The Third Industrial Revolution

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 90

  • @kurackurackurac
    @kurackurackurac 10 лет назад +12

    This man is a genius. When he dissected the way how the internet generation thinks, it nearly watered my eyes. An old man that can see the world though the kid's eyes. I bow down to you, sir.

    • @mikeymo4
      @mikeymo4 5 лет назад +2

      He's a fool.

    • @MikeBonnici
      @MikeBonnici 5 лет назад

      bizarrely his youtube channel has only 1.31k followers.

  • @Abcflc
    @Abcflc 12 лет назад +2

    I wished more people were like this guy....

  • @z4k4z
    @z4k4z 12 лет назад +2

    I just listened to the full-length (1hr14) audio via the link in the information provided by the uploader. It's well worth a listen if you have the time. Rifkin says a lot more and there is a good Q&A. Interesting comments regarding influencing politicians to take notice of the need to make the changes that Rifkin and others are campaigning for.

  • @roidroid
    @roidroid 12 лет назад +1

    i really liked it from 18:20 onwards, how the current generation of kids thinks differently:
    >"the young kids they don't think right/left... don't think capitalism/socialism, liberal/conservative. When they judge institutional behaviour - the internet generation - they ask is this institution centralised, patriarchal, top down, closed and proprietary...or is this institutional behaviour distributed, collaborative, open, transparent and lateral. That's all the spectrum we need to get it right"

  • @mrjonno
    @mrjonno 8 лет назад +1

    Nicely put Mr Rifkin. A positive solution to replace out of date and destructive infrastructure.

  • @eladiobotero
    @eladiobotero 12 лет назад +1

    Wow... Extremely well explained.

  • @annabellejamesgfa
    @annabellejamesgfa 11 лет назад

    I had been thinking about the way we could share energy produced individually within the closer community before it goes further afield. But of course we have to recreate the network that facilitates this.

  • @Lukejcarter
    @Lukejcarter 12 лет назад

    @QuitePossiblyANinja Who says? The logic there is that people will only start to think about alternatives when there is no choice. We Must continue to educate people of alternatives because so many of us just simply do not know. Get this Viral!

  • @dririthlan
    @dririthlan 12 лет назад

    @Dagvalda I still maintain you are talking about the political movement of communism not the social and economical ideology it was based on. I'm just particularly referring to the work of Karl Marx. I just think given certain technological advances like for instance cars and internet could have had it come to fruition differently.
    Main thing is, we need to work on transparency before we bring in a new way of looking at economics and politics.

  • @FollowingNamePolicy
    @FollowingNamePolicy 12 лет назад

    Rifkin, in a way, reminds me of Brzezinski in the 1960's, when Between Two Ages was first published. Both are very influential within their political spheres - Brzezinski in the US, Rifkin in the EU. Btw, I bet Rifkin has some interesting conversations with his friends in Bethesda, Maryland.

  • @eduardohope8791
    @eduardohope8791 11 лет назад +1

    Laterally: side to side.
    "A redesigned form of communism"? Hmm...I can see your point, but no, it is not the same. Distributed energy regimes, administered and operated laterally, do not require the kind of shared decision-making demanded in communism (from 'commune': close-knit community of people who share everything or almost everything). The five-pillar infrastructure would be managed as a market. In a commune, however, everyone must meet, discuss, and collaborate even in consumption.

  • @z4k4z
    @z4k4z 12 лет назад

    The link to the full talk (audio only) is in the info for this video.

  • @eduardohope8791
    @eduardohope8791 11 лет назад

    I come to your question a year late, but perhaps I can offer you an answer. The money is already there for this all-or-nothing eco-logical redevelopment (not a 'green dream' as you put it), and it requires reinvesting intelligently, not short-sightedly as is the case nowadays. Sales, property and income taxes, and business profits can be judiciously reinvested into transforming neighborhoods, towns and cities into the five-pillar technological nodes required for this to work. All hands on deck.

  • @z4k4z
    @z4k4z 12 лет назад

    @kekeke01 I think Rifkin is using a loose analogy of the Internet in order to explain the ideas. No doubt he could make a stronger case, given more time to present the details. I noticed he checked his watch a few times so he was obviously pushed for time. Also, we don't know the audience, perhaps not very tech-aware, so he had to keep it simple.

