Just out of interest, have you tried knitweave on any of your knitting machines? I think you can get an attachment called a weave-r for the lk150. That's going to be my next technique to learn for 2025
I have! That attachment works on my lk100 as well. I’ve made swatches with it but no actual projects yet. I like it effects on the bulky machine better than the 150 so far
Just out of interest, have you tried knitweave on any of your knitting machines? I think you can get an attachment called a weave-r for the lk150.
That's going to be my next technique to learn for 2025
I have! That attachment works on my lk100 as well. I’ve made swatches with it but no actual projects yet. I like it effects on the bulky machine better than the 150 so far
@Buildlifebeautiful I'm going to try and weave some cushion covers and if I like them I might try and weave a blanket!