at that regulator. It makes me a little nervous because it doesn’t appear to be for high pressure. You absolutely need a high-pressure regulator attached to your argon tank. The filter/regulator that came with the spot welder is a low pressure that goes on in conjunction to a high pressure regulator. If that makes sense@@Friction-Jewelry
@@valeriebartron5373it does make sense, but it doesn’t bc it means you need 2 components, one of which is cheaply made.. so makes more sense to buy one regulator. the victor regulator is designed precisely for this purpose. It’s the industry standard regulator at this point. It could prob handle double the pressure that’s required by an argon tank of the spec you’ll get when you pick up one at your local supply store or order online. I can assure you having used it for 5k+ welds it works great !
What settin did you use for stainless steal
Where can I find a shark bite connnector for unbranded welder. Help
There are no shark bites on it, just push to connect. If you are talking about the gas line connection on the back of the welder, you are looking for a bulkhead union 1/4" push to connect. They are on Amazon. You'll need to remove the case to install.
Do you have a video on what settings to use with Orion mPulse + argon?
Not yet. But I can tell you, use 3-7 range for 95% of PJ. I use 8-10 for end to end welding. 3-5 for 26g wire, 4-6 for 24g, 5-7 to 22g. Always start with a clean and sharp electrode (10 degree) tip. As your electrode gets dirty and or dull / blunt more power will usually be required for a strong weld.
Where can I get refill needles ? For this machine ?
Thanks for going over your setup. Quick question about the Pressure Gauge that comes with the Amazon welder, if that's OK.
Are the tube connectors on either side the same size or different sizes - e.g. are they both 6mm or is the input 4mm and the output 6mm?
I ask because on some photos I've seen there seems to be a difference in size which would make sense to me because with a refillable tank (as in your set up) you would usually have a regulator with a dial attached that connects via a 6mm tube, where as on the regulators I've seen for disposable tanks a lot of these don't have gauges and they seem to have 4mm output.
That way with a refillable tank you don't need it but with disposable you get a tube change and a gauge.
Of course it could just be down to poor quality photographs and me reading into them more than is there - which is also a high probability.
Yes, different sizes on the pressure gauge. 8mm in, 6mm out. Your comments have inspired me to repair/replace the fitting. I just took the cover plates off the welder, and removed the fitting so once I get the part (its called a Bulkhead Union Connector) replaced, I’ll hook up my argon and get back to you !
@@Friction-Jewelry Hope that you make a video of this as I would be interested incase i get one and something goes wrong (I'm in the UK and all distributors are in China so shipping it back isn't cheap)
@@geekinthegarden3927 ok the video is up, check it I’m out lmk if you have questions :)
Can this welder do continuous welding?
Does it have to be pure argon or can it be mixed with CO2?
Yes. Pure argon only
Got it thank you☺️