  • @HeyManNiceSchott
    @HeyManNiceSchott 12 лет назад

    Lateral. Laterally. I KNEW he was selling SOMETHING other than an idea - The Third Industrial Revolution: How Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the World. And the kids he's talking about? They know what the best gun to use in MW3 or what the Kardashians are up to. Yet they can't/won't rake a leaf or shovel snow and expect everything for free. I'll have what he's having, please. Make mine a double!

  • @TheSelfGoverned
    @TheSelfGoverned 12 лет назад +1

    @masteriux I believe we will have a mass die-off as well.
    All of these intellectual talks are pointing towards that conclusion, but the speakers dance around the highly uncomfortable topic every time.

  • @noire_radio
    @noire_radio 12 лет назад

    great lecture

  • @jdebruynviolin
    @jdebruynviolin 12 лет назад

    Genius. Now he just needs to talk to everyone in the world. Dang it.
    Also, I'd love to hear how that "energy internet" thing actually works. It sounds like science fiction.

  • @hotfreshrider
    @hotfreshrider 11 лет назад

    "The young kids they don't think Right/Left. They don't think Capitalism/Socialism, Liberal/Conservative. When they judge institutional behaviour (the internet generation) they ask, "is this institution centralized, patriarchal, top-down, closed and proprietary? Or is this institutional behaviour distributed, collaborative, open, transparent and lateral? That's all the spectrum we need to get it right."

  • @THDYoung
    @THDYoung 12 лет назад

    all the "things" he talks about that'll magick the new order into play are products of high energy industry - science, computers, mobile phones, communication towers, grids etc: the new world of distributed energy will have a big job to deliver energy concentrations for manufacturing, or extraction.

  • @kokofan50
    @kokofan50 12 лет назад

    @thdyoung Trun the light into eletricity then use it to power an arc furnice.

  • @ScorpiaX
    @ScorpiaX 12 лет назад

    @MrJamesilongiii I'm not sure. But if we as a species care more about a concept of value as something transmissible between entities rather than the resources that are necessitated to sustain us, I'm sure we'll be going down a worser path.

  • @dririthlan
    @dririthlan 12 лет назад

    @ipwnorcs people hate me for saying this, but communism came at a wrong time. Pretty much every societal structure was susceptible to corruption, we are just moving out of one as we realize the potential of constant transparency.
    Personally I love seeing groups taking the initiative and consume their market.
    Now I am ready to see politics do the same.

    • @mikeymo4
      @mikeymo4 5 лет назад

      Oh was that it? Communism is our savior it just came too early? Hahahahahahaha. You're a fool.

  • @TheGerogero
    @TheGerogero 12 лет назад

    This man speaks the truth!

  • @roidroid
    @roidroid 12 лет назад

    @TheSelfGoverned it's just another Malthusian catastrophe that we'll solve, same as we always do.
    It's fun solving these things.

  • @brandonhowarth2402
    @brandonhowarth2402 3 года назад

    With covid, whats after covid 19? I always ask that after seeing the bushfires in australia and California that was sad, then hearing zombie apocalypse in movies and all sorts of things? Like alien the movie? Or world war 3 movies watched like that based on future events? Really mind boggling? I turn my tv off sometimes and radio and disconnect sometimes is the best way listen to beachs on waves and sands calms the soul something natural for once i should do instead i hearing the digital slave clip I've seen? Im staying next post in 4-6 or 8 weeks need a rest to recoup? Means relax?

  • @betadryl
    @betadryl 12 лет назад

    We need a decentralized collaborative system, and that is what Jeremy Rifkin suggests.

  • @M2Mil7er
    @M2Mil7er 12 лет назад

    Sounds like a transitional phase towards a Resource Based Economy to me.

  • @rosiethebear300
    @rosiethebear300 11 лет назад

    Sounds like a great step in the right direction, however, I think the corporations will continue to suck every cent out of the working poor. We don;t get a lot for our taxes these days. Around 1920 there were advocates in Cda to nationalize electricity and I think it should be!

  • @rctube1958
    @rctube1958 12 лет назад

    @jdebruynviolin A market is a reflection of the people and society in which it exists. So, whether or not it's patient has to do with a particular people and society. The same would be true of non-market societies.

  • @rctube1958
    @rctube1958 12 лет назад

    @MarkoKraguljac How do you get income with a job, unless you're already wealthy.

  • @BridgeMakes
    @BridgeMakes 12 лет назад

    @MrGmodlol61 Did I miss something? What company is trying to change the world?

  • @THDYoung
    @THDYoung 12 лет назад

    how do you do produce steel using solar energy ?

