The Election Changes Nothing

  • Опубликовано: 3 фев 2025
  • The Main Idea: The Bible is always our guide in living out the Christian life.
    1. Biblical Commands of scripture using good hermeneutical principles.
    A. No room for _____________
    B. Good question to ask is “Is this a ____ _____from God?”
    C. To ________ is to be brought into the _____ of the LORD. To _______ is to ________ the consequences
    D. 1 John 5:2-3
    2. Wisdom Decisions (I like this better than “personal convictions”)
    A. If there is no clear directive (to do or not to do something) in scripture then we are to use ______wisdom.
    B. Wisdom is advised in the Scripture
    o The book of Proverbs (it is a book pleading for a son to use wisdom)
    o James tells us to ask for wisdom (James 1:5-8)
    o Paul tells us to seek the mind of Christ (Col 2:2-3, 3:16; Phil 2:1-5)
    o “To put it simply, it is wrong to do what is unwise.”
    C. Two examples:
    o _______-
    o _______-
    D. Some questions to ask ourselves in application:
    o _______ for fellow believers is the overriding determiner of doing/not doing something NOT commanded by God.
    • John 13:34-35
    • Phil 2:1-4
    • 1 John 4:20-21
    o G-Does it _________ God? (1 Co 10:31)
    o L-Is it _______? (see point 1)
    o E-Is it _________? To me?, to others? (Rom 14:19; 1 Co 14:26; 2 Co 12:19; Eph 4:16; 4:29)
    o P-Does it/will it have ________ over me?
    o S-Would it be a _____________ block to others? (1 Co 10:31-33; Gal 5:13
    o We do not force/encourage a fellow believer to violate their ________ (Rom 14)
    o A good rule of thumb "My ___________ ends where an offense/ stumbling block ________"
    3. Community (church) standards
    A. The only biblical directives are:
    o ________/________ (teach and lead) and _________ (serve the needs of the people)
    o ________/______ the Gospel
    o ________/__________
    o __________ the lost/_______ the believer
    o _____________ else is based on that local church’s desires
    B. Each church is different in how they do things: tradition, issues of the past…
    C. _______ we accept and agree to abide by as members of the local body of believers
    o Keeping them doesn’t get us to heaven
    o But it does help the church run in a decently and orderly fashion
    o If we can’t accept the “rules” find another _________

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