Omg I really like these kind of vid of them…like the behind the scene,interviews or behind act…like I really like their interaction, bond and how close they are with each other❤
Omg I really wish I knew what they are talking about. Can someone please sub this or translate? I'd beyond greatly appreciate it. I love them soo much ❤ Thank you!
click on the translation icon on the left side of the screen - second from the top, there will pop up a time: how many minutes the translation will be done or click subtitles at the bottom of the screen and choose a language.
what an unusual interview about a smooth arse, sweaty hands and farts .... i'm shocked .... sweaty hands are common in a person with a disturbed immune system, the person obviously has something wrong with their nerves,if she's farting a lot, then she's suffering from c.T. Disorder., and if they were under the influence of alcohol, what else would they tell us? I'll try to find an interview with his other regular actress partner in the series, maybe there's a nicer interview, the boyish haircut suits the actress, but it doesn't mean she should be more rude than she is, they probably fight during filming, hmm .... the series with Marcus liked it, he's a great actor, his partners are overplayed, that unnecessary facial expression sometimes doesn't look good 🙄🤔
立昂真的太可愛了啦 ❤️❤️
奕兒真的變超帥 😍
立昂&奕兒的互動好可愛❤看的出來兩位的好交情~ (好期待真的有第三次合作:里長伯跟里長婆囉XD
一樣耶哈哈哈 真的好帥
Omg I really like these kind of vid of them…like the behind the scene,interviews or behind act…like I really like their interaction, bond and how close they are with each other❤
奕兒動作和坐姿會不會太過man了啊... 剪男生髮型真的會讓一個人完全man到爆 😂
Omg I really wish I knew what they are talking about. Can someone please sub this or translate? I'd beyond greatly appreciate it. I love them soo much ❤ Thank you!
click on the translation icon on the left side of the screen - second from the top, there will pop up a time: how many minutes the translation will be done or click subtitles at the bottom of the screen and choose a language.
what an unusual interview about a smooth arse, sweaty hands and farts .... i'm shocked .... sweaty hands are common in a person with a disturbed immune system, the person obviously has something wrong with their nerves,if she's farting a lot, then she's suffering from c.T. Disorder., and if they were under the influence of alcohol, what else would they tell us? I'll try to find an interview with his other regular actress partner in the series, maybe there's a nicer interview, the boyish haircut suits the actress, but it doesn't mean she should be more rude than she is, they probably fight during filming, hmm .... the series with Marcus liked it, he's a great actor, his partners are overplayed, that unnecessary facial expression sometimes doesn't look good