    • @RechargeableLithium
      @RechargeableLithium 4 года назад Cleaner AND less expensive to use electricity. Another option is Germany's Third Industrial Revolution model. Excess renewable energy is used to hydrolyze water, producing pure oxygen (a marketable product) and hydrogen. Hydrogen is stored in the nation's natural gas grid and can be burned directly to melt iron, or converted back into electricity in fuel cells, or in standard turbine generators. Renewables are much more flexible than simply burning oil or coal.

  • @clarencehouston9943
    @clarencehouston9943 4 года назад

    So what of his theory today of every 4yr crash?

  • @mrclarkson3812
    @mrclarkson3812 10 лет назад +1

    Europe has committed industrial suicide,with so called green energies that kill energy intensive industries first...Thanks for the jobs,the resourcing of manufacturing from high cost electricity nations in Europe/ASIA ...Has caused a tidal shift of those jobs to the lower cost US....

    • @bighands69
      @bighands69 10 лет назад +1

      Europe has put the cart before the horse with actually having the engineering to create what is desired.
      True pure luck the engineering is going to create a decentralized energy structure that uses solar, wind, wave, hydro and geothermal.
      Iceland for example has created the engineering to take advantage of its geothermal energy.
      It now has something 97% of its electricity created by geo-energy.
      If you look at Luxembourg Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark and Norway they have all made massive inroads with renewable's and it has not cost them jobs.
      Those countries I have listed are using renewable as part of there industrialization. The UK on the other hand and France have not taken an engineering approach to renewable and have instead put the horse before the cart and have gone political.

    • @mrclarkson3812
      @mrclarkson3812 10 лет назад
      It is ,what it is...

  • @jdebruynviolin
    @jdebruynviolin 12 лет назад

    @mike6459 If we do that our doom is ensured. The market has no sense of the long-term or of being patient now so that we can survive longer. It's the tragedy of the commons.

  • @mcspirit
    @mcspirit 12 лет назад

    Money are supposed to be critical theory founded in paradigm. But it has evolved into social-constructivism.

  • @Agnotio
    @Agnotio 12 лет назад +1

    Heh, Rifkin was named "The Most Hated Man in Science" in 1989 by Time. I can see why because of his extraordinary claims without much evidence to back their feasibility.

  • @Hoffmatic
    @Hoffmatic 12 лет назад

    @ShowSomeLove89 His point still ends up that we cant possibly substain ourselfs for the next 50+ years
    ps im 16

  • @rikk06
    @rikk06 12 лет назад

    @mike6459 lol yes, good point

  • @153SCORN
    @153SCORN 12 лет назад

    ...I'm happy to see that older people are interested in the problems we face in our current world...hopefully their enthusiasm will be passed on to the grand children.
    While the things this man is saying are "right" I don't think he understands them...Geothermal under buildings??? Distribute all the oil in the last 30years between 7billion people less to go around???...What you meant to say is that we use oil at an exponential rate...Extinction of humanity due to CO2 gas???

  • @Hoffmatic
    @Hoffmatic 12 лет назад

    its not a bad thing
    in fact I'm doing a science project based off of his Smart grid
    Communism is not "wrong"
    we just don't have the technological or political capacity to sustain ourself or handle pure equality
    if im an "idiot", please explain

  • @roidroid
    @roidroid 12 лет назад

    @kekeke01 oh i'm glad i'm not the only one who cringed everytime he made that analogy.

  • @sambasabrosa
    @sambasabrosa 12 лет назад

    this is so 70's

  • @MarkoKraguljac
    @MarkoKraguljac 12 лет назад

    @mike6459 Market is too chaotic and shortsighted.

  • @ShowSomeLove89
    @ShowSomeLove89 12 лет назад

    @betadryl Yes but he talks about 'plugging' in to a centralized energy (computer?) system. It sounds very Orwellian to me.

  • @DimmedDiamond
    @DimmedDiamond 12 лет назад

    @MrJamesilongiii Reducing the tax breaks and subsidization of oil companies who continue to make record profits. Hundreds of billions of dollars, freed.

  • @FollowingNamePolicy
    @FollowingNamePolicy 12 лет назад

    Union for the Mediterranean, Unasur, North American Union.... the continentalization agenda has been unfolding for a looooooooong time. Smart grids... these things were conceived and planned long ago. The technical roots of this go back at least to the 1930's (Technocracy Inc). Nothing exactly "new" about it. The "Church(es)" wasn't/weren't ready for it at the time. Reminds me of the supressing of Teilhard de Chardin's books.

  • @pablopiquante3227
    @pablopiquante3227 Год назад

    Jeremy Rifkin falsely attributes the 2008 economic collapse to the price of oil and totally ignores all the illegal and immoral synthetic banking products that the corporate bankers created, bet on, and lost, and then were bailed out by the governments with tax dollars from the people who lost their savings and investments. While he also refers to peak oil, he totally ignores changes in technology that are always game changers, such as hydraulic fracking that suddenly made the US an energy exporter instead of importer.

  • @Hoffmatic
    @Hoffmatic 12 лет назад

    the guy said "latterly" well over 60 times,
    sounds like a redesigned form of communism based around energy production.

  • @RechargeableLithium
    @RechargeableLithium 11 лет назад

    It's no more Communist than is the internet and file sharing. In addition to sharing MP3s and torrents we can share energy. It's a very good thing indeed!

  • @EmployeeTheMyth
    @EmployeeTheMyth 11 лет назад +1

    I hope this guy survives from attempts on his life from hired killers employed by energy companies. Nah but that's just fear, this message will spread and is already past critical mass anyway

  • @whitec6
    @whitec6 5 месяцев назад

    We have to get with it! We are using a dead model. 4/2/24

  • @haribharadwaj1
    @haribharadwaj1 12 лет назад

    Wheres the money?

  • @MarkoKraguljac
    @MarkoKraguljac 12 лет назад

    @rctube1958 We are all already wealthy.

  • @roidroid
    @roidroid 12 лет назад

    @thdyoung Solar Furnace

  • @TheSelfGoverned
    @TheSelfGoverned 12 лет назад

    @haribharadwaj1 Stuck in 401ks, treasury bonds, and mutual funds.
    You know....fake paper investments.

  • @DmNetworks
    @DmNetworks 12 лет назад

    @MrGmodlol61 either change it or we all die by the end of the century

  • @AdrianGarciaLic
    @AdrianGarciaLic 11 лет назад +1

    This is the venus project ...... Only mr rifkin doesn't address the monetary sistem. It's brilliant nonetheless.

  • @cainmac
    @cainmac 11 лет назад

    Currently the liquid fluoride thorium reactor (LFTR) is having a resurgence of interest worldwide. Thorium is plentiful and inexpensive. Google for more Info and videos.

  • @betadryl
    @betadryl 12 лет назад

    I think you misunderstood the concept of distributed system if you think communism will provide just that.

  • @THDYoung
    @THDYoung 12 лет назад

    conservative with a small 'c' might bear some relation to resource management. IOW, the plain spoken meaning of conservative has been lost, replaced by neo-con, tea-party and other unhelpful habits of thought. Going easy with remaining resources is sensible. Unfortunately, it means making choices that are very difficult. Something is going to have to give. The biggest part of a green revolution will be using less. That's the main way it might work. Assuming normal consumption is delusional.

  • @Social_Mechanic
    @Social_Mechanic 12 лет назад

    @mysterywhiteboy72 THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING BOUT!! lol xD

  • @rikk06
    @rikk06 12 лет назад

    @mike6459 fuck the market, let's let human needs and scientific method decide what energy paradigm is supreme lol

  • @koneye
    @koneye 12 лет назад

    Hydrogen is a dream

  • @jeffrudloff1153
    @jeffrudloff1153 6 лет назад

    UPDATE: I'm watching this video in August of 2018. The cycle he refers to that supposedly repeats every four years hasn't repeated itself yet. I guess the market corrected itself. I guess we shall wait and wonder.......

  • @Ianjcarroll
    @Ianjcarroll 11 лет назад


  • @JohnnyBGood293
    @JohnnyBGood293 12 лет назад

    Great, but i think its too late for the change. Too much time and resources wasted already. I wish to be more optimistic, but 30 years its a very short time. Maybe after the collapse of our current Oil based world and 70 % population decrease and find balance , this new vision will rise from rubble. Maybe. I sure hope so

  • @MrJamesilongiii
    @MrJamesilongiii 12 лет назад

    Where is the money going to come from for this all or nothing green dream?

  • @MarkoKraguljac
    @MarkoKraguljac 12 лет назад

    Jeremy is great as usual. But description is criminal: ".. thousands of businesses and millions of jobs.." Stop waving that rotten, idiotic, carrot of JOOOBS in from of our noses! Most people need income first.. then maybe something describable as "job".. but that toxic word also needs fundamental rethinking.